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Wasted 4 orbs to get Gunter and Boey as a pair of worthless 3 stars with crappy IVs.  Glad I haven't been going down the rabbit hole in terms of summoning since I've been trying to save strictly for Lucy's revival banner.  92 orbs saved thus far and looking at at least 120 depending on how many I can scrape together.

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7 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Finally done it!!!

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OG Lyn is finally +10! Took 117 orbs on the Weekly Revival banner to get the final 2 merges.

Now to pull Lif to finish the build at some point.

Congrats on getting her to +10!

On 4/3/2020 at 3:42 AM, mcsilas said:

Time to test it when you do so I can found out what counters to have


So, new Guidance banner (heh they renamed it from Orders banner) has both Skylivia and Kinoka. Don't have Skylivia and want to get rid of -Atk from Kinoka. Only had just under 40 orbs but I'll try anyway. Maybe one last (?) try from the MHB because all these Bramimomd posts have now influenced me...

Nothing on my main sadly...

On my second though I went to the Mythic banner quickly and the first and only colourless orb gave me +Atk/-Res Brave Camilla! You know what, I'll take it, she's new and this was the second best result with a great boon as well. 

On the actual Guidance banner? On my 3rd circle, I got my fourth Saber, now with +Atk/-Def! Another great boon, I'll take this and while I grew accustomed to +Res, +Atk is superior.

Okay, 2 orbs again but hey a decent result on one of my accounts at least. Looks like I'm skipping out on the guaranteed Fates unit after 40 summons but i like the demote the most anyway and am mostly doing the tickets anyway for green.

Congrats on another Saber and Bravemilla!

As for me, dropped 50 Orbs for 2 copies of Hector, ended up getting him in 20 and both Lyns with the rest. I'll take the triple focus and be content~ The OG!Lyn is +Spd so that's nice, while the Brave Lyn was +Atk~ I already have a +Spd copy I haven't done anything with though so I'll just keep both of them in case I want to give someone Swift Sparrow~

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7 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

Null follow up is some of the most sought after fodder, Atk def bond is not his valuable skill.

What's the practical use of null follow up, if I may ask?

It cancels breaker skills (among others).

Since the unit mainly wants to have a weapon advantage, those breaker skills are ignored automatically.

Anyways I gave this skill and hone dragon to Bantu.

Edited by Reisalin Stout
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15 minutes ago, Reisalin Stout said:

What's the practical use of null follow up, if I may ask?

It cancels breaker skills (among others).

Since the unit mainly wants to have a weapon advantage, those breaker skills are ignored automatically.

Anyways I gave this skill and hone dragon to Bantu.


Breaker skills are skills you hardly see used anywhere except for your own Arena Assault units. 

Null follow up denies the effect of Impact skills and skills like bold, wary and vengeful fighter. 

This means that the user can fight better vs armours and if the unit has high enough Spd, the enemy cannot double him and cannot prevent your double attack.

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3,788 total pulled units.


Wrys (+Spd/-Res): Caeda would've liked this.
Gaius (+Def/-Atk): Yeah, no.  This is about as bad as it gets.
Chrom (+Spd/-HP): Again. WHY.
Fjorm (+Def/-HP): I'll need to see which of this or neutral is a better merge base, because nothing else she has is interesting in terms of fodder.

Gordin (+Def/-Atk): That's exactly what he didn't need.
Lucius (+HP/-Def): I'm bound to get a good unit soon, right?
Cecilia (+HP/-Def): At least she's good fodder!
Caeda (+Atk/-HP): Bingo!  Just what the doctor ordered.  My feather stash, not so much.
Tiki (+Atk/-Spd): There were two blues I didn't want, and I pulled both of them.  But at least she's a good base, so I can forgive this one!

Oscar (+Res/-Def): Eeep, no.
Mae (+Def/-Atk): I'm not going to say no to Draw Back fodder!

Morgan (neutral): Well, uh, this is an exact clone of the one I already have.

Not the best, but at least I wasn't punished too hard for being greedy on the legendary banner.  Welp, back to saving, since I don't think I can rustle up enough orbs for more pulls.


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I unfortunately caved but hot damn did I get some results.


My most notable 5 star pulls include:

2 × Bramimond one +Spd/-Def the other -Spd/+Res

3 x Female Grima bringing her up to a respectable +5 and Grimmy is definitely jealous.  Damn I need more orbs and a male Grima focus banner...

2 × Fjorm both +Def

1 x Legendary Tiki -HP/+Spd

1 x Brave Camilla -HP/+Spd

1 x Easter Chrom +Atk and the new base (came very painlessly in 5 orbs)

1 x Easter Veronica

1 x Mamori (not so welcome but okay I'll take it, she's new -Spd/+Res)

Of course none of these guys are in order, but I am now most certainly focusing saving for Lucy's revival banner now.

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Pulling Bramimond sadly wiped me out of all my orbs. Was it worth it, maybe but with my paltry amount of orbs I doubt I'll be able to pull any Lyns or Hectors.

Waiting the week out hoping for at least one merge.

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21 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

Breaker skills are skills you hardly see used anywhere except for your own Arena Assault units. 

Null follow up denies the effect of Impact skills and skills like bold, wary and vengeful fighter. 

This means that the user can fight better vs armours and if the unit has high enough Spd, the enemy cannot double him and cannot prevent your double attack.

I like using breaker skills, combined with triangle adept to break tanks like Surtr.

Though it's mainy swordbreaker which has the most usage since swordusers have the highest speed of all units.


Seeing null follow up cancelling wary fighter is useful though.

Then Bantu could turn into a good counter for Surtr.

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Welll I got a free OG!Lyn yesterday so my old one finally lost that -atk bane (now +def).  Today I finally pulled a 5* on the mythic banner but sadly it was my 3rd F!Grima.  At least I do use her a fair bit.  I feel this is the game telling me to save for the brave banner and I am going to listen since I am to the point of other then a colorless tome user I have the other unit types covered fairly well. 

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Free summon on the new banner was a Silvia. But now dor the real question:


Can I get a green stone on the fire emblem leads banner? Ideally I would get F!Byleth for Fury 4, but what’s the chance of the happening... So I’ll settle for the ⅓ chance of getring DC, and otherwise it’s a good AA nuke. 

2 reds, 1 blue, 2 grey stones. Yeesh, both Sothe and Nanna in a circle. 

I went for Red, hoping to get Byleth, shame I missed out on Hector’s Dc:





Jack...Pot I guess? Hahaha, It’s a Byleth for sure, and I still get DC fodder!



oh and they do have natures!

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Freebie lord summon offered me 4 reds and a blue, which is one fewer red that I expected to get. Obviously I take the blue. It's regular Ephraim +HP -Res. Fine I guess, merging into my +Atk one, who now goes to +2.

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I ... legit don't understand my luck.

Free summon on the new banner: Owain
Ticket 1: Mage Eirika
Final ticket: Rinkah

Legendary banner: 10.50%

Seriously. The fuck.

EDIT: And of course Rinkah's -atk.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Yes, I'm logging three units.  3,891 total pulled units.

Roy (+Spd/-Atk): Wait, wrong banner!

Deirdre (+Res/-Atk): Well, uh, hi genderbent Canas with a different weapon?  But she's new, so I'll take her!

Midori (+Atk/-Def): Someone explain to me how the hell her bow works, because I'm VERY tempted to give her a funny Brave Bow set.  45 base Atk is amazing.

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Well, time to see how many copies of Forrest I can get during this banner's run. I'll even try to keep a pull-by-pull log the entire way:


1. 4* Wrys, +HP/-Atk [Free Pull]
2. 4* Sothe, +Res/-Def

3. 3* Mae, +Def/-Res [Ticket #1]

4. 4* Forrest, +Def/-HP [Ticket #2]
5. 4* Jeorge, neutral

6. 3* Lissa, +Atk/-HP [Ticket #3]

7. 4* Saizo, +Res/-Atk [Ticket #4]

8. 3* Chad, +HP/-Spd
9. 4* Forrest, +HP/-Res

10. 4* Lucius, +Atk/-HP

11. 3* Tanya, +Def/-Spd

12. 3* Mercedes, +HP/-Res
13. 3* Kaze, +HP/-Atk

14. 5* Forrest, +HP/-Atk

15. 4* Gordin, +Atk/-HP

16. 4* Reinhardt, +Def/-Spd

17. 4* Lissa, +Res/-HP

18. 4* Kaze, +Atk/-HP
19. 3* Wrys, neutral

20. 4* Leon, +Def/-Spd

21. 4* Virion, +Def/-Spd
22. 3* Chad, +HP/-Res



Eh, it's a decent start for 80 orbs I suppose.


Summon Count: 22

Meanwhile, I got a Blarraven+ as my free protagonist because Tsubasa would've been a bit too cool.

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Let's see which free 5* lead I'll be getting today.

  1. 5* Ephraim: Not Tsubasa or Micaiah, but at least he's a 5*-exclusive. +Def/-Atk is mediocre, but it's still better than +Spd/-Def. New master copy, I suppose.

And now for the tickets. Blue for Lilith.

  1. 3* Nowi: Feathers.
  2. 4* Valbar: Meh.
  3. 4* Subaki: Meh.
  4. 3* Shanna: Desperation fodder.
  5. 4* Altena: So much for that.

At least I got another Shanna, but other than that this banner was a bust.

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Whoever decided to make this one combined banner should have not.

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Fuck it, Blue!)

5* M!Robin (Fuck it, I'll take that merge to my first 5*. +Atk/-HP)

I'll also try this Rev banner.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Odin (No. +Def/-Spd), 3* Boey (No. +Spd/-Def), 4* Raigh (Trash. +Def/-Res), 4* M!Morgan (Meh. +HP/-Spd), 3* Nanna (Is it good? +Atk/-HP, FINALLY I CAN REMOVE THE -ATK)

3.25%, I might come back later.

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Had some good luck with FB points and managed to get all the tickets for just 3 stamina pots. So I'm going to go ahead and finish this banner right now. Plan is just to snipe blue on all 5 rounds, green as fallback.

4* Effie
4* Oboro

3* Merric

3* Est
4* Altena

4* Fir

4* F Corrin
4* Florina
5* Nils +Atk -HP
(Figured I may as well spend the 7 orbs to finish the round and banner)
5* Rinkah +HP -Res
3* Seliph

Woah, that went exceedingly well. 100% done with this banner, not going to try the 40 summon guarantee here since that'd basically take almost all my remaining 150-odd orbs.

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Fates's banner gave me 5* Forrest (accident; thought Midori was colourless) and Lilith with 30 orbs in total - Not Bad!

Free unit was Lilina - Very old unit, but someone I wanted to make become a 5* merge project, so not entirely useless.

Also pulled B!Lyn from the revival banner at 4,33%.

For 50 orbs respectable results!

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