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On 1/22/2018 at 10:54 AM, Anacybele said:

SHE FINALLY CAME!! WOO!! @Arcanite @Rezzy


Best warrior princess! :D Her IVs aren't horrible either. +HP, -Res. So glad she isn't Rezzy'd. Sorry Rezzy. :P

That is great!  I pulled Hinoka when I was pulling for S!Corrin and she has been on my flyer emblem ever since.  My flyer team is Hinoka, Elincia, Bunnilla/S!Corrin and Michalis with refined weapon.  Michalis is really good and since his sister refuses to come to me he fills her slot very well.  

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6 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

That is great!  I pulled Hinoka when I was pulling for S!Corrin and she has been on my flyer emblem ever since.  My flyer team is Hinoka, Elincia, Bunnilla/S!Corrin and Michalis with refined weapon.  Michalis is really good and since his sister refuses to come to me he fills her slot very well.  

She'll probably be a permanent member on mine too, yeah!

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A few months back, I pulled an Ephraim just before he appeared on a focus banner. While the banner was out, I pulled another one in an off banner, of all things. Now, as I'm trying for the last time to pull a micaiah, guess who shows up? Another Ephraim...

I guess I can't really complain, seeing as I'll have my first 5* +2, and I'm voting for him in CYL 2, but... C'mon man! Give him to some poor soul who needs him!

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So last summon for RD banner- i got no 5 stars but that's fine. Finally got another Cain though so I quickly fed his WoM to Skyzura.

after so long I got Gwendolyns again. Yay? Although i now have a +Atk/-Spd 4 star one so i merged my old one to her. Now i need another one for Hone Armour for when I give Gronnblade to Henry.

also @DefaultBeep i managed to get a 4 star Lilina- who is +Atk/-Def! I'm ready to wreck things with that Atk but i've been so used to my 5 star +Spd/-Res one. How's your Speedy Lilina going for you?

and @Zeo you seem to like building Serra, I summoned a +Spd/-Res one. I have a +Spd/-Def trained up but considering you said you would've built her, what boon/bane were you thinking? I hear -Res isn't too damaging since Def stat is nice for general survivability..

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4 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

and @Zeo you seem to like building Serra, I summoned a +Spd/-Res one. I have a +Spd/-Def trained up but considering you said you would've built her, what boon/bane were you thinking? I hear -Res isn't too damaging since Def stat is nice for general survivability..

I have a +SPD/-HP one so I kinda lose both bulk games there. But ultimately I'll say to go with the +SPD/-DEF one because:

1. her DEF stat is unsalvagable.

2 all it takes is 55 ATK to oneshot a =DEF Serra, so needing 52 ATK to oneshot her at -DEF really doesn't matter that much.

3. That additional RES is good for combat against units she could conceivably be baiting on enemy phase.

I would only say to go for the -RES one if you're going for some sort of Wrathful/Miracle Absorb+ build without Dazzling Staff.

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Since all I did were two free pulls, I'm not gonna bother with screenshots.  Instead, I'll just up my pulled unit total to 627.


Tailtiu (+HP/-Atk): As soon as I pull one that doesn't suck, you're going to pass on Drive Spd.

Klein (+Atk/-Res): This is great, because Glacies will go poof.  This will make THREE 5* Kleins I have, and none of them will be merged!  This one will get a -breaker, an aura, a special that doesn't suck, and a support (dunno who, though).

Klein.  Hell yeah~!


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18 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

also @DefaultBeep i managed to get a 4 star Lilina- who is +Atk/-Def! I'm ready to wreck things with that Atk but i've been so used to my 5 star +Spd/-Res one. How's your Speedy Lilina going for you?

Ah, that 40 base Atk without her weapon is indeed nice; my first Lilina was +Atk as well, though -Spd. As for how my current +Spd/-Def Lilina is doing...


I'd say she's been pretty fun so far~ (Picture from Lunatic-7 in the last Tempest, if you're curious.) Shout-outs to Astra for making unnecessarily high numbers even more unnecessarily high. Anyway, to actually answer your question instead of just showing off my Lilina, I'd say only go with +Spd if you're really interested in investing a lot in her. 29 base Spd still doesn't do much, and it only hits a respectable 37 with LaD3 (or Darting Blow 3 for a cheaper, faster, but weaker option) and a constant Spd+3 Seal. Hone Spd from an ally like Eirika helps a lot as well, of course. Otherwise, +Atk works great for even more punch, with or without buffs, since doubling isn't always necessary with power like that.

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@DefaultBeep Well there's a use for future Virions, I like seeing those big numbers just for the memes haha

Yeah I don't think I'll invest too much on her though, Sanaki is my go to red mage in my account because her TA is so useful and that Res is so good. Maybe I'll just upgrade this Lilina and do a +1 merge

I will get her a bladetome though, although that would mean upgrading a Tharja

@Zeo Alright cool, those are good points to take in!

Edited by mcsilas
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After so many tries (not helping the rarity of red orbs :angry: ), I finally pulled Zelgius.... his IVs are pretty bad, -att/+res..... BUT GOT ZELGIUS :HAPPY:. Funnily, this is the first banner where I pull all focus characters XD. In contrast, my Sothe and Ash Ketch... I mean Micaiah ain't too bad in IVs

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I made terrible choices and decided to try some Yolo pulls on the RD and Happy New year banners because you just never know and maybe I'd get lucky. I knew it wasn't very smart but a *5 could have popped up.

*4 Stahl

*3 Raigh

*4 Saizo

*3 Serra

Add that to the 2 Lachesis I pulled, the Setsunas I pulled, a couple Barsts and the red that I don't even remember (because it was that worthless) and now I have 47 orbs when I'd have 80-90 with nothing to show for it. 

I wish your could lock your orbs for a set time period, would really help my questionable self control.

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Spend my last Orbs to get Micaiah or Sothe since the SS banner doesn't appeal as much compared to "Cavalier nuke" and "good Dagger unit".

Pulled 5* Leon with the worst boon/bane combo: +Res/-Atk.

Screw Radiant Dawn.

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Holy shit. Was on my last orbs too. 3/3 banner units obtained, and Bike as a bonus


Eirika: +Spd -HP 

L'arachel and Bike: +HP -Atk unfortunately 

Myrrh: +Spd -Def, again rather unfortunate but whatever, they're all here and that's what matters most.


Edited by Korath88
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SHE CAME IN 5 ORBS!!!! I LOVE EIRIKA!!!!!!! I knew she would never fail me!


+Hp -Res is a decent nature to boot. Now I'm going to keep sniping reds to get merges for best girl!

Edited by Alexmender
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Yes, the next Sacred Stones banner! I've got 167 orbs, and while I also want to save for the anniversary, this is too good of an opportunity. Here's hoping for some luck.

  1. 4* Stahl: No thank you.
  2. 4* Cherche: Pivot or Atk+3, I suppose.
  3. 4* Fir: More SI fodder.
  4. 3* Jagen: Useless.
  5. 3* Serra: Also useless.

That was lame, but not really unexpected. Here we go again.

  1. 4* Corrin: Someone might need Dragon Fang.
  2. 3* Henry: Bleh.
  3. 4* Cordelia: Eh. I wouldn't mind a Brave Lance flier, but I have more important units to feather.
  4. 3* Odin: Haven't seen you in a while. Shame you're useless.
  5. 4* Camilla: Draconic Aura? I've got enough fodder as it is.

That stank. Still, I won't give up.

  1. 4* Merric: SP for my +1 5*.
  2. 3* Arthur: Useless.
  3. 3* Henry: Go away.
  4. 3* Gunter: I do need Hone Cavalry, so you can stay.
  5. 4* Henry: Seriously, go away!

This had better not turn into an orb pit. Still, I must persist.

  1. 4* Olivia: Hone Atk 3 fodder.
  2. 3* Frederick: I do need Luna fodder.
  3. 4* Titania: For a moment I thought I'd get my pity-rate broken.
  4. 4* Gordin: More Atk+3 fodder for my healers.
  5. 3* Subaki: I've got enough of you.

75 orbs spent, almost half my supply, and not even a 4* unit worth training. Well, no stopping now.

  1. 4* Cherche: Screw you.
  2. 4* Frederick: Helpful, I suppose.
  3. 4* Eliwood: FFS. The other 2 orbs are grey, and I am NOT risking breaking my pity rate on a non-focus unit.

88 orbs spent, 79 remaining. I'd better get at least 2 5* units from this.

  1. 4* Roy: TA3 fodder is always handy, but not what I want to see right now.
  2. 3* Fir: I have so many 4* copies. Pass.
  3. 3* Oboro: Pass. The other 2 orbs are grey again...

66 orbs remaining. I'm starting to get really pissed. 4.25% pity rate, don't fail me.

  1. 4* Cordelia: Not even surprised...And of course 4 grey orbs, so this was an inefficient session.

61 orbs. Sunk cost fallacy is absolutely a thing now, but screw it.

  1. 4* Roderick: Eh, maybe.
  2. 4* Hana: Useless.
  3. 4* Seliph: If he had broken my pity rate... *dark thoughts*
  4. 4* Lukas: Useless.
  5. 4* Lukas: Why, Anna? Did I do something to offend you?

41 orbs, 4.5% pity rate. I think this is literally the worst I've ever done on a banner.

  1. 3* Cherche: Stop, please...
  2. 4* Lilina: SP fodder.
  3. 3* Shanna: I do really need Desperation fodder. And 2 grey orbs...

28 orbs. 4.75% pity rate. Enough for one more full pull before I have to dive into the new story missions. Crap.

  1. 5* L'Arachel: YES!! For righteousness! Her IVs are great too, +Spd/-Def. And she's only the first orb. Time to pray for more luck.
  2. 4* Selena: Reposition fodder is always in short supply. Good.
  3. 4* Boey: Time to see who needs Earth Boost.
  4. 3* Sully: Worthless.
  5. 3* Gaius: Absolute garbage. And there goes my pity rate.

I should be happy that I got L'Arachel, but I'm too pissed that I spent 159 orbs for a single 5* and a bunch of trash. Basically my entire carefully hoarded stockpile down the drain. I'm probably going to keep trying here, if only because I believe this much bad luck will be quickly balanced out, but I doubt I'll be able to do much for the anniversary. They really need to expand the 4* and 3* pools for variety's sake if nothing else. 3 Cherches, 3 Henrys, 2 Cordelias, 2 Firs, 2 Fredericks, 2 Lukases, all from just 40 units pulled.

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Spent every last one of my 90 orbs. I know that's not a lot in the grand scheme of things, but I'm now sitting at a lonely zero orbs. I have mixed feeling about this. On the one hand, getting three 5-star reds in the first 9 pulls is awesome. On the other hand, none are units I wanted.

5* Sanaki +Atk -HP - Freebie and with excellent natures, no complaints about this at all
3* Frederick +Atk -Res - Optimal, but my 4* merge project already has the same base
4* Shanna +Spd -HP - Again great nature, I have a +Spd -Res and +Atk -Def though, not sure which to keep
4* Est +Atk -HP - And once more a great nature but I've already got one

3* Fir +Spd -Def - More great natures that I already have
4* Barst +Def -Res - Can never complain about ol' Barst

5* Lilina +Atk -Def - Wrong mage again. But also great nature again. I have a +1 +Atk -HP one, I think this is better?
4* Hana +Atk -Def - It's raining attack boons
5* Alm +HP -Def - This works nicely for his role, which will be the same as all my other Falchion wielders: TT medic duty
4* Merric +Def -HP - Onto the 4* merge pile he goes

3* Olivia +HP -Def
4* Draug +HP -Spd - I'm surprisingly lacking Draugs to fodder
4* Soren +Res -Atk - Like Merric, immediately onto the merge pile

4* Hawkeye +Def -Res
4* Eirika Neutral - Dammit where's your horse?
4* Cain +Atk -Spd - This is like my third Cain ever, cool

4* Raven +Res -HP
5* Myrrh +Res -Atk - Finally! But it figures my run of great natures ends on the one unit I want. But hey, when you have +10 BST for free, anything works
4* Fir +Spd -Def
4* Cain +Res -Spd - Cains are like London buses, you wait months for one, then two come along at the same time
4* Tailtiu +Spd -HP - With three orbs left, I figured why not? Glad I did, arguably a better pull than if it had been L'Arachel


Welp, time to rebuild the orb stash, wait for the Legendary Heroes reveal then decide whether I go for this or that - and also whether to snipe just red, or red and green in the hope of a better Myrrh.

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Got kinda' scary there for a minute. At least I can say I got a ton of Hinatas... 

  • Focus Priority: Myrrh and Eirika
  • 5*+10 Merges: Lukas (need +6), Leon (need +5), Lucius (need +4 and +SPD -DEF copy), Raven (need +3 and +SPD -RES copy), Merric (need +2 and+ATK -RES copy ), Adult Tiki (have enough; want 4 star copies)
  • 4*+10 Merges: Est, Florina, Sully, Clarine, Gaius, Saizo, Azama, Lilina, Sophia, Lon’qu, Beruka
  • Want Better Nature: Roderick (+SPD), Mathilda (+ATK), Oscar (+ATK/SPD), Boey (+ATK), Soleil (+ATK/SPD)
  • Skill Fodder: Oscar, Subaki, Tailtiu, Klein, Barst, Hinata, Shanna
  • Missing Characters: (Gunnthra), Lute, Shiro, Rhajat, Brave Ike, Ayra, Elincia, Siegbert, Zelgius

Here we go!

Summoning Sessions 1-5


Session 1
4* Beruka - Not off to a good start. This makes her a +7 merge for my +DEF -SPD copy.

Session 2
4* Roy - I guess he heard Lyon was coming. I've already got a couple of him lying around, but why not?
3* Hinata 

Session 3
4* Raven - (+HP -ATK) Nope. Not what I’m looking for...another merge!
4* Hana
4* Stahl

Session 4
4* Eirika - I’ve already got a +SPD -DEF one, but we’re getting closer!

Session 5
5* Sonya - Oh no… >.> At least I got a pity breaker early on when there wasn't really a pity rate to break. +DEF -RES. Maybe Lyon would like RES Ploy…. (I’ve already got a +ATK -SPD copy)
4* M. Corrin


Let's start over....

Summoning Sessions 6-15


Session 6
4* Nino
3* Gunter

Session 7
3* Nino
4* Hinata - Ooooh…. More Fury!
4* Palla

Session 8
3* Bartre
4* Lon’qu - This makes him +9; one more to go!
4* Athena

Session 9
4* Cherche
3* A. Tiki
4* Eirika - Please bring your alter-ego.
3* Palla

Session 10
3* Raigh
4* Eliwood

Session 11
4* Seliph
4* Hinata - I’m totally fine with this. XD
3* Lon’qu

Session 12
3* Arthur
4* Draug
4* Hinata - Wow...so much Fury...

Session 13
4* Cherche
3* Fir
3* Hinata
3* Hinata

Session 14
4* Sophia
4* Fir

Session 15
4* Hinata

...now we're starting to build a pity rate. ;A; Okay...this could be a good thing.

Summoning Sessions 16-19



Session 16
4* Camilla
4* Arthur
3* Raigh
3* Raigh - I don't mind a stray Raigh, but it's a little disheartening getting two 3* copies in a row...

Session 17
4* Roy
4* Barst
3* Beruka

Session 18
4* M. Corrin
4* Barst
4* M. Corrin
3* Frederick

Session 19
5* Dark Eirika!!!! She looks beautiful…and...SHE’S +SPD -DEF. WHAT? I'm content with this.
5* Myrrh - RIGHT AFTER EIRIKA THIS PITY RATE WAS GOOD FOR SOMETHING. +RES -DEF. You know. Could be worse. She wants high DEF, but she’ll have 32/34 defenses. Not bad.
4* Arthur - Finishing off the circle... 
4* Leon (+DEF -RES) Huh… That’s pretty good. IDK if I’ll get rid of my +ATK Leon though.
4* Virion - Someday I'll promote you... 


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