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Did two full pulls, so ten orbs. Ended up with...

5 star: Abel (+HP/-DEF), Hinoka (+HP/-DEF), Klein (neutral)

4 star: Sophia, Nino x 2, Bartre, Cherche, Felicia

3 star: Gordin

I guess this qualifies as REALLY lucky? Three five stars with IVs that aren't great but aren't disastrous (no ATK or SPD banes), none of them duplicates. I kinda needed good blues. 

I was probably going to promote a couple of blues (Still haven't 5 starred Camus) but now I might split it, do at least one green. In any case, those were all the orbs I've allotted for this banner so high five to everyone who got a focus unit. Elincia seems pretty neat. 

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Had 175 orbs and snipped reds.

Got Seth (he didn't appeared when I wanted him), Gray and my third 5s Roy (+Atk -Spd, not sure if I merge him with my +def -hp one +1 or the other way around but that -spd hurts) and even bought more or less 40 orbs

Then I got sad that I didn't get Elincia, cleared some maps and tried again with 14 orbs and just 3%, saw 3 reds and the last one was Elincia!! I was already happy and when checked IVs I got blessed with a +Atk one!! Not sure if her bane is -hp or -def but I don't care, I'm super happy with the results! 

I'm back to 0 orbs since I used the 1 to upgrade barracks but I can't complain now. 

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Better to be lucky than to be rich in orbs. So long as my devil's own luck doesn't abandon me, anyways. This was what my first go at the new banner got me:



The Henry who's -Atk, the poor soul was the free pull while green-haired Brock there is +HP/-Def. Granted, I wanted Elincia and/or Nephenee more than him but I will certainly take whatever I can get! That, and Oscar is a cool guy in his own right.

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Was going to only do the free pull for this banner (got Peri at 4*).

However, since it was a full circle of blues and reds, I decided to have one last hurrah and go for it.

I got 4* Axebreaker Fodder, 4* Fury fodder, Can't remember what the blue was... and Oscar - the main one I wanted from the banner! :D

Not sure of boons/banes, but I'll take it ^.^

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After many orbs and waves of good and terrible red units, I finally got my Elincia. She's +spd -def.

Other notable pulls include:

- 5* Lilina who was merged with my old one

- 2 5* Oscars: +atk -res and +def -spd

- 5* Mathilda who first spooked my pity rate

- 5* Ike. Neutral

- Some 4* Athenas

- 3 3* Eliwoods who will be promoted and merged with my old 5* Eliwood so I can get him to +9

- 2 4* Chroms...just one more to get him to +10




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Crimeans Banner, click a Green orb...

By Naga's Blood I got Julia. +HP -Def. It's not exactly an IDEAL nature, but -Def on a ranged unit who you don't even want being attacked by physical units in the first place is... pretty nice actually. Plus this just confirms I am doomed to have my Heroes Avatar be surrounded by cute girls, two pretty cool guys, and one AWESOME guy (Frederick).




...and I can only further confirm it when I got 5* Nephenee, the unit I wanted most.

+Def -Spd isn't good, but holy hell that is pretty tanky for a Lance Infantry. But who cares, I got the unit I wanted.

Everything else sucked. Gaius who sucks, Eliwood who sucks, and Peri who sucks.

Edited by Xenomata
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Blargh. Free summon was a -Spd Palla. Wrong red flier game :(

did a full summon but had nothing noteworthy. Now i need to go back to 20 orbs, that 100 orbs from the mini-TT now almost gone

also still annoyed i never did get my 5 star from a 4.75 pity rate in the cyl banner

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Pulled in order to get Elincia, I didn't mind to get anything else, by the way I needed red pulls to get Vantage/Fury fodders, so that was the moment to do that.

I pulled only one blue orb and get a nice surprise : Nephenee, she's +HP -RES, not the best but I'll take it. Then, I spent a total of 100 orbs to get Elincia, but dear... +HP -SPD Elincia, at least she's not -ATK but it hurts a little. Well, I'm not playing with the devil and keep my 60 orbs left to the next big banner. By the way, before getting Elincia, I pulled :
 -> Neutral 4* Tharja, the fifth I get in the last 30 days and no +ATK or +SPD yet...
 -> 4* Classic Roy +SPD -DEF, the 1st time I get our boy, and with good stats it seems, happy to get him for my collection !
 -> +ATK -HP 4* Seliph, already got him earlier but was -ATK +RES, so I think it's a nice one.
 -> +HP -RES 5* Seliph, talk about the devil... Broke my 5* rate, I felt a little sad, fortunately Elincia appeared a little later.
 -> +HP -SPD 4* Corrin (M), sad about the boon/bane but 1st time I get him, welcome to my collection buddy.
 -> Neutral 4* Eirika, the 1st one I got was -ATK +DEF in 5* rarity, I'll keep her in a corner, Hone Speed 3...

Then, some fury/vantage/LnD/TA fodders popped up and that was the reason why I pulled for Elincia, so I think the 100 orbs pull was worth, even if bad bane/boon Elincia. Does someone think she is still a good flyer emblem unit despite of neutral ATK & -SPD ? I pulled her because I didn't have a complete Flyer Emblem Team, I'm a little worried about her stats...

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So far nothing on the tellius banner, but on my last chance at getting brave Ike I got the last tempest rewards and did two summons

first one: 4* Fae (ever since I pulled her once she has kept appearing for me)

second and last summon on brave heroes: 5* Julia.... +Spd -Def (checks wiki) Hey that's one of the most optimal natures for her! And I finally got her after literally getting every other unit in their first banner.

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Spent 60 orbs and got a Mathilda. Haven't checked her nature but I'll probably use her for cancel affinity at some point. Should have stuck to my original plan and only spend 20 orbs but oh well, what's done is done. And with that, I'm finished with this banner

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Got very frustrated trying to pull at least one Nephenee or Elincia, so I spent more than i care to admit to anyone.  I failed to pull either of them (and must concede defeat for now), but along the way I pulled:

5* Effie (RES/atk)

5* Linde (RES/atk)

5* Eldigan (ATK/spd)

5* Nowi (ATK/spd)

5* Takumi (HP/res)

5* Ephraim (ATK/hp)

5* Luke (ATK/hp)

5* Ninian (HP/def)

Eldigan, Takumi, Ephraim, and Ninian are all first-time pulls as well.  I feel so drained.  I've never struggled to pull focus units this hard on a banner before, and to have this happen on one of the PoR banners.... I know a lot of the units I pulled are amazing IV's too, even among the non 5 stars.  Cant help but feel somewhat disappointed though.

Edit:  Gave it one last attempt, and was able to pull Elincia on the final red orb.  Literally breathed a sigh of relief.

5* Elincia (ATK/hp)!!

Edited by KatarinaCS1
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I got 13 orbs and decided to try for blue and red units. I actually miscalculated and thought it could get you 3 rather than 2 pulls. When i got to the summon screen i realized it, but oh well, i might as well summon two units.

Edit: 13 orbs actually lets you get 3, but i forgit to get a reward and had 12 instead. Duh.

then there was no red and just one blue. I decided to go for one green and the blue.

then i got this:



hector is +def -spd

ephraim is +hp -spd

ephraim's ivs are bad-ish but i'd take it over -atk or -def. With lancebreaker he probably checks swords and lances anyway. I think with an olivia and a blade tome (best is tharja i guess), this is a team.

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Gosh darn it. So my free+ pull had Four red orbs available. I do indeed get me a five star red. +HP/-Spd Ryoma. Whelp that is this game's way of telling me not to spend any dough I guess. Wish useless five stars were worth something. But Ryoma doesn't even have a decent skill to inherit to anyone.  Oh well guess he'll waste space on the off chance that another one ever pops up.

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I decided to pull for Elincia and ended up doing a few summoning sessions. The first one gave me a -spd Oscar and the second gave me a +def / -res Nephenee, along with my first Caeda, who's -atk, just to troll me. Can't complain with that Nephenee, but I sure hope I can scrounge up enough orbs to get Elincia.

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When at work I was fighting with myself about how many orbs I was willing to spend on this banner as I wanted Elincia so much.



Luckily I got her at second pull. Shes +atk - def. Definitely Ok with that. Happy about the barst as well as I need reposition. 15 orbs well spent. So happy!

Edited by Prince Endriu
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First off, my free summon of the banner:


+Def/-Spd, but it doesn't matter since I already have a 5* Seth, so he was foddered off to Azama immediately.

Pulled the rest of the orbs since the spread was good.



Seth: +Def/-Spd, Lukas: +Hp/-Res, Oboro: +Def/-Hp, Fir: +Atk/-Hp, Kagero: +Atk/-Hp

Seth was foddered off as stated.  Not sure what I'm going to do with all my Lukas yet -- I have a +Atk/-Res 4* one trained up, so I'm thinking I'll just start merging them, but what if I pull a 5* of him...  Oboro gets added to the 4* merge, at +3 now.  Fir's nature is pretty great, so I'll keep and train her at some point.  My first Kagero that isn't -Atk winds up being +Atk and not -Spd, so she might be a candidate for promotion.


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