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This banner should have had Fellica on it, would be more thematic. Anyways, still don't have Faye.

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green

3* Klein (Well worth 2000 feathers. +Def/-HP)

Back to the sea of pirate summons.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Eirika (Bah. +Atk/-Res), 4* Selena (Reposition, okay. +Res/-Atk), 4* Titania (Book 1 units are not invited to any parties. +Atk/-Spd)

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Oh, free Alm!

...Wait. That's...BRAVE Alm? On a banner with OG Alm. LOL THAT IS CRAZY. It's like the game mistakenly mixed them up. XD Guess they aren't super different, though. lol

Neutral stats btw. Like the one I already have, in fact. Guess I'll merge.

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You people who say that sniping is better for getting a certain color off a banner are liars. Or you're in bed with IntSys.

You know what percentage I got up to trying to get Pirate Tibarn? 7 FUCKING PERCENT. And you know what? I DIDN'T EVEN GET HIM, I got Fallen FemCorrin and Valentian Catria. You know how many orbs it took to get to that high a percentage? A FUCKING LOT, CONSIDERING HOW OFTEN I GOT COLORLESS ORBS TO EVEN APPEAR.

You know what? Screw Dive Bomb. Screw Tibarn, screw meta, screw spoiling Cordelia, and screw whatever regret I'd have by not having this stupid skill, I'm not going to keep wasting perfectly good money on this stupid banner. The only benefit I had from the fucking $350usd spent trying to get a stupid SKILL are getting Valentian Catria and Pirate Veronica, both neutral.

There went the entire CYL budget and then some, wasted on a skill I couldn't even get in the end...

Edited by Xenomata
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The Innes and Eirika one had a rerun recently.

Ephraim's where it's at though.

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

3* Boey (Ugh. +Def/-HP)

Shame I couldn't check both, but I need pirate orbs.

3 Blue, 2 Red

3* Cain (Nooooo.... +HP/-Spd), 4* Sophia (Really ugh. +Atk/-HP)

4.25%, I really want this to end.

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6 hours ago, Xenomata said:

You people who say that sniping is better for getting a certain color off a banner are liars. Or you're in bed with IntSys.

You know what percentage I got up to trying to get Pirate Tibarn? 7 FUCKING PERCENT. And you know what? I DIDN'T EVEN GET HIM, I got Fallen FemCorrin and Valentian Catria. You know how many orbs it took to get to that high a percentage? A FUCKING LOT, CONSIDERING HOW OFTEN I GOT COLORLESS ORBS TO EVEN APPEAR.

You know what? Screw Dive Bomb. Screw Tibarn, screw meta, screw spoiling Cordelia, and screw whatever regret I'd have by not having this stupid skill, I'm not going to keep wasting perfectly good money on this stupid banner. The only benefit I had from the fucking $350usd spent trying to get a stupid SKILL are getting Valentian Catria and Pirate Veronica, both neutral.

There went the entire CYL budget and then some, wasted on a skill I couldn't even get in the end...

You win some, you lose some.  It seems to me that your luck was bad on this banner which is a shame.  I hope you get better luck next time.

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12 hours ago, Xenomata said:

You know what percentage I got up to trying to get Pirate Tibarn? 7 FUCKING PERCENT. And you know what? I DIDN'T EVEN GET HIM, I got Fallen FemCorrin and Valentian Catria. You know how many orbs it took to get to that high a percentage? A FUCKING LOT, CONSIDERING HOW OFTEN I GOT COLORLESS ORBS TO EVEN APPEAR.

Damn, that sucks. I do not think I have ever seen a 7% pity rate before.

If it makes you feel any better, if you are playing on Android, make sure to check Google Play every once in a while since you can get the 143 Orb Pack as a reward whenever you accumulate 1,930 Play Points.

Dive-Bomb is also really niche too, so I would not worry about missing out on it. Dive-Bomb is pretty much a downgrade compared to Desperation on everyone except Cordelia and OM!Ingrid. And even on those two units, Dive-Bomb is at best a sidegrade, not an upgrade, since Cordelia has the option to choose Spd Refinement and both can just stick with the tried and true Slaying-Galeforce-Desperation set.

Edited by XRay
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9 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

You win some, you lose some.  It seems to me that your luck was bad on this banner which is a shame.  I hope you get better luck next time.

Here's hoping... God, I even did this knowing CYL4 was less than a week away...

3 hours ago, XRay said:

Damn, that sucks. I do not think I have ever seen a 7% pity rate before.

If it makes you feel any better, if you are playing on Android, make sure to check Google Play every once in a while since you can get the 143 Orb Pack as a reward whenever you accumulate 1,930 Play Points.

Dive-Bomb is also really niche too, so I would not worry about missing out on it. Dive-Bomb is pretty much a downgrade compared to Desperation on everyone except Cordelia and OM!Ingrid. And even on those two units, Dive-Bomb is at best a sidegrade, not an upgrade, since Cordelia has the option to choose Spd Refinement and both can just stick with the tried and true Slaying-Galeforce-Desperation set.

There's a chance I reached the point where the game just gave me a 5* unit since I went so long without one... and no joke, doing this pushed me into Play points platinum.

I really don't know why I wanted this skill in the first place anymore... my Cordrlia is already amazing, she's been in just about every one of my Abyssal cleats, what would having this skill have done for me?

2 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

I hope you learned an important lesson, friend.

The house always wins.

You haven't looked at my sig, have you.


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Come on Brigged.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

5* Brigged (There it is. +Spd/-Atk, Just like the duo.), 3* Raven (Go away. +Spd/-Def), 3* Nino (Please no. +Res/-Def), 4* Tethys (Nice. +Spd/-Def), 5* Tibrum (There's the pirate knig of Phoenecis. +Def/-HP, ah well)

I am going to focus on gathering for CYL now. That is not the best, but oh well. I did get what I wanted, as well as the others. Clean sweep and all.

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I already have all three units on the new revival banner, so I picked colorless in hopes of a duplicate Veronica, and got her! She's neutral, like my free previous one, which is pretty funny and means there's no question of which one to fodder. I don't have any +10 healers yet, but once I get enough copies of Forrest (or if one of the earlier ones ever gets a cool enough prf), I'll be ready.

The unfortunate thing is that Windfire Balm+ and Wrathful Staff 3 together make up 5 skill levels, so I won't be able to get both in one round of SI. I'll probably just go for Wrathful Staff 2, then I can top it off later with someone else, like the Picnic Genny manual. Although Wrathful Staff 2 is probably enough for most purposes, so maybe I won't bother going out of my way for the third level.

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Weekly Revival 2.0 has some neat banners.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

3* Fir (And some bad units to pull. +Res/-Def)

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Haven't even come to the first spark yet (30 pulls so far), but I've got B!Lysithea (with my very first red orb), Ewan, L!Edelgard and Sirius.

Ewan and Sirius are new, so amazing results so far.

Edelgard has good IVs (+atk) whilst Lysithea has terrible IVs (but I just heared they can be fixed now, so).

Actually I can even stop after the first spark since I can pick the two guys with my 40 summons and default free pick.

I just have saved 160 orbs by that which is just fantastic!

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From the free summons on the CYL4 banner I got a +Res -Def F!Lyon. That's incredible considering I foddered the -Atk copy I got on his own banner for NCD and this one is better, the Def drop doesn't matter all that much when he practically laughs at every non red ranged unit. 

I used the orbs on the pirate banner because I really want Brigid (if only because I love the character) and I got a +Atk -Res one! Yay! 

That should be about it from now, I'm skipping the CYL4 banner to save a few orbs for H!Myrrh's rerun. 

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Time to spark. Full rounds to 40 then bailing unless I end up with a high pity rate (although breaking said rate would need weeks worth of orbs since I'm at 138).

4* Tiki
3* Clair
4* Klein
4* Ares
3* Clarine

3* Arthur
3* Cherche
4* Ross
4* Boey
3* Nanna

4* Subaki
3* Legault
4* Lena
4* Roderick
3* Sothe

4* Clair
4* Silvia
3* Roderick
4* Reyson
3* Chrom

3* Tharja
4* Oboro
4* Jagen
4* Fir
5* Flora +Atk -Res

4* Est
3* Stahl
4* Chrom
4* Merric
4* Jagen

4* Gunter
4* Eliwood
5* Nina +Res -Def
3* Matthew
3* Serra

3* Henry
4* Hinata
4* Serra
5* Bernadetta +Def -HP
4* Frederick

Welp, a pretty disappointing haul. Three five-stars is respectable for 40 pulls, sure, but Nina doesn't really count as a five-star. Flora is new at least, and Bernadetta goes to +1, albeit with the uninteresting choice of HP or Def boon. Took Claude as the 40-pull freebie since I'm a flier team addict, but I'm sitting on the other freebie for now, though it's a straight shootout between Dimitri and Edelgard. I'm open to the possibility of getting to the second spark if I happen to have the orbs when the banner nears its end, so that's the main reason to wait I guess. 0/3 focus rate gives me pause but it's not necessarily a rational thought.

Oh, and as a consolation I finally get to +10 Reyson too. Regrettably the final Tethys still refuses to show up so I'm undecided on whether to sit on my other 200k feathers for now, or go ahead and merge someone else up alongside Reyson. Maybe Tharja since Lysithea refused to show up.

Edited by Humanoid
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