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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

That's another skill I've never used. 

Pivot is mainly for armours. I use it so my melee armours can shield Henry from melee units after he goes first to attack someone. Also useful for escaping danger areas or being aggressive and bait a dancer or something so their AI prioritises attacking.

Also I just realised, from your comment about the big slip, including last week's summoning, I think I spent an estimated 150+ orbs on this banner. Mostly because green/blue orbs wouldn't appear on session when I would want them to, so I had to back out, and the 5 orb cost adds up. Doesn't help that 80 looks like a nice big number to me but when actually summoning it drains really fast haha.

Oh well, mostly glad that I have the last Lyn. She was the reason I had a really big orb drain back in March, even though we had all those orbs from the anniversary, I just couldn't get her in my main. At least getting her now is a nice feeling, and hey at least I completed the Valentine's banner set as well! 

@Garlyle I like Reposition on fliers, because of their freedom of movement. Also helps ferry non-flier units across rivers/mountains. 

@Cute Chao Ah, good luck on the hunt!


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Now I'm just annoyed. I told myself I'd stop at the first pity breaker, and I will. I'm just peeved it's CYL Lucina - literally my least used lance infantry unit, and someone I have no really care for. I was hoping the pity breaker would be Lute, Micaiah or Ishtar, who I think are the only two blue units I care for apart from Hardin (or maybe a random red pull that gets me Helpful Chrom). So yeah, overall, this just reaffirms that there's no point pulling for people you only sorta want, 'cos the game will manage to disappoint you anyway. I'd've been better off going for Hector, 'cos at least there's a good chance of Myrrh as well. Oh well.

On the other hand, I pulled three colourless orbs throughout my attempts (when no blues were forthcoming). I got Serra, Matthew and Rebecca... the game seriously knows who I want!

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1 hour ago, Garlyle said:

Pivot is only good with armored units, the other option seems to be Swap, and that's about it.

Generally I pick Reposition for melee units, Draw Back for ranged. I couldn't make up my mind what would be the best assist for fliers though.

Fliers always Reposition like @mcsilas mentioned, ranged Fliers also Draw Back. 

Armors, well... I just need to make them work for few occasions, so I'm not a specialist. 


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I cleared nearly all July missions plus the fire blessing missions and what did I get pulling red from the summer banner? 

Caeda, I could start merging her now to +7... and +DEF/-SPD Sigurd. 


That's the 6th red off-focus pity breaker from this banner. While I'm happy with my perfect SA!Cordelia and also getting 5 new units is cool (Leo (x2), SA!Cordelia, Zeglius, Lucina & Karla), I just wanted Tana. This Sigurd is already my 3rd copy, I don't want to merge and I was not in need of SPD smoke/ Close Def fodder. 

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@Zeo @mcsilas 


I'll have some of that luck, please. XD Those are some great pulls. Great units and great fodder. Having premium fodder is always nice...now if only I was better at actually making use of it. lol 

At least the legendary banner is treating some people well!! :)

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5 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Cute Chao darn, sorry to hear that :(

i guess you can readily fodder her Aether or Drive Spd if she’s worse than your other Lucina if anything

Yup, she can join my list of 5* that are in limbo as I wait to see if Kent needs them xD 

I'll only be waiting a few years or decades or so ^.^ 

Oh well. I had such good luck recently (crappy legendary banners aside) that I really can't and won't complain, aside from a minor grumble ^.^

I'm not going to bother putting any more orbs into getting Hardin on any other banners, though. He's used up his stock of orbs now, since I only mildly wanted him, whereas I will go all in if Helpful Chrom is on a banner where he doesn't share a colour. He's the one I most want that I don't have ^.^

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I've tried pulling for the Legendary banner, hoping my luck with getting Hardin would carry over, but nothing of signgificance was gained.  Just a Reposition fodder and over 30 wasted orbs.  I'll be abandoning the LB from hence forth and saving what I can for the Hector and Summer banners.

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@mampfoid Argh, red hell is real. On one hand, Tana being a sole red is good but on the other hand, since you can be pitybroken by any of the many red 5 stars as opposed to just 2 more in legendary banners..(Even then those banners can also turn out disastrous..)

Well hopefully Sigurd is a sign that you get a lot of feathers in the VG!

@Cute Chao Yeah I hate that feeling when you just mildly want someone (like Myrrh in my case), and blow orbs, not get them and think to yourself why did you spend those orbs anyway if they weren't that big of a priority? Hindsight can be a fickle thing..

Horse Chrom has a good chance of returning soon in a legendary banner at least (and less pitybreakers I suppose), so hope you get him then!

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20 orbs, no pity rate, and final day of the legendary banner. Not expecting anything but YOLO.

3* Beruka +HP -Spd
4* Abel +Def -Spd
3* Lilina +Spd -HP
4* Seth +HP -Atk
4* Draug +Spd -Atk

Oh well, was worth a shot. Lilina is a future merge and Draug means poor Hardin finally gets a C-skill.

Now to gather enough orbs to claim my free rounds on the TT banner, and then the Nohrian banner, and then the Hector BHB banner and then the new Seasonal banner, and then back to Summer Tana. Oh god so many banners.

Also I said earlier in this thread that I'd give Nino four merges if Hector didn't turn up (and Lilina four merges if he did). He didn't, so I guess that's my current project. Got 55k feathers so it's actually not that far away fortunately.

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5 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Argh, red hell is real. On one hand, Tana being a sole red is good but on the other hand, since you can be pitybroken by any of the many red 5 stars as opposed to just 2 more in legendary banners..(Even then those banners can also turn out disastrous..)

Well hopefully Sigurd is a sign that you get a lot of feathers in the VG!

Thanks! Would gladly exchange those feathers for a Tana. I mean I don't need her desperately, since TD!Nowi is doing fine. But Tanas tome sounds like fun and that's what the game is about. 

Legendary banners are no fun. 

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Fucking hell. This was my worst legendary banner yet. 10% and not a single 5-star. None. I've pulled at least one 5-star on every legendary banner up until this point. And it's not like I've been having a great day today or yesterday either. Go fuck yourself, game.

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10 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

@Zeo @mcsilas 


I'll have some of that luck, please. XD Those are some great pulls. Great units and great fodder. Having premium fodder is always nice...now if only I was better at actually making use of it. lol 

At least the legendary banner is treating some people well!! :)

The gacha only demands your orb count to be less than 20 to have this luck.

...case in point, I wanted to get rid of my pity rate in my second account since the Winter Tharja. 9% isn't too high, but I had 21 orbs and that account had more unclaimed orbs that I can claim in story maps. Also I had a bad day at work, so I needed something to cheer me up.

Plus if I do get Myrrh, I have a spare DC fodder ready for her.

So I just want to try 1 green orb. Just one, the first time it shows up.

Of course the session has no green orbs, so I pick blue, hoping for L'Ephraim but instead getting a -Spd Shigure, so at least I finally have Harmonic Lance fodder!

16 orbs, and I try again- just so I can get a green orb to actually try. And hey, I get 2 green orbs!

Pick the bottom left and... I get a +Atk/-Res Brave Ike!!! Perfect B!Ike, looks like my old +Res Ike is now demoted to fodder, since I won't ever fodder this new B!Ike!

Second green orb was just a 3 star Gunter, but welcome since I was running out of Hone Cavalry fodder. I opened one of the 2 blue orbs as well (only had enough orbs to open 1) but I get Florina instead. Oh well, I gave Heavy Spear to Clive...I have this crazy idea of turning my current nicheless Clive into a mobile Armorkiller (whenever I'm bored enough to upgrade the weapon)

3 orbs left and Fae continues to be my only green dragon, but that's okay, that was an amazing legendary banner for me with workable to perfect natures all around.

as for who gets Steady Breath? Matybe  my +Def/-Atk Shiro, just so i can also transfer my old B!Ike's Reposition with Aether and Steady Breath. Still, it's tempting to give it to a dragon, Zelgius or Christmas Lissa for that nice SB + Bold Fighter combo (although she doesn't have a DC weapon).

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F2P Alt: Last chance on the Legendary. Quickly refined the Initiate Speed Seal with the coins I forgot about, and inherit my last Arthur to Finn, to complete two Blessed Gardens maps. Elise +Def -HP shows up, a huge step up from +HP -Atk from before and taking her off the bench. Rest of the orbs, pfft. 3-star Arthur if I'm that desperate for Lancebreaker again.

I remain without a fire legendary on this account.

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3 hours ago, mcsilas said:


@Cute Chao Yeah I hate that feeling when you just mildly want someone (like Myrrh in my case), and blow orbs, not get them and think to yourself why did you spend those orbs anyway if they weren't that big of a priority? Hindsight can be a fickle thing..

Horse Chrom has a good chance of returning soon in a legendary banner at least (and less pitybreakers I suppose), so hope you get him then!

That's it exactly. I wasn't incredibly fussed, just mildly interested, but now I've spent all the orbs and think... yeah, kinda regret that. Oh well, got a few Subakis, but mostly got rubbish >.<

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Wow I actually got him. First legendary banner where I actually summon a legendary hero.

I spent a disgusting amount of orbs on this and in retrospect I really shouldn’t have considering he’ll most definitely appear in future Leg!Banners but...

Anyway he’s +spd/-atk. Gross. I’m not disappointed though but I am conflicted in what to do with him considering that my LA!Hector has an all around better stat spread albeit a worse skill set.

I could fodder his Vengeful Fighter to LA!Hector which would solve the “worse skill set” problem (still no Ostia’s Pulse though). Or feed him to LA!Eliwood or Myrrh for DC.

I suppose I could always just keep him around and use him. At least until I get a better one.

2 Myrrhs, 1 Hector is better than I thought I would do.

@Zeo Congratulations on Warding Breath! That’s a lot of great fodder you have there. Do you already have an idea as to how you’re gonna use it all?

@mcsilas Those are some great summons.

I had to give up on Lyn on my part but glad to see that you got the unit you wanted.

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@NegativeExponents- Congrats on your Hector! Too bad about the nature but he still has high Attack either way.

I actually think Vector could be better with Bold Fighter if you ever get it? The Wrath effect makes him pretty good in player-phase when in the right HP threshold.

Otherwise DC would also be good, congratulations on those Myrrhs as well- she's the only one that I was aiming for that I hadn't managed to summon 

Maybe wait and see if you ever get a free summon Hector or something for the BHB before checking how you want to fodder Lector. Alternatively, just keep Lector for now until you get a better one- you never know when his pseudo-omni-breaker weapon would be really useful

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So I was clearing some Chain maps for orbs and some pulling on the summer banner. And Finally at 4.75 I got SunTana. +DEF/-RES so effectively neutral I guess. I was really hoping for +SPD or +ATK(if I keep her regular tome). But I can live with effectively Neutral; however despicable neutrals may be. If I were going to trade defenses though I would rather have +RES/-DEF to bump her up a score tier and to make her somewhat ploy capable.

Now the question is. I like her. So do I keep pulling and hope for better boon/bane or at least more merges or start saving orbs. Decisions. . . Decisions. A decision that doesn't need made is pulling out Tharja to super train her!

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So I scraped together the absolutely last orbs (cleared all missions, only two open July missions with orbs premium left) to give Tana another try (three tries total today) and with the last possible summon she came to me @mcsilas! Her nature is bad (+RES/-ATK), but I don't care. Funnily it's the same nature I got for NS!Corrin, who was similarly hard to get (got a lot of Ephraims and Ninians on the way then). 

@NegativeExponents- Congrats on that L'ector! I would keep him, natures are overrated. 

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10 minutes ago, Usana said:

@mampfoid I guess at least she is a mage? Blade tome can fix all attack banes. . . well . . . Almost. Not sure about -ATK Odin.

I already have Nowi with blade tome, I wanted Tana mainly for her new tome. Even with -ATK Tana got only 1 less ATK than Nowi but more SPD, so it's no big deal. 

It was stressful to get her, since I pulled five off-banner red 5* first. But together with SA!Cordelia my orb/5* ratio was pretty good. 

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1 hour ago, Usana said:

So I was clearing some Chain maps for orbs and some pulling on the summer banner. And Finally at 4.75 I got SunTana. +DEF/-RES so effectively neutral I guess. I was really hoping for +SPD or +ATK(if I keep her regular tome). But I can live with effectively Neutral; however despicable neutrals may be. If I were going to trade defenses though I would rather have +RES/-DEF to bump her up a score tier and to make her somewhat ploy capable.

Now the question is. I like her. So do I keep pulling and hope for better boon/bane or at least more merges or start saving orbs. Decisions. . . Decisions. A decision that doesn't need made is pulling out Tharja to super train her!

I have the same nature and she does very well she may not be great at taking a hit from a magical foe, but with +def she is able to take a hit from a melee foe and live sometimes which has saved me in arena a few time already.  My advice would be to wait until after the trailer for the new banner next week in case there is someone you want/need on it.  You have until the 25th to try for merges so waiting a few days won't hurt.

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All right I'm done. Just totally done lol, this game isn't getting a single penny from me ever again, not even if Brom ever shows up.

This stupid Legendary Hector banner is teasing me, I am 100% convinced this game has a mind of its own. I had a 11% pity rate, I go into the banner to summon, and ALL THE ORBS ARE GREEN. But I get...nothing. Titania, Gunther, Arthur, Titania again, Boey. I go into the banner again for a second session, there is not a single green orb and I'm IMMEDIATELY pity broken by freaking Christmas Tharja. And now I'm out of orbs.

Screw these stupid Legendary banners.

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So I decided to do a YOLO summon on the legendary banner just because and I pulled Leif!  I have been wanting Leif for awhile now and I was very happy to get him.

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Looked at my orbs, I can do summoning, but not full circle. Legendary banner finish in 12 hours.

DAMNIT game, you teased me for way too long. But FINALLY, he's mine. Def+ Hp- is perfect for me. I mean I was stubborn and just kept summoning, but at least it didn't end in disappointment.


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