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There's a bunch of free pulls.

Weekly revival first.

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Wrys (Still better than a lot of healer fodder. +HP/-Res)

Odd, the Cristmas banners have the ticket icons. Wonder what that's about. Year one first.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green

4* Reyson (That''s alright. +Spd/-Def)

Year 2.

3 Green, 1 each Red, Blue (That's unfortunate.)

3* Barst (Still fine fodder though. +HP/-Def)

Back to this year.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

4* Clarine (Certainly not a great stocking stuffer. +Def/-HP), 4* Florina (Also not a good one. +Spd/-Res), 4* Florina (Another one? Neutral)


2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue (Can the red just stop?)

Heroes crashed.

And left MARTH+ELISE!  (YES! Neutral, That's fine by me. Their convo is sweet.), 4* L'Arachel (Shame it's not Nino. +Spd/-HP), 4* Rebecca (All this launch units make me sad. +Def/-Spd), 3* Stahl (As he always was, 3*. +Spd/-Atk), 4* Ares (Always appreciated. +Res/-Def)

Marth+Elice was nice to get.

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Alright, the Christmas banners have returned. I'll start with the newer one and try to get Eirika.

  1. 4* Gordin: Bleh.

And now the older one. I don't care about any of these units, so let's just try blue.

  1. 4* Frederick: Trying to stop me from getting Lord Chrom and Lady Lissa, eh?

That's annoying. Hopefully the tickets prove more fruitful.

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Pretty disappointed right now, I am at 4.00 at the Winter banner and still nothing, despite having spent all TT, daily, quest orbs there are, these things happen, so to make up for this I will pull only one 5* in green on the legedsry banner and I will stop as I will keep in the Winter one until I get something. 

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Well my free pull on the year 1 Christmas banner was a +atk OG!Ike!  My second one ever and it fixes that annoying +HP, -res one that I have had.  Now I might actually use OG!Ike when I feel like it.  The rest of my free pulls were meh and I now have a 4.00% pity rate on this year's Christmas banner since I like everyone on it.  Hopefully the LHB orbs will give me a 5* tomorrow.  I am looking forward to the tickets since a C!Tharja would be nice.

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Spent 200 orbs out of 350 orbs on the 6% banner, as it had a 6%... 200 orbs only 2 5*s, and I only wanted another Picnic Flora to get rid of her bane. Got Xander and Bride Sanaki.

Was pretty upset as things went almost twice to 10% and I had an abundance of red orbs that only kept giving me 3* Lonqu's.

And it was a few hours before I learned about Queen Celica.

Then I just went for the Christmas banner to get it out the way and just redeemed a colorless.... Marth and his sister. Wow. Of course it's -ATK, but damn that was really awesome.

Edited by Lanko
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My tickets all gave me nothing. Literally. 😕

But that doesn't mean my luck on the legendary banner hasn't been good so far.

My third overall pull was:



In fact, I also got a second Hrid a few pulls later too! +3 Hrid now! ^^ (mine was +1 initially because I also pulled him twice on his debut banner. He loves me as much as I love him, it seems! :3)

I also got an Edelgard and Peony. The former was turned into a manual because she's got some decent fodder. I'm merging the latter since I never have a lot of space in my barracks anymore. Still looking for Dimitri, RD Ike merges, and then Celica as slightly lower priority...

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Went for single pulls with all the Winter tickets because they're all armours. There was a mild temptation to pull for Eirika due to my continuing lack of magical armours, but decided against it in the end.

Year 1 - going green due to the high 5* rate, probably red as secondary because why would I want an outdated lance armour?:
4* Cherche
4* Libra
4* Ross +Atk -Spd
3* Hawkeye

My first Ross and he's +Atk, nice. Probably won't build him until he gets his own weapon 2-3 years into the future, mind you. Next up, year 2. Prefer Eirika over Fae but if there's one green versus multiple greys, I'll go green:

3* Fae
4* Azama
4* Echidna +Atk -Spd
4* Raven

Like with Ross, it's my first copy of Echidna, and like Ross, she's also +Atk -Spd. Huh. Don't plan to do anything with her either. Anyway, onto the main event. The unexpected 3 instant tickets were a definite success from a marketing perspective, as I went from expecting to spend ~15 orbs into instead doing five full rounds. I didn't want red, but on no circle did a red appear more than once so I accepted the 3 orb cost, especially as I never went over 8.5%.

4* Gwendolyn
5* Naga +Atk -Def
3* Wrys
3* Marth
3* Klein

Nice start. I don't really want Naga at all but hey, can't complain about one this early, and my first Astra mythic.

4* Arthur
3* Sully
3* Azama
3* Tailtiu
3* Seliph

4* Raven
5* Legendary Celica +Def -Res
4* Rebecca
4* Camilla
5* F Grima +HP -Res

Nice, got what I wanted, plus a bonus Grima merge (she goes to +3). Not a great nature for Celica but not terrible either. One more ticket to go.

3* Raven
3* Abel
4* Azama
4* Boey
4* Brady

Not content to leave it hanging like that, I go for a ticketless round to hopefully end on a high note.

4* Frederick
5* Legendary Celica +Def -HP
3* Hawkeye
4* Cecilia
3* Catria

Nice. Still a useless boon, but at least the bad bane is gone. Calling it there, having spent 80 orbs, about 4x more than I had intended to. But 80 orbs for four 5-stars is an excellent result, and the heroes themselves are decent, even if I'd liked to have one extra Peony instead of any of them. I'll go into the New Year with about 300 orbs in the bank, in a good position to hopefully at least doubling that by the third anniversary event.

Edited by Humanoid
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And just a short number of pulls after my previous post:


THERE HE IS. ^^ (+HP, -Def, so not great IVs, but not horrible either, nice.)

I had a Naga show up along the way too, as well as a THIRD HRID. Hrid really loves me! ^^ But I wish he'd give Ike a turn to show too! I wonder if he's jealous because Ike will always be my number 1...? I might kinda feel that way too in such a position. Sorry about that, handsome ice prince. 😞 Ike has just earned his way into that special place in my heart. I can't complain much if I keep getting Hrid though, since I still want to keep merging him too. Just gonna have to be patient.  😛


Edited by Anacybele
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No Christmas Chrom and I am pissed but I suppose it's a month for the banner so I'll just have to be patient...which fucking sucks when all I was thrown was fucking blue stones almost all damn banner thus far.


Oh and Celica's banner gave me an El merge so I'll take it.  I was hoping for a +Atk one though...damn it Edelgard can you please not be +Res everytime I get you please, also can you not block me from Chrom honey, please?  Let me get him first and then show up for me, okay?  I know I always pick your route in 3 H so I guess you like me too, so I guess I have a new 10+ project XD

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1 minute ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Oh and Celica's banner gave me an El merge so I'll take it.  I was hoping for a +Atk one though...damn it Edelgard can you please not be +Res everytime I get you please, also can you not block me from Chrom honey, please?  Let me get him first and then show up for me, okay?  I know I always pick your route in 3 H so I guess you like me too, so I guess I have a new 10+ project XD

Wow, I have the complete opposite issue with Edelgard as you. I've pulled her twice total and both times she's been +Atk. xP And I don't care as much about her as I do Claude and Dimitri. I'm going to pick their routes more often than not in TH. In fact, I'm not sure when I'll ever be interested in trying Edelgard's.

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Legendary Celica, Claude, and Edelgard all on my free summon ring on the legendary banner! Claude and Celica are +speed, Edelgard is +defense. And then from the tickets, I managed to nab a legendary Roy. I think I hit the jackpot

Nothing from the christmas banner tickets. But i'm not complaining with my legendary summons.

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Celica's LHB is over and done with, so now to make the Christmas pulls. First, three tickets for Christmas Robin.

  1. 3* Shigure: Meh.
  2. 4* Valbar: Okay.
  3. 4* Subaki: Whatever.

Nothing worthwhile there. Now three tickets for Christmas Eirika.

  1. 4* Reyson: No greys.
  2. 3* Oboro: Again with no greys.
  3. 3* Lissa: Worthless.

Lastly, Celica herself. I'll take all of the greens, then stop. 235 orbs at the free pull.

  1. 4* Reyson: Again?
  2. 3* Soren: Worthless.
  3. 5* L!Celica: Excellent! +Spd/-Atk is tolerable given how many ways she has to boost Attack, so no more need to spend orbs here.

So much for spending! A great Christmas gift from Feh and Sothis. Now to use the tickets.

  1. 4* Ross: A new unit! Unfortunately +Spd/-Atk is absolute garbage on you, so it's feather time.
  2. 4* Fae: Meh.
  3. 4* Echidna: Drive Attack fodder.

Quite a nice Christmas session, with 8 orbs spent for an acceptable L!Celica.

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33 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Wow, I have the complete opposite issue with Edelgard as you. I've pulled her twice total and both times she's been +Atk. xP And I don't care as much about her as I do Claude and Dimitri. I'm going to pick their routes more often than not in TH. In fact, I'm not sure when I'll ever be interested in trying Edelgard's.

I think you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.  El is...unique and her route is actually more challenging than Claude's and Dimitri's combined, and actually fun, plus if you're someone who's playing for the story you're shooting yourself in the foot and missing a large chunk of the game in story related content.


Also congratulations on the Hríd merges XD and you're luckier than I am atm.


I got a few more orbs and got a book Sorin.  This banner is really trying me so hard.

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Free summons and tickets on the banners gave me eleven 3-star units with no worthwhile skills and one 4-star Cordelia. It's about what I expected FEH to give me for Christmas. At the very least I can fodder Cordelia's Galeforce and give it to Eliwood. Oh well, people already spoiled me that next week's banner will have the real prize I'm looking for so I'm not going to bother with Celica's banner and save my orbs for later.

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Sothis is what it feels like to have free pulls for older banners. Wish we got it for this year's Christmas.

First year:

4 Red, 1 Blue

4* Wendy (Is this the one? +Res/-HP, nope.)

3 Colourless, 2 Red

4* Hana (Nah. +Def/-Res)

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green

4* Beruka (Berunah. +Spd/-Atk)

Second year:

2 each Red, Green, 1 Colourless

4* Hawkeye (Why? +HP/-Res)

3 Colourless, 2 Red

3* Azama (Every time an Azama is pulled, I am sad. +HP/-Atk)

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Barst (Fodder. +Spd/-Atk)

I'll get more orbs before the legendary banner. This was a wash.

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Well, that was quite a set of disappointing summons. Like the previous post, absolute trash (typical 3*-available units, and no Caedas) with my very first Norne (-Spd, of course) on almost green-free circles (the one time there was green I got Titania; I surely need more of her to maybe +10 three copies of her).

Thanks for the coal, Sothis. Guess, now I know how you feel about me and why you aren't coming along on your winter banner. You can give me Feh back now.  K, thx, bye.

Seems like a rather disappointing end for my total of 2019, but it is how it is. Still a few more days till it's actually over, but most opportunities have been used by now. Merry Christmas 😛

Edited by MonkeyCheez3K
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