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Finished off the 2 blessed gardens map I had yet to do, completed a few of the remaining quests I had, did 2 chain challenges... my 9% ended with ANOTHER L!Ryoma (+Atk though!), followed by a HS!Sakura in the next circle because, once again, no reds. This Sakura is new to me and a flying healer is greatly welcomed, but NY!Hrid still eludes me... I just gotta remain patient! Plenty of days left 🙂 


I only need Grima from the Colorless orbs, while I still need Yune and HS!Hinoka from Green, so I may switch to green if I don't get any reds from here on out... rather get something new than a repeat.

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now, would you look at the latest addition to my barracks, the super cool Summer Helbindi, and the amazingly good Legendary Lyn i got from that incredible anniversary event! i love them both so much i could never leave the-

Edited by Yexin
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7 hours ago, Nimrod said:



Congrats! It's always nice to get what you want the most!


I'll use Tibarn for my one-turn clears of Abyssal and Infernal maps. :- )

6 hours ago, Anacybele said:

That reminds me I want to someday get rid of my Gray's -Atk. But he's not had many banners at all. xP And right when he does come back on a banner for once, I've got other priorities. Of all the bad timing. lol

Four 5 star units in just under 70 orbs is great though!

Yup, the rate was great. I wish one of the other three pulls was a new unit though. Gray is a nice guy, but I don't know what to do with 3 copies of him (better not telling what natures I got). Leif is even worse fodder. 

Good luck fixing that bane one day! 

5 hours ago, BoaFerox said:

@mampfoid That's a really good 5-star rate! Tibarn is really cool, and you got pretty good stats for him as well. Mine is +Res -Atk, so I'm slightly jealous of that, but he's amazing no matter the stats you get of course.

Ouch, I'm sorry about that bane of your Tibarn. That's what I wanted to evade the most. Hope you can fix that one day. 

+DEF sounds good, but for what I've planned with him, I need his ATK mostly. 



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3 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Yup, the rate was great. I wish one of the other three pulls was a new unit though. Gray is a nice guy, but I don't know what to do with 3 copies of him (better not telling what natures I got). Leif is even worse fodder. 

Good luck fixing that bane one day! 

Gray is one of the few red units with a cavalry-effective weapon, I think. Yukata Micaiah is the only other example of this that I can think of besides any Raudrwolf wielder and I never really see that. So you ought to level up at least one of him in case you need a red unit to take out some green or red horses. 🙂

Thanks! I'd like to next time Eli is available again, especially if RD Ike is also there with him! I always welcome RD Ike merges! ❤️

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31 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Gray is one of the few red units with a cavalry-effective weapon, I think. Yukata Micaiah is the only other example of this that I can think of besides any Raudrwolf wielder and I never really see that. So you ought to level up at least one of him in case you need a red unit to take out some green or red horses. 🙂

Yeah, I have one copy of each unit I got at level 40.

Got my first Gray long time ago as a off-banner pull. The second copy will be foddered to my brave Roy once I need that cav effectiveness for a clear. (no idea what to do with the third one, no need for sword valor)

Summer Micaiah is one of my best AR units btw, really great. 

34 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Thanks! I'd like to next time Eli is available again, especially if RD Ike is also there with him! I always welcome RD Ike merges! ❤️

Good luck getting all of them! ; -)

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20 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Yeah, I have one copy of each unit I got at level 40.

Got my first Gray long time ago as a off-banner pull. The second copy will be foddered to my brave Roy once I need that cav effectiveness for a clear. (no idea what to do with the third one, no need for sword valor)

Summer Micaiah is one of my best AR units btw, really great. 

Good luck getting all of them! ; -)

Ah, I see. I don't have that Micaiah, and I don't really care to ever get her either.


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So, I told myself I'd probably be better off waiting until September for legendary Eliwood since then he'd be sharing red with two other units I don't have: the other sword cav legend (Eirika) and the sword cav IS tried and failed to pass off as a legend (Hrid). 

.......I tell myself a lot of things.



Asset/flaw: +HP/-Def

Me failing to heed my own advice aside, I now finally have a Pair Up legend at least. Also, nice coincidental Lilina in this same circle.


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3 hours ago, Yexin said:


now, would you look at the latest addition to my barracks, the super cool Summer Helbindi, and the amazingly good Legendary Lyn i got from that incredible anniversary event! i love them both so much i could never leave the-

Nice looking Marth XD I see that the skills are being put to good use!

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11 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

So, I told myself I'd probably be better off waiting until September for legendary Eliwood since then he'd be sharing red with two other units I don't have: the other sword cav legend (Eirika) and the sword cav IS tried and failed to pass off as a legend (Hrid). 

.......I tell myself a lot of things.

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Asset/flaw: +HP/-Def

Me failing to heed my own advice aside, I now finally have a Pair Up legend at least. Also, nice coincidental Lilina in this same circle.



lol i tell myself a lot of things. at least you have him. are you gonna go for merges.
(also. lol re: Hrid, the useless wonder). 

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21 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

lol i tell myself a lot of things. at least you have him. are you gonna go for merges.
(also. lol re: Hrid, the useless wonder). 

Nah, I'm not that interested in Eliwood. I'm a bit more interested in trying for spare Hectors (or rather, DC for Haar) starting tomorrow. Though I suppose now I'll have to make at least a modest attempt at CYL Eliwood in August for that Emblem team.

As for Hrid, I could've alternatively just called him "DC fodder" and that would've sent the same message of what I think of him.

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8 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Nah, I'm not that interested in Eliwood. I'm a bit more interested in trying for spare Hectors (or rather, DC for Haar) starting tomorrow. Though I suppose now I'll have to make at least a modest attempt at CYL Eliwood in August for that Emblem team.

As for Hrid, I could've alternatively just called him "DC fodder" and that would've sent the same message of what I think of him.


that's basically what Hrid is for me. DC Fodder. 
I'm going for Hectors tomorrow myself. 

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I wasn't planning on summoning on this banner, but with the extra AR defense rewards coming, I figured I'd try for Yune again. I couldn't help grabbing some reds along the way hoping for Eliwood. Well over 200 orbs later...

  • 2 NY Hrid: both [+spd,-res] for a total of 22 speed... This is OK because I won't feel guilty using them for inheritance
  • Flying Bucket [+atk,-def]... a perfect IV - I might feel guilty using this one for skills
  • Another Gunnthra... only character I already had
  • Legendary Eliwood [+hp,-spd]... slightly worse than neutral, but workable
  • Legendary Lucina [-atk,+def]... finished out circle

Lots more flowers: 80 blue, 40 yellow, 8 red

No Yune yet again, but overall could be a lot worse.

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New weekly banner! Hector's the only one I don't have, but his Valentine version is just as good. Hoping for a B!Lyn merge.

  1. 3* Wrys: Eh.

Back to waiting and stockpiling orbs.

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I want the three characters pretty much equally, Lyn for +1, Bowlyn for +2, and Hector for fodder. Cruelly, the game presented me with one of each colour, so there was no tiebreaker I could use.

Went to generate a random number, and it gave me the number 3, so I opened the green one. 4* Cherche.

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I managed to get two Hectors with about 40 orbs. I put DC on Naga to help her be more useful in AR and in general, and then I put DC on my Ninian. I've been waiting a long time to get DC on my Ninian.

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Yes! I got Hector with less than 20 orbs! Now Laevatein will have DC.

15 hours ago, Yexin said:


now, would you look at the latest addition to my barracks, the super cool Summer Helbindi, and the amazingly good Legendary Lyn i got from that incredible anniversary event! i love them both so much i could never leave the-

Nice! I also summoned a Summer Helbindi, and also gave R Duel Infantry and Rally Atk/Def+ to my Marth.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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Hey, awesome that you finally got him, FEFan! I hope you got better IVs than I did. XD (+HP, -Atk here)

I pulled blue for my free pull today because I'm just two merges away from finishing Silas. No Silas. DX I got Shigure instead and I strangely get him a lot too. Dude, go away. I like your mom, not you.

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I don't even care how anything else went today. because. 


is here. 
She exists. (ironically, the same way how I got Livvy. full Circle of Red. (this time it was on a 6.0 percent on the Hector Banner). @LordFrigid, @mcsilas everyone else. She is here. (I can literally now shut up about this, and Livvy.... but as Mau always teases me i'm never happy, because now the hunt is on for +spd Camilla, +spd Nino, and my 5* Obsession: Micaiah, Tana and Hinoka). and I literally don't have to go chasing her on her BHB. 

Hector diving. 
I got a Julia. (+def) ... so. i think i am gonna give her LND, and see if she can do her job a bit better. Wish you your Mom. or better ivs. 
then. Hector. at an IV that would be kinda wrong to kill him. (but i need much DC). 
then Hector again really quickly. also. This means. I should have stopped
My punishment. Lugh. Lugh again. (stupid boy couldn't even come at a GOOD IV). but then I got another Hector. so. one is now for me. and I have 2. 

This banner spooked me for the others. I thought it would be relatively easy to get the focus unit. I wanted to go fishing for Amelia, Tana, and Hinoka.. this might actually change things. now. 

(oh. also popped my Brady Cherry. got 2. of him at 4*). 

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2 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

@daisy jane

I was hyped the instant I saw that you’d tagged me in the Pull Topic.

She finally came home, congratulations!


thanks! FIVE Caedas i got today. -atk. --atk, -atk. -atk. then that beautiful girl. i am gonna shoot you a PM in just a second. 

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Congrats for all your good pulls! 

I decided that I'd like to have another axe infantry, and since I really like Adult Tiki, I tried summoning for her Summer version with roughly 25 orbs. I didn't get her, but a Summer!Robin and Summer!Gaius instead! Both are +Spd, -Def. I'm really happy, two good 5 Stars with just that few orbs. 

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