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9 hours ago, Zeo said:

Yep, so that's a thing. Took me 27 orbs which, eh, isn't bad.

Not exactly what you were looking for, but congrats regardless! +SPD sounds nice to prevent doubles, but I think she enjoys the best protection in her team already. Will you continue to try for Taku? 

6 hours ago, silverserpent said:

For having started off really bad, my overall haul is pretty nice. Now, to save up for Dimitri's eventual rerun.

Glad your luck turned around, congrats on all this great stuff! 

Will you save for Dimitri's next banner from now on? 



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34 orbs on hand thanks to the 3 Houses gift and Grand Conqeusts. Now to pull a bit from its banner.

  1. 4* Raven: Meh.
  2. 4* Eirika: More meh.
  3. 4* Soleil: Even more meh.

Disappointing. 21 orbs left.

  1. 5* Edelgard: Excellent! An extremely solid axe infantry, and +Atk/-Spd is solid as well. I would have preferred HP or Res as the flaw, but she's pretty slow anyway.
  2. 3* Eirika: Feathers.
  3. 4* Fir: Meh. Might as well see if the two grey orbs have Claude.
  4. 5* Claude: And there he is! Another nice bow cavalry for the team. +HP/-Def is mediocre, but not bad.
  5. 3* Niles: Iceberg fodder.


That went very nicely. The last week's pulls have gone extremely well for me on the 5* front. Very few bad asset/flaw combinations too.

  • The Morgan BHB banner gave me a Robin.
  • Weekly Revival 6 gave me a Lucina merge, two Julia merges, a Ranulf merge, a Deirdre, and a Siegbert.
  • Summer Refreshes gave me S!Lilina, S!Lyn, and a Fallen!Celica merge.
  • Three Houses gave me Edelgard and Claude.
Edited by KMT4ever
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@Landmaster @mampfoid @Humanoid Yeah, Outside of maybe a seasonal or two that I would want, Groom Chrom, Seasonal Dimitri, 5* merge projects or any version of Nils, I think I'm about done with summoning. My Flying teams are amazing and I can clear stuff with them or guides no problem now. I still need to build a team around Dimitri to effectively utilize him, but he really just needs spd/res support since he covers Atk/Def on his own.

And I forgot about Sabotage Atk, I knew it was a debuff skill that Selkie had, though. 

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@Zeo Wow, that's not a bad way to end the CC hunt! Genny seems kind of rare these days since she disappeared from the new banners.

Not gonna lie you inspired coughpeerpressuredcough me to give the CC hunt another try, for better or for worse.

@mampfoid @Landmaster @daisy jane

Only had like 35 orbs despite the legendary but YOLO I guess!

Spent about 20 orbs in my main- got a Saizo, another Priscilla (after a 2 Priscilla in the same summon early in the week..). Colourless orbs were rare but my last one gave me a +Def/-HP Velouria!!! Well may not be a Takumi but I'm very happy with this since I never got her! (Kind ironic because Close Def banner is coming tomorrow, even moreso if she is in that banner). Also Selkie finally has a fellow Fates beast buddy (actually...I have all the 3DS beast kids now 😮 )

As for my second account, I finally got rid of my pityrate at least- with my 5th Brave Veronica! +Res/-HP so I finally a copy that's safe to fodder...and she's welcome because I need Wrathful Staff for my Brady. On the other hand, I wish it was Genny instead, since it kind of feels bad that I can't learn the final level of Windfire Balm+ along with the full Wrathful Staff (only up to the second level of the balm) but who knows how long my next Wrathful Staff fodder will be? I guess I barely use Balms anyway (since double Balms are in rare units).

Still a bit ironic I got her this much since she was my CYL2 free choice but oh well. 

On the other hand I also need Wrathful Staff for the Genny banner soon for my main accoun't's Brady lol.

So yeah back down to under 20 orbs but I'm finally satisfied with these pitybreakers.

Edited by mcsilas
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After 4 pitybreaks, she is here~ +Atk, -Def~ I'm so happy to be free from this Banner~ Sadly wasn't able to get Lilina, but I'll go for her when she returns on a Legendary Banner~


1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Wow, that's not a bad way to end the CC hunt! Genny seems kind of rare these days since she disappeared from the new banners.

Not gonna lie you inspired coughpeerpressuredcough me to give the CC hunt another try, for better or for worse.

Only had like 35 orbs despite the legendary but YOLO I guess!

Spent about 20 orbs in my main- got a Saizo, another Priscilla (after a 2 Priscilla in the same summon early in the week..). Colourless orbs were rare but my last one gave me a +Def/-HP Velouria!!! Well may not be a Takumi but I'm very happy with this since I never got her! (Kind ironic because Close Def banner is coming tomorrow, even moreso if she is in that banner). Also Selkie finally has a fellow Fates beast buddy (actually...I have all the 3DS beast kids now 😮 )

As for my second account, I finally got rid of my pityrate at least- with my 5th Brave Veronica! +Res/-HP so I finally a copy that's safe to fodder...and she's welcome because I need Wrathful Staff for my Brady. On the other hand, I wish it was Genny instead, since it kind of feels bad that I can't learn the final level of Windfire Balm+ along with the full Wrathful Staff (only up to the second level of the balm) but who knows how long my next Wrathful Staff fodder will be? I guess I barely use Balms anyway (since double Balms are in rare units).

Still a bit ironic I got her this much since she was my CYL2 free choice but oh well. 

On the other hand I also need Wrathful Staff for the Genny banner soon for my main accoun't's Brady lol.

So yeah back down to under 20 orbs but I'm finally satisfied with these pitybreakers.

Wooo, congrats on best daughter and wow, a 5th Veronica~ And I thought my 4 over the span of 2 days was a lot~

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1 hour ago, silverserpent said:

Grats on getting the best Summer unit! And with ideal IVs, too! She's really fun to use.

Thanks! I've needed a ranged unit for Astra Season, so she's going right over there~

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3 hours ago, mcsilas said:


Spent about 20 orbs in my main- got a Saizo, another Priscilla (after a 2 Priscilla in the same summon early in the week..). Colourless orbs were rare but my last one gave me a +Def/-HP Velouria!!! Well may not be a Takumi but I'm very happy with this since I never got her! (Kind ironic because Close Def banner is coming tomorrow, even moreso if she is in that banner). Also Selkie finally has a fellow Fates beast buddy (actually...I have all the 3DS beast kids now 😮 )

As for my second account, I finally got rid of my pityrate at least- with my 5th Brave Veronica! +Res/-HP so I finally a copy that's safe to fodder...and she's welcome because I need Wrathful Staff for my Brady. On the other hand, I wish it was Genny instead, since it kind of feels bad that I can't learn the final level of Windfire Balm+ along with the full Wrathful Staff (only up to the second level of the balm) but who knows how long my next Wrathful Staff fodder will be? I guess I barely use Balms anyway (since double Balms are in rare units).

Still a bit ironic I got her this much since she was my CYL2 free choice but oh well. 

On the other hand I also need Wrathful Staff for the Genny banner soon for my main accoun't's Brady lol.

So yeah back down to under 20 orbs but I'm finally satisfied with these pitybreakers.


but i know exactly what you mean. I got really lucky and got 2 Bride Lyns so i was able to give Priscilla Candelight through Dazzle. I want to give Elise W/D staff but it's always.. Balm+. I have Veros i can kill (finally), but then it's like. but would people want close guard? I don'tknow.. (plus it sucks that all of my Balm+ Fodder is offensive oriented. i want Earthfire/Earthwater balm+ so badly and that's literally on two units and one is a seasonal). 

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14 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Not exactly what you were looking for, but congrats regardless! +SPD sounds nice to prevent doubles, but I think she enjoys the best protection in her team already. Will you continue to try for Taku? 

Nah. Between L!Lyn, M!Byleth, Infantry Flash, DC+VF3, Mystic Boost and Null Followup I can't afford to dump anymore orbs into one skill that (as you can see) I may not even get. Got to save for the Mythic banner.

10 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo Wow, that's not a bad way to end the CC hunt! Genny seems kind of rare these days since she disappeared from the new banners.

Not gonna lie you inspired coughpeerpressuredcough me to give the CC hunt another try, for better or for worse.

@mampfoid @Landmaster @daisy jane

Only had like 35 orbs despite the legendary but YOLO I guess!

Spent about 20 orbs in my main- got a Saizo, another Priscilla (after a 2 Priscilla in the same summon early in the week..). Colourless orbs were rare but my last one gave me a +Def/-HP Velouria!!! Well may not be a Takumi but I'm very happy with this since I never got her! (Kind ironic because Close Def banner is coming tomorrow, even moreso if she is in that banner). Also Selkie finally has a fellow Fates beast buddy (actually...I have all the 3DS beast kids now 😮 )

As for my second account, I finally got rid of my pityrate at least- with my 5th Brave Veronica! +Res/-HP so I finally a copy that's safe to fodder...and she's welcome because I need Wrathful Staff for my Brady. On the other hand, I wish it was Genny instead, since it kind of feels bad that I can't learn the final level of Windfire Balm+ along with the full Wrathful Staff (only up to the second level of the balm) but who knows how long my next Wrathful Staff fodder will be? I guess I barely use Balms anyway (since double Balms are in rare units).

Still a bit ironic I got her this much since she was my CYL2 free choice but oh well. 

On the other hand I also need Wrathful Staff for the Genny banner soon for my main accoun't's Brady lol.

So yeah back down to under 20 orbs but I'm finally satisfied with these pitybreakers.

I only had 39 so we're mostly even! (Even though I didn't even do the story chapters or quests or tap battle quests or... I'll stop)

Looks like you were rewarded with a similar prize for your troubles! I've only ever pulled one Veronica though so five is pretty impressive. Velouria is the real treat though, that's fantastic.

What are you aiming for in the coming Mythic banner? I'm pulling pretty much everything but blue, but I'll probably stop on red if L!Marth shows up.

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@Zeo Thanks, mostly aiming for L!Alm in my main account, since I don't have any pair up unit yet for the pair up modes. Would also like to get L!Marth or a Byleth for one of my accounts (probably my second one) since I can only claim him once but that's secondary. I guess it also depends on the actual Mythic unit though.

Otherwise I'm also keen to get regular Alm soon and an extra Genny tomorrow, but I'll see how the free summon goes first before really using orbs on that.

I wish you luck on your famed Lyn hunt!

@daisy jane I hope Close Guard (and Distant Guard) becomes a seal. Then we don't have to worry about the whole C skill issue, since sometimes they're useful but not exactly must-have.

@Landmaster Congrats on your Lyn! The pain can finally end, and with a nice boon as well!

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12 hours ago, Landmaster said:



After 4 pitybreaks, she is here~ +Atk, -Def~ I'm so happy to be free from this Banner~ Sadly wasn't able to get Lilina, but I'll go for her when she returns on a Legendary Banner~

Hey awesome! Congrats! Super good IVs, too!

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@mcsilas Good luck on pulling L!Alm as well! I saw his trailer when it debuted and I was underwhelmed. I was pretty blank when I pulled him in my first circle (might have been the free pull) despite his optimal nature. There he was sitting in my barracks at level 1 when I came back and you guys were all talking about how much of a beast he is and he's tier 1 on gamepress so I'm like... "But... he's just another colorless archer lol" but honestly he's pretty nuclear.

He blows L!Lyn out of the water, I don't know how meta defining he is but as far as archers go he's definitely the cream of the crop. Still, Lyn's still the one I want. I hope you get a good nature. My +SPD one hits 52 speed on initiation with Darting Blow 9 which is terrifying.

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1 green, 3 greys but I broke my own rule here since I need more functional beasts.

4* Jeorge

Sorely tempted to open the others but that would be dumb considering how close the Mythic is.

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I've got Sumia, so I think I'll go grey since I have some good axe armors already.

  1. 4* Raven: Or not.

How is it that the one time I actually want grey orbs there aren't any?

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Close Def banner.

I mean, I have two and don't care about Velouria.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

5* F!Morgan (ANOTHER ONE! +Atk/-Spd, unfortunate bane but hey I got her.)

Hey, another free 5*. Third in a row, nice.

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The summoning on the Three Houses banner didn't start very well, but the final results are great:


I actually already had Micaiah and Zelgius, but some merges are fine too.


Screenshot_20190726-152032_Fire Emblem Heroes.jpg

Screenshot_20190722-145634_Fire Emblem Heroes.jpg

Screenshot_20190722-093127_Fire Emblem Heroes.jpg

Screenshot_20190722-092833_Fire Emblem Heroes.jpg

Edited by Yukiko
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8 hours ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas Good luck on pulling L!Alm as well! I saw his trailer when it debuted and I was underwhelmed. I was pretty blank when I pulled him in my first circle (might have been the free pull) despite his optimal nature. There he was sitting in my barracks at level 1 when I came back and you guys were all talking about how much of a beast he is and he's tier 1 on gamepress so I'm like... "But... he's just another colorless archer lol" but honestly he's pretty nuclear.

He blows L!Lyn out of the water, I don't know how meta defining he is but as far as archers go he's definitely the cream of the crop. Still, Lyn's still the one I want. I hope you get a good nature. My +SPD one hits 52 speed on initiation with Darting Blow 9 which is terrifying.

Yeah had the same reaction during his release, like good for him but I already have Bridelia....but then he still beat her out of the water. I did get a +Spd/-Def one on my second account after so much orbs (and I was sick during that time, but I got him in the last hours), and he is just amazing against bulky units. Main thing really is I need a Pair Up unit for my main.

Anyway new banner time!

@Landmaster @mampfoid @daisy jane

Wanted Velouria for my second account but no colourless stones. Went for 1 of 2 greens and I got a +HP/-Atk B!Ephraim!?! Unfortunate nature but he's new and kind of funny after the Brave Veronica last night, now I only need Brave Celica to complete the set. Then I fell to the trap of spending 4 orbs to see if I could luck out another one with a better nature (and to be honest, he has really good fodder). Sadly just a different armour in Sheena (also -Atk). Guess I'll casually use this Ephraim until I get a better one, then I can fodder this off for Special Fighter. Actually, this is probably my first unit with Special Fighter so I finally get to test that out.

In my main there was 1 green and 1 colourless. Since I just got Velouria, as tempting as it was to open the colourless to fix the -HP superbane, I went for the collection and tried the green. Just a Cecilia though, oh well.


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Velouria's is back and I had 114 orbs waiting.  My free pull was bow!Hinoka so I have a merge for her, I also ended up with a merge for Brady, the last merge I need for my Kaze and last and most wanted was a +res,-atk Velouria.  I am down to 20 orbs, but it was worth it.  Now if Voulg could get in Heroes I could have wolf emblem. 

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Thought about tapping Green because my Ephraim is -Atk and it'd be nice if he wasn't -Atk, but I just pulled Colorless and got...I don't remember, but clearly nothing important. It was a 3*

11 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Hey awesome! Congrats! Super good IVs, too!


3 hours ago, Yukiko said:

The summoning on the Three Houses banner didn't start very well, but the final results are great:

  Reveal hidden contents

I actually already had Micaiah and Zelgius, but some merges are fine too.


Screenshot_20190726-152032_Fire Emblem Heroes.jpg

Screenshot_20190722-145634_Fire Emblem Heroes.jpg

Screenshot_20190722-093127_Fire Emblem Heroes.jpg

Screenshot_20190722-092833_Fire Emblem Heroes.jpg

Wow, that's a lot of goodies! Congrats!

1 hour ago, mcsilas said:


Anyway new banner time!

Wanted Velouria for my second account but no colourless stones. Went for 1 of 2 greens and I got a +HP/-Atk B!Ephraim!?! Unfortunate nature but he's new and kind of funny after the Brave Veronica last night, now I only need Brave Celica to complete the set. Then I fell to the trap of spending 4 orbs to see if I could luck out another one with a better nature (and to be honest, he has really good fodder). Sadly just a different armour in Sheena (also -Atk). Guess I'll casually use this Ephraim until I get a better one, then I can fodder this off for Special Fighter. Actually, this is probably my first unit with Special Fighter so I finally get to test that out.

In my main there was 1 green and 1 colourless. Since I just got Velouria, as tempting as it was to open the colourless to fix the -HP superbane, I went for the collection and tried the green. Just a Cecilia though, oh well.


Another victim of the -Atk Ephraim curse~ His Atk is still crazy with the bane, congrats on getting him!~

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Didn't really wanted to spend too many orbs on the Close Defense banner since colorless on the next Mythic banner looks good to pull on but who knows when Sumia will be on another banner. Thankfully Sumia showed up after spending 75 orbs and now and can merge her on my other one to get rid of that defense superbane.

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8 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Went for 1 of 2 greens and I got a +HP/-Atk B!Ephraim!?!

I got one of those (with the same IV) from a free pull on a weekly rerun banner not long ago. Today, I got my second free pull Ephraim [+hp,-def] from the single green orb on his banner. The game wouldn't give me any on the original brave heroes banner, and then gives me two free pull ones. (Happily merged now.)

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