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Alllllrighty, folks... so I could use some teambuilding advice. Predominantly... I have a Reinhardt problem. Deets in spoilers...


Yeah, basically Reinhardt wrecks my core team (hell even random Olwens in the Training Tower cause problems for the same basic reason =__=), his movement provides more pressure than I can really alleviate and my usual stand-in (Atk+/HP- Abel) is the closest thing I have to an answer to him, but most of the time that involves trading Abel for Rein. 

Here's my primary 3: 


> spends a lot of time in the back; wants a Rally and a Hone/Fortify, and only reason I haven't given them is not sure which to use (I have all Rallies and C-buffs except Speed). Mercifully great at phystanking, and mostly handles greens, but can fight even weak physical blues in a pinch (lived to and KO'd a barely-weakened Subaki, to my surprise)

> Is it worth upgrading and burning another subaki just to give Tiki QR2? (refreshable via Reciprocal Aid from Kagero's 37 HP, where QR1 is not)


> pretty much the best TBH, utterly trivializes anything red or grey which is a big relief off the others. Also wants a C-buff aura and MAYBE a rally (though swap has been useful since I need him to get to the front lines to tank red/grey stuff pretty often). Also has QuickRip 1, and can't decide between that and Lancebreaker; though given my Rein problem I'm wondering if maybe B Tomebreaker might be an option to consider


> Not an optimal Kagero, but HP boon + HP+3 make her pretty good for healing, and she can get Robin back in QuickRip range at least (if not Tiki)... Probably has the closest thing to a complete set, only missing Vantage and Hone Speed 3 (also fucked up there, not realizing how important that was and just went for Reciprocal Aid off of Matthew OTL... now I've got 2 Donnels and have never kicked myself harder). Closest thing to an answer to Rein with her res and can at least live to him once, but can't kill, and if Rein runs Vantage then there's no one who can safely finish him without sustaining heavy damage or dying.

In my mind Camilla would be the ideal Rein counter but I can't pull her LMAO so that's a dream for the far future. 

Remaining primary usable units + Abel's skills: 


Abel also has Fortify Cav + Pivot but not enough SP for them so shrug.

My thinking is give Robin and Tiki the respective buffs I mentioned then add Nino (+Spd/-Def) to the mix (already has LaD2/Desperation3/Ardent Sacrific + I have a spare f!Corrin waiting in the wings to give her DracoAura), but my main dilemma is distribution of the buffs-- Ideally I'd want Tiki to be able to run Rally Atk/Spd and Hone the other one but as mentioned, I have no fodder for Hone/Rally Speed... So hopefully Kagero's Hone Spd 2 will be enough in that regard... ;;

Current thinking is Tiki will have buffs for Atk and Res and Robin will keep Swap (maybe take Repo or Drag Back if I get any fodder for it) and grab Fortify Def 3... I also have tons of Hanas for Rally Attack if that would be a good option...

Thoughts on this? Is there anyone else I should consider running in place of Nino (IE Cecilia, who has some Res bulk that my team sorely needs)?

EDIT: Now that I think about it, m!Robin actually gives me a ton of problems as well (Kagero can't counter him like she can other blue mage infantry, everyone else is triangle-disadvantaged and my own Robin gets doubled by others 90% of the time... so maybe Nino WOULD be the answer... Although I worry that makes us too weak to high-res non-infantry blues, since I mostly rely on Abel to handle those...

Additionally, any suggestions of team comps for the current Arena focus would help... I've been running Cherche with her vanilla skills (I've got a Barst to give her Brave Axe+ and Repo but not enough feathers to upgrade either of them yet) since she's part of the current Arena bonus, but she hasn't been able to do much...

Edited by BANRYU
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1 hour ago, Fire Penguin Disco Panda said:

Wouldn't Wary Fighter go well with him? He will never double anyone but Dire Thunder let's him attack twice. And if he's attacked twice is dead meat. Never saw it mentioned. I can promote up to two Reinhardts to merge, although I want to be sure he can be a good unit on the team (outside Horse Emblem).

The reason Wary Fighter is not mentioned is because Reinhardt can't learn it. Wary Fighter is restricted to the armor movement class.


1 hour ago, Fire Penguin Disco Panda said:

Also, I pulled two Nowis both +SPD, one -DEF and the other -RES. I'm leveling the later since apparently she should be a frontliner, although that way she suffers a bit more against mages. Or is the -DEF one better?
What should I do with the remaining Nowi, merging her or using her as skill fodder? I have a Y!Tiki that maybe could use that ranged counterattack, although the red spot is already taken by Lucina. However I could promote the A!Tiki for that, so...

For the build, I researched a bit and apparently she goes well with this but I'd like opinions.

A: Triangle adept? (I guess she'll eat dirt against greens anyway. Outside Lucina I don't have anything to counter Julia)
B: Swordbreaker (but Lucina/Rein could take care of the reds) / Riposte / Lancebreaker (instead of Rein, to clear Lucina counters)
C: Threaten Res

Nowi typically runs -Res instead of -Def in order to better deal tank hits from Falchion users. If mages are problem for your team, -Def wouldn't be a bad choice, either.

Triangle Adept is standard for an offense team because it allows her to take more reasonable damage from Falchion users. On defense, you can instead opt for Fury for straight bulk or keep Triangle Adept to punish challengers with no strong green attacker.

Swordbreaker and Quick Riposte are the staple skills for an offense team. Swordbreaker namely prevents Lucina from double attacking if you can't kill Fury Lucina in a single hit. Quick Riposte works on anything, but still leaves you vulnerable to being double attacked if you cannot kill the opponent in one hit. Lancebreaker is a less common choice, but can be used if your team doesn't have a decent answer to lance users.

The passive C slot depends on your team composition. For example, I'm using Fortify Dragons because I have Ninian as my dancer.

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1 minute ago, BANRYU said:

Alllllrighty, folks... so I could use some teambuilding advice. Predominantly... I have a Reinhardt problem. Deets in spoilers...

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Yeah, basically Reinhardt wrecks my core team (hell even random Olwens in the Training Tower cause problems for the same basic reason =__=), his movement provides more pressure than I can really alleviate and my usual stand-in (Atk+/HP- Abel) is the closest thing I have to an answer to him, but most of the time that involves trading Abel for Rein. 

Here's my primary 3: 


> spends a lot of time in the back; wants a Rally and a Hone/Fortify, and only reason I haven't given them is not sure which to use (I have all Rallies and C-buffs except Speed)


> pretty much the best TBH, utterly trivializes anything red or grey which is a big relief off the others. Also wants a C-buff aura and MAYBE a rally (though swap has been useful since I need him to get to the front lines to tank red/grey stuff pretty often). Also has QuickRip 1, and can't decide between that and Lancebreaker; though given my Rein problem I'm wondering if maybe B Tomebreaker might be an option to consider


> Not an optimal Kagero, but HP boon + HP+3 make her pretty good for healing, and she can get Robin back in QR1 range at least (Tiki needed QR2 to be able to reuse it unfortunately OTL so I fucked up there but don't know if I can spare another Subaki just to fix that...)... Probably has the closest thing to a complete set, only missing Vantage and Hone Speed 3 (also fucked up there, not realizing how important that was and just went for Reciprocal Aid off of Matthew OTL... now I've got 2 Donnels and have never kicked myself harder). Closest thing to an answer to Rein with her res and can at least live to him once, but can't kill, and against magic-heavy teams she starts to flag under the pressure. 


In my mind Camilla would be the ideal Rein counter but I can't pull her LMAO so that's a dream for the far future. 

Remaining primary usable units + Abel's skills: 


Abel also has Fortify Cav + Pivot but not enough SP for them so shrug.

My thinking is give Robin and Tiki the respective buffs I mentioned then add Nino (+Spd/-Def) to the mix (already has LaD2/Desperation3/Ardent Sacrific + I have a spare f!Corrin waiting in the wings to give her DracoAura), but my main dilemma is distribution of the buffs-- Ideally I'd want Tiki to be able to run Rally Atk/Spd and Hone the other one but as mentioned, I have no fodder for Hone/Rally Speed... So hopefully Kagero's Hone Spd 2 will be enough in that regard... ;;

Current thinking is Tiki will have buffs for Atk and Res and Robin will keep Swap (maybe take Repo or Drag Back if I get any fodder for it) and grab Fortify Def 3... I also have tons of Hanas for Rally Attack if that would be a good option...

Thoughts on this? Is there anyone else I should consider running in place of Nino (IE Cecilia, who has some Res bulk that my team sorely needs)?

Additionally, any suggestions of team comps for the current Arena focus would help... I've been running Cherche with her vanilla skills (I've got a Barst to give her Brave Axe+ and Repo but not enough feathers to upgrade either of them yet) since she's part of the current Arena bonus, but she hasn't been able to do much...

All this Reinhardt discussion gives me life omg.

First: Blue Tomebreaker won't help Robin with the Reinhardt problem, don't do it! It doesn't affect Brave weapons so Dire Thunder will still hit Robin twice. Nino can counter Reinhardt just fine. Even with LaD2 she can eat the hits (unless he has Death Blow, make sure to check his skills) and kill him on counterattack. Since you've already given her all that SI, I think you'll get more use out of her than Cecilia, though you can try experimenting with both to see what works better for you.

Though if we're talking best Reinhardt counter ever... Julia. She hard walls Reinhardt like no tomorrow. But she's even harder to pull than Camilla lol.

Sorry that I can't help much with the other questions, but good luck solving your Reinhardt problem!

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33 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

Alllllrighty, folks... so I could use some teambuilding advice. Predominantly... I have a Reinhardt problem. Deets in spoilers...

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Yeah, basically Reinhardt wrecks my core team (hell even random Olwens in the Training Tower cause problems for the same basic reason =__=), his movement provides more pressure than I can really alleviate and my usual stand-in (Atk+/HP- Abel) is the closest thing I have to an answer to him, but most of the time that involves trading Abel for Rein. 

Here's my primary 3: 


> spends a lot of time in the back; wants a Rally and a Hone/Fortify, and only reason I haven't given them is not sure which to use (I have all Rallies and C-buffs except Speed). Mercifully great at phystanking, and mostly handles greens, but can fight even weak physical blues in a pinch (lived to and KO'd a barely-weakened Subaki, to my surprise)

> Is it worth upgrading and burning another subaki just to give Tiki QR2? (refreshable via Reciprocal Aid from Kagero's 37 HP, where QR1 is not)


> pretty much the best TBH, utterly trivializes anything red or grey which is a big relief off the others. Also wants a C-buff aura and MAYBE a rally (though swap has been useful since I need him to get to the front lines to tank red/grey stuff pretty often). Also has QuickRip 1, and can't decide between that and Lancebreaker; though given my Rein problem I'm wondering if maybe B Tomebreaker might be an option to consider


> Not an optimal Kagero, but HP boon + HP+3 make her pretty good for healing, and she can get Robin back in QuickRip range at least (if not Tiki)... Probably has the closest thing to a complete set, only missing Vantage and Hone Speed 3 (also fucked up there, not realizing how important that was and just went for Reciprocal Aid off of Matthew OTL... now I've got 2 Donnels and have never kicked myself harder). Closest thing to an answer to Rein with her res and can at least live to him once, but can't kill, and if Rein runs Vantage then there's no one who can safely finish him without sustaining heavy damage or dying.

In my mind Camilla would be the ideal Rein counter but I can't pull her LMAO so that's a dream for the far future. 

Remaining primary usable units + Abel's skills: 


Abel also has Fortify Cav + Pivot but not enough SP for them so shrug.

My thinking is give Robin and Tiki the respective buffs I mentioned then add Nino (+Spd/-Def) to the mix (already has LaD2/Desperation3/Ardent Sacrific + I have a spare f!Corrin waiting in the wings to give her DracoAura), but my main dilemma is distribution of the buffs-- Ideally I'd want Tiki to be able to run Rally Atk/Spd and Hone the other one but as mentioned, I have no fodder for Hone/Rally Speed... So hopefully Kagero's Hone Spd 2 will be enough in that regard... ;;

Current thinking is Tiki will have buffs for Atk and Res and Robin will keep Swap (maybe take Repo or Drag Back if I get any fodder for it) and grab Fortify Def 3... I also have tons of Hanas for Rally Attack if that would be a good option...

Thoughts on this? Is there anyone else I should consider running in place of Nino (IE Cecilia, who has some Res bulk that my team sorely needs)?

EDIT: Now that I think about it, m!Robin actually gives me a ton of problems as well (Kagero can't counter him like she can other blue mage infantry, everyone else is triangle-disadvantaged and my own Robin gets doubled by others 90% of the time... so maybe Nino WOULD be the answer... Although I worry that makes us too weak to high-res non-infantry blues, since I mostly rely on Abel to handle those...

Additionally, any suggestions of team comps for the current Arena focus would help... I've been running Cherche with her vanilla skills (I've got a Barst to give her Brave Axe+ and Repo but not enough feathers to upgrade either of them yet) since she's part of the current Arena bonus, but she hasn't been able to do much...

Of the units you have, I'd say Nino is your best answer to Reinhardt. 

Idk what nature your Nino is, but even a +Atk Reinhardt with Death Blow 3 can't ORKO a neutral 4* Nino (who then ORKOs Rein on the counterattack). And this is with zero buffs on your Nino. 

Not to mention Nino in general is an incredibly solid unit, and I probably would have recommended her to be your next 5* of the units you have anyways. 

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14 minutes ago, azurrys said:

Also has QuickRip 1, and can't decide between that and Lancebreaker; though given my Rein problem I'm wondering if maybe B Tomebreaker might be an option to consider

Robin already double attacks Reinhardt as long as Reinhardt has no Spd buffs. The Brave weapon second attack is not a follow-up attack and is not affected by Weaponbreaker skills (or anything else that affects follow-up attacks).

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@azurrys @MaskedAmpharos Thanks guys *3* TBQH..... I think I kinda mostly ended up answering my own question while in the process of asking it... ;; So that's... silly of me. BUT, hearing reaffirmation DOES help my indecisive ass a lot, so THANKS

Yeah my Nino is +Spd/-Def, pretty good nature for her; I ran calcs and she'll live to Reinhard if she has a rally/hone in Res, even with Atk boon and Death blow 3... So it looks like that's what I'm doing there.

Regarding Blue Tomebreak yeah that seemed like a shoddy idea at best, and what's more, I forgot who the only unit who gives that is =w= and since I merged them pre-inheritance I've only got the one lmao. @Ice Dragon true, I guess I was just grasping at straws there lol.

So thinking about the buffs... I think I've finally got it nailed down.

Kagero has Speed already (need to pull another Matty or an Eirika to get her the last level of it smh). 

Tiki will get Attack and Res-- she doesn't want to be tanking any non-green (or non-julia) magic, so she doesn't need Res too bad, and she already has atk buffs in the form of Defiant Attack. Nino also has Hone Atk for what that's worth.

Robin will keep Swap or some other mobility skill (for now-- if I get enough SP to experiment with Rally Atk then maybe I'll try that) and get Fortify Def 3; he doesn't hardly need it thanks to Lancebreaker mitigating lances and Tri-Adept making red/grey attacks nonexistant, and Tiki benefits from it quite a bit (Abel would too if/when I use him). 


I think I'll go ahead and give Tiki those buffs since she needs them the most... but if I can get a Hone Speed unit, would Robin be better off carrying that, and Kagero with Fortify Defense? (tends to be her least used stat and she's -Def anyway) I only have the one Fred with Fortify Def and don't want to do anything I'll regret again lol.

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13 minutes ago, BANRYU said:


I would say, yes, Robin benefits more from receiving a def buff than Kagero, and Kagero benefits more from receiving a spd buff than Robin. As such, giving Robin Hone Spd and Kagero Fortify Def would probably be better. 

That said, your Kagero seems to already have Hone Spd, so if you wanted to ease inheritance requirements, it shouldn't make too much of a difference to just give Robin Fortify Def. 

I would also probably give Tiki Hone Atk over Fortify Res because that would add +8 to Nino's damage output. If you think having two Hone Atk units is redundant, I would actually suggest replacing Nino's Hone Atk with Fortify Res or some other buff as she really wants to be a Hone Atk recipient far more than she wants to buff allies. 

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19 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I would say, yes, Robin benefits more from receiving a def buff than Kagero, and Kagero benefits more from receiving a spd buff than Robin. As such, giving Robin Hone Spd and Kagero Fortify Def would probably be better. 

That said, your Kagero seems to already have Hone Spd, so if you wanted to ease inheritance requirements, it shouldn't make too much of a difference to just give Robin Fortify Def. 

I would also probably give Tiki Hone Atk over Fortify Res because that would add +8 to Nino's damage output. If you think having two Hone Atk units is redundant, I would actually suggest replacing Nino's Hone Atk with Fortify Res or some other buff as she really wants to be a Hone Atk recipient far more than she wants to buff allies. 

In that case, I think I'll opt to wait on any further buffs. I already needed/wanted Hone Spd 3 for Kagero, so if those two would be better off swapping buffs, then I think it's in my best interest to wait in case one shows up before inheriting either buff to either of them. 

Already gave Tiki Hone Atk 3 and Rally Res, since those seem like the most important buffs for the whole team in general (Atk is good for everyone but esp Nino, and Res alleviates the issues with magic that the 2 mages have as well as letting Kagero tank better in that regard). Feel like I'm better off saving my spare Sophia to give Merric Dragon Fang anyway, while Olivia (EDIT: she's a spare, don't worry ~wo) doesn't have anything else substantial to give and I have plenty of Cecilias for Rally Res. So done and done, don't think I'll have too many regrets there.


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Does a +spd -atk Roy still function well? I pulled a duplicate Roy this morning and his nature is ... well, kind of silly. I don't think it's detrimental but it's kind of stupid. (It was +res -HP or something, can't remember for sure.) My first Roy is +spd -atk. Is it better to pick the functionally neutral but silly nature, or can Roy afford to lose a bit of attack to gain speed?

Edited by Sunwoo
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25 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Does a +spd -atk Roy still function well? I pulled a duplicate Roy this morning and his nature is ... well, kind of silly. I don't think it's detrimental but it's kind of stupid. (It was +res -HP or something, can't remember for sure.) My first Roy is +spd -atk. Is it better to pick the functionally neutral but silly nature, or can Roy afford to lose a bit of attack to gain speed?

I'd personally use the +Res/-HP nature since while -Spd is almost never a good thing, it's especially bad on Roy because it's a -4 instead of the usual -3 making go from an acceptable 31 speed to a mediocre 27.

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21 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Oh no, my Roy is +spd. I was asking if he could afford to be -atk if he's +spd.

I don't know how I somehow missed that. I blame finals fatigue.

In that case, I think it depends on what you want to do with him. If you leave him with his base skills, then the +Spd one has a slight edge in terms of matchups. But if you give him Fury, Swordbreaker and Moonbow, the +Res one will perform better overall.

So if you don't plan to use Skill Inheritance on him, keep the +Spd, otherwise, go with the +Res.

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I have pretty much hammered out my team now and getting some pleasing results. (S! Camilla, Lukas, Kagero work surprisingly well together.) So wants left is Y! tiki.

Y! Tiki I feel like, doesn't really work well with the common meta of "make this unit dps to the max! blraggh" and was thinking another way to build her. I came up with this...


Y! Tiki Healer Stall Build:

Dark Breath+

Reciprocal Aid

Growing Flame (aoe nuking and I don't have a lot of moonbows to be wasting on just anybody)

No idea for the A slot/ Renewal 3 eventually/Breath of Life 3/ no idea for the S slot


Basically the idea is for her to just be a tanky healer who also helps Kage deal with red mages. Lukas has no problem tanking anything physical while S! Camilla and Kage take care of the magical threats. Any opinions on this?


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39 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

maybe Swap?

Cavalry like Swap, Draw Back, or Reposition, depending on their stats and what you're planning on doing with them.

Swap and Reposition work well on tanks to put more fragile units behind them. It can also be used to boost another unit by 1 square for Swap or 2 squares for Reposition. The main difference between the two is Swap cannot be blocked by terrain and Reposition can move your units completely out of enemy range. Swap is good for holding ground on crowded maps. Reposition is superior mobility for hit and run attacks.

Draw Back is Reposition without the position switch and works better on fragile units to keep the tank in front. It can also be used to boost another unit by 1 square.

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I've three Hanas: [neutral], [+Atk, −Def], [+Spd, −Res]. Which one will be the best to train and which to become Life and Death fodder?

Similar question for my Arthurs ([+HP, −Def], [+HP, −Res], [+Def, −Res]) and their Lancebreakers.

Also I've a ton of adult Tikis: [+HP, −Res], [+Res, −HP], [+Def, −HP], [+HP, −Spd], [+Atk, −Res] and very tasty Bonfires they carry. +Atk for the win, right? 

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2 hours ago, MrNight48 said:

I have pretty much hammered out my team now and getting some pleasing results. (S! Camilla, Lukas, Kagero work surprisingly well together.) So wants left is Y! tiki.

Y! Tiki I feel like, doesn't really work well with the common meta of "make this unit dps to the max! blraggh" and was thinking another way to build her. I came up with this...


Y! Tiki Healer Stall Build:

Dark Breath+

Reciprocal Aid

Growing Flame (aoe nuking and I don't have a lot of moonbows to be wasting on just anybody)

No idea for the A slot/ Renewal 3 eventually/Breath of Life 3/ no idea for the S slot


Basically the idea is for her to just be a tanky healer who also helps Kage deal with red mages. Lukas has no problem tanking anything physical while S! Camilla and Kage take care of the magical threats. Any opinions on this?


Do you want the meta, or do you want Young Tiki to mesh with your team?  I find that Breath of Life healing is pretty trivial in the grand scheme of things, and Renewal won't proc more than twice unless you're stalling.  Also, which Camilla build are you running?

39 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I've three Hanas: [neutral], [+Atk, −Def], [+Spd, −Res]. Which one will be the best to train and which to become Life and Death fodder?

Similar question for my Arthurs ([+HP, −Def], [+HP, −Res], [+Def, −Res]) and their Lancebreakers.

Also I've a ton of adult Tikis: [+HP, −Res], [+Res, −HP], [+Def, −HP], [+HP, −Spd], [+Atk, −Res] and very tasty Bonfires they carry. +Atk for the win, right? 

Hana: Which build did you have in mind?
Arthur: He already sucks against mages, and his Speed is suspect, so I'd go wtih +Def/-Res, and look for a -HP one in the future.
Tiki: +Atk/-Res is about as good as she'll get.  I think she'll work best with +Atk/-Spd, though.

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45 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I've three Hanas: [neutral], [+Atk, −Def], [+Spd, −Res]. Which one will be the best to train and which to become Life and Death fodder?

Similar question for my Arthurs ([+HP, −Def], [+HP, −Res], [+Def, −Res]) and their Lancebreakers.

Also I've a ton of adult Tikis: [+HP, −Res], [+Res, −HP], [+Def, −HP], [+HP, −Spd], [+Atk, −Res] and very tasty Bonfires they carry. +Atk for the win, right? 

Both Hana's have great stat spreads, but +Spd is more optimal since her base Atk is already great. I'd go with that.

+Def for Arthur since raising his resistance via HP doesn't make much of a difference, and his base HP is pretty high, especially after skills.

+Atk Tiki-Adult is best since none of the other spreads actually improve her overall bulk. Throw in Quick Riposte / Weaponbreaker for best results.


EDIT: Ninja'd but close enough.

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@eclipse and @MrSmokestack, thanks for advice! As for build on Hana, I have no idea. Brave sword + Escutcheon is pretty popular in these parts, I think?
Maybe something weird and thematic with a wo dao or a killing edge? She is training with a katana, not wrought fencing.

Navarre has dibs on the first wo dao I come across anyway.

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10 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Both Hana's have great stat spreads, but +Spd is more optimal since her base Atk is already great. I'd go with that.


With the standard Brave Sword+ build, +Atk has better match-ups against swords than +Spd. Their match-ups against greens and colorless are equally good and against blues are equally bad.

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

Similar question for my Arthurs ([+HP, −Def], [+HP, −Res], [+Def, −Res]) and their Lancebreakers.

You already got a response, but the -Def one should probably go as Emerald Axe, Lancebreaker, and Swap fodder. Emerald Axe lowers the damage he takes from blues, but sometimes its not enough and if you're looking to specifically counter lance units, then taking no damage is better than taking bits of damage that could drop him below Lancebreaker's range, especially since he cannot get Lancebreaker 3 as a 4* which would give him more leeway by needing to be above 50% HP instead of 70% with Lancebreaker 2. Going off of what eclipse said, he really is dependent on Lancebreaker to double lance units. 29 speed as a 5* is about average, right? Arthur's a very specific unit, but that's not much of a problem if you intend to hard counter lance units which can make him very good for future GHBs since you could always ensure he'd be able to counter them.

Personally, I'd recommend looking for a +Atk Arthur in the future. It's overkill for lancers, but hey, sometimes overkill is better than kill. It does put him up to 35 attack which means you could swap out his Emerald Axe for a Brave Axe, but other units do that build better or start out with it like Barst who is equally as tough, but is slightly stronger and faster at the cost of having worse resistance which shouldn't matter for him.

Edited by Kaden
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1 hour ago, Levin's Scarf said:

So I got a massive 470-ish MB download upon logging onto Heroes just now. It's the second time this has happened in the past week. Any idea what's going on?

How much storage space do you have on your phone?

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