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4 hours ago, Usana said:

@Zeo Congrats! Does that mean you have all the 4* available heroes now? I can't recall if you said he was the last one you needed, or just one of the last ones.

All the launch ones anyway. Actually the only *4 unit I'm missing at this point is La'Rachel.

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@Rezzy - Late response ftw. Nice job on the bunny banner. A shame though that the -Atk curse continues.

Meanwhile, after that double Hector, I haven't got any 5*, except for Roy and a random Rhajat. The Bunny banner and the new legendary banner don't seem to meet eye to eye with me lol. So I'm walking out of both (or at least the legendary banner) empty handed.


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Welp, I scrounged up enough orbs (and $2.00) for another full pull on my main account in the Legendary Banner.  Aaaaaaaaand...


Got this girl for the first tie.  Judging from that summon quote, she sounds like a female and regal Arthur.  Could be fun.  Pity the IVs suck.



Got a Rebecca, same IVs, got a Felicia, sucky stats, and a Roderick, sub-optimal stats.

Then, for my Red pull, I managed this.


What's even better, the IVs are near optimal!



If only the bane were Def, she'd be perfect...

Welp, if I can manage to save up another 40 orbs, I'll give it two more pulls.  I've written off the valor units, and will be vainly hoping for Robin.

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Free pull on Spring 2017 rerun was S!Camilla. Got two more of her and settled on +Res -HP. Threw feathers at Cecilia and sacrificed a Roy to give her Gronnraven+ and TA.

Now I can safely save up for Thracia. Will be pulling for Leif (haven't pulled hard for a red focus in a while) and Nanna.

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From my first 80 orbs on the Legendary banner, I managed to pull:

5* Brave Lucina: +Atk -Res (One I was after. Very happy).

5* Brave Lyn: +Res -Spd (Swift Sparrow fodder).

After this, not much for a while, though I did get a few Shanna's along the way (Desperation fodder).


The next day, I went back into the Legendary banner with 9 orbs and a 9.5% pity rate... (Sniping colourless only, for Female Robin)

Two colourless:

4* Priscilla (My first one as well). +Atk -HP. Happy with that.

Last 4 orbs got me...



FEMALE GRIMA ROBIN!!! :D (+Res -HP as well, which is awesome). Done with this banner now.


Edited by D4RTH
Didn't put text in spoiler.
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So the new April orbs come in.

Me as I'm summoning: Ugh, I'm not going to pull Sakura I'm not going to pull Sakura I'm not going to pull Sakura ...

*pulls Sakura*

I'm happy.

EDIT: Oh, I got a second Fjorm too. Huh.

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Well, I wasn't expecting to get anything from the legendary banner, but I have a spare B!Lyn now. Unfortunately, she's neutral, which is the same as the original one I had, so it's either a merge or fodder for her. I also got a 4* Sothe, which is always nice.

The funny thing is that I was sniping blue, and the one time no blue orbs showed up was when I actually got good summons. The past blue orbs were just Est, Jagen and Odin and other useless stuff. And I still don't have a single Cordelia.

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38 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

So the new April orbs come in.

Me as I'm summoning: Ugh, I'm not going to pull Sakura I'm not going to pull Sakura I'm not going to pull Sakura ...

*pulls Sakura*

I'm happy.

EDIT: Oh, I got a second Fjorm too. Huh.

Congrats! I feel cursed since everyone I know seems to have gotten her (either now or back in November). Used up all the April orbs and somehow got two more Frimas.. She doesn't even make good SI fodder so now I have a +3 Frima, but no Sakunyan. This game is trolling me at this point.

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3 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Congrats! I feel cursed since everyone I know seems to have gotten her (either now or back in November). Used up all the April orbs and somehow got two more Frimas.. She doesn't even make good SI fodder so now I have a +3 Frima, but no Sakunyan. This game is trolling me at this point.

Damn, sorry to hear that. I hope that you'll get her, even if not now then on the next banner she's on. It's pretty ridiculous that you keep on pulling so much Grima, but not a single Sakura. Wtf, desire sensor.

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Grabbed the low-hanging orbs and went at the Legendary banner again. No bueno.

4* Camilla +Res -Def

4* Felicia Neutral

4* Gordin +Atk -Spd
4* Setsuna +Atk -Spd

3* Setsuna +HP -Def
3* Serra +HP -Atk

I guess the Gordin might make a good base for a 4*+10 project in time, better than my +Atk -Def. And I went from desperately needing some Bowbreaker fodder to having too many. Down to 8 orbs, I'll see if I can scrounge up to 13 tomorrow for last roll of the dice - I'll probably just do one round and open 3 orbs no matter what.

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12 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Damn, sorry to hear that. I hope that you'll get her, even if not now then on the next banner she's on. It's pretty ridiculous that you keep on pulling so much Grima, but not a single Sakura. Wtf, desire sensor.

Between the 3 extra faces of Frima and getting Bunny!Camilla on my free pull, I think the existence of the desire sensor has been pretty conclusively proven. I guess that means I'll be saving 1000+ orbs for Sakunyan in November now, just to be sure. (and then I'll say hello to 20+ Jakobs)

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1 minute ago, Nanima said:

Between the 3 extra faces of Frima and getting Bunny!Camilla on my free pull, I think the existence of the desire sensor has been pretty conclusively proven. I guess that means I'll be saving 1000+ orbs for Sakunyan in November now, just to be sure. (and then I'll say hello to 20+ Jakobs)

If you don't get her in one day we have left, I wish you luck in getting her this Halloween, and hope that all Jakobs stay away from you.

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12 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

If you don't get her in one day we have left, I wish you luck in getting her this Halloween, and hope that all Jakobs stay away from you.

Thanks. I'll try to keep my hopes up at least.

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So orbs down. Kept getting no colorless circles and the only thing of note I got was Life and Death Fodder in Sothe and a Male Morgan who I didn't yet have. +ATK/-HP. Not to excited about him use wise, but at least I filled that hole in my collection. I think I will be able to make one more pull before the banner ends. But at this point I have kinda given up on F!Grima. I am just hoping at his point that my pity breaks and I get something useful like S!Tiki . . . or a better boon Nowi.

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Well the April orbs got me up to 20 again, and I noticed my rate on the Legendary banner was 8.5%. Must have left a small pity rate after my mass summon on it last time. So I summoned whatever I saw and ended up with yet another Fjorm. That’s three Fjorms I’ve gotten from this banner, she really loves me for some reason! This one was +Atk -Def but the +Atk -HP one I got before was pretty much optimal, so now I mave more Atk/Def Bond/Shield Pulse/Drive Atk fodder for whenever I need it.

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Just pulled a second Cat Sakura. I'm just glad I got something off the banner, so I can save for Thracia now. She's +DEF/-SPD, so I just need to figure out whether to merge her or use her as Guard or Kitty Paddle+ fodder now.

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YOLO'd on the Legendary banner 'cause I had 20 Orbs and hoped for Nowitch.

+ATK/-RES Nowitch came home! So happy!

I don't have Orbs any more, but now I can just save for Thracia. For real this time.

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Fiiiiiinally got Witch Nowi! +Def/-Spd, one of her absolute WORST IVs, but I do NOT care. Wanted her since November and now(i) I do! Huzzah! It did cost too much though... so regardless, I’ll pass on buying orbs for some time. Besides, it feels pretty good to save up a bunch of them. Makes the 5-stars feel earned, you know?

Anyways, I’m down to 3 orbs, which probably means no Frima this month. I can live with that, her male counterpart can keep me company until she decides to grace my army with her fell presence.

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@Zeo after getting orbs from the April missions, I did 3 pulls for Grima. No 5* stars, but my first Sothe! +SPD/-RES even! 

@mcsilas Doing these one-turn clears lately, I recognized a green and blue Cav would be helpful here. Since Alfonse has much more attack than Titania, while only 1 SPD slower, I tried for him with 6 pulls. No Alfonse, but a Sharena (+HP/-SPD) and a 5* Soren (+DEF/-RES), I didn't have him at 5* before. 

Overall 2 new units and 2 5* units with 9 pulls (~45 orbs). Not what I wanted, but very good anyway. 

@Vaximillian If Kagero loses, I'll switch to Sharena now. Signs are signs after all.


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