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Well I used 25 orbs on the TT banner in the hopes of getting Ninian finally, but no luck the only nice thing I pulled was fortify cav fodder for Ares.  I give up on pulling for a while since I seem to be having a run of gotcha takes my orbs and give me nothing I want.  Back to saving and this time I am going to hoard for 2 months and see what happens after that. 

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Just leaving my whaling session of Genealogy here.


Spent nearly 500 Orbs on this banner. I got:
- Lene (Neutral)
- Lene (+Def/-Atk)
- Ishtar (+Def/-Atk)
- L'Arachel (+Spd/-Res)
- Lene (+Def/-Atk)
- Ishtar (+Res/-Spd)
- Linde (+Spd/-Atk)
- L'Arachel (+Res/-Spd)

While it's a lot of 5* I'm quite dissatisfied tbh. Most of the Orbs went into Ishtar and both of them have awful banes. The 1st L'Arachel is nice but the 2nd one is just fodder for +1 or Res Tactics. This Linde is an upgrade over my +Hp/-Atk one for the -blade build but she also has an Atk bane.

Seeing this and playing FGO made me realize that I'm spending way too much money on this game; at least in terms of personal enjoyment. I will have to moderate myself properly from now on.


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-Res +HP
Got the other version of my precious dragon babe, glad for that.
Now to wait for Micaiah to be on a banner again to not get her, again.

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@mampfoidWoah, that's a great Tharja, I'm jealous!

And yep, I finally got enough copies for +10, but at the same time I thought I could use some Galeforce on somebody else for fun like you've been doing. So Cordelia's now +9 and I gave my +8 Peri Galeforce to complete her Slaying/Heavy Blade set. I'm hoping to see her tear things up in Rival Domains/GC maps now. Hopefully there won't be such a big gap between Cordelias again after this.

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@Alkaid Good decision! Fun > Merges

Otherwise my Cordelia would be +9 as well, but Elincia, Cherche and Oscar make good use of her present. 

Other Cordelias will come to us, I am still hopeful that IS will feature her on a 4* in the future. 

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I'm just going to take this free pull as a bad omen for how round 2 of Bridal Blessings is going to play out for me. 

Amusingly, this one is identical to my previous and only other one (+Spd/-HP). As for what I did with her, I...surprisingly went with merging and not Galeforce fodder.

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@Zeo @mcsilas This banner is getting ridiculous... 

Watching @NegativeExponents- clear of Tana and Amelia's map, I did a yolo pull for Ninian, got no blue orbs aaaand: 


That's four new 5* units with 49 orbs. Three of them got a great nature (+SPD H!Eirika and +SPD BB!Tharja, +ATK Leif) and this Sonya is of neutral nature. 

/Edit: I fear the legendary banner will be a cruel one for me after all this luck. 

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Ever since this Bridal Banner is out, I couldn't save up my orbs. Went for only the blue ones, and still no Bride Ninian (no new 5 stars either). I'm usually going to open 5 at once, but now my summoning methods are changing. (although I still have less than 40 5*)

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And with the TT orbs and the orbs from the maps, which I just now cleared, I got Sanaki. +HP/-ATK. Of course. I am not actually sure what boon/bane I wanted but either defense being baned would have been fine for +HP. Attack just makes me sad.

Ah well. Got the one I wanted most. If Legendary banner doesn't soak everything I have I can pull blues and get YET ANOTHER dancer. But I don't actually feel all that pressed. My best fliers are blues so a green dancer is better for my flier teams.

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200-ish orbs on the new bride banner got me:



A free Wo Dao+ (+Res/-Def I think, my first one is +Atk/-HP so whatever)



The bride I wanted the most, complete with the customary Atk bane (+HP/-Atk) all new units I want these days get + a Soleil merge






Eat up, Tana.
In my defense, that Eirika was +Def/-Spd.




A Dragon Scion Tiki merge (+Res/-HP I think, my first is +Atk/-Spd)



The red tome cav that I actually want to see (+Spd/-Res), and his first merge at last! And to have things come full circle, Leo #2 was pulled from the second bride banner when the first was pulled from the first bride banner. So.......groom Leo next year IS? Please? Another Cordelia merge made this pull even better.

Oh and if you couldn't tell from these pulls, the gacha really doesn't want me to get bride Tharja apparently. At any rate, it's back to biding my time for Bridelia's hopeful return Tuesday.


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So I went back in to the TT banner and finally pulled regular Ninian after over a year of trying to get her, +atk,-res to boot.  Now I can save up my orbs with pleasure.

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Earlier today, using orbs from the Tempest Trials, I tried my luck with the Bridal Bloom banner...

...and got +Def -Atk Brave Roy.

This tells me two things. One, I will never get a pity breaker Red that I don't already own. Second, I have gotten a 5* from every full pull done on this banner, so I wonder if it'd be worth a little money dump in the future...?

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Spent the orbs I've been earning in TT for a few pulls on the bridal banner both because I have no impulse control and because I am desperate for some reposition fodder and got both a Barst and a second bridal Ninian! This one had the same boon as my first (attack) but a slightly better bane (hp instead of resistance) so I merged the first one into her. I am very much prepared for my luck to be shot though for the next few banners but I am a-okay with that!

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Had a stressful week and have been pretty successful in saving up my orbs, getting to 114! Huzzah! Decided that another 20 orbs on the bride banner wouldn't hurt too much, despite not knowing the units for the next Legendary Banner.

Poor decision or not, my orbs got me a Bride!Ninian! +Spd/-Def, literally perfect, so that's awesome! The Tempest Trial will replenish my orbs before the next banner, and I'm crossing my fingers for some awesome units!

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The original brides came back! I'll give another shot for Bridelia after I get Sanaki (I'm at 3.50% there so why not) or a pity breaker.

Did my free summon though, got a Gordin.

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Huh, the bride rerun goes for 26 days, that's a pleasant surprise, nice fallback banner if there's nothing appealing next month after the legendary one. So just the first round today:

3* Gwendolyn +Res -HP
4* Felicia +Def -Spd
4* Peri +Res -Spd

Oh well, you win some you lose some.


EDIT: Second account got free ...Lancina? Ooookay.

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Spend 5 orbs for a Bride Charlotte. Was hoping for Caeda, but getting an exclusive at all is good enough in my book.

+Def -Spd unfortunately, just like my Bride!Cordelia. Looking at he stat page, that is pretty bad for her too. Sigh... are all OG brides destined to uselessly sit in my barracks for the rest of eternity?

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I am a very happy man right now.



Only about 40 orbs in and no Bride Lyn interruptions, and she’s mine now. She’s finally mine. She even got +Atk/-HP! I also opened the lone blue in her circle to see if Caeda or Charlotte wanted to join her.



...That works too. +Spd/-Atk for Azura, so she’ll be a merge level.

I might come back for Caeda and Charlotte, but I’m going to save those orbs for the legendary banner and F!Grima first.


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