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100 orbs sitting around so of course I decided to use them all. The results are a second Lucina (+atk,  -spd) and Lilina (+HP, -res). At this point I think the game is mocking me since my pity rate on the christmas banner was ruined twice by a duplicate of an off-focus sword lord, maybe I should stop touching red orbs. On the plus side 4* soliel(+atk, -spd) 

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Got Zelgius on third pull. YEAH!
HP Boon  / SPD Bane...Nooooo.

Well, at least I got him early. Now I can leave this banner behind. 
I try him on my core Team instead of A.Tiki for a while and see what happens.

If I just had this luck with Tharja... this is so random.

Edited by Stroud
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Luck shined on me tonight.  After being burned by that legendary banner, I was a little nervous.  I really wanted Miccy and Sothe.

Here we go:

  1. 4* Nowi
  2. 4* Abel
  3. 4* Tailtiu
  4. 3* Matthew
  5. 3* Serra
  6. 4* Oboro
  7. 5* Klein (+HP/-Spd)
  8. 5* Sothe (+Atk/-Res)
  9. 4* Beruka (No blues)
  10. 4* Oboro
  11. 5* Micaiah (+Def/-HP)

Oh my god.  I pulled them both so fast.  I couldn't be happier!  This might be the luckiest I've ever been.

The cherry on top was seeing my fiance get Zelgius on his free summon!  So happy for him too. :):

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I had no intention to use any of the orbs I'd saved on this banner so decided on using my free summon on one of the two blue summon stones that popped up.

I take no issue with the free Micaiah, despite her essentially useless defense boon and hp bane.

Now back into hiding until actual new content is released.

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Just now, Infinite Dreams said:

Luck shined on me tonight.  After being burned by that legendary banner, I was a little nervous.  I really wanted Miccy and Sothe.

Here we go:

  1. 4* Nowi
  2. 4* Abel
  3. 4* Tailtiu
  4. 3* Matthew
  5. 3* Serra
  6. 4* Oboro
  7. 5* Klein (+HP/-Spd)
  8. 5* Sothe (+Atk/-Res)
  9. 4* Beruka (No blues)
  10. 4* Oboro
  11. 5* Micaiah (+Def/-HP)

Oh my god.  I pulled them both so fast.  I couldn't be happier!  This might be the luckiest I've ever been.

The cherry on top was seeing my fiance get Zelgius on his free summon!  So happy for him too. :):

i got Micaiah on the 7. pull and she is +DEF/-HP too -_-....

Well maybe thats a blessing and helps her against all those DC Armorers to survive rounds lol, since her speed is anyway beyond shit for doubles

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1 minute ago, Raven said:

I had no intention to use any of the orbs I'd saved on this banner so decided on using my free summon on one of the two blue summon stones that popped up.

I take no issue with the free Micaiah, despite her essentially useless defense boon and hp bane.

Now back into hiding until actual new content is released.

wtf you got a +def/-hp Mic too?!? I am sensing a trend here ¬.¬

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I forgot to look up my Micaiah's nature before I started training her, but she's level 38 right now and I suspect mine is +spd -def.

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Just now, Hilda said:

i got Micaiah on the 7. pull and she is +DEF/-HP too -_-....

Well maybe thats a blessing and helps her against all those DC Armorers to survive rounds lol, since her speed is anyway beyond shit for doubles

I don't mind her nature!  I'm happy she's not -Atk.  :):

Yeah, who knows, maybe the +Def will come in handy against those pesky armours, ehehe.  That's what I would be using her for in AA (assuming she can survive a counterattack from them).  I doubt she could take one down in one hit.

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112 orbs gave me:

+Atk -Def Zelgius
+Speed -Res Lucina
+Attack -Res Rhajat
+Speed -Def Tana

Only Tana was an old one, and my previous one was +HP -Atk, so this was an insane session. I've got 200 orbs flat left, too. 

I do sort of want Micaiah, but I feel like I should be content with what I got.

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5 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Is... everyone getting +Def Micaiahs?

I'd have gladly accepted a worse Micaiah if it meant someone else got something better...

Nah, considering the most notable pull I got tonight from a full pull (World of Dawn) and some green sniping (New Year's) was a 3* Barst. I'll let that, my 4.25% (soon to be 4.50%) rate on the New Year's banner and no Airzura speak for itself regarding my luck of late...

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My Micaiah was -HP/+Atk which I'm incredibly happy about. Then I used the rest of my orbs to try for more of her and got nothing lol

But I'll keep trying because I love her and I kind of want her in my arena team

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Got a 3* Robin from my free pull. Had 1 other blue and it was a 3* Oboro  (was hoping for at least a Cordelia/Peri). 4 more orbs than I should have spent, so I'm back to waiting till the anniversary.

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126 orbs spent sniping blue for Micaiah and I got pity broken by Nephenee. I also have 4.5% pity on the New Years banner in my failed attempt to get Airzura. This game doesn't want me to be happy.

Edited by NekoKnight
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@Vaximillian Nice! At least you have a nice Thani bomb there!

So I started out with 120 orbs...now down to 60 for my main and 43 for my second. Was it worth it?

Well for starters- no new Radiant Dawn units, but hey at least they're here forever.

I tried again for Gray....red hell flashbacks from the Echoes TT banner. The PTSD returns, with Raighs, Seliphs, Laslows, Chroms and Sophias.

I did get a new Roy for each of my account though! Which I quickly foddered off to Airzura, and in my main, I fed to Boey. I wish I didn't fodder Roy so quickly in my main though because...


Azura Emblem is a go in my main account! I have all the Azuras (including 2 Axuras), and this Airzura is neutral which I'll take happily! Thank goodness, I'll be prepared whenever she becomes a bonus character. If I kept Roy just a second longer I could have given Airzura TA3 but oh well.

She was the first green orb I opened. @Zeo I took your advice and opened the other green in case I get a dupe...but it was a Bartre. Oh well, Fury 2 fodder. I tried Colorless for a Takumi but ironically, I got a 4 star Matthew! (-Def though so I could give Airzura Hone Speed 3)

Sadly no 5 stars in my 2nd account- but I did get perfect Tharja! 4 star at +Spd/-HP! 

I did get some semi-decent fodder, like those Roys. More 3 star Hanas is okay I guess, Henrys are useful and I got a 4 star +Atk/-Res Roderick! My second account gave me a 4 star +Atk/-Def Raigh which is okay, a +Atk/-Spd Gwendolyn (although I already have a +Def one so not sure which to pick), a -Atk Leon fodder, another Nino and another Est.

So yeah, that orb self-control just vanished, but at least we get daily orbs again and new maps so I can replenish my stock a bit. I'm keen on getting orbs for the next TT as well.

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25 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

I also have 4.5% pity on the New Years banner in my failed attempt to get Airzura. This game doesn't want me to be happy.

I feel your pain. My 3.75% got broken by a forced pull on a Red or Colorless, and I got ninjaed by NY! Takumi +HP/-Spd. Sigh... I mean it's like the Green Orbs don't even show up on that banner....

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5 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Nice! At least you have a nice Thani bomb there!

I didn’t expect her to come so soon. Not going to lie, she is the only one I wanted from this banner. I’ll still try for more but hey, I’ll use the hell out of her.

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3 minutes ago, Ae†her said:

I feel your pain. My 3.75% got broken by a forced pull on a Red or Colorless, and I got ninjaed by NY! Takumi +HP/-Spd. Sigh... I mean it's like the Green Orbs don't even show up on that banner....

To spite me green orbs showed up the most in the Radiant Dawn banner when there were no green focus units :/

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For the first time ever I actually decided to keep track of my pulls all formal-like and stuff. Micaiah is my GIRL, so I have zero limits. All the orbs. All the money. I need her and the mother of Ike's children no matter what the cost.

Focus Priority: Micaiah and Sothe
5*+10 Merges: Lukas (need +6), Leon (need +5), Lucius (need +6 and +SPD -DEF copy), Raven (need +2 and +SPD -RES copy), Merric (need +3 and+ATK -RES copy ), Adult Tiki (have enough; want 4 star copies)
4*+10 Merges: Est, Florina, Sully, Frederick, Gordin, Clarine, Gaius, Saizo, Azama, Lilina, Sophia, Lon’qu
Want Better Nature: Roderick (+SPD), Mathilda (+ATK), Oscar (+ATK/SPD), Boey (+ATK), Soleil (+ATK/SPD)
Skill Fodder: Abel, Oscar, Subaki, Tailtiu, Klein, Barst, Hinata, Soleil

Summoning Sessions 1-10


Session One
Free Summon - 3* Florina
4* Tailtiu (+DEF -ATK) - Drive SPD Fodder!
3* Oboro
4* Lachesis
3* Frederick

Session Two
4* Oscar (+RES -DEF) Hm...Lancebreaker or dual rally fodder!
4* Donnel
3* Matthew
4* Niles
4* Wrys

Session Three
4* Subaki
3* Setsuna
4* Sakura

Session Four
4* Catria
3* Serra

Session Five
3* Subaki
3* M. Robin

Session 6
3* Jagen
4* Mathilda (+HP -ATK).....not quite what I need.
4* Maria
3* Setsuna
4* Gordin - That makes him 4*+9

Session 7
4* Wrys
4* Rebecca

Session 8
3* Gwendolyn
4* Jakob

Session 9
4* Cecilia

Session 10
4* Florina - Makes her 4*+4

...that could've gone a lot better. Okay. Let's try this again.

Summoning Sessions 11-20


Session 11 
5* Innes (Neutral) ….there goes my pity rate. My current copy is +RES -DEF I'm pretty sure. So this makes him a +2 merge.
3* Matthew
3* Beruka

Session 12 
4* Cordelia
4* Maria
3* Gwendolyn
4* Wrys

Session 13 
3* Gordin
4* Catria
3* Arthur - Misclicked...oh well. Swap is always useful

Session 14
5* Micaiah!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE'S HERE!!! (+DEF -SPD) Okay. I think it's workable. +DEF doesn't make her a super tank, but maybe she'll be able to survive Brave Lyn? Maybe slap on QR.
3* Lissa
3* Jagen
4* Raven (+DEF -HP) Not what I need but another merge!

Session 15
3* Gaius

Session 16
3* Virion

Session 17
4* Odin

Session 18
4* Gunter

Session 19
4* Virion
4* Felicia
4* Gordin - And he’s officially 4*+10!

Session 20
4* Eliwood

Now we're talking. A pity breaker, but at least I got my Priestess of Dawn!!!! @Hilda @Infinite Dreams @DarkLordIvy, you can add me to the list of +DEF Micaiahs. Let's start a cult. 

And now we continue in my quest for Sothe.

Summoning Session 21


Session 21 
3* Matthew
4* Saizo - Now he's 4*+7
4* Sophia

Well that was quick!!! He's not perfect either, but I got him, and that's all that matters. Well...not really. Because I still had a lot of leftover orbs, I decided that I wanted to keep going to see if I could give another copy of either of them. Just to press my luck...

Summoning Sessions 22-31


Session 22 
4* Leon (+HP -SPD) - Another merge!
4* Felicia
4* Donnel

Session 23
4* Oboro

Session 24
3* Subaki

Session 25
4* Effie
4* Catria
4* Oscar (+HP -DEF) - More fodder...
4* Sully
3* Barst

Session 26
5* Delthea (+DEF -ATK) - This is my third -ATK Delthea... I'm beginning to not like this Loli.
3* Odin
4* Sakura
4* Rebecca
4* Seliph

Session 27
4* Lucius (+ATK -DEF) - NOW we're talking. I think this is better than my +ATK -HP copy...
3* Niles
4* Abel

Session 28
4* Lachesis
4* Nino

Session 29
4* Tailtiu (+HP -DEF) - More Drive SPD fodder!
3* Gaius

Session 30
3* Clarine

Session 31
4* Sakura
4* Lucius (+RES -SPD) - Still not +SPD, but YEAH. Another potential merge.
3* Oboro

Okay...so we're not getting any luckier. Still got more orbs. So we're going in again.

Summoning Sessions 32-42


Session 32 
3* Felicia
3* Serra

Session 33 
5* Elise (+SPD -RES) - Well...that's a vast improvement over my +HP -SPD Elise... But this is a sign not to pull colorless anymore. We're gunning for another Micaiah.
4* Cordelia

Session 34 
3* Corrin

Session 35
4* Saizo - Now he's a 4*+8

Session 36 
3* Est
4* Abel
4* Jagen
3* Gwendolyn

Session 37
4* Shanna

Session 38 
4* Sheena

Session 39
3* Donnel

Session 40 
4* Gordin

Session 40 
3* Subaki

Session 41
5* Tana (+RES -SPD) - Welp...there's another. She wanted to join her brother. At least I already have a great +ATK copy of her. So I'll probably use her for merge fodder!
3* Gwendolyn
3* Clarine
3* Azama

Now I'm done. No second Micaiah. This is honestly the most pity-breakers I've ever gotten. But at the very least I got the two characters I wanted as well as a LOT of the fodder from my list. I might be happiest of all about the +ATK Merric...and all the Lucius. I'm honestly surprised I didn't get a single Lukas. But at the very least I knocked some projects off of my to-do list and got some of the fodder I needed.

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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

To spite me green orbs showed up the most in the Radiant Dawn banner when there were no green focus units :/

Well they make great AR boosters for a while (though blue is the best due to Reinhardt potential) at least you can get more Ninos, Reposition (Bartre) and Cecilias. Colorless and Red Orbs do not, however, (colorless maybe for Klein, but that has gotten rare for me). 

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180 orbsish spent...

Three 5*'s, some useful fodder, lots of useless fodder.

So many blues and greens that I didn't want -.-

In the end, I managed to get the lovely Sothe to add to my growing 5* dagger collection :)

I also got a dupe 5* Cain (a yay if he's +Atk, but booo and brave sword fodder if not) and my first 5* Ogma.

I really wanted Zelgius so I can run a pretty boy armour team with one of every colour (Robin, Henry, Jakob and Zelgius would've made it. Draug, BK, Zephiel and Arden do not count as pretty boys xD ).

I've decided not to pull any more for now. I might change my mind. Bit disheartened by two 4-5* pity breakers in a row.

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11 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

180 orbsish spent...

Three 5*'s, some useful fodder, lots of useless fodder.

So many blues and greens that I didn't want -.-

In the end, I managed to get the lovely Sothe to add to my growing 5* dagger collection :)

I also got a dupe 5* Cain (a yay if he's +Atk, but booo and brave sword fodder if not) and my first 5* Ogma.

I really wanted Zelgius so I can run a pretty boy armour team with one of every colour (Robin, Henry, Jakob and Zelgius would've made it. Draug, BK, Zephiel and Arden do not count as pretty boys xD ).

I've decided not to pull any more for now. I might change my mind. Bit disheartened by two 4-5* pity breakers in a row.

Pity breakers are the reason I no longer go hard on banners that are not legendary. At least then I know exactly what I'm potentially going to get. 

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