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11 minutes ago, Raven said:

Pity breakers are the reason I no longer go hard on banners that are not legendary. At least then I know exactly what I'm potentially going to get. 

I will admit, I'm usually pretty lucky with pity breakers on regular banners. I tend not to go for the legendaries since I am not as lucky with regular banners not pipping me if colours are shared (4 Ayras before an Eldigan, Ryoma appearing before Karel, 3 Bunny Camillas before Bunny Chrom... Forgot - Soliel, someone I didn't really care to pull at all, before Siegbert >.< )

Edited by Cute Chao
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We'll see if Michiah shows up. Hopefully she does, My blue mage options are M!Robin, Ursula and Springcina. A refresh is needed. Sothe would be neat too.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Oscar (Not the one from Tellius I'm looking for, but it is Lancebreaker 3. +Res/-HP), 4* Sakura (It's flower power. +Def/-Atk)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Really wants me to pull Zelgius apparently?)

4* Effie (Well, she's +Res/-Def. Dangit), 4* Azama (Asshat, are you good this time? +Spd/-Def. So close)

4 Blue, 1 Colourless (Jackpot?)

4* Oscar (ALL THIS LANCEBREAKER FODDER. +HP/-Atk), 4* Odin (He is good fodder. +Def/-Atk), 4* Lukas (+Def/-HP. I may be able to roll with that.), 3* Shanna (About time a 3* showed up. -Spd sadly, so fodder she is.), 5* Jakob (WELL FUCK. DROP THE BASTARD TO THE DEPTHS PLEASE. +HP/-Res, Renewal might be worth it.)


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Hmm, I really want to pull from here, but I also want to save for whatever is coming for the anniversary. 126 orbs is a pretty nice stockpile, but it can vanish fast. Let's see what Lady Luck has in store for me today.

  1. 3* Shanna: I do need Desperation fodder.
  2. 4* Effie: No thanks.
  3. 4* Reinhardt: Maybe I'll promote for the merge.
  4. 4* Ogma: Eh, I don't need more swords.
  5. 3* Cherche: Ugh.

That went poorly, but I can't really expect otherwise. Let's try again.

  1. 4* Robin: Damn movie...I do always need Bonfire though.
  2. 5* Zelgius: Ayy. And he's +Atk/-Res, which gives him a whopping 55 Attack. Time to wreck things. But first, the rest of the pool.
  3. 4* Mamui: Okay.
  4. 3* Donnel: Useless.
  5. 4* Camilla: Draconic Aura, I suppose.

35 orbs to get a focus unit and a few decent fodders. I'd say that was worth it. I'd have preferred to get Micaiah, but Zelgius is good too, especially with that boon/bane combo.

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I just had my best pulls so far! I've got Micaiah in my first pull and Zelgius and another Ryoma in the second! 

I can't upload the image because it's too big apparently but damn, wow! I had my best chances in this banner! 

Sadly, I've got worst ivs.. Zelgius-atk +res Ryoma - hp +def (better than my last one ivs but still) and Micaiah - atk +def

Edited by Metakirby
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With the orbs I had I got:

2x Zelgius (+Res/-hp & +Def/-Res)

Micaiah (+Att/-def)

And a young Tiki, boon/bane I can't quite remember. I'm hoping to save up some orbs before the end of the banner to try a get another Zelgius but the +Res one I'm quite happy with. Forgot to mention the +Res one I got on the free summon.

Edited by Zelgius
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@Cute Chao Funnily regular banners have a higher chance of getting a specific legendary character as long as they do not share the color with another (ex: 3% for getting a Micaiah in this from a given blue orb against against around a 2.6% of getting a B!Lyn from a in the last legendary). The legendary banner however are excelent for getting a lot of 5* skills/random 5*, but not to get your favorite heores (or a 10+ merge). This reddit post has more details: 




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6 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

My free pull was a three-star Shanna (lone blue in a set).
My second pull was a four-star Clair (lone blue on a set).

My third pull was a lone blue on a set.

My third pull was her:

Praise Ashunera.

@SatsumaFSoysoy @GuiltyLove @DefaultBeep @Arcanite @Rezzy @mcsilas

EDIT: HP/Atk, apparently. But of course.

Congrats, I'm hoping to get a -Atk Micaiah of my own soon.

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Well that was quick. 3rd (not including free) pull. I sniped blues, but still. Also, +Spd/-HP, so I’ll take it! And I still have 46 orbs left from my 59! And don’t want Sothe or BK!Unmasked sooooooooo I can keep saving! 

Though I was excited to dive into Blue again so I could get some extra Robin’s to merge, but alas.


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I did a full summon on the new banner even though the colors weren't very good, and....it finally happened.


I've been playing since launch day, and that's my very first Saizo.  I kind of like him and want to build him up someday, but this one is -Spd so maybe that will have to wait lol

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Getting Jakob sucked.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

4* Catria (Well, she's +Spd/-Res. Might be better than the one I have), 4* Jagen (+HP/-Def, he is Fortify Cav fodder at least), 3* Matthew (I don't get him often enough. +Spd/-Atk, well that's a shame but his attack sucks anyway.)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green

3* Wendy (And the saga continues.), 4* Cordelia (+Atk/-Def, already have +Spd. Probably could pass on), 3* F!Corrin (Well, she is a useful fodder. -Atk sadly)


2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Mae (+HP/-Spd. Fodder it is.), 3* Serra (3* cleric. Snore.)

4 Blue, 1 Green

3* Oboro (Well, could be better. Nature's not great, merge makes sense), 4* Jagen (More Fortify Cav. I seem to get the Hones and so on in waves), 3* Shanna (More desperation fodder), 4* Tailtiu (Got my hopes up for a second, and her nature's not great)

This banner, like so many others, shows more disappointment.

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9 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

My free pull was a three-star Shanna (lone blue in a set).
My second pull was a four-star Clair (lone blue on a set).

My third pull was a lone blue on a set.

My third pull was her:

Praise Ashunera.

@SatsumaFSoysoy @GuiltyLove @DefaultBeep @Arcanite @Rezzy @mcsilas

EDIT: HP/Atk, apparently. But of course.

Praise the tights!

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Another attempt on the New Years Banner and this's what I got.



A +hp -def Azura, Tharja, and some skill fodder. Nice. I'm going to stop summoning on this banner my greed will only destroy me. Time to save up for the next legendary or anniversary banner.   

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Well no 5*s yet, I ended up with a lot of fodder. I am not giving up until I get one focus unit though.  I ran out of stamina so I still have 10 orbs to grab, so I will be pulling again once I grab them.  As to legendary banners, after my luck on the last one I am convinced that they are the "bait" banners of heroes and I won't be pulling much on them until H!Jakob shows up on one.  At least the mini TT is coming so I know I will have orbs going in to next month.

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So I did the free pull + 2 in the first session. Clarine, Minerva's Sister, and Odin. The next session was all blue and red. But I wanted Sothe so I only pulled 1 blue and got an Odin. Next Session 3 Colorless, 1 blue, 1 green. First orb I open is a Sothe +SPD/-RES. Not sure if that is my prefered bane, but I like the sound of 36/36 offense. I decided I would open the blue as well with my last 4 orbs, cuz why not. And got another Effie(only 4*). Since my Effie is already +10(though only 4*) I suppose I finally have some Wary Fodder.

Still I got what I want with solid boon/bane and don't have to spend cash. Which is great given that I am getting hit by a lot of expenses this month. Knew it was coming, but kinda thought it would be spaced over a couple months. Still the Dentist did do the filling for free since the one that fell out had only been put in several months back. So maybe not quite as many expenses as expected.

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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

If you get a non-−Atk Micaiah, can we trade?

If we could.

1 hour ago, DLNarshen said:

I did a full summon on the new banner even though the colors weren't very good, and....it finally happened.


I've been playing since launch day, and that's my very first Saizo.  I kind of like him and want to build him up someday, but this one is -Spd so maybe that will have to wait lol

Weird how that works, especially with him being a 3*.  I thought it was odd that it took me a few months to get a Peri, but she's a 4*.

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