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My free summon was Horse!Chrom. Wild. Especially since the last unit I summoned was normal Chrom at 5 star from the Falchion banner. This new one is +Def/-Spd. Not bad at all. Can't wait for him to be helpful.

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2 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

That's actually one of the best IVs. -def is a super bane that decreases arena score. -spd is preferred if you want to make into a mage tank

Sounds good to me. I actually don't really have that many units to tank mages anyways so she will be perfect for that.

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1 hour ago, Silent shifter said:

Congrats on your free summon, mine was a 5* Knight Exalted Chrom. 

Thanks!  Oooooh, that's awesome!  I really like Chrom, but I'll have to catch him another time.  :]

13 minutes ago, Hilda said:

My free summon was Morgan (M)!

Same here.  Twinsies!  :lol:

Edited by Infinite Dreams
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And another Male Morgan, this time better than the first with +Spd -Atk.

...okay maybe not the best, but -Atk M!Morgan is only slightly weaker than +Spd Tharja and both +Spds have the same Spd, so this may as well be Tharja without risk of battlefield distraction, and that's really the best thing I can ask for in these trying times.

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Got 2 Knight Exalt Chrom today from 3rd batch summon but sadly both IV's are -ATK, boons in each of them are +SPD and +DEF. The real question is what should I use between both of them? (I'm still F2P) -ATK +SPD or -ATK +DEF? Still looking forward to upcoming Tempest Trials in which this Chrom should be 40% Bonus Unit soon

Edited by Hengki Kusuma Adi
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UPDATE: I collected the story orbs and figured, hey, I'm probably not going to get a full selection of red, so I might as well use them despite having less than twenty orbs. Sure enough, only two red orbs popped up. I prayed fervently to Anna for M!Morgan. And lo and behold, my first pull was a 5★ unit!!





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Since I don't remember what orbs went where, I'm gonna lump the new characters in by banner.  I lied about the Legendary Heroes banner, and went fishing for someone else.

Thanks to all the pulls, I'm up to 766 total pulled units.  What do you mean, issues? :P:


Azama (+HP/-Spd): To the fodder machine with you!
Jeorge (+Def/-HP): To the merge machine with you!
Sothe (+Def/-Atk): I mean, good fodder, but still.
Setsuna (+Def/-HP): I still use Bowbreaker!
Mathilda (+HP/-Def): One day, I'll run Cancel Affinity on Niles.  If I ever get a good one, that is.
Jagen (+Spd/-HP): This would be good, if Jagen had any sort of Speed stat to talk about.
Olivia (+Res/-HP): Mage bait, maybe?  Regardless, not bad for a colorless dancer!
Serra (+Atk/-Res): This would be good, if your base Atk didn't suck so much.

Sully (+Res/-Spd): Still one of my favorite fodders.
Sully (+Def/-Res): See above.
Lon'qu (+Def/-HP): Glimmer!
Hana (+Res/-Def): Not helpful at all.
Oboro (neutral): EH.  Could be better.
Mathilda (+Atk/-HP): YES!  Time to train this one!
Cecilia (+Spd/-Def): Need to see which Spd variant I have.  I think this one might be worth it!
Abel (+Atk/-Def): OH HELLO THERE!  This is a pretty good combo for him.

Stahl (+Atk/-Def): This is actually decent on him.  Huh.

And for the latest banner. . .

L'Arachel (+Spd/-Atk): This isn't going to work.  Still, Renewal fodder!
Eirika (+Def/-HP): I also like Hone Speed!
Laslow (+Def/-Atk): Oh look, it's Axebreaker!
Robin (+Res/-Spd): He feels so bad about his kids that he showed up instead.  Well, Bonfire's still a legit skill.
Barst (+Def/-Spd): If he was a bit slower, I'd totally run with this.  But alas.

Niles (neutral): I guess he wants Oboro or something.  I can't fault his taste in women.
Wendy (+Res/-Spd): She's slow enough to pull this off.   But she'd rather be +Atk.
Cherche (+Spd/-Atk): Oh my, that's a new record for bad!
Palla (+Spd/-HP): This isn't bad.  Or rather, it wouldn't be, if my current one wasn't similar.
Eirika (+HP/-Def): NO.  But Hone Spd is nice?

Gunter (+Def/-Res): I'm in desperate need of Hone Cavalry.
Ogma (+Atk/-Res): Did someone say a near-perfect Ogma?  Pity he's 4*.
Gordin (+Atk/-Def): That's another stellar Gordin!  Man, I've got a lot of good Brave Bow guys. . .
Matthew (+Spd/-Atk): WHY.
Jeorge (+Atk/-Res): Not quite idea, but still pretty damn good.

Wrys (+HP/-Atk): This is. . .holy crap, this is GOOD!  HP +5 and Panic Ploy will produce some serious shenanigans!
Serra (+Spd/-HP): This is pretty good, too.
Maria (+Res/-Spd): You, on the other hand, want to trade this with Serra.

Donnel (+Def/-Atk): Wrys will be VERY happy.
Peri (+Atk/-Def): This has potential.  Good potential!
Gordin (+Res/-HP): I sometimes use him as fodder.  Atk +3 fodder, I believe it was.
Azama (+HP/-Atk): Someone's getting Pain.
Priscilla (+Spd/-Res): Oh, this is good.  Not quite as ridiculous as +Atk, but I'll take it!

Cherche (+Atk/-HP): Someone's getting a Brave Axe!
Sully (+HP/-Def): Unless new Chrom's B skill is broken, I'm totally using her as his fodder.
Caeda (+Spd/-Def): Not quite idea, unless we get more Spd-based skills.  Then she's busted.
Felicia (+Spd/-Def): Unlike Caeda, she can get away with this.  Watersweep anyone?

Overall, an interesting haul, even if I didn't get a new unit.  Besides Olivia, that is.


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@mcsilas @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria @Cute Chao

Grats you guys! Looks like the luck is flowing in for just about everyone! As for me? I acquired a fair bit of fodder. Nothing particularly noteworthy. Well... except for the free pull~


Literally the first orb. It's been a long time since I've gotten a *5 as my free pull. Fittingly enough, she's +DEF/-SPD. Now she can be best buds with my +DEF/-ATK S!Corrin. Not even mad. At least she's an enemy phase unit so it matters less. Didn't pull either of the reds who I was mostly gunning for but she's certainly welcome. I have a bonus unit for the tempest and when the orbs refill over time I can pull red exclusively.

The good haul of fodder includes an Abel, a Tailtiu (bad nature! Finally Drive SPD 2 fodder!), 2 Hinatas (I have like 5 Fury fodder now) and finally my 11th Raigh to make him my first *4 +10. No Matthews sadly, but can't win em all.

I'm... pretty satisfied with this actually. 3.50% on the banner. I'll get at least one of the guys later. Cheers~

Edited by Zeo
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So, future TT means I might as well pull now.

3 Blue, 2 Red (YOOOO)

3* Palla (Goad Fliers. Nice.), 5* M!Morgan (PFHAHAHAHAHA, too fast for my usual luck. +Res/-Atk sadly, but he'll be a good magic tank,much as his attack's too close to my M!Robin. :P), 4* M!Robin (He knew a Morgan had arrived. :P +HP/-Atk), 3* Donnel (Pot head might as well admit he's fodder.), 3* Oboro (Merge fodder.)

Already got one of the three, I am done with the banner. I am chuffed. Even if he's -Atk. Back to raising funds for Thracia.

Edited by Dayni
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Congrats :D I was semi-hoping for Chrom on my free pull just 'cos I want him but don't want pity breakers, but alas, it wasn't to be xD


Congrats for the second account! :D Shame about the Lyn, but at least you'll have something to look forward to come the legendary banner on which she appears ^.^


For myself, I resolved to only pull relevant orbs from the first circle. Got three reds and two colourless.

Swap Fodder, WoM Fodder and whatever Ogma has to offer fodder. I'm fine with that and happy enough leaving the banner. Gerome is the main draw of all this for me <3

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@mcsilas @Zeo I guess this banner is blessed or something? It's weird seeing all of these free summons and stuff. Even my friend irl got Chrom and M. Morgan within 40 orbs. Congrats on all the great pulls everyone!

And if you haven't gotten what you wanted quite yet, I wish you luck!

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3 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:


Congrats :D I was semi-hoping for Chrom on my free pull just 'cos I want him but don't want pity breakers, but alas, it wasn't to be xD


Congrats for the second account! :D Shame about the Lyn, but at least you'll have something to look forward to come the legendary banner on which she appears ^.^


For myself, I resolved to only pull relevant orbs from the first circle. Got three reds and two colourless.

Swap Fodder, WoM Fodder and whatever Ogma has to offer fodder. I'm fine with that and happy enough leaving the banner. Gerome is the main draw of all this for me <3

Ogma is either Brave Sword fodder, Sol fodder for units who eventually Aether or Spur Atk 2 fodder, in case you want to inherit Spur Atk 3 and Reposition from a Barst.

Oh I guess his proper 4 tar fodder is Defiant Atk but no one really uses that.

But yeah good thing Gerome is free!


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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

Ogma is either Brave Sword fodder, Sol fodder for units who eventually Aether or Spur Atk 2 fodder, in case you want to inherit Spur Atk 3 and Reposition from a Barst.

Oh I guess his proper 4 tar fodder is Defiant Atk but no one really uses that.

But yeah good thing Gerome is free!


Worth thinking about :) I have a fair few of him, so this one may end up as feathers, but only if I run out of barracks room ^.^

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It is time! Only have 44 orbs right now since I can't be bothered to do all of the new content quite yet, but let's start looking for my daughter! Blue sniping, here we go!

  1. 4* Est: Her silhouette's surprising resemblance to Morgan caught me off guard. Damnit.
  2. 4* Oscar: Lancebreaker fodder is rather in demand right now, so welcome.

Finally got LB3 fodder again, but no Morgan.

  1. 3* Jagen: Worthless.

Only one blue orb that time.

  1. 4* Mathilda: Hone Atk 3 fodder.

More good fodder, but way too few blue orbs.

  1. 5* Clair: Well, that's an interesting surprise! Didn't even have a pity rate yet, but nice to get a 5* for only 19 orbs. +Def/-HP, so nothing stellar, but still very nice!

Once again the only damn blue orb, but a 5*!

  1. 4* Lon'qu: Vantage fodder.

Zero blue orbs this time. I swear the game knows I'm trying to snipe.

  1. 3* Subaki: Worthless.

And with that I'm down to 15 orbs. Need to stock up more. No Morgan yet, but I've only spent 29 orbs so far and I got a 5* out of it anyway.

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After six Chroms, a Celica, and an accidentally pulled but certainly not regrettable Ninian...


MY BABY BOY. I have waited so long. And he's +SPD / -RES, so that's a huge bonus, although with all the orbs it took to get him I don't think I would have cared if he'd been +RES / -SPD. Anyway, now I can finally create my Branded Family team!


(No, seriously. Six Chroms.)


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21 minutes ago, KMT4ever said:

<snip> No Morgan yet, but I've only spent 29 orbs so far and I got a 5* out of it anyway.

I wish you all the best in finding your precious child, my friend. I will pray to the RNG gods on your behalf, because it took me forever to find mine.

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1 minute ago, Reddazrael said:

I wish you all the best in finding your precious child, my friend. I will pray to the RNG gods on your behalf, because it took me forever to find mine.

Thank you. For now I'm back up to 34 orbs from some quests and Blessed Garden maps. Here we go again.

  1. 4* Donnel: Worthless.
  2. 4* L'Arachel: Ooh, nice. Already have her at 5* with great IVs, but Renewal 3 will be handy on someone.
  3. 3* Jagen: Again?

Better luck with the colors, not so much with the units.

  1. 3* Shanna: Meh.

Well, that's enough for now. Need to build up for a major pull session later.

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21 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

@mampfoid Thanks so much! I'm going to turn him into mama's little monster, hopefully, even though I'll probably have to sacrifice Sacred Memories Eirika to do it (Swift Sparrow 2).

37 SPD is fantastic, I think only Eirika is faster as a red mage. Will you keep his tome? It seems to work a little bit like the refined rouge dagger. 

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22 Orbs pulled in a +RES/-HP Chrom On A Horse. Didn't think I'd get him, and his ATK is intact, so I'm pretty happy right now.

Now to save up and decide whether I should try for a Morgan in the future... But I'll wait for the TT before deciding.

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