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One AI related question: Today solving the AA quest I encountered a pretty vanilla Subaki (32 SPD, 32 ATK). He was in range of my Tana (5* +0, 41 SPD, 34/36 HP, 28 DEF + 7 DEF from Vidofnir) and my Cherche (4* +8, 50 HP, 21 SPD, 33 DEF). To my surprise he attacked Cherche despite the TA -40% penalty, but why? Because of the lower overall DEF compared to Tana or the ability to double Cherche? 

@Clogon that's not how I try to figure out my best score. How do you calculate arena score then? 

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8 hours ago, mampfoid said:

One AI related question: Today solving the AA quest I encountered a pretty vanilla Subaki (32 SPD, 32 ATK). He was in range of my Tana (5* +0, 41 SPD, 34/36 HP, 28 DEF + 7 DEF from Vidofnir) and my Cherche (4* +8, 50 HP, 21 SPD, 33 DEF). To my surprise he attacked Cherche despite the TA -40% penalty, but why? Because of the lower overall DEF compared to Tana or the ability to double Cherche? 

@Clogon that's not how I try to figure out my best score. How do you calculate arena score then? 

Not an expert on this, but it seems like Tana would have doubled him (and he deals no damage to either of the two). I assume he attacked Cherche because he took less damage from her?

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58 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

Not an expert on this, but it seems like Tana would have doubled him (and he deals no damage to either of the two). I assume he attacked Cherche because he took less damage from her?

Yeah, it seems like his secondary goal, being the first to deal most damage (he would have dealt no damage to both Cherche and Tana). And Klein has been more near to Tana, perhaps he tried to avoid his bow. 

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Basically a repost from the tempest thread, because I’m dumb and couldn’t figure out that this thread fits better for the post.

Anyway, I can’t quite decide on what C-skill to give to Arvis for the tempest. Obviously, Spd Ploy is not an option because of no Deirdre, and I’m not a big fan of his default Def Ploy, so I’m thinking of a hone. But hone which stat, Atk or Spd?

And the same question for my Soren too. He’s been running Fort Res since I’ve pulled him back in May, and it worked pretty well with both Lilina’s huge 32 Res and Celica’s negligible 17 Res. Arvis’ effective 40 Res (with boosts) is high enough already to not fear non-blue mages that much.

So yeah, Hone Atk or Hone Spd on Arvis and Soren?

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@Vaximillian Hone Atk on both. Boom. Hone Spd is mainly used if you rely on Desperation or 4x attacks from Brave weapons to net KO’s. The rest of the time, Hone and Spur Atk put in more work.

I’m not sure why you would take off Def Ploy from Arvis though. He is not an offensively-oriented mage, with his niche lying in his debuff support to make ORKO’s easier and, should you choose to build him that way, healing via Reciprocal Aid.

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@Vaximillian @MrSmokestack I left my Arvis his C-skill, since he is already half support unit being a pseudo healer. If he needs an SPD or ATK buff depends also on boss-julia though. 

On last TT lunatic/7 BK got a boost of 6 to his speed stat (6 to SPD, DEF & RES, 7 to ATK, 30 to HP). Assuming neutral Julia will get the same treatment (26+6), Arvis with Fury 3 and TT boost (31+3+4) will double her without help.

Edited by mampfoid
Forgot about Arvis' TT boost and edited accordingly
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I have only every really used dedicated healers before. But I've got Arvis and figured I would give combat medic a go. Only to realize I have basically no one with Reciprocal Aid or Ardent Sacrifice to feed to Arvis. I have a Setsuna, but I imagine I am better off having her for bow breaker. I also have a spare Titania. But I'd be killing her purely for that one skill. Pretty much all my other Aid units are units that I just slapped it on when stealing Drag Back from Donnel(basically my fliers). On the Ardent Sacrifice side pickings are even slimmer. I have my Deirdre, Elincia, Linde, my 40+5 4* Rebecca(in hindsight maybe I shouldn't have merged her copies together), and a Florina.

Now having never really used these two skills for serious healing before, I have to ask which is better if I am cutting out the healer and relying on the assist? If they are about equal I will probably murder Florina and a spare Camila to give Arvis Dartingblow3, Draconic Aura, and Ardent Sacrifice. Seems like that would be the most efficient use of my sacrificial lambs. For Aid I don't think I emptied out the Donnel maps. So I could theoretically kill a spare Lucius for Miracle and HP+4 and then have Donnel finish HP+5 and Reciprocal Aid when his map comes round. But unless Aid is MUCH better than Sacrifice I would think Arvis would overall be stronger the first way round.

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8 minutes ago, Usana said:

I have only every really used dedicated healers before. But I've got Arvis and figured I would give combat medic a go. Only to realize I have basically no one with Reciprocal Aid or Ardent Sacrifice to feed to Arvis. I have a Setsuna, but I imagine I am better off having her for bow breaker. I also have a spare Titania. But I'd be killing her purely for that one skill. Pretty much all my other Aid units are units that I just slapped it on when stealing Drag Back from Donnel(basically my fliers). On the Ardent Sacrifice side pickings are even slimmer. I have my Deirdre, Elincia, Linde, my 40+5 4* Rebecca(in hindsight maybe I shouldn't have merged her copies together), and a Florina.

Now having never really used these two skills for serious healing before, I have to ask which is better if I am cutting out the healer and relying on the assist? If they are about equal I will probably murder Florina and a spare Camila to give Arvis Dartingblow3, Draconic Aura, and Ardent Sacrifice. Seems like that would be the most efficient use of my sacrificial lambs. For Aid I don't think I emptied out the Donnel maps. So I could theoretically kill a spare Lucius for Miracle and HP+4 and then have Donnel finish HP+5 and Reciprocal Aid when his map comes round. But unless Aid is MUCH better than Sacrifice I would think Arvis would overall be stronger the first way round.

For Arvis specifically, I would personally recommend Ardent Sacrifice. Since his B skill (assuming you have him at 5-star) refills his HP by 10 for every turn, it would refill all of the HP given away from Ardent Sacrifice, which gives exactly 10 as well. Reciprocal Aid works better for Falchion medics I believe, since their HP regain per turn is less consistent (and can double up on occasion), though Ardent Sacrifice is still fine for them as well.

There's also nothing wrong with just giving him whatever you find easiest to sacrifice first, and then if you think the other one would be better after using him, then either give up someone else for the other Assist, or wait for more fodder. It's up to you regardless.

Edited by DefaultBeep
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42 minutes ago, Usana said:

I have only every really used dedicated healers before. But I've got Arvis and figured I would give combat medic a go. Only to realize I have basically no one with Reciprocal Aid or Ardent Sacrifice to feed to Arvis. I have a Setsuna, but I imagine I am better off having her for bow breaker. I also have a spare Titania. But I'd be killing her purely for that one skill. Pretty much all my other Aid units are units that I just slapped it on when stealing Drag Back from Donnel(basically my fliers). On the Ardent Sacrifice side pickings are even slimmer. I have my Deirdre, Elincia, Linde, my 40+5 4* Rebecca(in hindsight maybe I shouldn't have merged her copies together), and a Florina.

Now having never really used these two skills for serious healing before, I have to ask which is better if I am cutting out the healer and relying on the assist? If they are about equal I will probably murder Florina and a spare Camila to give Arvis Dartingblow3, Draconic Aura, and Ardent Sacrifice. Seems like that would be the most efficient use of my sacrificial lambs. For Aid I don't think I emptied out the Donnel maps. So I could theoretically kill a spare Lucius for Miracle and HP+4 and then have Donnel finish HP+5 and Reciprocal Aid when his map comes round. But unless Aid is MUCH better than Sacrifice I would think Arvis would overall be stronger the first way round.

He can make good use of both skills. But since his max HP (33) are low, he will never fully heal your tanks with Reciprocal Aid (which is usually considered superior on falchion users). 

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@Usana Reciprocal Aid, for sure. 30 HP every 3 turns is great, especially if you can leave most of the fighting to his allies. Keep in mind that he gets a free +10 HP at the start of every map, so you don't even need to slow down to get extra uses out of Recover Ring.

@mampfoid Arvis also gets +10 HP as a bonus unit, which allows for additional healing.

Edited by MrSmokestack
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So, I've managed to get Sigurd. I decided to promote Ursula and Titania (Also Arvis for a backup team), so now I wonder who should act as the fourth unit on the first team for TT.

I have plenty of horse options:

Red: 5* Eligood, Xander, Brave!Roy (-Att. :( ), 4* Seth, Stahl, Cain (Cain and Brave Roy are default, none are particularly noteworthy in the 4* units)

Blue: 5* Camus (S-rank on Xander, planning on leaving them on a backup team), Clive, Peri, 4* Jagen, Abel, Roderick, Mathilda, Berkut, Peri, Sully (Pretty much only Camus might be relevant here

Green: 4* Cecilia, Frederick, Gunter (Frederick has Fortify Cav, Cecilia has G Tomebreaker and Gronnraven) (We need more green horses. Full stop)

Colourless: 5* Elise, Brave Lyn, 4* Clarine (The healers have Rehabilitate and Horse Support skills, Brave Lyn is default barring Swap. Also, Yukimara would be a great mounted dagger choice)

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1 hour ago, MrSmokestack said:

@Usana Reciprocal Aid, for sure. 30 HP every 3 turns is great, especially if you can leave most of the fighting to his allies. Keep in mind that he gets a free +10 HP at the start of every map, so you don't even need to slow down to get extra uses out of Recover Ring.

@mampfoid Arvis also gets +10 HP as a bonus unit, which allows for additional healing.

Forgot also this part of the TT boost (*facepalm*). But in my case also the other bonus units (especially Eldigan and Sigurd, Arden later) will get a HP boost and thus never be fully healed by him. 

59 minutes ago, Dayni said:

So, I've managed to get Sigurd. I decided to promote Ursula and Titania (Also Arvis for a backup team), so now I wonder who should act as the fourth unit on the first team for TT.

I have plenty of horse options:

Red: 5* Eligood, Xander, Brave!Roy (-Att. :( ), 4* Seth, Stahl, Cain (Cain and Brave Roy are default, none are particularly noteworthy in the 4* units)

Blue: 5* Camus (S-rank on Xander, planning on leaving them on a backup team), Clive, Peri, 4* Jagen, Abel, Roderick, Mathilda, Berkut, Peri, Sully (Pretty much only Camus might be relevant here

Green: 4* Cecilia, Frederick, Gunter (Frederick has Fortify Cav, Cecilia has G Tomebreaker and Gronnraven) (We need more green horses. Full stop)

Colourless: 5* Elise, Brave Lyn, 4* Clarine (The healers have Rehabilitate and Horse Support skills, Brave Lyn is default barring Swap. Also, Yukimara would be a great mounted dagger choice)

Elise or BH!Lyn would be the safest bets. Elise can keep the other units alive while they don't need to take care of damage taken when engaging foes. Lyn kills stuff. 

If you wouldn't run Sigurd, BH!Roy would be my first choice (-ATK doesn't matter at all because of hone cav). Galeforce + QP in multi map modes is a lot of fun.

Camus would go better with Sigurd than BH!Roy does, but he is a tanky unit himself (also Titania for that matter). To get your speed score regularly, you would need another sweeper along with Ursula, which speaks for BH!Lyn (or an escape route dancer). 

@XRay I think he was speaking of a TT team, not Arena Assault.

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58 minutes ago, Dayni said:

So, I've managed to get Sigurd. I decided to promote Ursula and Titania (Also Arvis for a backup team), so now I wonder who should act as the fourth unit on the first team for TT.

I have plenty of horse options:

Red: 5* Eligood, Xander, Brave!Roy (-Att. :( ), 4* Seth, Stahl, Cain (Cain and Brave Roy are default, none are particularly noteworthy in the 4* units)

Blue: 5* Camus (S-rank on Xander, planning on leaving them on a backup team), Clive, Peri, 4* Jagen, Abel, Roderick, Mathilda, Berkut, Peri, Sully (Pretty much only Camus might be relevant here

Green: 4* Cecilia, Frederick, Gunter (Frederick has Fortify Cav, Cecilia has G Tomebreaker and Gronnraven) (We need more green horses. Full stop)

Colourless: 5* Elise, Brave Lyn, 4* Clarine (The healers have Rehabilitate and Horse Support skills, Brave Lyn is default barring Swap. Also, Yukimara would be a great mounted dagger choice)

I would go with a melee cavalry to boost up your score. The color does not really matter in my opinion since you already got one of each primary color.

The first team should ideally be your highest scoring and most difficult team to use, like armor emblem. I just keep surrendering until I find a team that my armor emblem can handle and win. It is a bit of a hassle and it might take a while, but I think it is worth it.

I misread TT for AA for some reason. I would go with a Elise for healing.

@mampfoid Yeah, I caught myself too late after I posted it.

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21 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Elise or BH!Lyn would be the safest bets. Elise can keep the other units alive while they don't need to take care of damage taken when engaging foes. Lyn kills stuff. 

If you wouldn't run Sigurd, BH!Roy would be my first choice (-ATK doesn't matter at all because of hone cav). Galeforce + QP in multi map modes is a lot of fun.

Camus would go better with Sigurd than BH!Roy does, but he is a tanky unit himself (also Titania for that matter). To get your speed score regularly, you would need another sweeper along with Ursula, which speaks for BH!Lyn (or an escape route dancer). 

21 minutes ago, XRay said:

I misread TT for AA for some reason. I would go with a Elise for healing.

I'm leaning towards Elise as well, though Clarine has more options as a healer, thanks for the recommendation. I'll leave Brave Lyn on the second then, with (I think anyway) Camus, Xander and Cecilia. Thanks for the advice. I assume leave Blarwof+ on Ursula as I don't have much horsebuffing on this party? Or is Hone Cav on Titania enough for Blarblade?

Also @XRay, so does that mean you don't need a bonus unit in your party for AA? Asking out of curiosity.

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22 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I'm leaning towards Elise as well, though Clarine has more options as a healer, thanks for the recommendation. I'll leave Brave Lyn on the second then, with (I think anyway) Camus, Xander and Cecilia. Thanks for the advice. I assume leave Blarwof+ on Ursula as I don't have much horsebuffing on this party? Or is Hone Cav on Titania enough for Blarblade?

Also @XRay, so does that mean you don't need a bonus unit in your party for AA? Asking out of curiosity.

Nope, you do not need a bonus unit for Arena Assault. The mode does not use a Bonus unit system, so go nuts with Aether, Galeforce, Rally Def/Res, and Wings of Mercy on your quad armor team. It is very difficult to win with that team in my opinion, but you will eventually find a team that is poorly built and you can win against that. If you have a hard time finding a weak team, you can switch out your score boosting skills for more effective combat and Assist skills like Breakers and Swap. You can also switch out one of your armor units for your highest merged healer to lower the score and difficulty further and compliment your team's tankiness with healing.

As long as Elise has Rehabilitate/Recover and Hone/Fortify Cavalry, she will be good. I would give Ursula regular Blárblade. Blárblade+ is nice, but I do not think it is necessary.

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2 minutes ago, XRay said:

Nope, you do not need a bonus unit for Arena Assault. The mode does not use a Bonus unit system, so go nuts with Aether, Galeforce, Rally Def/Res, and Wings of Mercy on your quad armor team. It is very difficult to win with that team in my opinion, but you will eventually find a team that is poorly built and you can win against that. If you have a hard time finding a weak team, you can switch out your score boosting skills for more effective combat and Assist skills like Breakers and Swap. You can also switch out one of your armor units for your highest merged healer to lower the score and difficulty further and compliment your team's tankiness with healing.

As long as Elise has Rehabilitate/Recover and Hone/Fortify Cavalry, she will be good.

Sadly she only has Ward Cav (I just have no luck pulling Gunter, and somebody told me to avoid giving hone/fortify to ranged units. I ignored them with Clarine, but not since sadly enough). I actually used Elise in the third TT to great effect, so I'll see if I get lucky on a buff skill for her.

Also, I haven't been grinding and pulling THAT much to have my armours super OP. Hector's built, but the others are still needing some work put in to be ready and my only other 5* is BK. If I ever get Ayra, I might just pair her with B!Ike and see what I can do from there.

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1 minute ago, Dayni said:

Sadly she only has Ward Cav (I just have no luck pulling Gunter, and somebody told me to avoid giving hone/fortify to ranged units. I ignored them with Clarine, but not since sadly enough). I actually used Elise in the third TT to great effect, so I'll see if I get lucky on a buff skill for her.

Also, I haven't been grinding and pulling THAT much to have my armours super OP. Hector's built, but the others are still needing some work put in to be ready and my only other 5* is BK. If I ever get Ayra, I might just pair her with B!Ike and see what I can do from there.

If you do not have a built armor team, then just put your highest merged weak units together. You do not want to use too many strong units too early since it is better to keep surrendering earlier in the streak rather than later in the streak. You might want to put one strong nuke in the first team to make it easier to win if you find it too tedious to keep surrendering.

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16 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Sadly she only has Ward Cav (I just have no luck pulling Gunter, and somebody told me to avoid giving hone/fortify to ranged units.

I’m just going to chip in here, but that makes no sense. Attacking range doesn’t influence what buffs you run on your horses. Rather, it’s what that unit is built to do instead. And even then, you can get away with a full Hone Cavalry team, 3 Hone 1 Fortify, 2 Hone 2 Fortify, 1 Goad, or full Goad if you have no Blade mages.

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@MrSmokestack: I don’t want Def Ploy on him because I only have one physical attacker on the team (Eldigan). Everybody else is a mage.

+ @mampfoid: I don’t want him healing because I want to spend his turns actually killing stuff, which with the boosts he very much can.

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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

@Vaximillian Alright then. Have you considered Spur Atk or is that not available? If not Hone will do just fine then.

I have considered Spur Atk (I have it on my Lilina and Celica whom both I ran alongside Soren in the previous tempests) but I don’t have fodder for that (I only got one 4★ Lilina and she donated it to Celica, all my Barsts go for Reposition, and I am definitely not giving up my 5★ Ogma for Spur Atk).

Hone Atk on both it is then.

@DarkLordIvy: Nope, vanilla Tornado it is (I refuse to call if Rexcalibut, fight me).

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I heard conflicting reports on pulling 5* units chances when two focus units of the same colour appear on a single banner.

So using the Ayra/Eldigan banner as an example, by pulling from a red stone, do I get a 1.5% chance of getting each and an additional 3% to get any other red 5* or do I get a 3% chance for each?

I always avoided colours with two focus units when I had one of both units already and that might have been a mistake if the odds aren't actually divided.

As I don't have either Ayra or Eldigan,  by pulling red, am I getting a 6% chance of getting a new unit, either of them, plus the 3% additional chance of getting any other 5*? If so, I like the 9% odds on red and I'm pulling on the banner right now.

Edited by Vince777
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@Vaximillian perhaps it would be good to make 1-2 runs without buffs and check if a speed buff would help one of them to double more of their respective targets. If not, go with hone ATK for both of them. 

7 hours ago, Dayni said:

Sadly she only has Ward Cav (I just have no luck pulling Gunter, and somebody told me to avoid giving hone/fortify to ranged units. I ignored them with Clarine, but not since sadly enough). I actually used Elise in the third TT to great effect, so I'll see if I get lucky on a buff skill for her.


If you have at least one Hone Cav in your team, I would suggest to bring Ursula with blade tome. Otherwise I would suggest BH!Lyn (who also would profit greatly from hone cav btw.) instead of a healer. 

@Vince777 having 2 reds on a banner doesn't raise your chance to get a 5* unit. Chances to get a focus (no matter what color) by starting a summoning session is always 3% plus the 3% chance to get an 5* off-focus. 

Don't know what it means exactly for your chances overall to pull red focus, but I remember that the effect wasn't as big as everyone assumed. 

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11 minutes ago, mampfoid said:


@Vince777 having 2 reds on a banner doesn't raise your chance to get a 5* unit. Chances to get a focus (no matter what color) by starting a summoning session is always 3% plus the 3% chance to get an 5* off-focus. 

Don't know what it means exactly for your chances overall to pull red focus, but I remember that the effect wasn't as big as everyone assumed. 

What I'm asking is, after the summoning session has started, when pulling on a red stone, what are, from that moment on, my chances to pull a 5* if the banner includes two red focuses.

Is it the same as if there were only one red focus or is it more because there are two?

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1 hour ago, Vince777 said:

What I'm asking is, after the summoning session has started, when pulling on a red stone, what are, from that moment on, my chances to pull a 5* if the banner includes two red focuses.

Is it the same as if there were only one red focus or is it more because there are two?

Starting a summoning session, it's all decided what 5 units will hide behind the 5 orbs. That means choosing one orb doesn't alter the chances of the other 4 orbs being a 5*.  If you reached a high pity rate and find a 5* unit, it's probably a good idea to do the full pull no matter what color the other orbs are, since they also got the high pity rate at the start of the summoning session. 

I didn't find an analysis for this banner, just a mass simulation, perhaps it helps anyway:


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