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I got Reinhardt, and he's not -atk. I can leave this banner. I'm done.

EDIT: This is the first time I got all the focus units on one go. Apparently, Thracia likes me.

Edited by Sunwoo
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So I go and do some GHB Elite quests to scrape up some orbs to summon because I didn’t feel like doing any ridiculous Chain Challenges (and not even those quests were easy, couldn’t even make it to 20 orbs!), and what does the game reward me with? Nothing but unusable crap. Screw this game.

For those that care I went into Hares at the Fair, summoned four colourless orbs (no greens and I have Spring Catria already) and came out with a 4% pity rate. I don’t even want to splurge on the orb deal right now.

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I tried again today with more free orbs and I still got nothing. I don't understand it. So I've decided not to pull at all anymore. I just can't get anything out of it. And that really sucks, because I was so close to a +10 Frederick. But when I can't even pull him, something is wrong.

So yeah. I'm just sticking to what I already have. Sorry to anyone that wanted to see that +10 Frederick. But so long as I can't even get ONE more of him, it wasn't going to happen anyway.

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3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I tried again today with more free orbs and I still got nothing. I don't understand it. So I've decided not to pull at all anymore. I just can't get anything out of it. And that really sucks, because I was so close to a +10 Frederick. But when I can't even pull him, something is wrong.

So yeah. I'm just sticking to what I already have. Sorry to anyone that wanted to see that +10 Frederick. But so long as I can't even get ONE more of him, it wasn't going to happen anyway.

I Feel like Heroes lets me know when I should just save my orbs and wait.  I like to take breaks from pulling myself, I have been on a break except for free pulls since the game gave me 6 V!Lilinas and I won't spend any orbs until the legendary banner.  I think what you should do is set a goal of how many F2P orbs you want to save and focus on that goal before you pull again.  I find waiting a couple of months to pull make pulling units a bit more interesting the blowing all my orbs the moment I get them.   

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43 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

I Feel like Heroes lets me know when I should just save my orbs and wait.  I like to take breaks from pulling myself, I have been on a break except for free pulls since the game gave me 6 V!Lilinas and I won't spend any orbs until the legendary banner.  I think what you should do is set a goal of how many F2P orbs you want to save and focus on that goal before you pull again.  I find waiting a couple of months to pull make pulling units a bit more interesting the blowing all my orbs the moment I get them.   

That's an idea, but it's not going to guarantee anything. I save orbs if there's nothing on a banner I'm interested in, but if there is, I keep putting orbs into it until I get the unit I'm looking for, generally.

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Back up to 28 orbs after finally doing the story quests, so again I'm going try my luck at the Cooldown banner.

  1. 4* Florina: No.
  2. 4* Soren: Also no.
  3. 4* Athena: +Def/-Atk, so definitely no.
  4. 3* Jagen: Worthless.

And that one grey orb taunting me again. I've got a 4.5% pity rate FFS. At least this banner's not over for a while yet.

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F2P account again, clearing story chapters.

On the T&N banner, Brave Ike as a pitybreaker, merged immediately. Sad that the free account has him merged higher than the main.

On the Thracia banner, Eldigan as a pitybreaker. +Def -Res, one of his best. Then new Olwen, +Def -Spd. Ouch, garbage IVs. Def is worthless, she'll still get shredded by a lance.

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Got up to about 70 orbs or so, and as usual experienced a temporary bout of insanity where my brain goes "SUMMON SOMETHING, IT'LL BE GREAT!"

It didn't work out so well last time... but this time I got a Spring Sharena! :D
She's -Atk/+Def, so worst IVs ever, but whatever! She's adorable and the unit I wanted the most from the new Spring banner. She's SO HAPPY! Now all we need is Spring to actually start... help. It's cold >>

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12 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

I Feel like Heroes lets me know when I should just save my orbs and wait.  I like to take breaks from pulling myself, I have been on a break except for free pulls since the game gave me 6 V!Lilinas and I won't spend any orbs until the legendary banner.  I think what you should do is set a goal of how many F2P orbs you want to save and focus on that goal before you pull again.  I find waiting a couple of months to pull make pulling units a bit more interesting the blowing all my orbs the moment I get them.   

Good thinking! I save up all orbs and feathers for a whole month and spend them on the legendary - best investment f2p imo.

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Pulled a Nowi, but in the bunny banner. She was +Spd / -Def, I believe. I'm partly thinking of merging her into my +Spd  -Res one, but I'm mostly thinking of giving her Lightning Breath+ to Ninian, despite having quite a few 4* Tikis, but since I'm looking to eventually make a +10 Tiki... Anyway, now that my rate is reset, now I don't feel like I need to draw on that banner anymore, and I start saving again for Maribelle's or Nyx's eventual release...

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18 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

Anyways, I am ecstatic about this:DJcspEZ.jpg

@Rezzy @mampfoid @Tybrosion @Zeo @mcsilas @GuiltyLove

+spd/-def, one of her best natures. She allows me to create a second horse emblem, with her Gunnthra, Siegbert, and Eldigan. But what is it with my mage cavs having their best natures?


Congrats, it's nice to have a while stable of horses.

Speaking if which, I hope they add more Team slots.  Now that 4 of my slots are going to elemental blessing teams, 10 isn't enough anymore.

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22 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

+spd/-def, one of her best natures. She allows me to create a second horse emblem, with her Gunnthra, Siegbert, and Eldigan. But what is it with my mage cavs having their best natures?

Congrats! I got pretty lucky with mine as well (+Atk/-Def) but I'd say you got the absolute best combo for her. Just slap that blade tome on her (if you haven't already) and you won't be disappointed by the carnage she'll unleash (mine was able to exactly one-shot Lunatic Zephiel, his entire 78 HP and all, when I did his GHB quests about ten minutes ago).

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Well, I couldn't really stop myself from summoning when I got more free orbs again. I guess the idea of +10 Frederick at least was too tempting. And I actually got another one of him, but unfortunately, he still doesn't have the IVs I want, so he's either getting turned into feathers or Luna fodder.

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5 hours ago, Poimagic said:

Anyways, I am ecstatic about this:DJcspEZ.jpg

@Rezzy @mampfoid @Tybrosion @Zeo @mcsilas @GuiltyLove

+spd/-def, one of her best natures. She allows me to create a second horse emblem, with her Gunnthra, Siegbert, and Eldigan. But what is it with my mage cavs having their best natures?


Congrats! I want her, she seems like the perfect partner to Gunnthra.  However the spring banner still has the awful old pool of pity breakers and there is likely to be a lot of orb bait with golden week coming up.  

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Well, I got a Thunder's Sword Reinhardt (+Res/-Spd) that I'll be more than happy to abuse in the coming Tempest. In addition, Soleil will be rocking Chill Spd (+Def/-Atk on the Imprisoned Soul Celica) pretty soon. Now, I'm just going to sit on my remaining 46 orbs to prepare for Golden Week and/or the next legendary banner.




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7 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Congrats, it's nice to have a while stable of horses.

Speaking if which, I hope they add more Team slots.  Now that 4 of my slots are going to elemental blessing teams, 10 isn't enough anymore.


I could use the extra slots, since I want to also have a badge grinding team, and blessing teams as well

7 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Congrats! I got pretty lucky with mine as well (+Atk/-Def) but I'd say you got the absolute best combo for her. Just slap that blade tome on her (if you haven't already) and you won't be disappointed by the carnage she'll unleash (mine was able to exactly one-shot Lunatic Zephiel, his entire 78 HP and all, when I did his GHB quests about ten minutes ago).

I’ll probably make giving her a Blade tome my second priority, after promoting Camus .


5 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@Poimagic Cool, congratulations! She is a real beauty, have fun playing her. 

Btw: Why Siegbert and Eldigan on the same team? 


Siegbert is one of my best offensive Cavs, besides Roderick. Since Camus’ GHB is rerunning tomorrow, Camus will probably take the place of Eldigan

2 hours ago, Lewyn said:

Congrats! I want her, she seems like the perfect partner to Gunnthra.  However the spring banner still has the awful old pool of pity breakers and there is likely to be a lot of orb bait with golden week coming up.  

Well, the banner ends a day after the TT starts, so then is a possible time to start

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20 minutes ago, Poimagic said:


Well, the banner ends a day after the TT starts, so then is a possible time to start

It is hard to find much talk or info about Spring Catria.  Of course gamepress/gamepedia has stats and builds, however how good is she in practice?  Specifically with her PRF tome and debuff skillset?  I have no interest in bladetome, but her debuffing capabilities.  I got Sigurd and Brave Lyn with their respective smoke skills to help Gunnthra out.  My blue however is Camus (No I don't have Reinhardt, or at least a +atk one worth promoting) and while he is solid he doesn't really do anything in terms of helping Gunnthra.

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1 hour ago, Lewyn said:

It is hard to find much talk or info about Spring Catria.  Of course gamepress/gamepedia has stats and builds, however how good is she in practice?  Specifically with her PRF tome and debuff skillset?  I have no interest in bladetome, but her debuffing capabilities.  I got Sigurd and Brave Lyn with their respective smoke skills to help Gunnthra out.  My blue however is Camus (No I don't have Reinhardt, or at least a +atk one worth promoting) and while he is solid he doesn't really do anything in terms of helping Gunnthra.

I haven’t had much time with her to really say how useful it is. All I can tell is that, with her PRF tome, she is great support unit, who helps Gunnthra, as well as other allies, since she can allow them to hit harder. I’ll tell you more once I’ve had more time using her

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12 hours ago, Poimagic said:

Anyways, I am ecstatic about this:DJcspEZ.jpg

@Rezzy @mampfoid @Tybrosion @Zeo @mcsilas @GuiltyLove

+spd/-def, one of her best natures. She allows me to create a second horse emblem, with her Gunnthra, Siegbert, and Eldigan. But what is it with my mage cavs having their best natures?


Wow nice! You seem to have luck with those and ranged fliers! 


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As a huge potential expense wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be, I bought a few packs of orbs. Deirdre +Atk -Def, Ephraim +Atk -Res, and S!Catria +HP -Def are the 5-stars that arrived. Now to buy the discounted iTunes card again and hold it for the end of the month...

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