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This week's Arena Ticket gave me Laegjarn.

Week 1: Horse Chrom
Week 2: Luke
Week 3: Lewyn
Week 4: Maribelle
Week 5: Velouria
Week 6: Takumi
Week 7: Nah
Week 8: Mareeta
Week 9: Brave Veronica
Week 10: Laegjarn
Week 11: Male Byleth
Week 12: Luke
Week 13: Velouria
Week 14: Phina
Week 15: Mareeta
Week 16: Brave Lysithea
Week 17: Owain
Week 18: Larum
Week 19: Jaffar
Week 20: Nina
Week 21: Phina
Week 22: Velouria
Week 23: Jaffar
Week 24: Maribelle
Week 25: Brave Lyn
Week 26: Lucina
Week 27: Jaffar
Week 28: Midori
Week 29: Claude
Week 30: Ishtar
Week 31: Elise
Week 32: Sword Reinhardt
Week 33: Silque
Week 34: Brave Claude
Week 35: Brave Camilla
Week 36: Petra
Week 37: Brave Claude
Week 38: Sara
Week 39: Bow Hinoka
Week 40: Laegjarn

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I managed to get Claude on the free pull from the Tempest Trials banner. He's now +8.

This week's free Arena ticket gets me Mahnya:

  1. Brave Veronica (A)
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray
  10. Sigurd (B)
  11. Ryoma
  12. Bernadetta
  13. Laegjarn
  14. Laegjarn
  15. Fallen Female Corrin
  16. Fallen Ike
  17. Say'ri
  18. Karel
  19. Female Byleth
  20. Takumi
  21. Fallen Tiki
  22. Ike
  23. Sigurd
  24. Ike
  25. Elincia
  26. Luke
  27. Elise
  28. Helpful Chrom
  29. Tome Eirika
  30. Brave Roy
  31. Leaf
  32. Faye
  33. Fallen Mareeta
  34. Celica
  35. Sigurd
  36. Tibarn (C)
  37. Nah
  38. Meister Reinhardt
  39. Nina
  40. Mahnya


And now for the usual catching up on my procrastination and pulling on banners that are about to expire despite not having cleaned out my barracks yet and only having 10 open spots:


100 pulls on the Hall of Forms banner:

  • 4 Lilina (+1 spark)
  • 2 Igrene
  • 5 pity breakers:
    • Brave Chrom
    • Geoffrey
    • Echoes Est
    • Ascended Ishtar
    • Brave Eirika

6% focus rate and 11% 5-star rate are both well above average.

Lilina is now +10, which was the goal. I managed to pull 3 copies of her before the spark, but it took another 60 pulls after the spark to get the last copy. Igrene was already +10, so these are just extra copies of her Duel and Rein skills.


40 pulls on the Ascended/Rearmed banner:

  • 0 Lif (+1 spark)
  • 2 Fir

No non-spark copies of Lif is a bit disappointing, but 2 copies of Fir is nice, especially since one of them has a Spd Asset.


141 pulls on the CYL banner:

  • 1 Corrin
  • 2 Gullveig (+1 spark)
  • 1 Robin (+1 spark)
  • 0 Soren (+1 spark)
  • 1 pity breakers:
    • Diamant
    • Anankos
    • Ascended Hilda
    • Rhea

Total 181 pulls:

  • 2 Corrin (+2 sparks)
  • 3 Gullveig (+1 spark)
  • 1 Robin (+1 spark)
  • 0 Soren (+1 spark)
  • 6 pity breakers

3.3% focus rate is basically exactly average. As is a 6.6% 5-star rate.

No extra copies of Soren is a bit disappointing. I'll probably feed the sparked copy of him to Rearmed Ophelia and just wait to get another copy later. Also no copies of Corrin or Gullveig with a nature better than neutral. Robin has a Def Asset, which is at least decent.

This is my first copy of Anankos, and like Soren, he's immediately getting eaten by Rearmed Grima. Plus, this copy of him has a Spd Flaw, so there's no point leveling it anyways. Diamant is my first copy with a Def Asset, so he's my new merge base (the previous one had Res). Hilda is my first copy with a Spd Asset, so she'll also be me new merge base. Rhea is also being fed to Rearmed Grima for Scowl since I already have a perfect merge base for her.


145 pulls on Legendary Alear's banner:

  • 5 Alear (+1 spark)
  • 4 Robin
  • 3 Ninian
  • 1 Embla
  • 1 Lucia
  • 1 Syrene
  • 1 Rhea

11.0% focus rate is about 3 or 4 pulls above average.

I'm a bit surprised my pulls are not insanely lopsided against the new unit for once.

I have both Spd and Atk Assets available for both Alear and Robin and need to figure out which merge base I want to use for each of them. Robin will be +7 once I figure out which base to use. Alear is obviously going to be +5. My second Embla is now +4. This is my second copy of Lucia, and this one has an Atk Asset, which is better than my existing one that is [+Def, -Spd]. This is my first copy of Syrene, and she's [+Spd, -Def], which is perfect. This Rhea is identical to the Rhea I just got above from the CYL banner, and will probably end up being a merge.


I'll deal with the wind festival banner later when my procrastination catches up to me again.

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A pleasant surprise right at the end of my CYL sparking, with +Atk -Res Gullveig showing up on the penultimate pull. Same nature as the Corrin I pulled first up, in a nice bit of symmetry.

Three focus units on the way to the spark is good going by any measure, and she was the unit I most wanted anyway. I'll merge this time by claiming another copy as my freebie, and Soren, the one unit I didn't naturally pull, as the spark. It was just 8 straight full rounds at the cost of 135 orbs, so a very good year for CYL all around with the final analysis being:

+Atk -Res CYL Corrin
+Def -HP CYL Robin
+Atk CYL Gullveig +1
Neutral CYL Soren

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Grey for the TT banner.

  1. 4* Lissa: No.

Blue for the Hall of Forms Revival banner,

  1. 3* Roderick: No.

Red for Weekly Revival 38.

  1. 4* Lapis: No.

Red again for Weekly Revival 76.

  1. 3* Camilla: No.

As for the Wind banner, I'll snipe blues until I get Catria. 162 orbs to start.

  1. 4* Nyna: No.

So much for an easy freebie.

  1. 5* Sonya: An outdated 4* Special...+Atk/-Def is great, but I'm content with just merging her into my original +3 +Spd copy.

Not a single blue somehow. 157 orbs left.

  1. 4* Vanessa: No.
  2. 3* Peri: No.

148 orbs left.

  1. 3* Valbar: No.

143 orbs left.

  1. 3* Oscar: No.
  2. 3* Ilyana: No.
  3. 4* Subaki: No.

130 orbs left.

  1. 3* Mathilda: No.
  2. 4* Miriel: No.

121 orbs left.

  1. 3* Phila: No.

116 orbs left.

  1. 4* Thea: No.

111 orbs left.

  1. 5* Ingrid: Nice. +Def/-Spd is awful, so merge fodder for my +Atk/-Spd copy.

Finally something nice. 106 orbs left.

  1. 4* Peri: No.

101 orbs left.

  1. 3* Niles: No.

96 orbs left.

  1. 4* Wind!Catria: Finally. Unfortunately she's +HP/-Spd, so I'm going to try to get another copy.

91 orbs left.

  1. 3* Sully: No.

86 orbs left.

  1. 4* Odin: No.

81 orbs left.

  1. 3* Oboro: No.
  2. 3* Silas: Reposition fodder.

72 orbs left.

  1. 3* Miriel: No.

67 orbs left.

  1. 3* Marcia: No.
  2. 4* Peri: No.

58 orbs left.

  1. 4* Forrest: No.

53 orbs left.

  1. 4* Altena: No.
  2. 4* Vanessa: No.

44 orbs left.

  1. 3* Forrest: No.

39 orbs left.

  1. 4* Marcia: No.

34 orbs left.

  1. 4* L'Arachel: No.

29 orbs left.

  1. 3* Linhardt: No.

24 orbs left.

  1. 4* Arthur: No.

19 orbs left.

  1. 3* Nowi: No.

14 orbs left.

  1. 4* Robin: No.
  2. 4* Phila: No.

That did not work out like it should have. I ended up spending 157 orbs to get one 4* copy of Catria, plus random merges for Sonya and Ingrid. Whenever I don't care about the 4* focus unit their color always shows up way out of proportion, and now it takes me forever just to get one copy. Anyway, now for the weekly Arena ticket.

  1. 5* Adrift!Camilla: Okay. +Res/-Def is good, but I already have a +2 +Res copy. +3 now.
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This weeks Arena Ticket gave me Sword Reinhardt again.

Week 1: Horse Chrom
Week 2: Luke
Week 3: Lewyn
Week 4: Maribelle
Week 5: Velouria
Week 6: Takumi
Week 7: Nah
Week 8: Mareeta
Week 9: Brave Veronica
Week 10: Laegjarn
Week 11: Male Byleth
Week 12: Luke
Week 13: Velouria
Week 14: Phina
Week 15: Mareeta
Week 16: Brave Lysithea
Week 17: Owain
Week 18: Larum
Week 19: Jaffar
Week 20: Nina
Week 21: Phina
Week 22: Velouria
Week 23: Jaffar
Week 24: Maribelle
Week 25: Brave Lyn
Week 26: Lucina
Week 27: Jaffar
Week 28: Midori
Week 29: Claude
Week 30: Ishtar
Week 31: Elise
Week 32: Sword Reinhardt
Week 33: Silque
Week 34: Brave Claude
Week 35: Brave Camilla
Week 36: Petra
Week 37: Brave Claude
Week 38: Sara
Week 39: Bow Hinoka
Week 40: Laegjarn
Week 41: Sword Reinhardt

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Only 9 tickets today because of the silly Aether Resort one needing to be done after the weekly reset.

1. Surtr (new)
2. Velouria
3. CYL Claude
4. Leila
5. Mikoto (new)
6. CYL Lyn
7. Eleonora (new)
8. Hilda (new)
9. Hilda again

Y'know that actually went remarkably well. Never pushed out beyond my second choice colour (grey into green), four units that are completely new to me, and no real duds. Even the lone Gen 1 unit there is CYL unit.

The New Heroes banner went less well, used all tickets rounds and opened all blue and green orbs (14 total) for no result.

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This week's free Arena ticket gets me Keaton:

  1. Brave Veronica (A)
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray
  10. Sigurd (B)
  11. Ryoma
  12. Bernadetta
  13. Laegjarn
  14. Laegjarn
  15. Fallen Female Corrin
  16. Fallen Ike
  17. Say'ri
  18. Karel
  19. Female Byleth
  20. Takumi
  21. Fallen Tiki
  22. Ike
  23. Sigurd
  24. Ike
  25. Elincia
  26. Luke
  27. Elise
  28. Helpful Chrom
  29. Tome Eirika
  30. Brave Roy
  31. Leaf
  32. Faye
  33. Fallen Mareeta
  34. Celica
  35. Sigurd
  36. Tibarn (C)
  37. Nah
  38. Meister Reinhardt
  39. Nina
  40. Mahnya
  41. Keaton

He's now +8.


The celebration tickets got me:

  1. Fallen Ike (spare)
  2. Eldigan (spare)
  3. Ewan (now +8)
  4. Leen (Spd Asset new merge base)
  5. Idunn (spare)
  6. Eyvel (now +6)
  7. Alm (spare)
  8. Female Byleth (spare)
  9. Fiora (spare)
  10. Keaton (now +9)

3 merges and another copy of Ruptured Sky is definitely a win.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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I'm apparently on some -atk streak, or something. Only got a single new unit out of the 10 arena tickets (which is better than 0, would've been better if Perceval hadn't been -atk though), random Farina showing up on the first circle of the new banner despite there being two focus units on blue, and the Hel rerun banner being an asshole and giving me absolutely nothing 30 pulls in.

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Huh, I was intending on waiting for the reveal next week as to what banner next week's five Golden tickets would be for. But solely based on the that I had 26 pulls remaining to the spark, and that 26 > 25 maximum pulls from the tickets, I decided to do a cheeky round on New Heroes. And whaddya know, pull 15 was a perfect +Atk -Spd Rearmed Plumeria.

Well then, that's probably me done for the banner then. Ced would be nice, but I've picked up many premium green mages already this year - Robin, Citrinne, Ivy and Soren - who are all probably better than him for my purposes. I suppose there's still the chance that the tickets next week will be for this, but I'm thinking (and now kinda hoping) that they're for something else like a surprise Hero Fest.

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A lot of banners this week. Starting with grey for L&M Remix 1.

  1. 4* Nanna: No.

Green for L&M Remix 2.

  1. 3* Atlas: No.

Grey for the New Power banner.

  1. 4* Saul: No.

Green for Bite of Flame.

  1. 3* Soren: No.

Blue for Weekly Revival 39.

  1. 3* Mae: No.

Red for Weekly Revival 70.

  1. 4* Hana: No.

Blue for Rearmed Plumeria's banner.

  1. 3* Benny: No.
  2. 3* Benny: Really?
  3. 3* Gunter: No.
  4. 4* Oboro: No.
  5. 3* L'Arachel: No.

That was insultingly bad. Now to try to kill my pity rate on the Wind banner with 92 orbs.

  1. 4* Wind!Catria: Finally another copy of her. +Spd/-Atk is an excellent base to merge my +HP/-Spd copy into.
  2. 4* Altena: No.
  3. 4* Thea: No.
  4. 3* Saizo: No.
  5. 3* A!Tiki: No.

72 orbs left.

  1. 5* Keaton: Another 4* Special. +Res/-Def is horrid, so merge fodder for my +1 +Atk copy.
  2. 3* Colm: No.
  3. 4* Rath: No.
  4. 4* Hawkeye: No.
  5. 4* Jeorge: No.

52 orbs left.

  1. 5* Wind!Dagr: Finally a 5* focus unit...+Spd/-Atk is good enough for purposes.
  2. 4* Bantu: No.
  3. 3* Soren: No.
  4. 4* Echidna: No.
  5. 4* Sheena: No.

That went okay. 3 more circles (bringing me up to a total of 217 orbs spent) got me a total haul of Dagr, two 4* copies of Catria, and merges for Sonya, Ingrid, and Keaton. I'm mostly not happy with the specific units I pulled, but at least I got a decent number of them overall. Now for the weekly Arena ticket.

  1. 5* Ayra: Alright. +HP/-Spd is terrible, so merge fodder for my +3 +Spd copy.
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Used a ticket on the banner and chose a blue node to see if I couldn't get Febail. I was all "Watch me get Rearmed Plumeria instead." And guess what happened. XD She's +Atk/-Spd. I guess that's good? I'll look at her boons again.

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This week's Arena Ticket gave me Shinon.

Week 1: Horse Chrom
Week 2: Luke
Week 3: Lewyn
Week 4: Maribelle
Week 5: Velouria
Week 6: Takumi
Week 7: Nah
Week 8: Mareeta
Week 9: Brave Veronica
Week 10: Laegjarn
Week 11: Male Byleth
Week 12: Luke
Week 13: Velouria
Week 14: Phina
Week 15: Mareeta
Week 16: Brave Lysithea
Week 17: Owain
Week 18: Larum
Week 19: Jaffar
Week 20: Nina
Week 21: Phina
Week 22: Velouria
Week 23: Jaffar
Week 24: Maribelle
Week 25: Brave Lyn
Week 26: Lucina
Week 27: Jaffar
Week 28: Midori
Week 29: Claude
Week 30: Ishtar
Week 31: Elise
Week 32: Sword Reinhardt
Week 33: Silque
Week 34: Brave Claude
Week 35: Brave Camilla
Week 36: Petra
Week 37: Brave Claude
Week 38: Sara
Week 39: Bow Hinoka
Week 40: Laegjarn
Week 41: Sword Reinhardt
Week 42: Shinon

On 9/15/2023 at 9:44 PM, Fire Emblem Fan said:

The 9 free celebration Arena Tickets have given me:

  • 3 copies of Tsubasa. I wish I was kidding.
  • Loki, who I somehow hadn't summoned yet.
  • Brave Veronica.
  • Regular Claude.
  • Gleipnir Eirika.
  • Maribelle.
  • Flora.

We'll see what the 10th one gives me next week.

The 10th ticket gave me Julian.

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Pulled Melady with the arena tickets today, my first one. She's +spd -res, which I think is pretty good but I thought she had more speed than she does. Guess I'm chipping away at my Binding Blade entries.

The mythic remix banner on the other hand ...

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Picked up a free +HP -Def Harmonic Roy from the 1000 banner but nothing in the 19 subsequent pulls before I ran out of orbs. I can't say I'm terribly in the mood to grab FEH Pass for the spark, so the results from the final two tickets will be telling as to how I proceed from here.

As for Roy, same unfortunate asset as my old one, but at least he loses the Spd bane that was a huge issue for his performance in Resonant Battles. It was a superbane too so +4 Spd gained, nice.

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My only missing unit from the 1000 banner was NY Dagr and I got her in the first summon, so now what do I even do with all these tickets. I guess red would have the best odds of getting one of the handful of main-pool units I'm missing? Getting Harmonized merges for Resonant Battles would be nice but all the colors are about equally relevant for that, they all have one unit I wouldn't mind using there and none of them overlap with my one +1 Harmonized (Linde).

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This week's free Arena ticket gets me Laevatein:

  1. Brave Veronica (A)
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray
  10. Sigurd (B)
  11. Ryoma
  12. Bernadetta
  13. Laegjarn
  14. Laegjarn
  15. Fallen Female Corrin
  16. Fallen Ike
  17. Say'ri
  18. Karel
  19. Female Byleth
  20. Takumi
  21. Fallen Tiki
  22. Ike
  23. Sigurd
  24. Ike
  25. Elincia
  26. Luke
  27. Elise
  28. Helpful Chrom
  29. Tome Eirika
  30. Brave Roy
  31. Leaf
  32. Faye
  33. Fallen Mareeta
  34. Celica
  35. Sigurd
  36. Tibarn (C)
  37. Nah
  38. Meister Reinhardt
  39. Nina
  40. Mahnya
  41. Keaton
  42. Laevatein


I finally managed to clear out 20 spaces in my barracks again.


51 pulls on the Hall of Forms rerun banner, pulling all colors except blue because Camilla is already +10:

  • 1 Felicia
  • 1 Flora (+1 spark)
  • 2 pity breakers
    • Ascended Joshua
    • Ascended Tiki

Felicia is now +3, but still neutral. Flora is now +3 and +Def instead of +HP.

I'm still an Ascended Hero magnet, it seems. Joshua is now +9. Tiki is now +2.


40 pulls from the Mirabilis remix banner, sniping red:

  • 0 Mirabilis (+1 spark)
  • 0 Byleth
  • 1 Peony

Well, this banner can certainly go fuck itself.

But at the very least, the spark brings Mirabilis up to +10. Peony is now +8.


40 pulls from the Hel remix banner, sniping green:

  • 2 Hel (+1 spark)
  • 0 Ganglot

Normally, I would have sparked for Ganglot, but the spark brings Hel to +10, and I expect Ganglot to be rerun more often, if less predictably, as it seems they're actually doing a half-decent job of rerunning Rearmed Heroes.

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13 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

40 pulls from the Mirabilis remix banner, sniping red:

  • 0 Mirabilis (+1 spark)
  • 0 Byleth
  • 1 Peony

Well, this banner can certainly go fuck itself.

I couldn't agree more. I got no focus unit until the spark, then I sparked Peony since I am merging her up.

But this is the 3rd Remix banner that I don't get Peony during the 40 summons. This is painful.

And I am still mad that they moved Peony from January to September without informing us, and now she is in March... which is around A Hero Rises banner.

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8 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I couldn't agree more. I got no focus unit until the spark, then I sparked Peony since I am merging her up.

But this is the 3rd Remix banner that I don't get Peony during the 40 summons. This is painful.

And I am still mad that they moved Peony from January to September without informing us, and now she is in March... which is around A Hero Rises banner.

I was pulling on the other remix banner, but I had the same issue. I don't think I pulled anything on the Hel remix banner until the spark. Don't even think I got any 4-star special heroes.

Worst banner.

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Let's see what this week has to offer. Grey for the Scion banner.

  1. 4* Gaius: No.

Red for the Catch banner.

  1. 4* Ares: No.

Red again for To Stay Dreaming.

  1. 4* Miranda: No.

Blue for the Hall of Forms banner.

  1. 3* Tatiana: No.

Blue for the BHB banner.

  1. 4* Effie: No.

Blue again for Weekly Revival 40.

  1. 4* Ilyana: No.

Grey for Weekly Revival 77.

  1. 3* Shanna: Desperation fodder.

Grey for the Omega Special Heroes banner. Fingers crossed for the tickets.

  1. 5* Valentine!Chrom: That's a good start! +Atk/-Res is excellent.
  2. 4* Priscilla: No.
  3. 5* Duo!Nina: Nice. +Atk/-HP is good as well.
  4. 4* Nanna: No.
  5. 4* Mercedes: No.
  6. 4* Sakura: No.

That went extremely well. Two new units with good assets and flaws, although I can't help but be annoyed that I didn't get a merge for Harmonic!Lysithea. Now to dump 11 Arena tickets all at once and see what fortune gives me. Taking the top orb each time for randomness:

  1. 5* Alm: Meh. +Spd/-Res isn't great, so merge fodder for my +5 +Atk copy.
  2. 5* Rinkah: Okay. +Def/-HP is good, but I'll stick with my +1 +Spd copy.
  3. 5* Lene: Meh. +Res/-Atk is bad, so merge fodder for my +2 +Spd copy.
  4. 5* Fallen!Julia: That's more like it. +Def/-HP is terrible, but she's merge fodder for my +5 copy anyway.
  5. 5* Ryoma: Meh. +HP/-Spd is bad, so merge fodder for my +Spd/-Def copy.
  6. 5* Keaton: Okay. Full neutral, so merge fodder for my +2 +Atk copy.
  7. 5* Asbel: Okay. +Res/-Atk is bad, so merge fodder for my +2 +Spd copy.
  8. 5* Shamir: Okay. +Def/-Res is mediocre, so merge fodder for my +1 +Spd copy.
  9. 5* Elincia: Nice: +Def/-HP is bad, so merge fodder for my +2 +Atk copy.
  10. 5* Annand: +Res/-HP is mediocre, so I think I'll keep my current full neutral copy.
  11. 5* Mikoto: Alright. +Spd/-Res is redundant with my current +Spd/-HP copy, so merge fodder it is.

7 reds, three greens, and 1 grey. I'm not seeing a lot of randomness here...Well, I got some nice merges, so I'm happy enough. All in all a very good pull session.

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80 pulls on the Rearmed Plumeria banner:

  • 0 Plumeria (+1 spark)
  • 5 Faval
  • 1 Sety (+1 spark)
  • 2 pity breakers
    • Fallen Ninian
    • Ascended Eir

And because it wasn't shit enough, every copy of Faval has either an HP Asset or a Res Asset. This banner can go fuck itself twice over.


Free pulls only from the Double Special Heroes banner because the only units on it that I don't already have at +10 are Roy and Lysithea, so it's not really worth pulling for the spark. And got nothing of note.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Took until the 31st pull on the 1000 banner to get my second 5-star, and it was just a merge for Harmonic Lysithea. I suppose that helps justify my previous usage of trait fruits on her, since she's now +2 which should help with getting T21 in RB.

The spark is 5 pulls away but I don't have FEH Pass and it's probably not going to happen unless both the legendary and seasonal banners early next month are desirable and we even find out who's in the seasonal banner in time. Even then I'm in a relative down period with the game having been flirting with the idea of a proper break for a few weeks now. The unexpectedly large 1000 event delayed any notion of stopping before then, but now it's done and dusted and we're back to boring business as usual.

Weekly arena pull is Kinoka again, been a while since she's turned up with these things, and she goes to +5.

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