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I sparked on the New Heroes banner -- I chose Male Kris because I feel as if I ever wanted him, he would definitely be the most difficult to get considering his color. 

I was at 4% by the end of it so I decided to keep going until I got /something/. I got a neutral Julian like 10 orbs after my free pull! Pretty exciting, he was a close contender for my spark. 

I also walked away with 4 Lena's which is the fastest I have ever gotten a New Hero demote lol. I still have yet to get a Mustafa despite my summoning on green for Sylvain. 

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A 5.75% pity rate on the rouse banner and I get a fucking Delthea pity break.  The worst part?


-Spd/+Res.  Just.  Like.  The.  First.  Fucking.  Copy.


I shit you not this is the worst result I could have gotten, is one Fallen male Corrin so much to ask for?  Why is that as soon as I want something FEH throws everything but the wanted unit and if I do get the wanted unit they have shitty IVs more often then not.


I really shouldn't be salty, but I can't help it when all I got for my orbs was a pathetic book 1 unit who should have been demoted ages ago, she literally doesn't have any top notch skills or stats, so why is she five star locked?!



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Spent the last few days saving up orbs and tried again on the Archanean banner but I got pitybroken by Fiora (+Spd but -Atk for extra insult) this time. Sigh, the game really doesn't want me to have either gender of Kris it seems. Guess I will have to give up for now since I really should be saving up orbs for new characters and alts of my favorites instead of wasting them trying to get fodder skills. At the very least I am walking out with three copies of Julian and eight copies of Lena.

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Another round of colourless pulling?

Why not?

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Norne (Jeez, That's three off this banner? Sweet. +Atk/-HP)

4.25%, oof.

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green

4* Forrest (Is not what I was looking for. +Spd/-Atk), 3* Mercedes (It's Odd Res Wave. +Res/-Atk, nature's not been great so far.), 3* Clarine (If only you were a thief from the same game. +Atk/-Res)

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue

4* Lena (It's another one. +Res/-HP), 4* Lena (They'll all be asking for Julian at this rate. +Spd/-HP), 4* Felicia (Just... no. +Def/-Atk)


2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green

5* Lena (WHY? +Atk/-Def, your boy toy is still nowhere to be found!), 3* Setsuna (Definitelty not now! +Res/-Atk), 4* Altena (AAAAAA more like for me now. +Atk/-Spd, this is good, I can work with this.), 4* Thea (Where's a pitybreaker when you want one? +Res/-Spd), 4* Libra (Librono. +Spd/-Res)

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red (where's Colourless?)

3* Fir (Certainly not here. +Def/-Atk)


2 each Colourless, Red, 1 Blue

5* Fane!Tiki (I mean, I've experienced worse units for sure and this is a good one. +HP/-Spd, nice merge.), 3* Lissa (Why? +Atk/-HP), 4* Donnel (So no F!Kris. +Def/-HP), 3* Lilina (Please just leave. +HP/-Def), 5* Flora (FODDER. +Atk/-Def, A+ nature though, better than the one I had. QR3 fodder regardless, A+.)

Okay, I am done. I wanted to pull him, but no such luck, I'm taking Julian as my spark unit and leaving the Krises to the obscurity they deserve and want. Thanks to the last circle it's not an awful banner but still bad when they and Lena were my sole 5*s.

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If I can just get one Elise merge, I'll be happy

Free Summon is:


+Atk, -Def. Well, that was unexpected. But appreciated all the same.

A bit after her, I got a Xander and decided one more non-Elise 5* would be it

Thankfully she only let me go about 2 more circles before showing up


All my 5*s were +Atk today, she's the same IV as Anna and Xander was -Spd. I just though this was amusing because my other two Elises were both -Atk and she finally decided to stop mocking me with that. 

The last temptation before B!Dimitri is over with in less than 100 Orbs, I'll take it~

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I have all these units.

All of them are bad and I should feel bad for trying to summon for them.

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Valbar (Well, that's something. +Def/-Spd)

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I went to see if I could free-pull a Summer Leo (one of the summer units I'm still missing.) Got F!Byleth instead. ... Hm.

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Did my free pull on the last summer rerun and got Xander! The Year 1 reruns have been really generous this year, I've only done free pulls but gotten new focus units from three of the four.

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11 hours ago, Landmaster said:

If I can just get one Elise merge, I'll be happy

Free Summon is:


+Atk, -Def. Well, that was unexpected. But appreciated all the same.

A bit after her, I got a Xander and decided one more non-Elise 5* would be it

Thankfully she only let me go about 2 more circles before showing up


All my 5*s were +Atk today, she's the same IV as Anna and Xander was -Spd. I just though this was amusing because my other two Elises were both -Atk and she finally decided to stop mocking me with that. 

Congrats Landy!!!

11 hours ago, Landmaster said:

The last temptation before B!Dimitri is over with in less than 100 Orbs

What you don't know is that Dancer Elise is coming next month... SURPRISE!

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Will content myself with one round (sans blue) until details come out about what's going on in August (the Hero Fest particularly).

5* Thrasir +Def -Atk
4* Felicia
4* Stahl
4* Selena
3* Raven

Eh, she's new so okay. Bad nature but I'm sure that'll be fixed with time.

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Well, I got a duplicate Eir as my free pull. But I REALLY wanted a new unit, so I kept on going, summoning all the greens I could get.

I did get Hel, but ... she's +res -spd. Literally the worst nature she could've gotten. Oh well, at least she exists and is my first dark mythic. Welcome to the team, Hel.

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First, the free pull for Nohrian Summer. Green for the best chance of a 5*.

  1. 4* Titania: Nope.

And now for one circle from the Mythic banner. 267 orbs on hand.

  1. 4* Rath: Meh.
  2. 3* Boey: Feathers.
  3. 4* Tharja: More feathers.
  4. 3* Mordecai: Even more feathers.
  5. 5* L!Tiki: Well, she's something. +2 now, and since +HP/-Def is inferior to +Spd this copy is merge fodder.

Definitely one of the least desirable 5*s on this banner, but for only 15 orbs Tiki will do just fine.

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Free pulled Eir in the Mythic banner. Decided to use around 100 of my saved orbs and only pulled Colorless and Green in hopes of Leila or Hel, and I got Fallen Corrin and... another Eir. Honestly? I ain't even mad because three 5*s for 100 orbs is crazy good. They all got merged in the end, so now Eir is my most merged Premium unit at 40+5. Crazy times.

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Mythic banner # I don't know how many: Oh Hel Naw!

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless (Please don't be like this banner.)

4* Legault (Could be much worse. +Res/-HP)

3 Green, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Yes!)

4* Matthew (Can't get all three BS thieves in this banner! Neutral), 4* Titania (I can stand not to see her again. +Atk/-Res), 4* Bartre (Let me get A route game. +HP/-Res), 4* Fae (Nae. +Def/-Atk)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Stop.)

4* Forrest (is near. +Spd/-HP)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Stop!)

4* Maria (She used to be a 5*. +Def/-Res)

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, COlourless

4* Bartre (Oh go away launch units. +Spd/-Atk) 4* Saizo (This is a lot of 4*s so far. +Spd/-Def)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless

5* Anancorrin (That's +4 merge. +Spd/-Res), 4* Seliph (You're not L!Seliph! +Res/-Def), 3* Est (Anything but best. +Def/-HP), 4* Oscar (Noscar. +Res/-HP), 3* M!Robin (To the combat library with you. +Res/-Atk)

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green

3* Nino (I wish newer units were more likely to be summoned. +Atk/-Res)


3 Green, 1 each Red, Colourless (More like this)

4* Reyson (Birb has landed. +HP/-Atk, if only he was +Res, that'd fit so well.), 4* Merric (Not Y!Merric. Disappointing. +HP/-Def), 4* Barst (Good fodder. +Spd/-Def)

4 Red, 1 Colourless (Really?)

5* Eir (Merges too! +Res/-HP)

You know what, I'm going to rest for now, see what we learn the next few days. I'd like Thrasir/Edelgard, but as it stands I feel like I'll get neither.

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I had ZERO red for the first two sessions. That was stupid. But when I did get red, the third one I pulled was RD IKE. Hell yeah! +6 now and I haven't bought orbs yet.

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160 orbs in, and I got three 5* units:

  • 2 Hel (one of them has a spd asset)
  • 1 Leila (+HP/-Res)

I didn't get Edie or Thrasir, but I'll take what I can and save for CYL.

Side note: one session contained all green stones, but no 5* character. Sucks. But I did get a Ross and Echidna, which can go to future merge projects.

Edited by Karimlan
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Got Hel in 52 orbs! Also a duplicate Thrasir along the way, which I wouldn't mind except I noticed October will also have Edelgard/Hel together, with the possibility of a third unit I'd want more. I guess theoretically I could have gotten that other unit instead by waiting, although really, that way lies madness. Figured it'd be better to get it over with.

Hel is +Res/-Def, which seems unimpressive, but it could be worse. Thrasir was +HP/-Res, and I've already merged her into my previous +Spd/-Atk one. I'd forgotten that my old one was -Atk, that certainly adds a benefit to going for this now.

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7 minutes ago, Othin said:

Got Hel in 52 orbs! Also a duplicate Thrasir along the way, which I wouldn't mind except I noticed October will also have Edelgard/Hel together, with the possibility of a third unit I'd want more. I guess theoretically I could have gotten that other unit instead by waiting, although really, that way lies madness. Figured it'd be better to get it over with.

Hel is +Res/-Def, which seems unimpressive, but it could be worse.

Congrats! I got two Hels in 63 orbs, with the +spd one first. While I lament needing to build a DC unit and not turn into a book, Spd is Hel's super-asset (at 45), which, along with Inevitable Death, will help prevent her being doubled naturally.

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