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Alright, I've slept on it and decided to restart by sniping on grey, only opening red if there are no greys, or in the unlikely scenario of 4 greys and 1 red in a circle. 454 orbs in the bank after picking up a few overnight. This will be by some distance the biggest session I've ever have ever had in terms of orbs spent, I will spend until I'm under 100 orbs.

I'm not expecting anywhere near yesterday's luck, but I'm hoping the game won't punish me too hard for that and that I'll end up somewhere near the median. Can I beat the so-called colourless hell?

Session 11: 1 Red, 2 Blue, 2 Grey
4* Jakob
3* Lucius

Session 12: 1 Red, 3 Green, 1 Grey
4* Lachesis

Session 13: 3 Red, 2 Grey
3* Hawkeye

Absent-mindedly clicked a green instead of red there, but whatever.

Session 14: 2 Red, 1 Blue, 1 Green, 1 Grey
4* Nanna

Session 15:  1 Red, 2 Blue, 2 Grey
4* Felicia
5* Caineghis +Res -Atk
3* Raigh

Not a bad start. Unfortunate bane, but I can fix that eventually, and that boon should work nicely for him.

Session 16: 2 Blue, 3 Green
4* Libra

Dunno what it is with me defaulting to green unintentionally when no greys are present, whoops.

Session 17: 1 Blue, 1 Green, 3 Grey
4* Maria
3* Leon
4* Gaius

Session 18: 1 Red, 3 Blue, 1 Grey
4* Lucius

Session 19: 2 Red, 1 Green, 2 Grey
4* Setsuna
4* Lachesis

Session 20: 2 Blue, 2 Green, 1 Grey
3* Legault +Atk -Res

Finally a decent one, and only my second one ever.

Session 21: 2 Red, 1 Blue, 2 Grey
4* Nanna
4* Jeorge

Session 22: 2 Red, 2 Blue, 1 Green, 1 Grey
4* Wrys

Session 23: 1 Red, 1 Blue, 1 Green, 2 Grey
4* Kagero
3* Priscilla

Session 24: 1 Red, 2 Blue, 1 Green, 1 Grey
3* Jakob

Session 25: 1 Red, 2 Green, 2 Grey
5* Eir +Atk -Res
4* Raigh
4* Clarine
4* Nino
3* Beruka

About on schedule. My previous two pulled Eirs were both +HP so this one will be the new base.

Session 26: 2 Red, 3 Blue
4* Athena

Session 27: 2 Red, 3 Blue
3* Ogma

Session 28: 1 Red, 1 Blue, 1 Green, 2 Grey
4* Serra
4* Serra

Session 29: 4 Blue, 1 Green
3* Reinhardt

Session 30: 3 Red, 1 Blue, 1 Grey
4* Legault

Session 31: 1 Red, 2 Blue, 2 Grey
4* Maria
4* Jakob

Session 32: 3 Red, 1 Blue, 1 Grey
4* Brady

Session 33: 2 Red, 3 Grey
3* Klein
4* Virion
4* Matthew

Session 34: 2 Red, 3 Grey
4* Lachesis
4* Niles
4* Maria

Session 35: 1 Red, 3 Blue, 1 Grey
3* Gordin

Session 36: 2 Red, 2 Blue, 1 Green
4* Lon'qu

Session 37: 2 Red, 1 Blue, 1 Green, 1 Grey
3* Jeorge

Session 38: 2 Red, 1 Green, 2 Grey
3* Wyrs
3* Setsuna

Session 39: 2 Blue, 1 Green, 2 Grey
4* Virion
4* Klein

Session 40: 2 Red, 1 Blue, 1 Green, 1 Grey
4* Matthew

Session 41: 3 Red, 2 Blue
4* Seth

Session 42: 1 Red, 2 Blue, 2 Green
4* Silvia

Session 43: 1 Red, 2 Green, 2 Grey
4* Legault
4* Maria

Session 44: 2 Red, 1 Green, 2 Grey
3* Lachesis
4* Klein

Session 45: 1 Red, 3 Blue, 1 Grey
4* Gordin

Session 46: 4 Red, 1 Grey
5* Legendary Alm +Atk -HP
4* Draug
4* M Morgan
4* Hana
4* Athena

Bloody finally. By far the worst streak on this banner so far, and I'd have been very upset indeed if it wasn't Alm who showed up, and with a good nature too. Under 200 orbs now so I'm not expecting to get another one, and I think the better decision would be to start opening reds in addition to greys in order to hopefully boost my 5* rate, because it's pretty damn close to 90 orbs apiece at the moment which is terrible.

Session 47: 1 Blue, 3 Green, 1 Grey
3* Virion

Session 48: 2 Red, 2 Green, 1 Grey
4* Adult Tiki
3* Henry
4* Setsuna

Session 49: 2 Blue, 1 Green, 2 Grey
4* Clarine
3* Leon

Session 50: 4 Red, 1 Grey
3* Chrom
4* Ogma
3* Lissa
4* Hana
5* M Byleth +Def -Spd

This is fine. I am very fond of merging my useful units to +1, not just for the 5 stat points gained, but also because it helps visually separate them from the +0 hoi polloi in the barracks so they're easier to pick out when I need them. Question is do I use the freebie neutral one as a base? I don't think Def helps him all that much compared to having an even spread. I believe the neutral one ends up at 42/38/39/34/20 whereas the +Def one would end up at 41/37/38/37/20.

Session 51: 2 Blue, 1 Green, 2 Grey
5* Eir +HP -Res
4* Jakob

This goes a long way towards fixing my 5* rate. Just another merge, the third +HP Eir I've pulled out of four total. She goes to +3, not a terribly useful merge as it's just HP and her worst stat. Next merge will be juicy though.

Session 52: 2 Red, 1 Blue, 1 Green, 1 Grey
4* Saizo
4* Palla
4* Chrom

Session 53: 3 Red, 2 Blue
5* Legendary Marth +HP -Atk
3* Eirika
4* Morgan

Ugh, the unit I wanted least on the banner. But as I have no pity rate, I suppose I have nothing to complain about. My +Atk copy loses his Res bane which might help him enemy phase a dragon should it come to that.

Session 54: 2 Red, 1 Green, 2 Grey
4* Frederick
3* Lucius
5* Legendary Marth +Res -Atk
4* Laslow
3* Gaius

Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit. Again, no pity rate, but this really isn't being helpful. Still, my 5* rate is now looking decent overall after that horror bit in the middle. Actually, seeing I have 70 orbs left now, I think I should probably call it quits since there's every possibility those orbs yield me nothing. I don't know if I can justify going for Laegjarn either with this few orbs, I think I may wait until she appears on an 8% banner, though at the present rate that might not happen until next year. I'll ask Johann when the next legendary expectation thread goes up. 😛

As for future 8% banners, I think October is looking decent with the return of both Alm and Azura, and Sothis, Hector and Lucina are good supplementary prizes. I might try to grab one of the three August red horses since I have none of them currently, but I doubt I'll go in too heavy since none are units I'd build my horse team around.

Final analysis (session):
384 orbs spent, 86 units pulled for 7 five-star units at a rate of 8.14%, or 54.86 orbs apiece. For this type of banner that's pretty much right on average, which is good by my standards. While the overall selection of units could have been better with only two of the seven units being ones I really wanted, I got the #1 target so I have to be satisfied.

Final analysis (banner):
Added to yesterday's session, it's an even 560 orbs total expenditure for 130 units pulled, of which 13 are five-stars. That makes for a healthy, round 10% 5* rate, or just over 43 orbs apiece. No regrets spending all those orbs, it's an unarguably good overall outcome.


EDIT: Neglected to post a summary of the units obtained:

2x Marth
1x Byleth

2x Fjorm
2x Azura
1x Ryoma

1x Greil

2x Eir
1x Alm
1x Caineghis

Edited by Humanoid
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So...used up my current savings after my free pull. Last session netted me a much wanted Reyson for merging aaaaand...

Neutral Sothis.

I wasn't expecting it, I really wasn't. But I'm happy she's neutral. She still looks like her kit will be loads of fun, and I can now make a Dark defence team.

Best part is I now only need one more Reyson 😊

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1 hour ago, Jave said:

I... barely feel like talking about this. This is my worst luck EVER on a banner. All my F2P orbs, ALL 300 of them, gone just like that. I started with a full session which got me a Fjorm, then I pulled nothing but red and colorless until I reached 13% and FINALLY got pity broken by a -Atk Legendary Alm. At least I ended on a new unit otherwise I would have lost my sanity. 

At least I have the consolation of getting Brave Miccy for free, but man, what a downer this whole session was. 

Trust me, with the crappy hand this game just dealt me, I can say I feel your pain. I could go so far as to say "at least you got something" but considering you had 3 times the orbs, it wouldn't be fair. Sometimes the game just sucks.

2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I hate when this happens ... and the same happened to me today. Only that I got the one unit that I didn't want to pull from red and colorless after 130 orbs: L!Marth. 

I hope you can get over it soon, luck will come back. Don't let bad luck ruin your fun in the rest of the game. 😕

Solving Sothis map was the most interesting thing feh have us in weeks. 

It really gives you the worst feeling. I don't think anything this bad has ever happened to me even before I quit. I thought pulling the 3 units I didn't want with a bad nature was horrible but at least it was something. After not playing all this time I made the mistake of assuming that I was guaranteed to get something. You're guaranteed nothing on any of these banners in actuality. I won't make that mistake again for the foreseeable future of my time with this game.

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I just got Caineghis with +Res -Atk, not the best nature but I like the extra Res and 34 Atk is serviceable enough so he's going straight into my Astra team (which is basically beast emblem with two Nagas, Reyson and Tibarn). Lucky for me because Fallen Y!Tiki was starting to falter as a omni tank.

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Failed YOLO for Laegjarn after seeing that there are five blue seasonals ahead of her on the re-run schedule - yep, she's not reappearing this year.

3* M Corrin
4* Oboro
4* Subaki
3* Odin
3* Gwendolyn
4* Catria
4* Jagen
4* Abel
4* Oboro
4* Mathilda
4* Reinhardt
3* Catria
4* Oboro

A useless bunch, Subaki aside. I might try again on the last day of the banner, but I went down to 13 orbs. Will see who's in the 3H banner but unless it's a teacher one, I won't be investing in it. And if it's CYL, well, I'll just grab the freebie and worry about the rest during their inevitably frequent reappearances.

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As with most others, this Banner cucked me as well, serves me right when I should be saving for Summer Elise~ Anywhoo, I think I got up to around 9.25%? It was only about maybe 60-70 Orbs (I wasn't going to waste many) I got a Greil on a Redless circle. With Nohrian Summer likely coming after the next New Heroes Banner, I have to save. I said I'd stop if I got any 5* and I got one, so, Sothis will have to wait until October~

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Another round.

4 Red, 1 Green (WHY?)

5* L!Lyn (REALLY? I'VE GOTTEN ALL THREE GREENS, GIVE ME COLOURLESS. +Atk/-HP, much better than my current one), 5* Sothis (A DARK MYTH FINALLY +HP/-RES), 3* Roy (Way to bring me down to earth. +Res/-Spd), 3* Seliph (Why? Is he in the pool? +Def/-Spd), 4* Soleil (Better fodder. +HP/-Atk)

I guess I'll save up, I'm really lacking Colourless the whole time I just wanted Alm and Caineghis I keep getting non-colourless 5* units send help.

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And with this last influx of orbs I am out. Managed to get a 2nd Edelgard with my last 10 orbs. Two greens. 1 orb left. This one is +RES/-DEF. So I have to decide if merging is worth it, or if I can live with 34 defense and use the -ATK/+SPD one for skill inheritance. I'll have to run some calcs.

And man, you people are making me really glad I skipped this mythic banner. Boy does that banner not like people. You all have my condolences.

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Darn I feel bad for the bad luck for people recently on the banner. I might just put my pulls in a spoiler for now to not make people feel worse.



I managed to do decently despite only starting with 50 orbs.

For my main account, it took all those, plus about 20 more from chapters/quests but I finally got a pair up hero with a +Spd/-HP Legendary Alm! Very awesome result that had me on the edge of my seat since I summoned with 15 orbs instead of the ideal 20, and I already had the other two colourless, expecting to be broken by them. Plus, I was running out of quickly farmable orbs, so really thankful for that one after all the orbs drained on his debut banner.

My second account, I focused on red, since I can only claim one M!Byleth from 3H. I got a dupe +HP/-Atk Legendary Marth as a fairly quick 5 star, but that's fine since I can finally merge away the -Spd from my old +Atk one. Then it took 38 more orbs but I got +Def/-Spd Male Byleth! Unfortunate bane but at least I have him for now. Unsure if I want to try for Sothis but I should wait and see until the last day first before being greedy.

So yeah not too bad despite not having much going in. Got a few Legaults along the way, so I should really start using Atk Tactic fodder.



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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Darn I feel bad for the bad luck for people recently on the banner.

Same, now I feel like I shouldn't have been upset that I got two Marths and three Byleths (including one as the free pull) in 100ish orbs when I was looking for Sothis. Sure, I didn't get the unit I was primarily aiming for, but I got a free pull 5 star, I got to get rid of my legendary Marth's Atk bane, and I got some Distant Counter to go around. I should consider myself pretty lucky...

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I said I wasn't going to pull. Got baited by Sothis. Oh well. Maybe someday I'll get her, but I pulled until I got a 5* and now have 16 orbs left, so... Heh, yeah. Need to save orbs for Valentine Ike (even though Sothis would've been super helpful and...well, I'm kind of out of orbs anyway.) Got M!Byleth, who I'm okay with. He's +spd, -HP. Is that better than the neutral one?

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1 hour ago, Mercakete said:

Got M!Byleth, who I'm okay with. He's +spd, -HP. Is that better than the neutral one?

Unless he's on Gunter's level when it comes to speed, the answer is most likely yes.


3,036 total pulled units!


Oboro (+Res/-Atk): The other way around!
Laslow (+Spd/-Def): His Spd is bad, so uh. . .
Idunn (+Spd/-Atk): In the greatest irony, she has the same combo as my original Hector.  Is the 3H banner trying to spoil me, despite not having my copy yet?
Raigh (+Atk/-Res): Huh, not bad.
Hana (+Atk/-Def): NOT BAD!  She'd make a great base, if she wasn't a 3*.

Merric (+Spd/-HP): He should've taken the hint from Hana.

Caeda (+Atk/-Spd): That, uh, one way to normalize her stats.

Kagero (+Res/-HP): No.
Lucius (+HP/-Spd): Also no.
Matthew (+HP/-Res): Unlike the other two, I have uses for Hone Spd.
Catria (+Spd/-HP): Well crap, I was looking forward to Luna fodder.
Barst (+Atk/-Res): I hope he gets a refine soonish.

Jeorge (+Atk/-Spd): That's "I want a Brave Bow".  Except Leon does it better.
Camilla (+Atk/-HP): Also good.
Florina (+Spd/-HP): She could swap with Camilla, and I'd have two good fliers.
Roderick (+Atk/-HP): The hell is going on?  Whatever's going on can stay going on!
Peri (+Res/-Def): Welp, looks like someone's getting Glimmer.

Palla (+Spd/-Atk): No.  But I just used one as Goad Fliers, so I'll take this replacement!
Palla (+HP/-Atk): And this one, too.
Merric (+Spd/-HP): It's amusing that he did it twice.
Shigure (+HP/-Spd): Great fodder, but will take a bit more feathers than usual.
Jagen (+HP/-Res): Not-so-great fodder, but still has his uses.

Sakura (+Atk/-HP): And back we go!
Matthew (+Atk/-Def): Merge fodder, perhaps.  I think I trained up a +Atk one.
Alm (+Atk/-Def): And here we have it, the first of eleven I'll need if Leon is to give up the Brave Bow throne (Leon has Death Blow, which gives him an effective 43 Atk before weapon MT).  Or I can give him +15 speed on attack.  Or something.  Regardless, WOOHOO~!
Boey (+Spd/-Atk): I guess Ignis has its uses.
Thea (neutral): Oscar will be happy to see you.

Took a lot more orbs than I like, but I got something off of the Legendary Hero banner!  Weirdly enough, out of four full circles, I only had two red orbs total.


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I buy a couple more small orb packs and I'm pitybroken by Azura thanks to a redless session... I'm fine with getting a merge for her, but it's starting to feel like a legendary/mythic banner's new unit actually has a lower rate than everyone else. It almost always takes me FOREVER to get said unit whenever I do and hundreds of orbs to do so while the other units in the new unit's color I get pitybroken by without much issue.

I think I'm giving up on Sothis right now, I need to save orbs and money for other things that I want more than her.

Edited by Anacybele
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3 hours ago, eclipse said:

Unless he's on Gunter's level when it comes to speed, the answer is most likely yes


Oh wow. Looks like he has a spd superboon, actually. (That is, + is +4 instead of +3 - I'm understanding this term right, right?) Yep; okay, he's getting the merge.

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@Rezzy And anyone else who cares. I got convinced by...an outside source, so to speak, to give Sothis one last try.

And holy shit, this seriously just happened.


I think this makes up for the three Byleths and three legendary Marths (yes I ended up with yet another one of him too, and right before this session, in fact) I got before this, yeah? XD One Sothis is +HP, -Spd and the other is neutral. I merged the latter into the former. I figure it's better to have an asset somewhere than no asset at all if you merge.

Now I'm reminded of when I got two Hrids in one session when he debuted. 😛 That was an even luckier instance for me since one Hrid was +Atk, -Spd of all things, but still!

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8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

@Rezzy And anyone else who cares. I got convinced by...an outside source, so to speak, to give Sothis one last try.

And holy shit, this seriously just happened.


I think this makes up for the three Byleths and three legendary Marths (yes I ended up with yet another one of him too, and right before this session, in fact) I got before this, yeah? XD One Sothis is +HP, -Spd and the other is neutral. I merged the latter into the former. I figure it's better to have an asset somewhere than no asset at all if you merge.

Now I'm reminded of when I got two Hrids in one session when he debuted. 😛 That was an even luckier instance for me since one Hrid was +Atk, -Spd of all things, but still!

Congrats on the Sothis'

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

@Rezzy And anyone else who cares. I got convinced by...an outside source, so to speak, to give Sothis one last try.

And holy shit, this seriously just happened.


I think this makes up for the three Byleths and three legendary Marths (yes I ended up with yet another one of him too, and right before this session, in fact) I got before this, yeah? XD One Sothis is +HP, -Spd and the other is neutral. I merged the latter into the former. I figure it's better to have an asset somewhere than no asset at all if you merge.

Now I'm reminded of when I got two Hrids in one session when he debuted. 😛 That was an even luckier instance for me since one Hrid was +Atk, -Spd of all things, but still!

That's a really odd coincidence, I got two Sothis on the same pull group after reaching 10.50% pity rate, and they were both +HP-Spd.

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For almost 250 orbs I pulled Eir, Caineghis, Byleth and Sothis. It could have been way better in terms of quantity, but at least I got what I wanted (Cain-merge, New unit, marvelous fodder in person of Byleth and another Eir-merge as bonus). Alm would have been nice, but not pulling him confirmes the 2019's pattern: I have pulled all female legendary heroes, but none of the males yet. 

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After several missed attempts to get her, I FINALLY got my Tana.

She's also +atk -HP, which is amazing! I'll have to decide whether I want to go back for Elincia, but I really shouldn't push my free summon luck.

EDIT: Uh, free summon on Hero Fest was Fallen Celica. My third one. I think Celica in general is stalking me. Help?

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I might stop going for Claude for a bit in order to take full advantage of the Hero Fest! That rate, those tickets, and that Tibarn are too good to pass up! I’ll go back for my Golden Deer Boy, though, I promise!

On another note, I got my first free summon 5* in what has been quite a while! Amelia has finally joined my barracks at -HP/+Spd! I am so happy!! She is so cute, I love her so much!!


Also, I am leaning towards Alm for CYL... hmm...

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