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So, I was free-pulling on the latest banners and thought "eh, I'll see if I get a Hector." I happened to get a Hilda. I was so excited! ...And then I saw she was +HP/-Spd. Being my only copy, this would not do. Booked her. So, now, I kind of need a +Atk or +Spd (+Spd being preferable) Hilda since I have a merge waiting for her. Suddenly, she's much higher on my priority list than she used to be.

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3,142 total pulled units.


Gaius (+Def/-HP): Ugh, why. . .

Sothe (neutral): At least he's good fodder!

Lukas (neutral): If I had the feathers to merge, maybe.  But they're going into Chrom, so I can give things Aether.
Lucius (+Res/-Spd): He thinks he's Wrys. ;/
Lukas (+Def/-Spd): That's damn good. . .but not for my purposes.
Wendy (+Def/-Spd): She doesn't mine the bane, at least.
Nowi (+Def/-HP): She can be better.

Cecilia (+Res/-Spd): Escape Route fodder~!
Libra (+Spd/-Atk): And that's an "almost"!
Gaius (+Spd/-Def): Wrong boon, darnit. ;/
Oboro (+Atk/-HP): If she wasn't 3*, this would've been stellar!
Mathilda (+HP/-Def): And someone gets Hone Atk (stop looking at me like that).

Shigure (+Def/-Spd): TIL that Lukas flies.
Shanna (+Res/-Atk): At least she pulled this as a 4*!
Corrin (+Res/-Spd): That speed bane is really cropping up in this batch!
Ares (+Def/-Atk): Even if this the waifu spread, I'm not using it.
Fae (+Def/-Spd): That could be better.  A lot better.  But I'll take Draw Back/Renewal!

Tiki (neutral): This is far better than my -Spd one!  Not sure if Legendary Tiki likes the neutral bonuses, but I"ll find out!  Just glad to break the pity rate.

Sheena (+Atk/-Res): Can you, uh, swap with Shigure?

Fir (+Atk/-Spd): That's what she wants!  At least the bane will be a nonissue.

Odin (+Atk/-Def): So, uh, why am I getting all the amazing units now?

Hell of a pull session, but I'll take a +1 on a dragon merge!


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@Zeo Congrats on the awesome Naga! She may not be all that great at fighting but as a support she's pretty good. 

- - - - 

After the Julia fiasco I've got nothing noteworthy from the free pulls. Not that I mind, getting Julia in the first place is already lucky enough.

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On 9/1/2019 at 5:59 AM, mcsilas said:


So Hector rerun banner no. 2.

Of course smart me decides to use my orbs on my alt on the the Flying Takumi hunt, then after failing, going to the legendary banner for no reason. Didn't get any blues, but I did finally get my 2nd F!Grima! Finally I can merge away her bane from the +Spd/-Atk one, although this new one is +Spd/-Res anyway so she has the same boon. Now I can finally properly build her so at least a decent end.

Well good thing the rerun banner came with new monthly orbs, grinded those for a bit until I got to 15 orbs. 2 green orbs at least. 1st was a Sheena, and the next one was a +Atk/-Spd Hector! Feels good to get him quickly, and not +Spd/-Atk for once, which is my most common Hector natures (really lucked out with having next to no orbs). Also because the first rerun banner just gave me a big pityrate despite the orbs.

Already have a +Def/-HP one but I think I'll use this instead and fodder the other one for DC. He may be powercrept by himself, but a perfect copy is nice to have for AA.

Ayyee congrats on Grima and Hector! They're never bad units to have around~

13 hours ago, Zeo said:


Well, it happened for me.


10.00% rate and my last 5 orbs. This is the first time a yolo summon has ever worked for me. There were even 2 blue orbs so there could have been another *5 in the other... or a *3 Peri. God knows all things (not this God... mind you). She's +ATK/-HP so it can't get much better than that. Guess the Sothis banner thing turned out to be a fluke after all.

Now to pick who I want my eventual supertank is going to be. Leaning towards Fallen Corrin since I have 2 of her and she's +SPD. She'd be pretty nasty with 2-3 Nagas behind her and DC/Vantage to back her up.

Oho nice IV Naga! F!Corrin is pretty much the bane of everyones' existence in AR so I'd defs go with her, L!Eliwood, and create some devastation~

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Alright, some free pulls.

Depression first.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

3* M!Corrin (Should've picked the other. +Res/-HP)

Next the next revival.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

5* Hector (OHO!



I will take this... especially as fodder because he's +Spd/-Atk)

Back to the legendary.

3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless

3* Mae (Why no shanna. +Spd/-Atk), 4* L'Arachel (She crashed the game. +HP/-Atk), 3* L!Arachel (Why. +Atk/-Res)


2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

4* Florina (Florina's no diva. Also not a great unit. +Res/-Atk), 4* Reinhardt (Neinhardt. +Atk/-Def)

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Congrats on your Naga Zeo!

My quest for Naga hasn't gone quite so well. I am up to 12.5 pity and I have no idea how many pulls to 13. I have stopped keeping count. And I am not sure if I can get he orbs to get anything out of this. I'll have enough for a 2 pull tomorrow, but at this point my hope is low. I might be ending this with a unbroken 13 percent pity rate if those two pulls are enough to push it up :(.

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Alright, one more try at getting another Julia. 22 orbs left.

  1. 3* Gunter: Ugh.

Absolute garbage. 17 orbs left.

  1. 3* Titania: Eh. At this point I might as well just take the rest of the set for laughs. Not going to bother with the one grey.
  2. 3* Beruka: Worthless.
  3. 4* Ares: Eh.
  4. 4* Chrom: Also worthless. Knowing how things work that grey was a 5*.

And so this banner ends on complete disappointment. Still, I got Julia and 7 other 5*s too, so I'm satisfied.

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[long series of bleeps] My run up to 13% pity ended with a single Duma. Whom I already had. Seriously that last session was all reds and 1 colorless. True I didn't really want anything from red, but I was missing 2 of the 3 from my collection so one of those along with Duma may not have been so bad. But no Duma was surrounded by a bunch of 3 star reds. So this was beyond disappointing.

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Damnit, looks like I can’t get Naga (still couldn’t get even 1!) until 2020.

260 orbs into the Legendary banner with it being stingy with blue stones. Got:

3x Valentines Mist (best is +Spd/-HP)

1x Gunnthra (+Def/-Spd) 

1x Kaden (+Res/-Def) 

1x Legend Tiki (+Spd/-Atk) 

1x Bath Elise (+HP/-Spd)

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1 hour ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Damnit, looks like I can’t get Naga (still couldn’t get even 1!) until 2020.

260 orbs into the Legendary banner with it being stingy with blue stones. Got:

3x Valentines Mist (best is +Spd/-HP)

1x Gunnthra (+Def/-Spd) 

1x Kaden (+Res/-Def) 

1x Legend Tiki (+Spd/-Atk) 

1x Bath Elise (+HP/-Spd)

Well at least it wasn't only me that got hit with the stingy blue orbs deal. Though I am rather jealous of your haul.

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I managed to pull a free 5* Hector on the returning banner. He got -HP/+Def which is far better than other Hector that is -Atk/+Res.

Although the two heroes I was gunning for were F!RobinGrima and Naga and I didn't get neither. Now after I spent all my orbs which was around 200 I believe. I got two Brunos which I immediately deleted, I also got Duma (+HP/-Res) and my final 5* was Julia (+HP/-Def). Just you wait Naga, I'll get you next time...



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5 hours ago, Usana said:

Well at least it wasn't only me that got hit with the stingy blue orbs deal. Though I am rather jealous of your haul.

Good news:
Got Kaden, meaning supertank Eirika could be a thing once I get another Nailah
Lots of premium fodder (I can upgrade my AA lead team's score, my AB team now has a base score of 740 or 744, and I do have a major part to a flierball AR-D team though that's likely not going to happen unless I get loads of Flier Formation fodder)
Legend Tiki is now +Spd +1
128 cavalry dragonflowers
24K feathers

Bad news:
Will still be unable to score more than 100 pts. per match in AR-O during Astral season until January of 2020 at the earliest unless a new Astral Mythic Hero gets introduced.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Back to Legendary. The final day.

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue

3* F!Corrin (Corrin. No. +HP/-Res)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green

4* Sully (.... +Def/-HP)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless

4* Oscar (So often the miseries never cease. +Def/-Spd)

4 Red, 1 Colourless

4* Virion (And that one still sucks. +Spd/-HP)

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Catria (Why.... +Res/-Spd)

I can't do it, this banner has broken me. I have had a shit August for this game in terms of getting anything I actually tried to get, which really offsets everything else. Fuck Heroes.

I'll freepull off CYL because I hadn't yet, I haven't got any interest in the Gacha BS right now.

2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue

4* Donnel (Says it all really. +HP/-Def)

I'm going to pick Michiah off the Free 5* pull. Goodnight, Gacha is the tenth circle.

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Scraped together 5 more orbs for one last Hail Mary pull on the Legendary banner.

  1. 3* Catria: Noooooo...

There goes that hope. There was one more blue too, and knowing how things work it was Julia. Oh well. Back to saving then.

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So at the end of the legendary banner I got a - Atk +def Julia which is still fine (Now I only need a Julius alt preferably to complete my Jul-twins team). 

Now I had a spare account I had to use for a long time last month I got a +1 Sothis and some CYL units and I started playing again. My pulls were awesome. 

One +Atk-spd Roy 

One - Atk +res julia, one +spd - Res Naga, two tikis +spd. 

And Two robins neutral, 3 dumas +res and two brunos +spd 

I couldn't have been happier (Duma is pretty good by the way). 


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So before I get to the pull I did today, I should say that I did manage to succeed in getting Queen Micaiah (neutral IVs heh, now no one will be able to tell whether she or Camilla was my freebie). A few days before I pulled Micaiah, I got a duplicate Ranulf (+Atk, forgot the flaw) that reversed the Atk flaw on my incumbent into an asset.



Since one of the Heroes' Path quests required me to summon, I scrounged up enough orbs to YOLO pull for Brave Alm (something I was probably going to do for the hell of it anyways) and, uh......



It not only succeeded, but he's +Atk/-Res too. I can still barely fathom that this actually happened.


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I decided I wanted dancer Micaiah. Got Idunn, Keaton and dancing Micaiah in 20 orbs lmao. Both Idunn and Kaden are top tier fodder. I think I'll save fortress for Marisa and SS for either Ophelia or Kronya.

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I may have changed his support partner...but Robin's pretty much done.  Dragon Flowersare all that's left for one of my precious boys.  The other one being male Grima of course, but he's a pet project that will need a bit more time to get to 10+ because 5 star locked which sucks.  Though that said I think it's high time Robin got some good stuff...like the random Surtr who I just happened to have pity break me.  Well it isn't like Robin won't make good use of Steady Stance 4.  I mean if I wanted to do an enmy phase build he'll appreciate it.

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1 hour ago, redlight said:

I decided I wanted dancer Micaiah. Got Idunn, Keaton and dancing Micaiah in 20 orbs lmao. Both Idunn and Kaden are top tier fodder. I think I'll save fortress for Marisa and SS for either Ophelia or Kronya.

That's an awesome haul, congrats! 

Do you already have copies of Keaton that you want to sacc him? 

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God dammit, been writing down this years pulls while claiming to not count guarantees and TT units, but I've had the free pulls from the anniversary in the list all along.... Removing Summer Leo, Dancing Micaiah and the one L!Azura pull from the total number.

Then I add the pulls out of boredom today from the quest orbs (don't care about the upcoming dancers at all, surprisingly), and it's a random Lugh (immediately foddered to Aversa to give her Res Up+). Don't care about the lost HM feathers on him since I now gave my Arena team all the relevant buffs with this last sacrifice. Also Brave Eliwood, making Alm the only Brave I do not own, but one that will surely appear at some point or another.

Still, my counter technically went down this time, ha.

2019 5* count (no guarantees/TT): 92


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My summoning finger is twitching... dancers (and Saber next week) are almost here, though!

While I will mostly be focusing on Berkut with Ishtar as backup (and Nephenee as my back-up back-up), I am hoping in my blue sniping I will finally get my last Silas to completely +10 him. He is running an extremely budget skillset, but I love the boy, and he will be my first +10 unit.

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No real orbs to spend, but let's give this a go. Only the fliers have any real appeal. Two reds is all I get for potential flying dancers.

3* Roy
5* Flying Olivia +Res -HP

This is not the flying red dancer I was looking for. Still, a new unit to me at least, even though she serves no real purpose in my barracks.

Finished the circle on a whim.

4* Roderick
4* Roderick
3* Saizo

Oh well, that's that. Almost certainly won't be back on this banner unless I get a real summoning itch and every other banner for the rest of the month stinks. Most likely I won't do anything but single circles on everything until the October legendary.

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