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It's offical.  I fucking hate heroes now.


I'm so over summoning and the shit luck that comes with it.  I am tired of wasting 40+ dollars and not a single five star to show for it.  Not even the revival banners are worth it.  Why the fuck can't IS bite the bullet and demote the gen one/book one five star units and be done with it?

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I really liked this banner! It was so kind to me so far... I just used my 2nd ticket some minutes ago, and...


Laegjarn appeared!!! Now My Aversa will have R Duel Flying! I also decided to summon in the red orb next to her, and this Cat girl that I don't bother remember her name appeared as well!

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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3 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Are you me? This was my alt account and I got that same Bantu for the free summon. I was so confused when the silhouette appeared trying to figure who it was.

For my free summon on my main, I got Nagi!!! And she's +Atk/-HP!!! I'll take that lose in bulk for a nice Atk boost!

Ironically she's the last one that I need a ticket for now (she's at like 100 compared to Sirius's 2500+...)


I got this Lady


the #1 i wanted, the one i was scared for (because dancers in the main pool rarely have banners), and there she was.  thank you thank you thank you. 
and she's neutral. I can completely live with this because i figure she doens't have anything that (I intend) to fodder her for, so great base to wok with. 

Now i have to decide: Tickets: Norne or Nagi. 

Edited by daisy jane
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Had another look at these units skills, but no, given that it's just the dawn of Gen 4, things are just going to get better pretty soon. Still, happy to open any greens with orbs if available, with red as secondary if only because I'm hoping for stray Ares. Ground out all four tickets since I'm fairly safe in the top 10k TT ranks already.

4* Tiki

3* Cherche
4* Arthur
4* Camilla

4* Raven
4* Raven

3* Lon'qu

5* Lethe +Spd -HP

Umm, wow. That's way more useful than Phina would have been. My first red beast to boot, so I can finally field a colour-balanced beast team.

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I decided I wanted to pull a blue for free on this new banner since Sirius appears to be for some reason another alter ego for Camus (I already know about Zeke). And I think Camus is cool. But there was no blue in the session. 😕 So I pull a red instead.


O...kay. I guess I'll take it. This game still wants me to have every red dancer it brings us, it seems. I keep pulling them all, mostly off focus. Only one I don't have is Yukata Micaiah and that's because I don't care about her at all (and she's seasonal).

Edited by Anacybele
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I get tempted far too easily~

First ticket got me~


Neutral so may take him instead of my +HP depending on what the merge gives~

Then spent around 50 Orbs, which was about my limit~


YEEEEEET~ +Def, -Spd~ Glad I got her pretty easily~ 

@mcsilas Wooo!! Congrats on your free perfect Nagi!

Edited by Landmaster
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40 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

@Landmaster Congrats for the Siegbert Landy! He will be great for you! I guess Phina is alright... She will also be good for you... But YAY SIEGBERT!


25 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

@Landmaster success!!
(and the sword gives 3spd, so basically she's just +def)


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Well I managed to keep 5 of my 52 orbs and with that and the tickets I was pity broken by Siegbert who was +atk, so my new base.  Too bad that no Ban-Ban came but I am back to saving.

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I finally got all of the tickets, so now to make the free pulls. I would go grey but Norne is obviously the demote, so I think I'll go red to see if I get Phina and her Rapier.

  1. 4* Ares: Meh.
  2. 3* Olivia: Wrong dancer.
  3. 4* Seliph: No thanks.
  4. 4* Fir: SI fodder.
  5. 3* Soleil: Ugh.

Oh well. Guess Feh wasn't feeling generous. And with the story orbs bringing me up to 45, back to looking for Ishtar.

  1. 4* Ares: You're showing up way too often.
  2. 4* Ares: Seriously?

First one was +Spd/-HP, second one was +Res/-HP, and the third one was +Spd/-HP again. What is going on? 36 orbs left.

  1. 3* A!Tiki: Bonfire fodder.
  2. 4* Lilina: Meh.
  3. 4* Laslow: Eh.

Still no Ishtar. 23 orbs left.

  1. 3* Hinata: Fury fodder.
  2. 3* Marth: Pivot fodder.

I doubt there'll be more than 3 reds, so one more attempt. 14 orbs left.

  1. 4* Raigh: Worthless.

And still nothing.

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9 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Are you me? This was my alt account and I got that same Bantu for the free summon. I was so confused when the silhouette appeared trying to figure who it was.

That's pretty funny XD

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Tickets are bullshit. Going through the free summon and all 4 tickets on free orbs, and all I get is an off-focus Nailah on the last session.

Meanwhile, using leftover bought orbs got me two freaking Phinas in the same session, the first [+Atk -Spd] the other [+HP -Res].

Gah... the luckiness of bought orbs and free orbs/free summons sways so much...

Also @XRay I seem to remember you hoping that Soiree Ishtar was min-maxed to hell and back to make her weapon work well, so that even a +10 +HP asseted Ishtar could trigger Desperation ASAP... I think you accidentally cursed me, because all 3 of my summoned Soiree Ishtars have been +HP.

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4 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Also @XRay I seem to remember you hoping that Soiree Ishtar was min-maxed to hell and back to make her weapon work well, so that even a +10 +HP asseted Ishtar could trigger Desperation ASAP... I think you accidentally cursed me, because all 3 of my summoned Soiree Ishtars have been +HP.

Ouch. Sorry about that. If the game had trading, I could have traded my +Spd copy to you and you can give me a +HP copy.

I got both +Atk and +Spd, so the +Spd copy felt like a huge waste since merging was my main objective.

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Got the only one I really wanted - Nagi - in just 60 orbs. She's -HP+RES, but I don't care, can stop now. Also got another Idunn +DEF-ATK on the same session. I have a +RES-SPD one, don't know if I merge (and who becomes the main one) or if I fodder one (and who).


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16 hours ago, daisy jane said:


OOOHHH. I got my first Tana on the movement skills banner a bit ago. I really enjoy her, (She and Sumia and Lancezura can haunt me any time on other banners. i always get jealous when people get like 998 Sumias and i am like. nope. none for me!!). 

I hear you with that. You think. what the hell did i just do? and then you DO get a goood pity breaker and you are like this isn't work it and then you get the good thing!  I'm really glad you got Ishtar.Nephy is *fun* (i mean for what she is lol) so i hope when she shows up on legendary you can nab her. I have to wait for Reinhardt and Berkut on legendary so that's gonna be a bummer. there are just WAY too many things down the pipe right now. 

Tana is probably my favourite character. I've already +10ed her summer version, so I'm hoping the regular version can be +10 someday as well. I'll tell Sumia to go find you next time I get her:P

Thanks! Yeah, Nephenee looks fun, and I've been wanting a bow dancer for a while. Plus her art is realy great and she looks so cute wearing her helmet to a ball. Hopefully she shares with some other good units when she returns on an 8% banner. Congratulations on getting your first Tana btw, and congrats on getting Phina today as well!


I actually had some luck on the new banner today myself! I wanted Nagi because I never really felt like I got to use her in the main series (with needing to kill Tiki and all that), so I wanted to use the tickets on green stones. The second ticket gave me a session with no green however, so I pick a red one in hopes of Phina.


Oh. That's a lot better than nothing at least! She's +HP -Res, and I already had a neutral one, so I think I'll use her for giving Death Blow 4 and Galeforce to Cherche or Catria.

The next few sessions had some green stones at least, but no 5-stars. But using the extra orbs from the new maps, I got...


Exactly what I wanted! Sadly she's +Spd -Def, which is about as bad as it gets, but she'll still be able to do her main job of handling Ophelia just fine. Used up all my IV luck on Ishtar yesterday I suppose. I'm really happy I managed to get her in only like 40 orbs, that's a lot less than Ishtar took at least!


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Throwing in $200...

Really tilted by Swordhardt, Mercedes, Dream M!Corrin and Camilla, and Flying Olivia before getting Nagi +HP -Atk (of course -Atk just to tilt me) and Phina +Res -HP (yay super asset!).

That was rough, I better not like the Legendary, I need to save orbs for fixing Halloween Jakob.

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5 hours ago, BoaFerox said:

Tana is probably my favourite character. I've already +10ed her summer version, so I'm hoping the regular version can be +10 someday as well. I'll tell Sumia to go find you next time I get her:P

Thanks! Yeah, Nephenee looks fun, and I've been wanting a bow dancer for a while. Plus her art is realy great and she looks so cute wearing her helmet to a ball. Hopefully she shares with some other good units when she returns on an 8% banner. Congratulations on getting your first Tana btw, and congrats on getting Phina today as well!


I actually had some luck on the new banner today myself! I wanted Nagi because I never really felt like I got to use her in the main series (with needing to kill Tiki and all that), so I wanted to use the tickets on green stones. The second ticket gave me a session with no green however, so I pick a red one in hopes of Phina.


Oh. That's a lot better than nothing at least! She's +HP -Res, and I already had a neutral one, so I think I'll use her for giving Death Blow 4 and Galeforce to Cherche or Catria.

The next few sessions had some green stones at least, but no 5-stars. But using the extra orbs from the new maps, I got...


Exactly what I wanted! Sadly she's +Spd -Def, which is about as bad as it gets, but she'll still be able to do her main job of handling Ophelia just fine. Used up all my IV luck on Ishtar yesterday I suppose. I'm really happy I managed to get her in only like 40 orbs, that's a lot less than Ishtar took at least!


NAGI! (and ol hi there Celica!) I use mine a lot in Rokkr (i gave her Sol, so she can self heal herself. it's fun) 
I really enjoy Tana as well. ive never played her game but i enjoy her so it was really a happy thing when I got her. (thanks game). 
Honestly that's my hope - that most of the seasonals i have been missing. (Summer Daggers,  Summer Lyn, Hilda, etc) are sharing w/really good legendaries (and then i can be lucky and get them). or.... they don't get skipped. Owain, Adrift Camllla and Tibarn get missed (and i think in red it's just more common. I think the only Green that got skipped was Olwen (which weird) and in Colourless, MIst. my big hope is that we have a Hero Fest with like Hilda haha make life a touch easier for me. 

1 hour ago, Chrom-ulent said:

Throwing in $200...

Really tilted by Swordhardt, Mercedes, Dream M!Corrin and Camilla, and Flying Olivia before getting Nagi +HP -Atk (of course -Atk just to tilt me) and Phina +Res -HP (yay super asset!).

That was rough, I better not like the Legendary, I need to save orbs for fixing Halloween Jakob.

if it makes you feel a little better Nagi's atk  (witht he bane) is what Nah's attack is at Neutral. (and Nah can hit like a truck).

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