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+Atk -Spd on a staff is... interesting...

Oh, which healer? Mikoto.

I mean, it's not bad per say, it could have been +Def like I thought it was before realizing Mikoto just had a higher Def base than she really should have, but... hrm, this basically makes her Genny with slightly more speed and far worse magical bulk...

Well whatever. I got the unit I wanted most from this banner, and in one session to boot, so I'll just pray Mikoto drops (since I really feel she's the likeliest to drop) and save the rest of these orbs for the next new heroes banner.

Edited by Xenomata
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So, I got a bit weak again. But this time I got lucky and unlucky at the same time.
I got pity broken by genny and Laegjarn. Which is wonderful, because now I have red Duell Flier on Aversa and she is ready for her merges.
And I have some potential fodder for Tatiana left. No Camilla or Mikoto, but lets be honest. 4 Hero banner are just bad. 

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So, the banner has Silas as my third. So, Silas I guess? Kana could be alright as well, while M!Corrin.... I don't like to talk about him.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green (One could be a Silas.)

4* Tailtiu (Good fodder. +Res/-Spd)

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5 hours ago, Alkaid said:

Wow, got FKana from my free pull on the BHB banner. And she's +spd!... -atk. And that's a super bane, so she's completely useless.

Can't complain about a free 5*, but I have yet another reason to pray for IV rerolls.

It sure can't compare to my +3 Kana that I got without ever trying for her, none with good iv's.

I got 3* Fae. This is fine.

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I got F!Kana as a free pull. (hahaha after all this time in begging for a Free 5* ;-) the game answers... by giving me another unit i have. hahaha),
-spd + res, so i'm merging her, into my unit. will never complain about a free 5*. (Wish you were M!Grima though that would have been ah-maz-ing)

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So, I've been pulling for Adrift!M!Corrin to use for Null Follow-Up fodder. And I finally got one...

But he's +ATK/-RES, which looks like a good damn Corrin, and also I realized that I don't have anyone who needs Null Follow-Up at the moment (maybe Lewyn, but he's already good with his base kit so that seems less like need than want), so I'm gonna build him up.

At least I can save Orbs for the next few days and hope the next New Heroes banner contains nothing of interest for me so I can keep saving for Book III's opening banner.

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Almost forgot to use my free pull on the M!Corrin and F!Kana banner. I now have a 5* F!Kana. Was pleasantly surprised. It's not like I wanted her that badly, but it's cool to have another 'kete on the team.

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Tried for F!Kana cause I don't have her yet and...

I actually got F!Kana for free wth O_o

And my IV luck continues, I just wanted to use her for Goad Dragons fodder but she's +atk, -res lol. Already got Fae as my to go green dragon though so hmm.

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45 minutes ago, Mau said:

Tried for F!Kana cause I don't have her yet and...

I actually got F!Kana for free wth O_o

And my IV luck continues, I just wanted to use her for Goad Dragons fodder but she's +atk, -res lol. Already got Fae as my to go green dragon though so hmm.

hahaha lucky!!
mine was -spd + res. (not v. good)

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1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

hahaha lucky!!
mine was -spd + res. (not v. good)

Tbf you already had one:P And I think I'm still gonna sacrifice her to Fae for Goad Dragons, sorry Kana but Fae came first :(

Funny that we got the same free 5* though haha

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56 minutes ago, Mau said:

Tbf you already had one:P And I think I'm still gonna sacrifice her to Fae for Goad Dragons, sorry Kana but Fae came first :(

Funny that we got the same free 5* though haha


hahahaa yes. i do. (she's not good iv's either ;) ). 
One was a rando pity break and then today. and there's nothing wrong w/a free 5* unit regardless of WHO it is. 
Kana survives because i truthfully don't know what I wanna do. Goad Dragons (esp. how i play - aka: ATTACK AT WILL) and I do plan on making a 10+ Gold Fae (and I am certainly not sacrificing Myrrh for Hone Dragons). but I do love F!Kana too. so. decisions. 

(see. now if the game had given me the other green 5* dragon i need, aka. M!Grima. i would be training him up right now, and not having this discussion :p )

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From the new banner I got nothing. 

@Zeo @mampfoid

I caved in and summoned a bit in the Adrift banner (everyone has nice art so...) and ended with not one but two Hectors! One had a crappy nature so he became DC fodder for Myrrh while the second one is +Atk -Spd which is his perfect nature and now I'm torn between merging my current +Def -Hp Hector into the new one or foddering him to give DC to B!Ephraim...

Yeah, I need help for this one.

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I said that I would give everything I had for her, but in the end she came fairly soon, like the good daughter she is.

As of right now there are really few characters in the regular pool that I really desire with all my heart. Feels good to be F2P (...mostly...) and still have a good collection of my favorites.


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I poured 100 orbs into getting Saber and instead of Saber, I got B!Ephriam and WT!Olwen in the same circle. I can now make a Thracia theme team with Olwen x2 and Reinhardt x2 they are totally the main characters. Not sure who I'm going to give special fighter at the moment but I'm thinking either Lyn or Tiki. All in all I'm actually happy with my pitybreakers.

Edited by ChickenBits
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3 hours ago, Alexmender said:

From the new banner I got nothing. 

@Zeo @mampfoid

I caved in and summoned a bit in the Adrift banner (everyone has nice art so...) and ended with not one but two Hectors! One had a crappy nature so he became DC fodder for Myrrh while the second one is +Atk -Spd which is his perfect nature and now I'm torn between merging my current +Def -Hp Hector into the new one or foddering him to give DC to B!Ephraim...

Yeah, I need help for this one.

Congrats on your Hectors, also on the perfect nature! 

Do you have SI on the old Hector? How many DC green armors do you have and how often will you use Ephraim? 

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On 11/16/2018 at 4:53 PM, Zeo said:

@mcsilas Sorry Jakob wouldn't show up for you. Colorless I've discovered is fickle. It can give you good fodder or even a decent *5, but those units  you really, really want tend to evade you. I know that better than anyone. I'm glad you didn't leave empty handed though. I couldn't get witch Mia and could barely even get good fodder out of the deal. If I see another Saizo or Serra I swear I'll shoot someone.

New Banner. Yet another Titania and a Rebecca. +10 Matthew evades me another day. Nothing to see here.

Yeah, I find it's more frustrating with colourless than other colours because even if there are more useful skill fodder like Atk Tactic in the pool, units like Legaults are still super rare to me and I get healers that have poor inheritance (*coughClarinecough*). Either way, I'll take what I can get 

Free summon for BHB banner was a Lilina. (amusingly, 1 red and 4 colourless.....these sure like to appear when I'm not hunting for colourless, but disappear when I want them...)

....and I finally get a +Atk Lilina! -HP but I'll take it, Lilinas are really for me actually, and Atk is pretty much her only important stat anyway.

Second account was a Nino but since I had 50 orbs, I decided to open other orbs to see if I get good fodder. 2 Odins and a Beruka, decent and I've been running out of Glimmer/Moonbow, so that worked out.

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