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Going in with 279 orbs. The most I've ever had at one time, and I could have had more if I caught up on the PvE content. I need all I can get to collect all three of these seasonals, and the two valor skills they hold. I also happen to be missing all the blues, making it the optimal color. However, I will probably pull all colors equally. In the end I'm sure I'll settle for either both valor skills, or one valor skills with one of the fire element heroes.

First attempt. 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 2 grey


4*Wrys +Def/-Spd

4* Effie +Def/-Spd

4* Priscilla +Atk/-HP

4* lonqu +Spd/-Def

4* Titania +Def/-Atk

Good natures but not on anybody I don't have optimal copies of.

Second attempt. 2 red, 1 green, 2 grey


3* Roy +Res/-HP

4* Olivia neutral

4* Cherche +Res/-HP

4* Nanna +Res/-Spd

4* Niles +Def/-Atk

Nice, Nanna is new to my collection. Wish her nature were better though.

Third attempt 3 red, 2 grey


3*lonqu +Def/-HP

4*Kaze +Res/-HP

3*Clarine +res/-Def

3*Palla +res/-Def

3* Selena +Def/-Res


Fourth attempt with 9.5% pity rate. 2 red, 1 blue, 2 green


4*Cordelia +Atk/-Def

4*Chrom +Spd/-Atk

4*Barst +Res/-Atk

3*Cecilia +HP/-Spd

3*Ogma +Def/-HP

Fifth attempt with 10% Pity rate. 3 red, 2 blue


3* Draug +Spd/-Def

4* M!Morgan +Atk/-Def

5*Leif +Atk/-Def

3*Catria +HP/-Def

3*Peri +Res/-HP

Hrm, Morgan and Leif are both new to my collection, but my collecting of Red tome valor just became a lot more difficult. Great natures though. 

Sixth attempt. 2 red, 2 blue, 1 green


3*Laslow +Def/-HP

3*Olivia +HP/-Res

3*Cecilia +HP/-Res

4*Mae +HP/-Spd

4*Roderick +Res/-Def

Seventh attempt. 1 red, 1 blue, 2 green, 1 grey


4*Hinata +HP/-Res

4* Clair Neutral

4*Gunter +Def/-Res

5* Brave Ike +HP/-Res

4* Azama +Def/-Atk

Rotten luck to get the one green I already own, but at least he only broke a 8.5% pity rate. Also I know it's been well over half a year since I pulled a Hinata and the Gunter is well appreciated. That Azama is very close to what I'm looking for. I want a speed or Res superboon.

Eighth attempt  2 Blue, 3 grey


4*Catria +Res/-Atk

3* Setsuna +HP/-Atk

3* Kagero +Spd/-Res

4* Odin +HP/-Res

4*Jakob +HP/-Def

Ninth attempt. 2 red, 1 blue, 2 green


3*Roy +Spd/-Res

3* Lilina +Atk/-Def

4*Abel +Res/-Def

3* Camilla +Atk/-Spd

4* Barst +HP/-Res

Tenth attempt with 9% pity rate. 3 blue, 1 green, 1 grey


3* Odin +Spd/-Res

4*Jagen +HP/-Def

4*Lukas +Atk/-Res

3*Nino +Atk/-Def

4*Clarine +Spd/-HP

Eleventh attempt with 9.5% pity rate. 3 blue, 2 green


5* Legendary Ephraim +Atk/-Spd

4*Florina +Def/-HP

5*F!Morgan +HP/-Atk

4* Boey +HP/-Spd

3* Bartre +Def/-HP

Now that's what I'm talking about. Neither of the valor skills, but wow that Ephraim is optimal and I appreciate adding Morgan to the collection. 

Twelfth attempt. Pulling less blues. 3 red, 1 grey, 1 blue


4* Lucius +Spd/-Atk

3*Marth +Atk/-Def

3*Selena +Atk/-Spd

3* Draug +Atk/-Def

4* Abel +Spd/-HP

Thirteenth attempt. 2 red, 2 blue, 1 grey



3* Tharja +Def/-Res

3*Ceada +Spd/-Def

5* F!Grima +Def/-HP

Again, glad I didn't have a high pity rate, but she's not the one I'm after. She's much better than my -Atk one, so I should raise her up.


Fourteenth attempt 2 red, 2 grey, 1 blue



4* Lucius +Spd/-Def

4* Legault +Atk/-Spd

3* Seliph +Def/-Spd

4* Ogma +HP/-Atk

4*Florina +Spd/-HP



Total Haul: 5* +Atk/-Def Leif, Brave Ike fodder, +Atk/-Spd Legendary Ephraim, F!Morgan, and Legendary Robin fodder. With Nanna, Legault, and M!Morgan,.that's 6 units added to my catalogue. Plus some decent fodder.

Five five stars for that amount of orbs is statistically appropriate, but I didn't get any of the three units I was aiming for. At this point I should probably save orbs to try to snag units from the current and next summer banners. Bummer since I've been waiting at my shot for Tharja and Roy for a very long time and I missed both of them.

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I’ve been sniping the single green orbs that appear every so often and...




My first ever Myrrh?! Two Myrrhs?!?!

The first one came with a +def/-atk IV and I thought that it’d be nice if she wasn’t -atk so the game decided to throw me a second much better +def/-spd in the summon session after that.

Its not Hector sadly so I’ll continue summoning but I’m happy that at least now I got a unit I’m content with.


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Decided to celebrate my best Assault run with some pulls. One pack, a V!Lyn merge. "One more" 5-star was a mistake. Chipping and chipping away to the tune of $100+, L!Hector with worse IVs than my current copy, merged so I should be okay next arena season.

The alt gets a B!Ike merge and a +HP -Atk Elise in one circle. *looks up resulting stat line for comparison* Well. Elise at her worst (these IVs) still matches Priscilla at her best (+Spd -HP).

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Login orbs brought me to 20, so another go at the legendary banner.

5 blues. Well, I want Lyn about as much as I want any of the greens, so I open them all. Legendary Ephraim number 4. I... I don't know how to feel about this. I mean, he is a unit I happily use, but at +3 he is now my highest merged unit of all, and that's weird. Terrible nature again so out of the four, the winner is still +Spd -HP. (The other ones were +Spd -Atk, and +Spd -Def)

4* Peri +Spd -Res
5* Horse Ephraim +Res -HP
3* Donnel +Atk -Res
3* Jagen +Res -HP
4* Sully +Spd -Res

It's the first good Peri I've ever pulled, so that's nice I suppose. Doubt I'll ever build her though as I like Oscar better.

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@Zeo @mampfoid @Vaximillian @Rafiel's Aria @Cute Chao

So I had a really bad end today at work, so a surprising VG banner was a good distraction for me.

Starting with my main account, another chance for a blue armour is great! 1 Pretty much had 1 of each colour (and maybe an extra colourless), so I picked blue..

+Res/-HP 3 star Effie. Eh wrong blue armour.

There was 1 red, and I had 22 orbs, so I went YOLO and spent 4 of them on the red- and it was a 3 star +Res/-Spd Roy! Worth the 4 orbs since Roys are soooo rare for me!

Now it was time for my second account. Session had 4 reds and 1 green, so I randomly picked one and...


I finally get a Sigurd!!! And he's +Atk/-HP!!! -4 superbane but 38 Atk sounds really nice!

Looks like luck has shifted back to my second account with the red orbs! (1 day after free summon L!Ike, quick Reinhardt, fairly quick Tana). Except for Siegbert and B!Roy, I think I have all the 5 star red cavs which is pretty cool!

I really needed this good end today, and looks like I know who to back for the VG now.

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So ANOTHER BANNER shows up. It has Hardin.

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green (So that's that with it)

4* Roy (More TA3 I guess. +Spd/-Atk, if it were -HP I would have been using him. Oh well.)

Back to legends.

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless (I DON'T WANT HECTOR STOP IT)

4* Marth (Hmmm. +Res/-Spd, meh.)

The one time I don't want greens they're nearly half the bloody orbs that show up.

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Managed to snag a L!Hector! super happy i really wanted one, He's +HP -Res (only well superbane, can't complain still got one)
had to bust out the chain challenges to get the orbs. was really feeling the burn there for a second

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Congrats :D

I'm in an odd place. I really, really want Hardin, but I'm scared of the new summer banner (especially with how many orbs it took to get Innes).

I gave it a shot, though, with the twenty orbs I had, and got double 3* Feathers of some kind or other. Tried again and no blues, so went for the one colourless. Matthew... Wrong FE7 thief, game!

I might keep trying. Shame this banner ends before the Summer Banner comes out so I can't see if I really want to go for anyone...

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Back up to 29 orbs, but for now let's take the free pull from the Fated Battles banner.

  1. 4* Femui: Meh.

Oh well. Back to the Legendary banner.

  1. 3* Gordin: No thanks.
  2. 3* Nowi: Worthless.
  3. 4* Roderick: Meh.
  4. 3* Est: Also worthless.
  5. 3* Selena: Reposition fodder at least.

That was ridiculously bad.

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I decided to see what I could get from the legend banner so I used 60 orbs, notable units I got were Myrrh (+SPD/-res, my first Myrrh) and a four star Legault. Getting Legault was great because I needed att tactics for a future team, so he's been my most wanted unit for a while now.

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3 hours ago, Garlyle said:

My luck has changed today

5* L!Grima

5* Myrrh

What are you suggesting game?

Dude, I got that in one session too. o.o Same order as well.

But I didn't get Elise or Hector... I decided Hector wouldn't be bad to have since I'm terrible with armors. But Elise was my most wanted and I only ended up with a CYL Ike, two Myrrhs, and Grima Robin. :(

I'm happy to get a merge for CYL Ike though, been wanting at least one for that guy forever. And Myrrh getting merges at least strengthens my dragon team slightly. Neither of the Myrrhs I pulled were better than my original one, but no big deal, the original is +Spd, -HP which isn't bad.

But ugh, I hate Grima. I'm still upset that a legendary Robin didn't give her the Levin Sword instead. And I still think Grima makes no sense as a legendary hero when he's a villain that ended the world. This Grima Robin's IVs aren't great either, being +Atk, -Spd. Someone did say to me the other day that the female Grima Robin would be good for flier teams and help in the infernal Robin flier quest, but that -Spd would make her get doubled a lot, I'm certain. It leaves her at 31 Spd. A flier buff and/or Spd seal could help prevent some doubling, I guess, but I don't think she's doubling things much herself either without QR, and she probably wants Vantage in the B slot. So the seal is either a Spd seal to prevent doubling, or QR to allow her to double, but risk getting doubled herself. Just not sure if she's viable with -Spd.

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Free pull was 4*Clair so fodder or a merge whatever comes first. I got enough orbs together to try for S!Tana again and I finally managed to get her! She is +def,-res but I don't care I have been trying to pull her since the banner dropped and now I have her and a flying red mage.  I can now finally start saving orbs again.

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The FEH pull bingo chart! 

Does the unit run a unique high SP Skill?

Does it have Distant counter built in or as a skill?

Does the unit sport over 36 speed?

Does the unit sport over 36 attack?

Are there boobs in the picture? 

If you ansered to all yes please go pull on that unit banner! If not proceed to the next part:

Is the unit a high BST Armored unit?

If yes: go pull and stop wasting time!!!

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My free summon was a 3* Cordelia. Just 1 more and she'll be +10.

In other news, I just reached 4% in the Summer banner. Blue stones are becoming extremely rare and I'm scared of ending with no S!Cordelia.


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1 minute ago, Alexmender said:

My free summon was a 3* Cordelia. Just 1 more and she'll be +10.

In other news, I just reached 4% in the Summer banner. Blue stones are becoming extremely rare and I'm scared of ending with no S!Cordelia.


You will get her soon.  I was scared of ending up with no S!tana because I kept getting nice pity breakers but I managed to get her today so I know you will get S!Cordelia soon:)

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I've had extraordinary good luck on the latest Legendary Banner. Yesterday, I pulled LA!Roy and F!Grima, and today I've pulled:

A second Ares (+RES/-ATK, and I already have one so I don't need him, so yay! Brazen ATK/DEF fodder!)

A second Vanguard Ike (+DEF/-RES, finally gonna give Warding Breath to someone else!)

A second Elise (+RES/-ATK, but she was just gonna be merged into my +SPD/-HP one unless I pulled a +SPD/-DEF, so now I have +1 Elise!)

4 5-Stars in 4 sessions (1 per session). This banner has gone super well for me so far! Gonna wait and get my Orb stock back up, then maybe try for Tharja again.

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After the bad luck legendary banner which depleted 205 orbs for 2 five stars, I was left with just over 40 orbs.  Then Hardin shows up out of the blue unexpected in a new banner.  I just said screw it, I'm going to spend all my remaining orbs trying to get Hardin, I've wanted him for a long time.  40 orbs later, almost broke, the dark emperor arrived.  Thank god.  +spd/-def, so he keeps his 175BST. 


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