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I'd have tried earlier but I spent 4 orbs by accident yesterday. Free pull from the smoke banner first.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* Cecilia (Bleh. +Atk/-Spd)

Back to the land being depressing:

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Kagero (Ho hum. +Res/-HP), 4* Silvia (I have gotten a lot of her lately. +Def/-HP)

Still 5.5%. I could pull tomorrow if I hadn't made that mistake yesterday. Ugh.

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7 hours ago, Necrofantasia said:

No Giga-Nino, but...

Now I have all CYL2 units together - AWESOME!!!

Green had been so kind to me lately. Three of my last five green Orbs gave me 5* units - even amazing ones.

If Next Legendary doesn't convince me, I'll go all in for Nino.



oooh lucky
man. can y'all send me some of your luck, pls? 

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The new banner didn't had anything noteworthy (except that there were no greens so I couldn't even have hopes of not getting Flying Nino). 

Good news is that I got my second H!Myrrh from the Halloween banner. This one is +Res -Spd which is a huge improvement from what I had before so the merge is a no brainer. I'll keep trying to get at least 1 more before the banner expires. This is the first time since Eirikalter that I've wanted to merge a unit so badly.

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With the new banner announced, I went ahead and finally went to try to summon Loki. Only took 60 orbs, and I got a +Spd/-Def one, which I would assume is probably the best you could get. Anyway, I immediately fed to her Felicia.

Edited by Johann
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Underwhelmed by the legendary banner made me feel safe going in on the halloween banner. Round about half of my orbstock went in with quite a bit of promise. 7 colorless stones and 2 reds. Nothing to show for it though, really really bad set. Not even a single drop of good fodder but a Klein at the very end.

Still a few orbs for the legendary though. Will get about 2 full sets in which is fine.

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Missing Roy (and Celica) in the legendary lineup (again) made me do something very stupid. 

Start: 213 orbs. Goal: 1 blue mage from the VG 2 banner, breaking pity on the Halloween banner. 

End: 0 orbs, 1 Delthea, 1 LB!Kagero both +SPD/-RES

I'm mostly angry with myself, because there were units on those banners that I wanted only remotely and I got (very few) 5* I didn't desire. Both will take dust as far as I know myself. 

New heroes banner next week will perhaps have book III units or new unit types and I'm burning my hard saved stock for nothing. 

Sorry for my whining, @Zeo @mcsilas

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Wow, today must be my lucky day! Spent 100 orbs on Brave Redux and got 3 units I have been wanting. Got 2 Kliffs right away one was +Spd/-Atk other was +Res/-Atk (Guess I will keep Sagittae huh), gotten 2 Owains first one was +HP/-Atk the other one is much better with +Atk/-Res, and the one pitybreaker was a five star Silas with not an ideal nature +Spd/-Def but I welcome him anyways since I didn't get him on the Conquest banner and he is one of my favorites from Fates. All in all great night for me. How come all my favorite male characters come easily but I spend hundreds of orbs for my favorite female characters?





Edited by NSSKG151
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@mampfoid Sorry to hear that. I know the feeling and it really sucks to get so little out of so many orbs. Thankfuly Heroes is still pretty generous, so you should make those orbs back in a reasonable amount of time.

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@mampfoid darn, sorry to hear that. I did the same yesterday so it feels bad to see someone else do the same

well at least technically you got the 5 stars? Really hope things go better, the game can be frustrating at times. I just hate how i summoned to due to impatience due to lack of content

Hope you at least have good fodder along the way

@NSSKG151 ooh congrats on that session! Some of my faves as well, those sessions make me happy!

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@mampfoid @mcsilas Don't worry about it too much, happens to the best of us. After seeing the banner the day before it drops my will to save dropped out of disappointment and I rationalized spending half my stock and got nothing out of it.

i could have over 60 orbs lined up for the legendary, instead I'm at 27. I'm not in a much better boat, but more will come.

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Thanks for your words guys, I downed myself a little this morning. 

1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid darn, sorry to hear that. I did the same yesterday so it feels bad to see someone else do the same

Sorry we are in the same boat, at least we share the pain. 

1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

well at least technically you got the 5 stars? Really hope things go better, the game can be frustrating at times.

Technically yes, but Delthea is off-focus and no new unit (Ophelia would have been cool). Kagero is an armor unit, I honestly have no clue why I pulled on the Halloween banner after getting Mia relatively fast. That 5,5% pity rate was just too teasing. 

It would have been less stupid to pull for Owain who is a cool unit, a good bonus unit next week and someone I like. Even continuing on the VG banner would have been smarter or waiting for the new heroes banner next week. Heck, even if Roy isn't on the legendary banner, I don't have any of the reds, blues and only Grima of the greens. 

Kagero is good fodder though (Bold Fighter/ATK Wave) and I'll keep my old -ATK Delthea in case she ever becomes DB4 fodder. 

1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

I just hate how i summoned to due to impatience due to lack of content

Exactly this. 

1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Hope you at least have good fodder along the way

1 Selena, 1 Ares, 1 Caeda (still missing 1 copy). That's it. 

22 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@mampfoid @mcsilas Don't worry about it too much, happens to the best of us. 

Yeah, you are probably right. 

24 minutes ago, Zeo said:

i could have over 60 orbs lined up for the legendary, instead I'm at 27. I'm not in a much better boat, but more will come.

Perhaps the three of us should make a pact to save orbs, at least until predefined conditions proc.

In my case the November legendary banner or a Galeforce unit on a banner. 

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Well, I wasn't expecting to have enough this fast.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green (So one shot.)

4* Chrom (Just... stop. +Spd/-HP)

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3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Missing Roy (and Celica) in the legendary lineup (again) made me do something very stupid. 

Start: 213 orbs. Goal: 1 blue mage from the VG 2 banner, breaking pity on the Halloween banner. 

End: 0 orbs, 1 Delthea, 1 LB!Kagero both +SPD/-RES

I'm mostly angry with myself, because there were units on those banners that I wanted only remotely and I got (very few) 5* I didn't desire. Both will take dust as far as I know myself. 

New heroes banner next week will perhaps have book III units or new unit types and I'm burning my hard saved stock for nothing. 

Sorry for my whining, @Zeo @mcsilas

Only 2 5* units from that many orbs? Reading this makes me feel bad for you. Halloween banner was an orb pit for me, but I called quits after I got 1 out of 2 units I desired. I hope Delthea came early, because the others are more easily obtainable, or did you try on the other VG banner too? (honestly, Ophelia and Ishtar does give a nice excuse).

Be strong mampfoid, your orbs will come back in 1-2 months.

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2 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

Only 2 5* units from that many orbs? Reading this makes me feel bad for you. Halloween banner was an orb pit for me, but I called quits after I got 1 out of 2 units I desired. I hope Delthea came early, because the others are more easily obtainable, or did you try on the other VG banner too? (honestly, Ophelia and Ishtar does give a nice excuse).

Well I started with a pity rate of 3.75% on the Halloween banner, so its more like ~280 orbs for two 5* units I was not aiming for. 

Delthea came after ~50 orbs. Didn't try on VG1 because I already had all of them, while I was missing all of VG2 and still do. 

5 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

Be strong mampfoid, your orbs will come back in 1-2 months.

Ok, thanks. :-) I'll try my best. 

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So, saved up 90 or so orbs for the legendary banner. Found the legendary banner to be possibly the worst one for me yet so decided to go for Kliff, since I have no amazing male blue mage units...

Two Owains later and 15 orbs left, so I've given up going for Kliff lol

Owain's art and voice are fantastic, at least... I just don't need more sword infantry >.<

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1 hour ago, Cute Chao said:


So, saved up 90 or so orbs for the legendary banner. Found the legendary banner to be possibly the worst one for me yet so decided to go for Kliff, since I have no amazing male blue mage units...

Two Owains later and 15 orbs left, so I've given up going for Kliff lol

Owain's art and voice are fantastic, at least... I just don't need more sword infantry >.<

Aww hope you get Kliff if you try again! At least you have Wrath/Blue Flame fodder for the extra Owain? If you don't like using Ayra (I remember you wanted Eldigan more) at least he's a good substitute!

Well my self-control sure didn't last. 19 orbs..I didn't even wait until the 20th and I felt the need to try for Owain again in my second account, just to clear the 3.50%. Looking at the pity rate is bad, but I guess the legendary isn't the most enticing for me so I might as well..

3 reds gave me an Adult Tiki, a Soleil and..



+HP/-Def so no super detrimental bane. I can leave the banner satisfied (opening the blue orb meant I'd have 2 orbs left and...Kliff isn't really a priority for me so I'm fine).

I sure dodged the red pitybreaker bullet. I won't complain again for another week at least, this takes the sting a little from missing out on mission orbs. At least I can do the Water Blessings quests for a quick replenishment. 

Just kind of ironic I just built Kana M for arena scoring a few hours ago and then this happens. Oh well, at least I have a fun build for Kana for future clears. Getting favourites takes all the frustration away.

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You know, I hadn't even tried the Brave Redux yet. I'm going to now.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless (3 chances for Kliff. Let's go)

3* Jagen (Merge for my grumpy old knight. +Atk/-HP), 4* Peri (Glimmer. Neutral), 3* Sully (Regrets were had. +Atk/-Def)

My banner luck has been bad for a month now. I'm just disappointed.

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48 minutes ago, Dayni said:

You know, I hadn't even tried the Brave Redux yet. I'm going to now.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless (3 chances for Kliff. Let's go)

3* Jagen (Merge for my grumpy old knight. +Atk/-HP), 4* Peri (Glimmer. Neutral), 3* Sully (Regrets were had. +Atk/-Def)

My banner luck has been bad for a month now. I'm just disappointed.

Did you get anything from the Halloween banner?

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