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finally...finally I have Pent! It took me ~200 orbs to get him, but I did! I'm done with this banner!

Overall haul for this banner was:

2 Tanith (+Atk/-Res, +Atk/-Spd)

1 Kliff (+Atk/-Res, may be my new merge base)

1 Mordecai (+Atk/-HP)

1 Shiro (+Atk/-Def)

1 Selkie (+Def/-Atk)

And the groom himself is +Atk/-HP! I've never seen myself with so many Atk boons in a banner~ Now to train him up and merge my copies. 

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A red, three greens and a grey fortunately makes this easy.

5* Bride Lyn +Atk -Res

Feels like forever since my last 5*, so I'm happy with her, despite being my third copy. I've been using my Neutral copy, so I guess I should merge her into this one, despite the obvious inheritance value.

I can now get rid of my -Spd copy who's been sitting around my barracks for over a year now with no guilt ...if I can figure out which mergeable healer should receive it. Initially thought one of the horse ones would be best, but I have my doubts whether they'd be any better than my Veronica+1. That, and I've only pulled two copies of the most suitable candidate, Nanna, ever. If I go for infantry instead, I guess it should be Maria, who was my first ever 5-star. I'd feel bad merging out my +Atk copy for a +Spd one though.

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*insert the “what did it cost” Thanos meme here*

But no really, I am actually shocked that I succeeded here as relatively easily as I did. +Res/-Def isn’t the greatest combo also, boo for not being neutral like my last two bab Tikis, but I am just grateful to have her at all.

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So I wanted Charlotte and what do I get...Caeda of course as well as a +res Ylgr to merge onto my neutral one.  In about 20 orbs.  Will keep digging for Charlotte though because damn it I want one...even if she's outdated...crap...

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trying to find a justification to pull on olde seasonals.., there is none :/

they dont reward much dragonflower

their skillset is outdated

their weapons are usually trash

the same applied to all the olde season banners from book 1. I think IS should consider to implement them as Grail units but with half the cost of GHB TT units. 

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Oh look, another banner to pull freely on.

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Felicia (My bad luck likely continues. +Def/-Res, I just can't get a good nature for her.)

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pulled colorless free for maybe a free Lyn (So I can fodder her to Tatiana depending on what she has for Staff or B).
Got 300 feathers and outa here. Julia (I guess) and Mythic Hero are around the corner. 

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@Rezzy And anyone else who cares. I really have no idea who to tag anymore besides Rezzy, I need ideas! :P

Anyway, I wanted to pull blue for this free one, of course, because I'm still looking for Silas merges. ...No blue. Gee thanks game. -_- So I decided to pick a red since I already have both Bride Lyn and Bride Cordelia and though there was one green, I just felt more like picking a red.



Wow lol. At first I laughed because this guy is extremely rare now (Luke has been on no banners except his debut one and as a year one 5 star exclusive, he's also removed from new heroes and new special heroes banners). And was also kinda meh because "the Draug look-alike woohoo..."

...But then I saw his IVs. +Atk, -Res. WHAT. Literally perfect for a brave sword wielder with already low Res.

...Then I also listened to his lines and checked his description. Luke has one of my favorite kinds of personalities on top of being one of my favorite class lines! I pretty much always find the flirty guy hilarious. And "Any pretty healers around? Because I need some HEALING" really cracked me up (and his voice is kinda sexy too). LOL I love him already! I just wish, of course, he didn't look so much like another character in his own country. Copycat designs are borrrring.

Can I say best free pull in like EVER maybe? I just got the probably rarest character in the game with perfect IVs for free (and he has one of my favorite kinds of personalities). WHAT ARE THE ODDS?! I totally forgive you a million times over for the lack of blues, game.

Edited by Anacybele
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5 hours ago, Hilda said:

trying to find a justification to pull on olde seasonals.., there is none :/

they dont reward much dragonflower

their skillset is outdated

their weapons are usually trash

the same applied to all the olde season banners from book 1. I think IS should consider to implement them as Grail units but with half the cost of GHB TT units. 

or, you can replace their weapon, give them good skills, and for the most part can do what they need to do.
the way i see it, it's very simple. 
get the free pull, save up if you want the older seasonal (the newer ones lately are more just for skills anyway), or don't pull. but i know there are a LOT of people really happy the year one seasonals are back and saving for the older ones down the road. (not to mention I doubt that the game will ever put bold/vengeful/armour march in the grail system anyway, which is what the Christmas units have, do they not?)

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My pain is immeasurable~

Millions of 3*s before~


Blarserpent in case Elise ever gets a Blue tome Alt~




Charlotttteeee!!! Also at +Spd, -HP (also got another one that's -Atk, +Res)


Perfect +Atk, -Spd Mufasa going on the Anima Squadron~


Rally Atk/Spd for the Arena core or a new bow for Jeorge? Or all of the above since I got 3 of ha (Neutral, +Atk, -HP, and +Spd, -Res)



+Atk, -Def CANDLE!!! I almost don't want to fodder her but if Elise ever comes home, sad to say, she got to go~

And on the way I snagged the last two copies I needed~


Best girlie is finally done, it won't do much for my Arena or AB score but at least I don't have to worry about lugging around at +8 unit anymore~ 

8 hours ago, Tybrosion said:
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*insert the “what did it cost” Thanos meme here*

But no really, I am actually shocked that I succeeded here as relatively easily as I did. +Res/-Def isn’t the greatest combo also, boo for not being neutral like my last two bab Tikis, but I am just grateful to have her at all.

Finally! Congrats on the last bab Tiki!~

6 hours ago, Hilda said:

trying to find a justification to pull on olde seasonals.., there is none :/

Charlotte and Caeda are the justification~

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1 hour ago, Landmaster said:

Finally! Congrats on the last bab Tiki!~

Thanks, and great job yourself for getting all the original brides, finishing your +10 Nowi, and getting that badass Caineghis!

Bab Tiki Emblem wasn't the only thing I completed, either.


I suppose getting Berkut was kinda worth it after all just to have this complete set.

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I hate this game. Wanted Bridelia, 200 orbs later, I start with blue and get Charlotte. Go to Green next and get Minerva. Sigh. I don't even care they are +ATK (with obviously -SPD, of course...).



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@Tybrosion Wow! that is a nice set you have there!


I wasn't really hoping for much, but I pulled blue for my freebie on the Year One Brides. Got a Caeda. The one who was missing from my Y1 collection. Still missing Y2 and haven't gotten a single Y3 yet, but hey I finally got Caeda! And she is +SPD/-DEF to boot. Wonder if this is the game telling me I need to finally build a Groom Marth.

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Realized I didn't have any expensive travel plans this Memorial Day. Decided to go in, since the banner was ending.

  1. Nina again? +Spd, nice.
  2. Ouch.
  3. FF!Corrin x2, better copy +Spd. I'll take it.
  4. Ouch.
  5. Ouch!
  6. Velouria (wanted you, but -Spd is crippling), Mikoto (Flash is now up for grabs), Flying Olivia (Guidance is up for grabs), and finally a second FY!Tiki, +Spd to take advantage of Special Fighter.
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I got nothing good on any of my free pulls, so no Bride Lyn merges for me right now. But, decided to spend a couple orbs on the new bridal banner, and on my VERY FIRST ORB I got Sigrun with an +Atk asset/boon. So that was cool. No Pent, though, so sadness as far as blue orbs go.

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