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I got my 2nd Mia to Level 40 (this one was plus attack). so I have to merge my first Mia into this copy (mia 1 was + HP. which is her bane according the game press) but it will give Mia 2 more speed). 

re: Firesweep lance would it make more sense to see what my final Cordelias would be? (since i'm running galeforce on her, it's better to have brave-lance+ on her, correct?)

(thanks for the correct, @XRay)

Edited by daisy jane
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46 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

I got my 2nd Mia to Level 40 (this one was plus attack). so I have to merge my first Mia into this copy (mia 1 was + HP. which is her bane according the game press) but it will give Mia 2 more speed).

Yeah, if your 2nd Mia is not -Spd, then I would merge the 1st one into the 2nd one.

47 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

re: Firesweep bow. would it make more sense to see what my final Cordelias would be? (since i'm running galeforce on her, it's better to have brave-lance+ on her, correct?)

I think you mean Firesweep Lance? It depends on how you want Cordelia to play. Here are some common builds that I see people use a lot.

Quad Brave Nuke
Brave Lance, Luna, Swift Sparrow/Life and Death, Desperation
Brave Lance, Escutcheon, Life and Death, Desperation

Regular Nuke
Slaying Lance, Moonbow/Luna, Swift Sparrow/Life and Death/Fury, Desperation
Harmonic Lance, Moonbow, Swift Sparrow/Life and Death/Fury, Desperation

Hit and Run flier
Firesweep L, Moonbow/Luna, Life and Death, Hit and Run

Slaying Lance, Galeforce, Swift Sparrow/Life and Death/Fury, Desperation, Heavy Blade
Brave Lance, Galeforce, Swift Sparrow/Life and Death/Fury, Guard/Wings of Mercy/Escape Route/Renewal


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13 minutes ago, XRay said:

Yeah, if your 2nd Mia is not -Spd, then I would merge the 1st one into the 2nd one.

I think you mean Firesweep Lance? It depends on how you want Cordelia to play. Here are some common builds that I see people use a lot.

Quad Brave Nuke
Brave Lance, Luna, Swift Sparrow/Life and Death, Desperation
Brave Lance, Escutcheon, Life and Death, Desperation

Regular Nuke
Slaying Lance, Moonbow/Luna, Swift Sparrow/Life and Death/Fury, Desperation
Harmonic Lance, Moonbow, Swift Sparrow/Life and Death/Fury, Desperation

Hit and Run flier
Firesweep L, Moonbow/Luna, Life and Death, Hit and Run

Slaying Lance, Galeforce, Swift Sparrow/Life and Death/Fury, Desperation, Heavy Blade
Brave Lance, Galeforce, Swift Sparrow/Life and Death/Fury, Guard/Wings of Mercy/Escape Route/Renewal


hmm. not really sure. just something to think about i suppose. i basically have a basic kit Cordelia (Cordelia 2 has some life and death etc). I could do the hit and run flyer, but I can also do Quad Brave Nuke. (just give up a Gwendolyn for Esctcheon and Shanna for Desperation).

yah when i get home (at work right now) i'll see what Mia 1 is. i just know that attack + speed is her perfered boon, and Mia 1 wasn't that at allso she was always going to go into the 2nd mia) :)  I'm always nervous before i merge so I just need to talk it out and hopefully someone will go. yeup! that's right (or no stop lol) 


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3 hours ago, daisy jane said:

I got my 2nd Mia to Level 40 (this one was plus attack). so I have to merge my first Mia into this copy (mia 1 was + HP. which is her bane according the game press) but it will give Mia 2 more speed). 

Usually I merge first before training unless I'm unsure which one I want to keep. After merging into a new 5* at level 1, you can manually equip all of the skills that the original had. This makes training easier since you start out with all skills available at level one. This also preserves SP for any future skills since you won't have to use SP for any skills that the original unit had already learned. If there are any unlearned skills on the original unit, always make sure to use up any SP to learn the skills before merging so you won't have to waste the new unit's SP to learn them.

[edit[ This is only relevant if you get a new level 1 that has better IVs. Skill points aren't important compared to stats.

Edited by Tree
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1 hour ago, Tree said:

Usually I merge first before training unless I'm unsure which one I want to keep. After merging into a new 5* at level 1, you can manually equip all of the skills that the original had. This makes training easier since you start out with all skills available at level one. This also preserves SP for any future skills since you won't have to use SP for any skills that the original unit had already learned. If there are any unlearned skills on the original unit, always make sure to use up any SP to learn the skills before merging so you won't have to waste the new unit's SP to learn them.

[edit[ This is only relevant if you get a new level 1 that has better IVs. Skill points aren't important compared to stats.

thanks for that! :) i'll keep that for next time! (like my clair project and  my two other Cordelias). i never thought to merge them then train. that would make so much more sense though. 
actually. looking at Mia 1 v. 2. 

Mia 1: HP 38/Atk 51/Spd 40/Def: 24/Res 29
Mia 2: HP 34/Atk 54/Spd 40/Def: 28/Res 25

so i'm not going to gain much - just an extra HP and res which. a bummer truthfully. Though I'm not running desperation on My Mia anyway so i guess it doesn't matter if she had a few more hit points. 

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6 hours ago, daisy jane said:

so i'm not going to gain much - just an extra HP and res

I don't think you will get resistance on the first Mia merge.

Merges should add two points each for a total of 20 points after 10 merges. It always starts with the two highest stats. This is followed by the next two highest. The third merge adds one point to the lowest stat and one point to the highest as it cycles around to distribute the points evenly. However, I don't think the extra stats from  a weapon or from skills affect which stat is considered the highest. The attack stat may often seem the highest, but once you take the weapon away, it rarely is the highest stat. HP is usually the highest stat, so you almost always get one point of that on the first merge. Mia is unusual because her highest stat is actually speed not HP, but since HP is her second highest stat, she will get one point of each on the first merge.

My Mia is +1 with an IV of [+res,-hp]. She picked up one point of HP and one point of speed as expected. Mia has a super boon in resistance and super banes in HP and Def, so the point differences there are four rather than the usual three points.

Neutral Mia's stats: HP: 38/Atk: 32/Spd: 40/Def: 28/Res: 25

You can always preview what points you will get. Go to the merge screen, select both units, then without confirming the merge,  you can click on the before and after icons and it will adjust the stat preview to let you see what will happen if you complete the merge. You can then swap the units and preview them again if you want to see if different IVs affect the stats gained on the first merge.

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9 minutes ago, Tree said:

I don't think you will get resistance on the first Mia merge.

Merges should add two points each for a total of 20 points after 10 merges. It always starts with the two highest stats. This is followed by the next two highest. The third merge adds one point to the lowest stat and one point to the highest as it cycles around to distribute the points evenly. However, I don't think the extra stats from  a weapon or from skills affect which stat is considered the highest. The attack stat may often seem the highest, but once you take the weapon away, it rarely is the highest stat. HP is usually the highest stat, so you almost always get one point of that on the first merge. Mia is unusual because her highest stat is actually speed not HP, but since HP is her second highest stat, she will get one point of each on the first merge.

My Mia is +1 with an IV of [+res,-hp]. She picked up one point of HP and one point of speed as expected. Mia has a super boon in resistance and super banes in HP and Def, so the point differences there are four rather than the usual three points.

Neutral Mia's stats: HP: 38/Atk: 32/Spd: 40/Def: 28/Res: 25

You can always preview what points you will get. Go to the merge screen, select both units, then without confirming the merge,  you can click on the before and after icons and it will adjust the stat preview to let you see what will happen if you complete the merge. You can then swap the units and preview them again if you want to see if different IVs affect the stats gained on the first merge.


ahh thanks for that! that's cool :) 
all i get from merging them is 1 point of speed. (which i mean wouldn't kill anyone).  

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35 minutes ago, Tree said:

It always starts with the two highest stats. This is followed by the next two highest. The third merge adds one point to the lowest stat and one point to the highest as it cycles around to distribute the points evenly. However, I don't think the extra stats from  a weapon or from skills affect which stat is considered the highest. The attack stat may often seem the highest, but once you take the weapon away, it rarely is the highest stat. HP is usually the highest stat, so you almost always get one point of that on the first merge. Mia is unusual because her highest stat is actually speed not HP, but since HP is her second highest stat, she will get one point of each on the first merge.

@daisy jane

Stats are compared at level 1 for determining the order that they increase with no skills (weapons are skills) equipped. Nature is counted. Ties are broken by the order they appear on the stat screen (HP first, Res last).

Mia's neutral stats at level 1 are 16/8/12/6/6, which means HP is first, then Spd, then Atk, then Def, then Res. You can check that HP is first by looking at the merge from +2 to +3, which increases the lowest and highest stats and noting that it gives Res and HP, not Res and Spd.

A [+Res, -Atk], however, would have 16/7/12/6/7 and receive merge stats in the order of HP, then Spd, then Atk, then Res, then Def.

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@Ice Dragon Thanks for the correction. Forgot about it being based on level 1 stats only even if the unit is level 40. Usually, the level 40 stats give similar results, but that's probably coincidence. In Mia's case it swaps the HP and spd, but the end result is the same (on my Mia). I rarely look at the level 1 stats (except for IVs) since I usually want to see what the end result will be.

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31 minutes ago, Tree said:

Forgot about it being based on level 1 stats only even if the unit is level 40.

It’s based on lvl 1 stats always, though. End results can differ because of varying bases and growths.

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44 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

@daisy jane

Stats are compared at level 1 for determining the order that they increase with no skills (weapons are skills) equipped. Nature is counted. Ties are broken by the order they appear on the stat screen (HP first, Res last).

Mia's neutral stats at level 1 are 16/8/12/6/6, which means HP is first, then Spd, then Atk, then Def, then Res. You can check that HP is first by looking at the merge from +2 to +3, which increases the lowest and highest stats and noting that it gives Res and HP, not Res and Spd.

A [+Res, -Atk], however, would have 16/7/12/6/7 and receive merge stats in the order of HP, then Spd, then Atk, then Res, then Def.

thanks v. much :)

34 minutes ago, Tree said:

@Ice Dragon Thanks for the correction. Forgot about it being based on level 1 stats only even if the unit is level 40. Usually, the level 40 stats give similar results, but that's probably coincidence. In Mia's case it swaps the HP and spd, but the end result is the same (on my Mia). I rarely look at the level 1 stats (except for IVs) since I usually want to see what the end result will be.

ahhh.     ( me  too ).  
and this is probably why i'm going to do what you suggested - merge them at 1 ;) then train just the one merged unit LOL

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

It’s based on lvl 1 stats always, though. End results can differ because of varying bases and growths.

That's right. I sometimes forget that though - particularly when I'm looking at a level 40 unit I want to merge. I always preview first just to be sure. After several merges the stats start to even out so it doesn't matter as much at that point.

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What is the best way to give units specific teams hone/fortify buffs? Should defensive units have hone flier/cavalry etc... to boost units who attacks and should attacking units have fortify skills to boost the defensive ones or viceversa?

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4 hours ago, Yukiko said:

What is the best way to give units specific teams hone/fortify buffs? Should defensive units have hone flier/cavalry etc... to boost units who attacks and should attacking units have fortify skills to boost the defensive ones or viceversa?

Depends on the map and your play style. In my opinion, generally, every pony/flier should ideally have Hone Cavalry/Flier while Fortify Cavalry/Flier should be learned on a as-needed basis. Usually, securing more kills is universally important in all situations while taking less damage is not always necessary.

As for how you distribute the skill, assuming you need both, you are correct and Player Phase units generally run Fortify Cavalry/Flier to buff their Enemy Phase teammates while Enemy Phase ponies run Hone Cavalry/Flier to buff their Player Phase teammates.

You can also substitute Hones and Fortifies with Goads and Wards. In my opinion, Hones are better for Player Phase units while Wards are a bit better for Enemy Phase units. Enemy Phase units sometimes cannot avoid being Panicked since they have to be in range to bait a unit, so Wards are more consistent. For Player Phase units, they are generally never in Enemy Range and have an easier time avoiding Panic, and they can simply have Dancers/Singers remove their debuffs if they ever get Panicked.

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How should I build my +ATK/-DEF Mia?

I want to use her in the coming TTs and only there. No need to optimize for AA, Arena etc., I want to optimize for fun.

Flashing Blade on her A-slot is more or less fixed. I'm not sure about Desperation, since other units want that skill and will run her with a healer most likely. 

1 hour ago, Javi Blizz said:

Is there any character (horse/flying) that would benefit from having Sturdy Stance (from H!Dorcas) as their A skill and Darting Stance as their SS at the same time?

Perhaps Sharena or Nephenee with their special refines? Also SS!Tiki because she is fast enough and got the "Breath" effect in her weapon. 

Other EP units drop SPD altogether since QR and Vengeful Fighter exist. 

/Edit: Sorry, I didn't see the horse/flying restriction. 

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2 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:

Is there any character (horse/flying) that would benefit from having Sturdy Stance (from H!Dorcas) as their A skill and Darting Stance as their SS at the same time?

Subaki? He wants attack, but he also wants more speed and more defense. Shigure could run both skills too, but then you'd have to replace his default Darting Stance for Sturdy Stance. Similarly, you'd be swapping out Steady Posture on Quan for Sturdy Stance and having him run Darting Stance as his seal for a speed boost which light not be worth it.

Maybe Palla, but probably New Year's Camilla and an enemy phase focused Laegjarn or Tana.

I could see a +Spd, -HP regular Myrrh being able to reach a decent enough speed she would be able to avoid and probably secure doubles naturally on top of Sturdy Stance enhancing Great Flame's defense check to prevent follow-ups. If anything, it's an option if you don't have Distant Counter or don't like her bleeding out from her default Fury.

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2 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:

Is there any character (horse/flying) that would benefit from having Sturdy Stance (from H!Dorcas) as their A skill and Darting Stance as their SS at the same time?

Spd tanks would do well with Darting Stance on the Sacred Seal slot. Sturdy Stance is for Def/Res tanks, so I would not run that skill on Spd tanks; Spd tanks generally are better off with Kestral Stance or another skill that boosts Spd.

I would go to the wiki's stat page, select only melee, sort by Def (high to low), and then sort by Spd (high to low). Heroes with about 35+ Spd and 65-70+ physical bulk (HP+Def) generally are all decent candidates for Spd tanks.

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@mampfoid don't worry, I've made some research and maybe I've found a few candidates

@Kaden, the thing is that I have those units built yet (except Myrrh and Quan, who I don't have). My Subaki is 5*+2, Slaying Lance + [Def ref] - Swap - Bonfire - TA3 - QR3 - Goad Fliers - Iote's Shield (this build gives him a bit more bulk than his default SL+ + QP). Palla has Wo Dao+ [Atk ref] - Reposition - Moonbow - Sturdy Blow - Swordbreaker - Goad Fliers. 

Following @XRay advice, I've search in the stats list of the wiki, and I've found some interesting picks for the combination:

For cavalry, I've looked at Cain (42HP/32A/32S/27D/21R) and Abel (39/33/32/25/25).

For fliers, Catria (39/31/34/29/25)


What do you think, guys?

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11 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Javi Blizz Do you have Summer Tiki (Beachside Scion)? Still a great choice with 40 HP / 33 ATK / 37 SPD / 32 DEF / 26 RES and her weapons effect. 

Can't say much about Catria, Cain and Abel, I don't have them at 5*. 

My only summer units from this year are Tana and Cordelia :(

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3 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

My only summer units from this year are Tana and Cordelia :(

Too bad about Tiki, but those two are great units as well. Cordelia would work with the kit you suggested, but she would need a new Lance (since Shell Lance has got a PP effect): 41/32/38/28/18



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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

Too bad about Tiki, but those two are great units as well. Cordelia would work with the kit you suggested, but she would need a new Lance (since Shell Lance has got a PP effect): 41/32/38/28/18



Yes, I know, but I want to build her as my Blue Cavalier Galeforce unit (I want to make a Galeforce unit from each mov-colour combination, currently have fully built Raven, Eliwood and half built regular Cordelia). 

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First of all, thanks again for the previous assistance you guys here at SF have given me. Its been very helpful and appreciated (XRay, IceDragon, MrSmokestack and others who deserve just as much praise - seriously, thank you)! 

Halloween is my favorite Holiday, but hopefully I can just accidentally gather answers from others for this year's banner without having to ask too many questions >.>. I do have a pre-banner question though. They'll likely re-run the old Halloween Banner this year: is H!Henry still worth pursuing besides being a favorite character? I currently have him at +6, and wonder if +10ing him would be a good idea.

If it helps, I do also have a +10 Grima. 

Thanks again!

Edited by Rhubarb
I can't spell..
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2 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:

Yes, I know, but I want to build her as my Blue Cavalier Galeforce unit (I want to make a Galeforce unit from each mov-colour combination, currently have fully built Raven, Eliwood and half built regular Cordelia). 

Great choice and cool project, good luck getting all the fodder. 

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