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@Zeo nice green haul!

-Atk B!Ike is a bummer but he has Threaten def in his base kit so it's not too bad! My first B!ike in my second account was that bane but +Def so he still worked. Aether also helps push through bulky units. If anything, Urvan is just a really good prf!

@Vaximillian well axura is in Nohr canon so it works out! 

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

@Vaximillian well axura is in Nohr canon so it works out! 

Yep, there’s that too. I wanted her in that alternate outfit for a long while, and even though her blessed lance was mangled into… this, it still looks not horrible enough.
…I need to make an edit and turn it into a blessed lance. I now have my little fun project.

5 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Glad to hear that, she is one of my favorite dancers and using her wouldn't make you think she is seasonal at all. With that outfit she could be featured in any game without breaking the third wall (is it called like that?) or the in-game atmosphere. 

Yep, that and the fact healers became useful (even if they are still no good fodder). 

Tharja would be ~55th for a 5* merge. Pulling a off-focus 5* Tharja would make me fodder her to another red mage for that tome. 

Fourth wall is the invisible wall between the scene and the audience. Borrowing from the real world breaks the fourth wall indeed.

Speaking of healers, I got a four-star Maria and a four-star Sakura again. What am I supposed to do with them anyway?

I had no regrets turning one of my spare Tharjas into Katarina food. The more options, the merrier!

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14 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:


Speaking of healers, I got a four-star Maria and a four-star Sakura again. What am I supposed to do with them anyway?

I had no regrets turning one of my spare Tharjas into Katarina food. The mor options, the merrier!

Panic and Fear fodder as a base for whenever you get a dupe 5 star Healer that can pass the + versions. Been using Dazzling Fear+ Sakura and it's great! High power as well!

otherwise Fortify Def/Res fodder for your Emblem teams. That way you can also pass Fury 2 when using Jagen for Fort Cav, for example.

or Miracle for Maria

Edited by mcsilas
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Free pull from Hero Fest was B.Ike. IVs were +HP/-Spd. Is this the game's way of taking pity one me after another failed attempt of getting PA Azura?

Also, not really sure if I can salvage him with his lack of speed or if I should fodder his steady breath off to one of my manaketes especially since Anna, Cherche and Frederick are already my main axe users.

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I went a little nuts with the orb spending tonight.  I didn't spend very much money last month, so it's okay, I guess. :P:

Anyway, I had 148 (96+50) free orbs going in to Hero Fest.  I bought two 75 orb packs as well.  I needed almost all of them to get a single Brave Ike tonight (yikes).  That's some bad luck, but I'm still happy anyway because I met a few of my goals!  I was aiming for a Brake Ike for Steady Breath fodder for a project I had in mind. ;):  I was also open to pulling blues for a few reasons.  If there were no blue/green circles, I just chose red or colourless at random.  Here we go:

  1. 3* Beruka
  2. 3* Donnel
  3. 4* Priscilla
  4. 3* Barst
  5. 4* Hawkeye
  6. 4* Reinhardt (Promoted and merged to get to +10!  Success!)
  7. 4* Mae
  8. 4* Raven
  9. 4* Roderick
  10. 3* Bartre
  11. 4* Shanna
  12. 3* Robin
  13. 4* Titania
  14. 3* Cecilia
  15. 3* Bartre
  16. 4* Hawkeye
  17. 4* Athena
  18. 3* Frederick
  19. 5* Nephenee (+Res/-HP: New!)
  20. 4* Eliwood
  21. 4* Lukas
  22. 4* Cordelia
  23. 3* Subaki
  24. 3* Cecilia
  25. 3* Beruka
  26. 3* Beruka
  27. 4* Nowi
  28. 5* Nowi (+HP/-Def: I was happy because she was necessary for the project I had in mind!  She has already been fed to my new +10 gal. :):)
  29. 4* Oscar
  30. 5* Camilla (+HP/-Spd: Eww, I now have 2 5* Camillas with a bad nature sitting around.  I'll probably give someone a Brave Axe+ someday.)
  31. 4* Fae 
  32. 4* Fae
  33. 3* Cherche
  34. 4* Female Corrin (+Atk/-Res: OMG, I was waiting for a nice nature like this!  I went ahead with project +10 Female Corrin.  Bye-bye giant stash of feathers.  I am so excited!  I was thinking to myself that all I need now is a Brave Ike to give her Steady Breath.  So I pushed on... And on...)
  35. 5* Brave Lyn (+Def/-Atk: She'll sit around for a while until I decide what to do with her.)
  36. 4* Camilla
  37. 4* Clair
  38. 3* Gunter
  39. 3* Gwendolyn
  40. 4* Catria
  41. 4* Soren
  42. 4* Frederick
  43. 4* Hawkeye
  44. 4* Hawkeye
  45. 3* Arthur
  46. 4* Nino
  47. 4* Fae
  48. 3* Cherche
  49. 4* Frederick
  50. 3* Sully
  51. 4* Effie
  52. 4* Robin
  53. 4* Oboro
  54. 5* Sonya (+Spd/-Atk: New addition, but I didn't really want her.  Especially not with -Atk.  Oh well!)
  55. 4* Jeorge
  56. 3* Donnel
  57. 5* Brave Ike (+Res/-Def: FINALLY!  Food for Corrin! :lol:)


And now...



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2 hours ago, Alexmender said:

Free summon on the new banner was a +Res -Hp Cordelia. Nothing too crazy.

Now this one is crazy!!! I went on the SS banner again and I got this!!!



@DefaultBeep @Vaximillian

Awesome! It doesn't get much better than the unit you want (or another copy of a unit you want in your case, haha) and a strong off-focus 5-star. Perhaps Ayra felt compelled to her sister-in-art?


I... well, my 50 orbs (up to a bit over 60 after clearing some quests) served me far better than I expected them too.


I'm a bit in shock, to be honest. I went into this banner planning to only pull on blues and colorless... Yet, through some thankfully great forced pulls on green, I managed to get both of the greens I actually wanted, and no Summer Xanders in sight! Both are new too, which is neat. Takumi is also fodder I really wanted, and CYL Lucina was the blue I wanted most (for a merge, mostly, and a potentially better boon/bane), so this was a really great haul for me in just 60-65 orbs. The boons/banes weren't the best, though; Gunnthrá got +Spd/-Atk ( @Rezzywhat do you have against my horses lately?), Takumi got +HP/-Res (good thing I wasn't gonna use him anyway!), Lucina got +Def/-Spd (which I feel is worse than the +Spd/-Atk I already have...), and Azura got +HP/-Def (17 Def is so squishy...). But I'm happy to have them all regardless, and I'll probably leave this banner alone now, because I don't want to push my luck further, haha.

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4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Wasted all 50 orbs and got neither Sanaki nor Eirika. 

At least S!Frederick (+DEF/-SPD @Anacybele), L!Ike (+DEF/-HP @Anacybele ^^) and another BH!Roy (+ATK/-SPD) will help me over that, yeah! :-)

I can't believe I pulled another off-focus Roy who is in my main arena team. @Vaximillian @Alkaid

Very nice! Roy certainly has a thing for you.

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These must have been the luckiest 50 orbs I have every had. I didn't think to Screenshot the first two sessions. Anyways between everything I had 58 orbs to summon with.

But first the free pull on Hero Fest -

3* Cecilia

First Session I pulled all 5 - 2 Reds/2 Colorless/1Green

1-V!Ike(+DEF/-HP, not sure how good it is since it drops his hp to 37) - He was kinda low on my want list, but sweet.
2-M!Corrin(doesn't matter) - I already have a solid boon/bane version that is 4*+10. So stop stalking me bro!
3-4*Raven(didn't check) - Just in time. I wanted a spare just incase his weapon refinery update is awesome. Also he isn't yet 4*+10 even if it isn't he is still merge fodder.
4-Takumi(+SPD/-ATK) - I almost didn't pull on the two colorless since they aren't high up on my want list. But now I am glad, he was the one I wanted most from the colorless orbs. Go CC.
5-4*Jakob(didn't check) - Defense 3 and Renewal 2 fodder I suppose.

Second Session I pulled 1 - 4 Red/1Colorless - Already have the big red and colorless I wanted most so I just pulled and backed out.

6-4*Henry(didn't check) - More green tome breaker I guess.

Third Session I pulled all 5 - 2 Green/2 Colorless/1 Blue

I pulled the two greens first and thought maybe this would be that mythical 5 5star summon. Nope not quite that lucky I guess.

Gunnthra is +ATK/-HP and Xander is +SPD/-DEF. Gunnthra seems solid, but not sure on Xander boy. Then again he has the elusive Infantry Pulse so he is good fodder if nothing else. Also Fire Boost which I occasionally wondered if it would be handy on some builds.

Session 3 - I pulled 3 bringing my orbs to 0 - 3 Colorless/1 Red/1 Green
No 5*'s, but easy Life and Death is just as good. The problem is he is +ATK/-DEF. My current 5* is +SPD/-RES and now I have to decide which is better. I'll probably stick with +SPD. If only because I don't have to spend feathers to do that.

Anyways 4 new never before obtained 5*'s in 58 orbs is some kind of record for me. So yeah, Happy Birthday me! Now I hope the 75 orb pack I was going to treat myself to is more of the same! Or maybe after the TT runs I'll decide that my gift was not having to spend today?

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@DefaultBeep Holy cow that is one very lucky haul! All very great pulls!

@Zeo @Vaximillian

So I pulled in my second account.

Hero Fest was bleh. No 5 stars. Both first and second summon sessions were 2 reds and 3 colorless, and I didn't really feel like wasting orbs on colorless since I only had 97 orbs after the free 50 orbs. I just received a bleh Fir, Tiki Bonfire fodder and another worthless red that I can't even remember.

I wanted Nephenee the most since I didn't have her. 3rd session finally had 2 blues- which gave me a +Spd/-Atk Tailtiu (hey finally a sort of usable one instead of -Spd) and... a +Spd/-Res Roderick! Neat! Perfect nature as well, so I'll take it and quit for now since I still have a sad pity rate for legendary banner.

Legendary banner time- the hunt for Axura continues...

1st session had 1 green again which was a meh 3 star Cecilia.

Next one FINALLY had 3 greens.

Picked lower left and...


FINALLY. Although the opposite nature of @Zeo's, which is sadly +Def/-Spd.

Ah well, I tried pulling the other greens to hopefully get a duplicate Axura...but instead 3 star Beruka who is +Spd/-Res. Err okay.

Ironically the last green orb was THE SAME BERUKA. Huh. Glad I pulled Axura first because my mood would have been even worse.I'll just take what I can get and if she comes back, do a merge.

I decided to pull the red and blue in the session just to see if I get any other focus units like Lancina or V!Ike but sadly no go. Just a Caeda and Shanna which is useful fodder at least (amusingly all fliers except the Axura).

So yeah I think I'm done with this cursed banner- I got who I wanted the most anyway. As much as I want Lancina or wouldn't mind S!Robin/Siegbert/V!Ike, I drained too many orbs on the banner this time so time to save up for a bit. Maybe try and get a 5star on Hero Fest once I gathered up more orbs. Now down to 50 which is...decent at least.

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The anniversary orbs served me better than I expected.

I managed to pull Sanaki, Fjorm, Gunnthrá and Ike from the legendary banner within two summons. B!Lucina still evades me, but I'm happy with what I got, especially since all my last pulls were just a collection of the original 3-4* units.

Sanaki was +Def/-Res, so I just merged her into my +Atk/-HP, bringing her up to +4.

Fjorm was +Def/-Spd and got merged into the free neutral one.

Gunnthrá is +Def/-Res, which is a bit of a shame considering a lot of her base kit focus on Res, but I'm glad I got her.

Vanguard Ike is neutral but I much prefer that to him being -Atk.

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7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

At least S!Frederick (+DEF/-SPD @Anacybele), L!Ike (+DEF/-HP @Anacybele ^^)

Awesome! :D And that Summer Freddy is the same nature as mine. lol



I didn't have to buy any orbs! :D I did later to keep trying for a bit though. This new Summer Freddy is +HP, -Def, which still isn't the most ideal, but I can live with it for now because it's not -Atk or -Spd. Besides, a merge is still nice! Both my Freddys have merges now. :D

Which reminds me, my regular Freddy became +6 the other day. ^^

Also pulled a third Faye... Like, what is that madness? I wish it'd been Takumi so I could complete the Hoshido siblings. I can't complain about having a +Atk Faye at +2 though.

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Sigh, every banner has been giving me 4* fodder lately.  Free pull yesterday was M!Corrin, free pull to day was Burka and I have a 4.25% pity rate on the SS banner.  I am saving my orbs until the VD banner is reveled and if there is no one I need/want on it I will try for Myrrh one more time.  I guess I am paying for getting both C!Chrom and C!Robin with good boon/banes.  Hopefully the VD banner will be kinder then the last few have been.

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Managed to pull Nephenee on my free pull for hero fest and my first draw when I switched over to Sacred Stones was a horse!Eirika! I ended up doing a few more pulls on the Sacred Stones banner hoping for a L'Rachel, but ended up with a second Eirika instead (which I am super okay with since the first was -spd).

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Free pull on Legendary Banner. Hoping for Reds and blues since I have Lyn and Ike. And only one of either appears, it's 4 star subaki. Not terrible.

Was going to spend these orbs sniping for PA!Azura, but having a real crisis deciding whether it's worth it. Greens are of course exceptionally rare to show up, but having Guunthra show up instead would be a welcome surprise. Gave it a shot and

5* Guunthra +Spd/-Res

5* Summer Xander +Spd/-Def

3* Hana +Spd/-Atk

4* Saizo +Spd/-Def

4* Sakura +Spd/-Res

Alright, I guess I am leaving this banner behind me in good conscience. I've no need of a fourth summer xander, but at least I didn't add to my sob story. Bye Azura, be sure to come back when no other green units are on focus. Back to saving orbs.

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50 orbs and 5 extra got me pretty much nothing...

First, pulled from Hero Fest because free pull. 5 colorless, no joke.

3* Wrys, 2 Lachesis, Jeorge, and Sakura.

Next going back to Sacred Memories...

Jeorge, 3* Hinata, 3* Shanna, Henry, and Robin.

Second attempt...

Matthew, Lissa, Mae, 3* Oboro, and 3* Sophia.

As far as I can tell, only two of these units are actually worth anything to me. Care to guess? Answer in the spoiler...


If you guessed a Jeorge and Sophia, correct! Jeorge is +Atk -Res, which should be able to synergize well with Special Forged Parthia, while Sophia is +Atk -Spd, the ideal nature. My current Jeorge and Sophia are +Spd -HP and +Atk -HP respectively.

Technically there's also +Atk -Spd Hinata, but... eh.


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8 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

Awesome! It doesn't get much better than the unit you want (or another copy of a unit you want in your case, haha) and a strong off-focus 5-star. Perhaps Ayra felt compelled to her sister-in-art?


I... well, my 50 orbs (up to a bit over 60 after clearing some quests) served me far better than I expected them too.


I'm a bit in shock, to be honest. I went into this banner planning to only pull on blues and colorless... Yet, through some thankfully great forced pulls on green, I managed to get both of the greens I actually wanted, and no Summer Xanders in sight! Both are new too, which is neat. Takumi is also fodder I really wanted, and CYL Lucina was the blue I wanted most (for a merge, mostly, and a potentially better boon/bane), so this was a really great haul for me in just 60-65 orbs. The boons/banes weren't the best, though; Gunnthrá got +Spd/-Atk ( @Rezzywhat do you have against my horses lately?), Takumi got +HP/-Res (good thing I wasn't gonna use him anyway!), Lucina got +Def/-Spd (which I feel is worse than the +Spd/-Atk I already have...), and Azura got +HP/-Def (17 Def is so squishy...). But I'm happy to have them all regardless, and I'll probably leave this banner alone now, because I don't want to push my luck further, haha.

Eirika Emblem is near Ayra counts as some sort of Eirika right? Right.

Woah! Now that's incredible! Congrats!

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