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This week's Arena Ticket gave me Silque, for the second time. Anything to not summon my first Mist, huh?

Week 1: Horse Chrom
Week 2: Luke
Week 3: Lewyn
Week 4: Maribelle
Week 5: Velouria
Week 6: Takumi
Week 7: Nah
Week 8: Mareeta
Week 9: Brave Veronica
Week 10: Laegjarn
Week 11: Male Byleth
Week 12: Luke
Week 13: Velouria
Week 14: Phina
Week 15: Mareeta
Week 16: Brave Lysithea
Week 17: Owain
Week 18: Larum
Week 19: Jaffar
Week 20: Nina
Week 21: Phina
Week 22: Velouria
Week 23: Jaffar
Week 24: Maribelle
Week 25: Brave Lyn
Week 26: Lucina
Week 27: Jaffar
Week 28: Midori
Week 29: Claude
Week 30: Ishtar
Week 31: Elise
Week 32: Sword Reinhardt
Week 33: Silque
Week 34: Brave Claude
Week 35: Brave Camilla
Week 36: Petra
Week 37: Brave Claude
Week 38: Sara
Week 39: Bow Hinoka
Week 40: Laegjarn
Week 41: Sword Reinhardt
Week 42: Shinon
Week 43: Silque

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This week's free Arena ticket gets me Fallen Celica:

  1. Brave Veronica (A)
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray
  10. Sigurd (B)
  11. Ryoma
  12. Bernadetta
  13. Laegjarn
  14. Laegjarn
  15. Fallen Female Corrin
  16. Fallen Ike
  17. Say'ri
  18. Karel
  19. Female Byleth
  20. Takumi
  21. Fallen Tiki
  22. Ike
  23. Sigurd
  24. Ike
  25. Elincia
  26. Luke
  27. Elise
  28. Helpful Chrom
  29. Tome Eirika
  30. Brave Roy
  31. Leaf
  32. Faye
  33. Fallen Mareeta
  34. Celica
  35. Sigurd
  36. Tibarn (C)
  37. Nah
  38. Meister Reinhardt
  39. Nina
  40. Mahnya
  41. Keaton
  42. Laevatein
  43. Fallen Celica


Also managed to get Valentine Lyn as a 4-star SR Special Hero summon on the Thracia/Echoes/Nephenee dancer banner, so she's now +8.

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Grey for A Splendid Soiree.

  1. 4* Kiragi: No.

Grey again for Performing Arts.

  1. 4* Mercedes: No.

Green for Weekly Revival 41.

  1. 3* Echidna: No.

Red for Weekly Revival 71.

  1. 4* Hinata: No.

And now to snipe reds on L!Elincia's banner. 169 orbs on hand, starting with one full circle for fun.

  1. 4* Hana: No.
  2. 3* Mathilda: No.
  3. 4* Sylvain: No.
  4. 3* Chad: No.
  5. 3* Sakura: No.

Disappointing. 154 orbs left.

  1. 4* Athena: No.

149 orbs left.

  1. 3* Chrom: No.

144 orbs left.

  1. 4* Marth: No.

139 orbs left.

  1. 3* Tharja: No.

134 orbs left.

  1. 3* Kent: Reposition fodder.
  2. 4* Marth: No.

125 orbs left.

  1. 4* Cain: No.
  2. 4* Scathach: No.

116 orbs left.

  1. 3* Azama: No.

111 orbs left.

  1. 3* Virion: No.

106 orbs left.

  1. 5* Fallen!Chrom: Not Elincia, but still very nice. +Spd/-Res is excellent too.

101 orbs left.

  1. 5* Fallen!Chrom: Okay, why not. +Spd/-Atk, so easy merge fodder.
  2. 3* Raigh: No.
  3. 4* Ares: No.

I should probably stop at this point, but I'm looking for Elincia here. 88 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sakura: No.

83 orbs left.

  1. 4* Olivia: No.
  2. 4* Stahl: No.
  3. 4* Erk: No.

70 orbs left.

  1. 3* Mamui: No.

65 orbs left.

  1. 3* Eliwood: No.

60 orbs left.

  1. 4* Chrom: No.
  2. 4* Sophia: No.

51 orbs left.

  1. 3* M!Morgan: No.

46 orbs left.

  1. 3* Hana: No.
  2. 4* Hinata: No.
  3. 3* Laslow: No.
  4. 4* Chrom: No. I'll take the one grey orb this time.
  5. 5* Gotoh: That was worth it. +Atk/-Def, so merge fodder for my +Atk/-HP copy.

26 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sophia: No.
  2. 4* Miranda: No.

17 orbs left.

  1. 3* Tharja: No.

That actually went very well for a Legendary banner. 157 orbs and 36 pulls got me two good copies of Fallen!Chrom and a merge for Gotoh. No Elincia though, so unless the upcoming Halloween banner has someone I really like I'm definitely coming back here. Now for the weekly Arena ticket.

  1. 5* Fallen!Mareeta: Continuing the theme, I see. +Def/-HP, so merge fodder for my +3 +Spd copy.
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I am constantly amazed by how the gacha manages to give me various off-focus 5-stars instead of the focus unit I'm trying to summon.

But fallen f!Byleth is REALLY good, and I wanted her A-skill for my Hel, so I'm not really upset by this. That said, I do find it hilarious how I've never summoned f!Alear despite all the times she's been on-focus, while I summoned one m!Alear off-focus.

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Grabbed my second Legendary Hinoka overall with the 11th pull on the Legendary banner, sniping red only. Not as good as pulling a first Elincia of course, but I'll take it. -Atk, but my existing one is +Atk, so that's irrelevant. I'm assuming I'll merge here, and probably ascend speed to turn her into a pretty strong carry for any content.

No greys nor greens on the Arena banner so I rolled the dice on red and got my first Fallen Celica, so that worked out. +Spd -HP too which is nice.

As for the Engage revival, the only thing noteworthy to come out of it is my first (3-star) +Spd Vanessa.


EDIT: Decided to go to 40/40 pulls on the 1K banner even if I'm not guaranteed to spark it, just so that I'll be in a position to do so. Worked out, with the 40th and final pull being a neutral Duo Nina. Nice bookends I suppose, with the very first pull on the banner also being a focus unit, with one in between. Also picked up a bonus Nailah in the circle previously. If I do spark, I'll probably opt for Thorr over Chrom but at this stage I think I won't do it, feeling pretty done with the game so it's silly to throw any money at it. Additional factors against would be that the Halloween banner is so-so at best, and there might be a new hero type introduced later in the month.

Edited by Humanoid
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This week's Arena Ticket has finally, finally, finally given me my very first Mist. Finally. She was the very last New Heroes character from the first two books I did not have. I have no idea why she never showed up once any time I had summoned, but that's how it was. Now, finally, she's here. Even if she's an old early-game unit, I'm just happy to have the entirety of the New Heroes from first two books checked off.

Week 1: Horse Chrom
Week 2: Luke
Week 3: Lewyn
Week 4: Maribelle
Week 5: Velouria
Week 6: Takumi
Week 7: Nah
Week 8: Mareeta
Week 9: Brave Veronica
Week 10: Laegjarn
Week 11: Male Byleth
Week 12: Luke
Week 13: Velouria
Week 14: Phina
Week 15: Mareeta
Week 16: Brave Lysithea
Week 17: Owain
Week 18: Larum
Week 19: Jaffar
Week 20: Nina
Week 21: Phina
Week 22: Velouria
Week 23: Jaffar
Week 24: Maribelle
Week 25: Brave Lyn
Week 26: Lucina
Week 27: Jaffar
Week 28: Midori
Week 29: Claude
Week 30: Ishtar
Week 31: Elise
Week 32: Sword Reinhardt
Week 33: Silque
Week 34: Brave Claude
Week 35: Brave Camilla
Week 36: Petra
Week 37: Brave Claude
Week 38: Sara
Week 39: Bow Hinoka
Week 40: Laegjarn
Week 41: Sword Reinhardt
Week 42: Shinon
Week 43: Silque
Week 44: Mist

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The fucking Halloween banner has given me THREE 4-star specials on RED and I swear at least three Kamui and not a single Seadall.

And the one color I'm trying to avoid won't stop showing up.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with my seasonal luck the past few months?????

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4 hours ago, Sunwoo said:


The fucking Halloween banner has given me THREE 4-star specials on RED and I swear at least three Kamui and not a single Seadall.

And the one color I'm trying to avoid won't stop showing up.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with my seasonal luck the past few months?????

my luck was bad too, Ymir when I was only pulling blue and colorless, then the newest Corrin

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This week's free Arena ticket gets me Echoes Catria:

  1. Brave Veronica (A)
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray
  10. Sigurd (B)
  11. Ryoma
  12. Bernadetta
  13. Laegjarn
  14. Laegjarn
  15. Fallen Female Corrin
  16. Fallen Ike
  17. Say'ri
  18. Karel
  19. Female Byleth
  20. Takumi
  21. Fallen Tiki
  22. Ike
  23. Sigurd
  24. Ike
  25. Elincia
  26. Luke
  27. Elise
  28. Helpful Chrom
  29. Tome Eirika
  30. Brave Roy
  31. Leaf
  32. Faye
  33. Fallen Mareeta
  34. Celica
  35. Sigurd
  36. Tibarn (C)
  37. Nah
  38. Meister Reinhardt
  39. Nina
  40. Mahnya
  41. Keaton
  42. Laevatein
  43. Fallen Celica
  44. Echoes Catria


40 pulls on the Hall of Forms banner:

  • 3 Leila (+1 spark)
  • 1 Ninian
  • 1 pity breaker
    • Priam

Really good luck with Leila pulls. Leila is now +7, and I now have a copy with a Spd Asset that I can use as a merge base.


42 pulls on the Forging Bonds banner:

  • 1 Alfred (+1 spark)
  • 1 Alear
  • 1 pity breaker
    • Ascended Idunn

Continuing to be an Ascended Hero magnet.

Also got another copy of Duo Ephraim from the 4-star SR pool, which brings him up to +8, but it's yet another one with a Spd Asset.


289 pulls on the wind festival banner:

  • 4 Kagero (+1 spark)
  • 2 Dagr
  • 1 Claude
  • 4 5-star Catria
  • 7 4-star Catria
  • 6 pity breakers
    • Brave Eirika
    • Monica
    • Gregor
    • Brave Byleth
    • Rhea
    • Ascended Celica

I think my complaining about Claude being broken as fuck made him not want to come home. I originally intended to pull less on this banner, but I had already gotten 11 copies of Catria and stopped pulling blue altogether before he finally came home.

3.8% focus rate is about 1 and a half pulls above average. 5.9% 5-star rate is about 1 and half pulls below average.

None of my Kagero copies has an Atk or Spd Asset. But Dagr and Claude are both [+Atk, -Res], which is nice.


137 pulls on the Legendary Hero banner:

  • 3 Elincia (+1 spark)
  • 9 Hinoka
  • 3 Chrom

10.9% focus rate is about 3 or 4 pulls above average, and they were all Hinoka.

I now have a +10 Hinoka with 1 spare copy and have a copy with a Spd Asset as a new merge base. Hinoka reaching +10 is really nice since it means I'll actually have a fire team for Allegiance battles that doesn't suck at scoring.

I now also have a Chrom with a Spd Asset. Elincia has an Atk Asset.

There's a chance that I might put another orb pack into this banner before it ends since there aren't remix banners this month and hope for another copy of Elincia and Chrom, but we'll see.

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So I gave in and bought another orb pack in addition to the Otherworld Bond pack and did a few more pulls on the Legendary Hero banner.

71 pulls on the Legendary Hero banner:

  • 1 Elincia
  • 1 Hinoka
  • 3 Chrom

Total 208 pulls:

  • 4 Elincia (+1 spark)
  • 10 Hinoka
  • 6 Chrom

9.6% focus rate is still about 2 or 3 pulls above average. But as always, the pulls are skewed towards the older units, and I'm 2 pulls below average on Elincia.

So in the end, I have a +4 Elincia with an Atk Asset, 10 total copies of Chrom for skill duplication with a Spd Asset on the merge base, and a +10 Hinoka with a Spd Asset and 2 spare copies for... Deadeye or something.

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Blue for the Engage revival.

  1. 4* Tatiana: No.
  2. 4* Altena: No.
  3. 3* Cordelia: No.
  4. 3* Robin: No.
  5. 4* Miriel: No.

Grey for the TT banner.

  1. 4* Tanya: No.

Blue for the New Power banner.

  1. 5* Farina: Nice! +Def/-Spd is pretty bad, so merge fodder for my +3 +Res copy.

Red for Weekly Revival 42.

  1. 4* Fee: You showed up quickly. +Spd/-HP is good, so welcome to the barracks.

Red again for Weekly Revival 78.

  1. 3* Laslow: No.

And back to trying to find L!Elincia. 92 orbs on hand.

  1. 4* Marth: No.
  2. 3* Soleil: No.

83 orbs left.

  1. 4* Nyna: No.

78 orbs left.

  1. 4* M!Morgan: No.
  2. 4* Chrom: No.

69 orbs left.

  1. 4* Stahl: No.
  2. 3* Erk: No.

60 orbs left.

  1. 4* Tanith: No.

55 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sophia: No.
  2. 4* Stahl: No.

46 orbs left.

  1. 3* Elice: No.

41 orbs left.

  1. 4* Hana: No.
  2. 4* Hana: Seriously?

32 orbs left.

  1. 3* Maria: No.

27 orbs left.

  1. 4* Fir: No.
  2. 4* Draug: No.

18 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lissa: No.

13 orbs left.

  1. 3* Palla: No.

84 more orbs and 18 more pulls got me absolutely nothing, which doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Now to see what the weekly Arena ticket yields.

  1. 5* Asbel: Not bad. +Res/-Def is good, but I'll keep my +3 +Spd copy.
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I decided to commit to getting a second 5-star from the Legendary banner, and as a result I ended up having to grab around 30 story mode orbs to actually get it. Fortunately vindication arrived in the form of +Def -Atk Legendary Elincia. Rubbish nature but I'll settle for that for the time being.

Doing 40 pulls on the 1K banner and 34 on the Legendary banner without being able to spark either of them really hurts the soul, but I'm being a bit more free and easy with the orbs for now because I'm probably bailing out once they do the reveal (or non-reveal) of the mooted new hero type later this month.

P.S. Weekly arena freebie is +Spd -HP CYL Camilla, which I am pleased with because my only other copy is -Atk.

Edited by Humanoid
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I really need to break my pity rate on the Legendary banner. 37 orbs on hand.

  1. 4* Lapis: No.

32 orbs left.

  1. 3* Raigh: No.
  2. 3* Guy: No.

23 orbs left.

  1. 4* Henry: No.

18 orbs left.

  1. 3* Hinata: No.
  2. 5* Fallen!Chrom: Three in a row...+Def/-Atk, so definite skill/merge fodder.
  3. 3* Olivia: No.

Well, 32 more orbs got me a third copy of Fallen!Chrom. That's hardly bad, but I'm peeved that I didn't get a single copy of either Elincia or Hinoka.

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This week's Arena Ticket gave me Fallen Julia.

Week 1: Horse Chrom
Week 2: Luke
Week 3: Lewyn
Week 4: Maribelle
Week 5: Velouria
Week 6: Takumi
Week 7: Nah
Week 8: Mareeta
Week 9: Brave Veronica
Week 10: Laegjarn
Week 11: Male Byleth
Week 12: Luke
Week 13: Velouria
Week 14: Phina
Week 15: Mareeta
Week 16: Brave Lysithea
Week 17: Owain
Week 18: Larum
Week 19: Jaffar
Week 20: Nina
Week 21: Phina
Week 22: Velouria
Week 23: Jaffar
Week 24: Maribelle
Week 25: Brave Lyn
Week 26: Lucina
Week 27: Jaffar
Week 28: Midori
Week 29: Claude
Week 30: Ishtar
Week 31: Elise
Week 32: Sword Reinhardt
Week 33: Silque
Week 34: Brave Claude
Week 35: Brave Camilla
Week 36: Petra
Week 37: Brave Claude
Week 38: Sara
Week 39: Bow Hinoka
Week 40: Laegjarn
Week 41: Sword Reinhardt
Week 42: Shinon
Week 43: Silque
Week 44: Mist
Week 45: Fallen Julia

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Five rounds sniping green resulted in 6 green pulls and one blue, the final pull being a +HP -Atk New Peony. Decent luck that. I don't actually have any plans for her, or indeed for FEH in general, so I'm done for now (as I have a grand total of 21 orbs anyway) and will see how I feel as the next week or two progress. Leaning towards it being the end of the line for me I think, with this damp squib of a reveal this week there's really nothing I'm looking forward to anymore.

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Alright, blue for the Double Special banner.

  1. 4* Ferdinand: Reposition fodder.

Red for Shared Bounty.

  1. 4* H!Kurthnaga: Good. +Atk/-Def is decent as well.

Blue for Weekly Revival 43.

  1. 3* Gordin: Or not.

Green for Weekly Revival 72.

  1. 4* Frederick: No.

Green for Attuned Peony & Triandra's banner.

  1. 3* Atlas: No.
  2. 4* Reyson: No.
  3. 4* Balthus: No.
  4. 4* Mustafa: No.
  5. 3* Merric: No.

Oh well. Now to finally start sniping for Harmonic!Anna on the Harvest banner. Only 47 orbs to start since I haven't been very diligent with quests lately.

  1. 4* Luthier: No.
  2. 4* Barst: Reposition fodder.

43 orbs left.

  1. 3* Beruka: No.

38 orbs left.

  1. 5* Harmonic!Anna: Nice! +Def/-HP is fine enough. Might as well take the rest of the circle to see what I get.
  2. 4* Lex: Reposition fodder.
  3. 3* Soleil: No.
  4. 4* Oscar: No.
  5. 3* Etie:

That actually went well for once. It only took 29 orbs to get a copy of Anna & Anna, which considering my orb supply is all I'll have to settle for. Now time to use the weekly Arena ticket.

  1. 5* B!Lysithea: Not bad at all. +Atk/-HP is excellent, but I think I'll keep my current +Spd/-HP copy. Merge time.
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This week's Arena Ticket gave me Tana and now she's +5.

Week 1: Horse Chrom
Week 2: Luke
Week 3: Lewyn
Week 4: Maribelle
Week 5: Velouria
Week 6: Takumi
Week 7: Nah
Week 8: Mareeta
Week 9: Brave Veronica
Week 10: Laegjarn
Week 11: Male Byleth
Week 12: Luke
Week 13: Velouria
Week 14: Phina
Week 15: Mareeta
Week 16: Brave Lysithea
Week 17: Owain
Week 18: Larum
Week 19: Jaffar
Week 20: Nina
Week 21: Phina
Week 22: Velouria
Week 23: Jaffar
Week 24: Maribelle
Week 25: Brave Lyn
Week 26: Lucina
Week 27: Jaffar
Week 28: Midori
Week 29: Claude
Week 30: Ishtar
Week 31: Elise
Week 32: Sword Reinhardt
Week 33: Silque
Week 34: Brave Claude
Week 35: Brave Camilla
Week 36: Petra
Week 37: Brave Claude
Week 38: Sara
Week 39: Bow Hinoka
Week 40: Laegjarn
Week 41: Sword Reinhardt
Week 42: Shinon
Week 43: Silque
Week 44: Mist
Week 45: Fallen Julia
Week 46: Tana

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Last week's free Arena ticket got me Laevatein again. This week's gets me Brave Lysithea:

  1. Brave Veronica (A)
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray
  10. Sigurd (B)
  11. Ryoma
  12. Bernadetta
  13. Laegjarn
  14. Laegjarn
  15. Fallen Female Corrin
  16. Fallen Ike
  17. Say'ri
  18. Karel
  19. Female Byleth
  20. Takumi
  21. Fallen Tiki
  22. Ike
  23. Sigurd
  24. Ike
  25. Elincia
  26. Luke
  27. Elise
  28. Helpful Chrom
  29. Tome Eirika
  30. Brave Roy
  31. Leaf
  32. Faye
  33. Fallen Mareeta
  34. Celica
  35. Sigurd
  36. Tibarn (C)
  37. Nah
  38. Meister Reinhardt
  39. Nina
  40. Mahnya
  41. Keaton
  42. Laevatein
  43. Fallen Celica
  44. Echoes Catria
  45. Laevatein
  46. Brave Lysithea


Did the customary full first session on the Harmonized Mystery Tiki Halloween banner and somehow got TIki.


58 pulls on the Double Special Heroes banner because it took 18 pulls to clear my pity rate after the spark:

  • 3 Bernadetta
  • 1 Anna
  • 0 Tiki (+1 spark)

Pretty decent. One of the copies of Bernadetta has a Spd Asset, which will be the new merge base. Anna's still stuck with a junk Asset since my previous one has HP and the new one has Def.


I might pull on the Halloween banner and Attuned Heroes banner this weekend, but that's really only if I can be bothered clean up my barracks since I'm back down to 10 open slots again. If not, it's back to procrastination again.

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I managed to get 20 spaces clear in my barracks again, and we have the melee and ranged special training maps this weekend, so I decided to do my Halloween and Attuned pulls.


247 pulls from the Halloween banner:

  • 6 Anna (+1 spark)
  • 1 Timerra
  • 2 Flayn
  • 5 5-star Seadall
  • 6 4-star Seadall
  • 7 pity breakers
    • Pent
    • Brave Corrin
    • Brave Soren
    • Ascended Laegjarn
    • Ymir
    • Fallen Gustav
    • Galzus

5.7% focus rate is kind of insane, as that would still be a 3.6% focus rate even if all of the 5-star copies of Seadall weren't 5-star. 8.5% total 5-star rate.

Does Seadall have a grudge against me or something? For most of the time I was pulling on this banner, I had more copies of Anna than Seadall, which is flat-out bizarre. I pulled Anna before Seadall. By the time I pulled a second Seadall, I already had 3 copies of Anna not including the spark. My fourth (non-spark) copy of Anna came when I had 4 copies of Seadall, and my fifth copy of Anna came when I had 5 copies of Seadall. The next 5 copies of him came at a more reasonable pace, but then there was yet another huge gap without one where I got another Anna before finally finishing off this banner with my last Seadall. And the fact that I ended up with 5 of the 11 copies of him as 5-star copies is equally bizarre.

I got a [+Spd, -Res] copy of Anna and an [+Spd, -Def] copy of Seadall, which is nice. Flayn's best Asset is Res, and Timerra has an Atk Asset.

I got an Azel from the 4-star SR pool that is my first copy with a Spd Asset. I also got Eyvel to +7 and Ymir to +9 with the pity breakers.

I'm pretty sure the reason Seadall was trolling me is because I wasn't originally going to pull for merges for him, but then I changed my mind after seeing how abysmally awful all of the other infantry candidates for Arcane Eclipse are.


136 pulls on the Attuned banner:

  • 3 Sonya (+1 spark)
  • 6 Peony (+1 spark)
  • 0 Triandra (+1 spark)
  • 7 pity breakers
    • Female Alear
    • Hugh
    • Brave Tiki
    • Citrinne
    • Ascended Hilda
    • Ascended Fir
    • Dedue

6.7% focus rate is a bit above average for a color-sharing banner by maybe 1-2 pulls. 11.8% overall 5-star rate is quite a bit above average.

I got a Peony with a Spd Asset, which is nice. No copy of Sonya better than neutral, though.

Alear is my first copy with a Spd Asset. Citrinne is my first copy of her.

And somehow I managed to get 3 red pity breakers, but no Triandra, which is disappointing because (1) Triandra is my favorite of the fairies, but she's never sharing a color with another character worth pulling for, and (2) Attuned Triandra has way better skills for fodder than Attuned Peony.


Overall good haul today, though.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Attuned banner gave me all the units before the spark, where I picked up Peony. Really good luck ngl, I even had to get by two pity breakers.

No luck on any of the halloween banners.

I have no orbs left on hand, so here's hoping we don't get something i like on the ninja's banner next month, like Ninja Erika or Micaiah. I have a suspicion Winter F!Corrin could be here this year so i would prefer to save for that.

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