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After being almost 5 months off from the game, couldn't have returned better, I guess! Managed to get all 4 with only ~100 orbs.

Got Lysithea and Claude on the very first summoning circle, then went the 40 spark thing and chose Dimitri, then chose Edelgard as the free choice. Lys is +ATK but Claude is -SPD, wondering if I go for anothe round of 40 just to choose him on the spark and get rid of that bane.

Edit: Easy, 2 more circles and a +SPD Claude popped up, along with a Fallen Lyon!

Edited by Lanko
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Got Claude, Dimitri and Lysethia until I reached 40 pulls so I got Edelgard for the Consolation Pull. Still haven't used the initial freebie, but I think I'll get anothe Lys to remove her Spd bane (She's +Atk!).

Wow, this banner was good to me. Got all the units before even claiming the freebie and no pity breakers!

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Well, I’m up to 4% on CYL4 after 32 pulls but I did at least have some early luck:




Bernie: +Res/-Def, Claude: +Def/-Atk

I got a duplicate Bernie already, and as a result got to dump the Spd flaw on the first one without needing the IV fruit. 

Oh and look, yet another -Atk to keep the streak going (all the summer TH girls and pirate Tibarn got it too). That’s also my third -Atk bow flier (the curse also got summer Takumi and summer Lyn). Regardless, getting Claude that early is still a win.

I claimed my free pick as well and it remained the unit I said it would be:



She eluded me the first time, and I wasn’t about to let that happen again. 

Now, to get the last couple of pulls I need to spark Dimitri (or Edelgard if Dimitri gets summoned regularly first).

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I had to clear CC9 to get the orbs for this pull.

I am going to hate clearing CC 9 +10. As is tradition.

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless

4* Oboro (Dimitri you are not. +Res/-Atk), 4* Mordecai (Really? +HP/-Res), 3* Norne (1 more merge. +Res/-Atk), 4* Boey (Could... could you not? +Atk/-Def), 4* Sheena (I am not trying to +10 you. +Spd/-Def)

4.25%. No more tokens. Straight outta orbs. Joy.

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Nine orbs from Rokkr rewards/Forging Bonds/login rewards. Green orb netted me a +atk Brave Edelgard, so the default one I Sparked for is merged into her. 

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On 8/18/2020 at 8:39 AM, Landmaster said:

With 1.5K Orbs, I was hoping to +10 Dimitri, but the gatcha gods said no for now~

He's +5 at least, which is alright. He could have been +10 if not for pitybreakers~

Total haul:

  Reveal hidden contents

4 Dimitris

2 Free Dimitris

2 Claudes

1 Lysithea

1 Edelgard

1 OG!Dimitri

1 B!Eliwood

1 Quan

1 F!Kris

1 Fiora

1 Anna

2 Ylgrs

1 A!M!Corrin

1 Kliff

1 Selkie

1 Percival

Guess I'll save up for Hero Fest to try to finish him there~

Ouch, 1500 orbs just to only get 6 Dimitris. I hope you have better luck the next time he shows up on a banner. At least it looks like you got some decent pitybreakers with good fodder skills.

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I feel like we're drained of orb sources for some reason.

Also, this link skills banner has one definite yes unit.

3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless (Or not I guess)

4* Reyson (Not what I was looking for. Also, Echidna please. +HP/-Atk)

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Pulled on the CYL banner and Link skills banner after saving for a while!

My haul:

CYL (~670 to 530 orbs)

  • Phina (+Atk)
  • Laevatein
  • Brave Eliwood
  • Brave Lysithea
  • Sparked for Brave Claude

Link (533 because I got some daily orbs to 388)

  • Apotheosis Anna (-Spd) 😧 @NSSKG151 Any ideas on what to do with her? I think I'll just keep her and try to merge later on.
  • Kjelle (+Atk)
  • Lilith x 2 (+Atk)

Overall, I don't think I really liked my luck on these banners because the focus units didn't appear often, but at least I got Lilith~!

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3 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

Pulled on the CYL banner and Link skills banner after saving for a while!

My haul:

CYL (~670 to 530 orbs)

  • Phina (+Atk)
  • Laevatein
  • Brave Eliwood
  • Brave Lysithea
  • Sparked for Brave Claude

Link (533 because I got some daily orbs to 388)

  • Apotheosis Anna (-Spd) 😧 @NSSKG151 Any ideas on what to do with her? I think I'll just keep her and try to merge later on.
  • Kjelle (+Atk)
  • Lilith x 2 (+Atk)

Overall, I don't think I really liked my luck on these banners because the focus units didn't appear often, but at least I got Lilith~!

Congrats on getting Lilith even if she eat a decent amount of your orbs.

About Apotheosis Anna, if want to use her I would say wait until you pull another one and merge them to remove that Spd bane or you could just use her base kit in the meantime as a Rally/Ruse bot if you are into those kinds of strategies. But if you don't want to use her or already have a fast infantry lance unit built up you could always fodder her Rally and Joint skill onto another unit not that I would ever that since I never see her as fodder.

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I finally got around to summoning on the Brave banner. I decided to do at least one spark and got some good stuff along the way. Dimitri and Claude came from tickets 2 and 3 respectively and then towards the end I got Nailah and Ophelia via pitybreaks. I used my spark summon on Lysithea and will also use my freebie on her later.

So yeah I ended up using 135 orbs but at least I walked out satisfied. Nailah will be stored for later when I want to sacrifice her good fodder on someone I like in the future, Ophelia will either get a merge or foddered for her Rally skill, I'm thinking of foddering Claude off to Cordelia so she gets Fury 4 and the Rein skill. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with Dimitri yet. I guess he can just hang out in the barracks for now.

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I got to 40 summons on CYL4, and thus got Dimitri:



.....with pull #40. The only downside is that he's +HP/-Spd instead of neutral.

So because of this timely luck, the spark was spent on Edelgard in order to complete the set:




Anyways, that'll be it for this banner for me. I've still got a 4% pity rate on the pirate banner to try and take care of now.

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Well on the down side, I now feel a little dumb using my Sparking to get Brave Dimitri.

On the other hand, I summoned Brave Dimitri +Def -Spd. Usually the ideal traits for a defensive tank, but A. Dimitri actually has alright Spd, and B I used my Sparking on Dimitri, so the flaw didn't matter for crap. I'm just kinda bummed I don't have any Brave Dimitri books in case Atk/Def Unity turns out to be the next best thing since the wheel.

Now I have a Brave Dimitri with 45 Defense base. Once he gets the boosts going, gonna be real hard to damage this boar.

Edited by Xenomata
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Did a full round on the dancer re-run since I'm at peace with being done with CYL. It did not go well and I'm down to zero orbs, but there's nothing on the horizon anyway.

4* Sothe
3* Soren
4* Gaius
3* Nowi
4* Gunter

The skills banner was likewise unproductive.

4* Valbar
4* Fir

Finally I decided to stop being indecisive and took Dimitri as my CYL freebie. Between the unconditional DC, use in F2P strats, and relative difficulty of sniping on blue versus green, it wasn't too hard of a decision to take him over Edelgard. I barely interacted with him in 3H but hey, respect for raw power. I'll spark Edelgard if and when the banner is re-run.

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No noteworthy pick from the Hoshidan Summer banner. I swear, this banner is still the drizzling shits.

On my way to the second spark, I've gotten my first non-Three Houses pitybreaker in Mikoto (lol). Used the second spark for Dimitri.

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