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Free pull was a merge for Jeorge since no greens, and I had enough orbs for a full round on the dancer banner and pulled dancer Ryoma!  -atk, +def sadly but I have him!  Now hopefully the TT orbs will give me dancer Xander and I will be happy to quit with that since I know better then to get to greedy with want every unit on a banner.  

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3 Reds, a blue and a colorless. Obviously I was optimistic about Elincia, a better Delthea or even a good colorless.

4 *3's. Saw the smoke on the last red, hoped for the best. Got *4 Fir.

Welp, that was a waste of 15 orbs.

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Not a pull exactly. But less than a minute to go I finally cleared the hard “Empty Vessel Takumi” battle.  Yay. Now when Clarissa comes back I should be ready to go


as far as the pulls went I got a 4 Star Odin, yet another Hinata (go away!) and someone completely new to me Beruka four star! (And of course as I want Elincia and Delthea am I getting any blues or reds?! Of course not) but I don’t want to eat up a lot of my orbs ( I’m going to actually miss out on some of the log in bonuses so they are at a premium right now)

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Another tempting daily banner, but I was presented with three greens, figures. I have both Elincia and Delthea but neither have good natures so I open the single orb of each colour.

3* Lilina +HP -Atk
4* Mathilda +Spd -Def

Lilina can now get to +9 and get that all-important final point of Atk, excellent. Just one more copy to get my first +10, though objectively it's not that important since it'll only give her a point of Spd and a point of Def.

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Ooh, a chance for double Elincia. DB banner first since I already have her regular version with +Atk.

  1. 4* Subaki: Not a single red. Anyway, Swap fodder is useful.

And back to the seasonal. Thanks to Corrin and Azura's BHB I've got 29 orbs on hand.

  1. 4* Frederick: Luna fodder.
  2. 4* Arthur: More Swap fodder.
  3. 3* Titania: Feathers. Since I've gotten so much of the set, might as well take the other two. Anyone from this banner would really be fine.
  4. 3* Stahl: Even more Swap fodder.
  5. 3* Oboro: Garbage.

Figures. Well, 7 orbs wasted right there.

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Ooof, if there were a daily banner to pull on, it'd be this one imo. Delthea and Elincia for obvious reasons and even Klein's some damm fine fodder.

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue (OOOOOOOOOOOF)

4* Shanna (Desperation 3's nice though. +Res/-Def, I do not get her enough)


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Interesting. I haven't had much luck with my Delthea natures so far, so I wasn't too keen on pulling for her. Klein would be nice for QR or Brave Bow+... But I don't have any strong need for colorless fodder beyond him. And I could have pulled green for potential Libra merges... Unfortunately, I have zero desire to pull for Elincia, but I've been trying to consistently pull red in hopes of getting another Soleil, M. Morgan, or Eirika. Plus, even if I did manage to get Elincia, she'd be a new addition to my Herodex. So red it is!

Second free 5 star of the summer banners.

First Sanaki, and now Eldigan. Can't say I'm disappointed though I do think it's funny that both of these 5 stars popped up as off focus banner units shortly before their banner reruns. The first Eldigan I pulled was like... +RES -ATK. The second one was +HP -SPD. Neither are SUPER optimal. This one is +DEF -HP. I think that's pretty good. Already made him my new merge base. I may treat him to his refine and give him double Fury! Or maybe I should do Brazen ATK/DEF + Fury? Dunno'. At the moment, I've only got one spare copy of his son, and I'm reserving him for Kiran's lover Alfonse. Sooner or later I'll decide what weapons I want to refine.... lol

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Free pull was 4* Jagan.  Thanks to the BHB orbs I want back in to the dancer banner and was pity broken by green Olwen since there were no colorless.  Not who I wanted and not who I would like to pity break me but I will take her none the less.  TT can't come quick enough so I can do more pulls for dancer Xander.

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On 8/10/2018 at 6:50 PM, Rezzy said:

@Anacybele I've been kinda crazy busy and haven't been around the forums as much as usual lately, but I imagine you're excited about this banner.

I got pretty lucky with my free pull.


Then approximately 130 Orbs later, I got lucky again.  Green Orbs did not want to show up for me.


And yes, my Micaiah was -Atk.

Excited? I was MORE than that! I FINALLY got the Elincia and Ryoma seasonals I'd been wanting for so long! And they look awesome! :D

I saved up 300 orbs for it too, I couldn't believe the timing! XD So yeah I was ecstatic! Two seasonals I really really wanted and I had a great chance of pulling both? HELL YES!

I haven't been here either though... Not for the past two weeks anyway. For...reasons. Better off discussed elsewhere. But anyway! Nice luck you had there! :o I pulled on this banner as soon as I could.

About 100 orbs in...


YEAAAAAAH!! BEST GIRL CAME! I totally love her too, she looks so beautiful! I also like that she slays dragons. I've been having the most trouble against Nowis, now I have a solution! +Def, -Res, so not optimal, but not detrimental either. ^^

And then about another 100 orbs later:



My reaction to this and basically the whole banner:



And I got this on the free pull yesterday:


And he's +Res too. I kept him and built him up. Now I have a high-Res infantry axe not named Anna. Neato.

@Arcanite @Thor Odinson Thor, did you get that Ryoma too? I sure hope you did, I know you really like ponytail Ryoma!

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My free pull today was just a 3* Caeda, and she's +spd -def which the best IV I've ever gotten of her. Not the +atk -def/hp I'm looking for, though.

@mampfoid Wow, nice! How many orbs was that saved stash?

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2 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

@mampfoid Wow, nice! How many orbs was that saved stash?

Well, my stash wasn't too big (since I'm weak), just 51 orbs. But not getting Elincia (and my own stupidity) costed me my only SA!Tana though (see here): 

Not much time to save up for CYL2 and the legendary banner with Tana on it, oh well. 

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10 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Well, my stash wasn't too big (since I'm weak), just 51 orbs. But not getting Elincia (and my own stupidity) costed me my only SA!Tana though (see here): 

Not much time to save up for CYL2 and the legendary banner with Tana on it, oh well. 

I was just reading that post as well. RIP on that Tana, and I hope you can get another one in the future. She was sacrificed for the greater purpose. Either way, that's a nice haul for 51 orbs so far, though!

Are you that interested in CYL2? I haven't been able to force myself to save lately, as I've been too sidetracked with other banners this summer. What I should probably be saving for is the legendary banners if I want to pick up some seasonals I'm still missing or want better IVs on. I don't think I'm that interested in this CYL's lineup, barring Veronica, but the assumption is we'll get another free pick like before.

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Finally pulled a Summer Micaiah with my last 9 orbs yesterday.  Yay!  Now I have the two seasonals I wanted, plus Xander and a bunch of pity breakers.  Only took 260 orbs, but that's what I was saving for!  (Now to question why Elincia was the one who showed up three times instead of Micaiah...  Just why...)

Also, free pull today...  regular Elincia.  She apparently likes me a lot more than Micaiah does.  Sadly, if I'm going to try to +10 a 5* exclusive red, it's not going to be her- it's going to be Ike or Zelgius.  However...  Finally +Atk!  -Def isn't ideal, but I'm thrilled about +Atk, and Elincia probably shouldn't be taking hits anyway.  I've pulled a combined total of four Elincias this week, which makes six total.

(And still no +Atk Micaiah...  Either version.  That's seven total Micaiahs pulled, and not a single +Atk.  Maybe one day...)

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46 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

I was just reading that post as well. RIP on that Tana, and I hope you can get another one in the future. She was sacrificed for the greater purpose. Either way, that's a nice haul for 51 orbs so far, though!

Thanks! My hope is not big though, legendaries usually don't give me what I want. 

46 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Are you that interested in CYL2? I haven't been able to force myself to save lately, as I've been too sidetracked with other banners this summer. What I should probably be saving for is the legendary banners if I want to pick up some seasonals I'm still missing or want better IVs on. I don't think I'm that interested in this CYL's lineup, barring Veronica, but the assumption is we'll get another free pick like before.

Well, CYL1 gave me Roy, my favorite unit so far. I'm open for big surprises, also gameplay-wise. 

Hector and Ephraim don't interest me too much (moreso Hector #3 for his C skill), but I like fallen Celica and Veronica is a must. 

I'm a bit suspicious of Marth being on the winning banner. Perhaps we will get him for free instead of a free pick. 


/Edit: I also hope CYL1 will make a rerun (like the 2017 seasonal banners got a rerun  after 1 year) for Roy merges. 

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7 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Thanks! My hope is not big though, legendaries usually don't give me what I want. 

Well, CYL1 gave me Roy, my favorite unit so far. I'm open for big surprises, also gameplay-wise. 

Hector and Ephraim don't interest me too much (moreso Hector #3 for his C skill), but I like fallen Celica and Veronica is a must. 

I'm a bit suspicious of Marth being on the winning banner. Perhaps we will get him for free instead of a free pick. 




didn't lead to anything the year before

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14 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

What are pity breakers?

Off-focus 5 star units that you pull when you've increased the 5 star rate. So say you're pulling on the Hoshido Summer Festival banner and you've pulled enough to where your 5 star and 5 star focus rate are 4.5%. People call a percentage that high a pity rate. Then on the next summon, you get an Ike. He's a 5 star that's not a focus unit, so he broke your pity rate since pulling any 5 star unit resets the 5 star rate.

Which reminds me, I forgot to mention that I pulled a Shiro before my Yukata Elincia and Ryoma showed up and I thought that was funny since I was looking for his dad. :P

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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Thanks! My hope is not big though, legendaries usually don't give me what I want.

I feel you. I'd love if they rerun S Catria and B Lucina on the next legendary banner for blue (seems to be a common prediction), but I'll probably just get blocked by Fjorm instead.


2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Well, CYL1 gave me Roy, my favorite unit so far. I'm open for big surprises, also gameplay-wise. 

Hector and Ephraim don't interest me too much (moreso Hector #3 for his C skill), but I like fallen Celica and Veronica is a must. 

I'm a bit suspicious of Marth being on the winning banner. Perhaps we will get him for free instead of a free pick. 


/Edit: I also hope CYL1 will make a rerun (like the 2017 seasonal banners got a rerun  after 1 year) for Roy merges. 

That's true, they'll probably all have some cool stuff gameplay-wise again. I'm mostly trying to collect characters I like, so even if they're OP I'm not sure I'll want to pull just for that. I still kind of regret picking Lyn last year as my freebie for gameplay reasons over Lucina who I like more. She's unique and nice to have for cav stuff, but I'm still in search of B Lucina to this day as a result of that choice. I'll probably prioritize Veronica as well just since it's Veronica. I might pull for Celica if she looks fun/has good art.

That would be an interesting twist, but I can see the backlash if people don't get another free pick the way it worked last year. They didn't promise it, but I expect IS to just do the same thing as before.

And same here. If I end up not that interested in the new ones I'd like another shot at Lucina again. (I'd even like Roy too, since I don't have him yet)

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Ugh. I got tempted and tried to get Delthea and Elincia and I got another 4 Star Abel (GO AWAY), 4 Star Male Robin and 3 Star Ogma.  drat.  


I just realized that I didn’t finish Book One and if I change the difficulty I can earn more orbs. Hurrah!  

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