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Ending off the Midpoint banner with Fallen Mareeta-wait... she's a few banners off...

Hm... I can say for certain that I've summoned 6 Fallen Mareetas since her release, used one of them to give someone Flashing Blade 4 (Mia), gave 1 merge to eliminate the flaw in the used Mareeta, and kept the rest as books... she's been +Spd for a long time, and while I can't say I've used her much, I know she has potential... but I'm getting a little scared she might be +10ed simply because I don't have anyone to give FB4 to...

But can I please get normal Mareeta at some point? Not even to use her, I just wanna know she's not gonna always be doomed to her curse at this point.

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4,113 total pulled units


Kagero (+Atk/-HP): NICE~!

Cain (+Spd/-HP): ALSO NICE~!

Robin (+Atk/-Res): KEEP IT COMING!

Beruka (+Res/-Atk): Streak broken.

Reyson (+HP/-Atk): Bleh.

Morgan (neutral): Fodder, I guess.

Sonya (+Atk/-HP): OH HELL YES!  My current one is -Res, so this is the new base!

Est (+Def/-Atk): Hey, manual!

Python (+Def/-Atk): He continues to disappoint.

I finally got a 5* off a free pull!


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A DC banner for one day? Dick move IS.

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless

3* Sully (That's just poor. +Atk/-Spd)

Back to Awakening, where I still have to pull three.

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue (Of course)

3* Ogma (Fuck sake. +Res/-Def), 4* Catria (Just don't. +Spd/-HP), 3* Matthew (I want Chad. +Res/-HP)

3.25%, plus free 5*. I need a flying dancer more, sorry Say'ri but Larcei pitybroke me after all.

Two weeks left on the banner, I might try to break the pity rate later.

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47 minutes ago, KMT4ever said:

Distant Counter banner? Definitely hoping for a Nagi.

  1. 3* Libra: Nope.

Now to wait for the Special Heroes reveal.

They've been revealed for half a day. 😉

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@Rezzy @mampfoid @Arcanite (And anyone else who cares) I went back to the double special heroes banner for more Conrads since I don't plan to pull much on the summer banner after all.

First session of the day there had no red in it. But then the first red I DID get...


ARE YOU SERIOUS?! XD This happened AGAIN! This guy loves me, doesn't he? lol I saved some feathers though, YES!

While looking for the rest of the Conrads I needed, I came upon another redless session that had three colorless. I thought why not, I wouldn't mind getting duo Marth. I wound up with NY Selkie instead. Meh. I'm like "why couldn't you be duo Marth." She's not that great for fodder though imo, so I'll keep her. She's pretty good and gives me a bit of a hard time. She's +Res, -Spd which is a bit unfortunate, but not the worst, I suppose.

The very next session also had no red, but had a couple more colorless. So I grabbed them too. And:


...WHAT. What is going on here?! My luck is insane on this banner. lol Though unfortunately this pretty pair is -Atk, it's still nice to have them! Elice is so pretty. Asset +HP.

I didn't get anymore 5 star Conrads, but:


Thanks to Arena feathers and some Tactics Drills, he's complete anyway! ^^ (Aside from the remaining needed dragonflowers, of course.) I also added Swap and Ward Cavalry to his arsenal. I'd like to add at least one more C skill that he can use on a not-horse team, but I'm not sure which to give him yet. I'll decide at some point.

Good luck damaging this massive tank without something like Luna though, holy crap. XD You can guarantee he'll have some buffs on top of those defensive stats a lot of the time!

Edited by Anacybele
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6 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Hey, wow, congrats on your +10

Thanks, Rezzy. ^^

I also forgot to mention I pulled another Zephiel too. ...And with the exact same IVs as the first one. Seriously, game. xP

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Okay, so, I'm glad that Mirabilis apparently likes me enough to show up twice.

I just wish she liked me enough to show up with a nature that's good for her. You do not want +spd, Mirabilis!

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53 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Okay, so, I'm glad that Mirabilis apparently likes me enough to show up twice.

I just wish she liked me enough to show up with a nature that's good for her. You do not want +spd, Mirabilis!

This is very reminiscent of Legendary Edelgard lol.

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9 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

They've been revealed for half a day. 😉

I didn't catch that before it was taken down. I've seen it now though.

Anyway, first up is the Rally banner.

  1. 3* Shanna: Okay.

Now the Tempest Trial banner. I'm actually going to snipe reds to see if I can get Mia and/or Lucina a merge. 98 orbs to start.

  1. 4* Ares: Meh.
  2. 4* Silvia: Eh.

It's too early to be disappointed. 94 orbs left.

  1. 3* Caeda: Feathers.

Really only one red? 89 orbs left.

  1. 3* Sophia: More feathers.

The exact same color distribution as last time: 1 red, 1 blue, 1 grey, 2 greens. It's not even a focus color! 84 orbs left.

  1. 5* Lucina: Awesome! She's +3 now. +HP/-Spd for the record since this copy is merge fodder anyway.
  2. 4* Soleil: Feathers.

That went very nicely. Only 23 orbs to get Lucina a merge is a bargain, and I still have a decent number of orbs for the summer banner.

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So, this TT banner. I have 0 bonus units for the next one.

Thanks, I hate it, stop making me brick it TT.

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

5* BKhrom (On the one hand a merge for this guy seems neat and if not some neat skills. On the other hand why now? +HP/-Res)

The rally banner makes me want to pull because Quan.

I can't convince myself to, which is sad.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green

4* Sully (Just.... don't. +Spd/-Def)

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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@Anacybele Conrad really loves you, so many presents. Congrats! 

Yeah, tell me about it. lol And I got a couple Christmas units in Zephiel and duo Marth, so presents indeed! XD

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I'll miss the free pull banners.

Especially with a banner this bad right after.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless (I could have accepted a Fred merge at least, but come on.)

5* Takumi (....... Or CC fodder, also good! +Spd/-Def)

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The reruns, revivals and this BHB banner all gave me nothing. So I caved and went in on the Bridal banner for Nailah or Micaiah. 

161 orbs to start. 

2 green, no colourless.

3* Barst, that’s repo at least. Echidna or especially Rath would be nice.

Next orb, Bridal Nailah! I could make her +1 immediately, but I don’t see the need and this one is +Res. My first one is +Spd. So I have both superboons. I could go for tank with NFU with speed or Special Spiral Sol with Res. 

Anyway, my craving for a 5* was sated with 9 orbs, and I got the exact unit I wanted, down to the asset! 

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