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Grand Hero Battle: Michalis


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44 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Olivia needs to be 3* to learn it.  I suggest bumping her to 4* for the full Hone Atk buff.

Thanks! I make her a 3* for dance. Good I keep her, since it looks that somehow, I deleted the free versions of some other free units ups... She and Narcian are rocking in the lv up, for now I will try to beat Michalis map with them as 3*, Oboro and Leo, and see if I can beat it. If not, then I will update them to 4* and then cry because I used the feathers! Haha just kidding, I will make her a 4* one day, but if it can wait, then I prefer to wait, I want to make a green unit a 5* first since I don't have one right now, but if become necessary, then I will update her right now

Edited by SniperGYS
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9 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

1. Yeah, I won't contest that, but aren't there also units who fill the same niche better than others?

2. Okay, that's all true. Abel might be best for it, though I also have Jagen trained up. He can't hit very hard, but neither can Abel, so...

Thanks on both the luck and the tagging.

1. The only niche where I think "does X do it better than Y" is ORKOing.  Otherwise, it's a matter of tailoring your strategy to the enemies.  I shall use Gordin as an example.  His Res is bad and Spd is worse.  However, if the enemy can't double him, he will probably survive a single magic hit.  Even though Gordin's specialty isn't tanking mages, I will have him do it anyway, if I think I can get away with it.

2. Brave Lance should take care of any issues regarding Abel's MT versus swords.  I don't think Jagen has the physical defenses to hold the sword cav, since he will most definitely not ORKO without Swordbreaker (and I wouldn't recommend giving it to him).

5 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

Thank you. This totally backs my Abel/Virion strategy.

  • Rush the Sword horse guy with Abel, and Have Virion tail behind him.
  • Take out the Lance Flier with both Virion and Abel. I think its a two-hero job.
  • I think at this pint the other enemies are moving around. Hopefully Michalis flies towards roy. If not, try to place him accordingly.
  • Green unit attacks Lance dude.
  • Sword Pegasi; another Abel/Virion combo?

Even though this map screams "use a bow", I didn't, because the two pegasi had Bowbreaker, and Michalis negates arrow effectiveness entirely.  If you had to run any bow user, I'd suggest Klein/Gordin, since Brave weapons hit twice, regardless of Bowbreaker.

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5 minutes ago, eclipse said:

1. The only niche where I think "does X do it better than Y" is ORKOing.  Otherwise, it's a matter of tailoring your strategy to the enemies.  I shall use Gordin as an example.  His Res is bad and Spd is worse.  However, if the enemy can't double him, he will probably survive a single magic hit.  Even though Gordin's specialty isn't tanking mages, I will have him do it anyway, if I think I can get away with it.

2. Brave Lance should take care of any issues regarding Abel's MT versus swords.  I don't think Jagen has the physical defenses to hold the sword cav, since he will most definitely not ORKO without Swordbreaker (and I wouldn't recommend giving it to him).

Even though this map screams "use a bow", I didn't, because the two pegasi had Bowbreaker, and Michalis negates arrow effectiveness entirely.  If you had to run any bow user, I'd suggest Klein/Gordin, since Brave weapons hit twice, regardless of Bowbreaker.

Virion isn't there to whack Michalis. That's Roy's job. Virion is there to: A) assist Abel in whacking the cavalier, and B)Whack the two pegasi.


@eclipse IIRC, the first page has the enemy stats, and that the lancer infantry guy and the cavalier guy that has Bowbreaker, not the Pegasi

Edited by TheTuckingFypo
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Can I summon any fellow tacticians to my support?

Remember, even if you don't do it for me, then do it for the Blushing Beauty herself.





Shadowofchaos I know I can count on you right

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13 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Okay so in terms of teambuilding: I recommend a team of Cherche (with Lancebreaker), Sophia, Olivia, and Subaki (interchangeable with Catria, Sharena, or Effie. The important part is that they're able to take down the two sword units).

In terms of strategy, this team is actually nearly identical to the one used by the youtuber who beat the Lunatic map with 3* units (they used Narcian, Sophia, Olivia, and Subaki), so you could look there for a battle plan (the link is somewhere on this thread). Turn 1, your Cherche goes up and waits at the edge of the lance peg's range and ORKOs on enemy phase. Sophia with dance support should be able to take care of Michalis, and your lancer of choice will take care of the swords. 

Yeah, I saw that video before trying the map again, racking my brain on how to do it, and logging in on this old, unused account to ask for help.

I wonder if I could replace Olivia with Ninian. Kind of feeling too lazy to level her up to get Dance as a 3*. With Fenrir, Sophia's sitting at 34 attack. I wonder if that's enough to kill Michalis in 2 rounds -- I know his res is low. Olivia would provide the boost for her, but so would Sharena and leveling Sophia up. Problem is can Sharena survive against the sword units. Effie and Subaki will definitely survive and so would Catria if she attacks first for Armored Blow.

Thanks, I'll keep this in mind, but I wonder if there's another strategy with the units I have.

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1 minute ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

Virion isn't there to whack Michalis. That's Roy's job. Virion is there to: A) assist Abel in whacking the cavalier, and B)Whack the two pegasi.

Pegasi have Bowbreaker, hence why I'd rather use a Brave Bow on them, or flat-out dominate them via weapon triangle.


Just now, Kaden said:

Yeah, I saw that video before trying the map again, racking my brain on how to do it, and logging in on this old, unused account to ask for help.

I wonder if I could replace Olivia with Ninian. Kind of feeling too lazy to level her up to get Dance as a 3*. With Fenrir, Sophia's sitting at 34 attack. I wonder if that's enough to kill Michalis in 2 rounds -- I know his res is low. Olivia would provide the boost for her, but so would Sharena and leveling Sophia up. Problem is can Sharena survive against the sword units. Effie and Subaki will definitely survive and so would Catria if she attacks first for Armored Blow.

Thanks, I'll keep this in mind, but I wonder if there's another strategy with the units I have.

Raigh needed 41 MT to cleanly 2HKO Michalis.  Sophia will most likely need the same.

I'd need to go back through the topic and dig out what units you have.  Olivia is preferable, since she gets Hone Atk, which everyone appreciates.

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1 minute ago, eclipse said:

Pegasi have Bowbreaker, hence why I'd rather use a Brave Bow on them, or flat-out dominate them via weapon triangle.

It's actually the Cavalier and the infantry Lancer that has the Bowbreaker. I just checked.

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Just now, TheTuckingFypo said:

It's actually the Cavalier and the infantry Lancer that has the Bowbreaker. I just checked.

Could've sworn it was the fliers.   Sorry.

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2 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

@Sire @Arcanite @MrSmokestack @MaskedAmpharos   You're not too late. I'm levelling them all to about level 35, give or take. As of right now, the units you three mentioned:

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- I included the weapon MT.

  • Subaki, Level 33, +SPD/-RES, HP:34, ATK:29, SPD:33, DEF:30, RES:18. (Note: He inherited Savage Blow 2 (working to get 3)
  • Selena, Level 32, +RES/-DEF, HP:31, ATK:27, SPD:29, DEF:23, RES:24
  • Narcian, Level 33, Balanced, HP:34, ATK:32, SPD:22, DEF:25, RES:21
  • Olivia, Level 32, Balanced, HP:29, ATK:33, SPD:28, DEF:21, RES:19
  • Tharja, Level 26, +HP/-SPD, HP:28, ATK:31, SPD:21, DEF:12, RES:12
  • Takumi, Level 40, +RES/-ATK, HP:40, ATT:43, SPD:33, DEF:25, DEF:21


I could get Selena to inherit a Silver Sword from my 4* Marth...

4* units I have that I could pass skills/weapons to:

  • Marth
  • Fae
  • Camilla
  • Maria (x3)

3* Units I can promote to pass skills/weapons

  • F!Corrin - Hone Attack
  • Gaius - Pass
  • Palla (x2) - Spur Speed
  • Sully - Spur Def
  • Cecilia - Escape Route
  • Niles - Warding Blow
  • Felicia - Breath of Life
  • Adult Tiki - Defiant Attack


Well, if you want a polished turn by turn play with Narcian, Subaki, Tharja, and Olivia, it is in the spoiler. I didn't run the team myself but just performed basic calculations.

For now, I'll bow out of this thread. I wonder how everything will go by the time I get back...


Team: Narcian, Subaki, Tharja, Olivia

- Highly recommend getting all characters to 40 (save Olivia. If she has Dance and Hone Atk, she's good.)
-- Tharja may be able to get away from leveling if she has 34 ATT, but only if you give Narcian Pivot. Otherwise, she will need to tank a hit from the Sword Cavalier, and she will normally only survive at 4* 40 with 1 HP (assuming Neutral Tharja).
-- You may be able to get away with Narcian and Subaki as well, but I'm too lazy to calculate their thresholds.

Turn by Turn Play:
Start - Position Narcian to lure the Lance Flier. Subaki can be to the right of Narcian while Olivia and Tharja hug the left mountain. Olivia should be on the left while Tharja is on the bottom.
Enemy 1 - Hostiles move south. Lance Flier dies to Narcian.

Player 2 - Nuke Michalis with Tharja, with Olivia dancing for Tharja so she can finish off Michalis. From here, there are alternatives for further play.

If Narcian has Pivot

Player 2N - Move and Pivot Narcian to the left. He will block off the Lance Infantry from moving forward. // Move Subaki to guard Olivia and Tharja.
Enemy 2N - Enemy attacks and does little to no damage to Narcian & Subaki, they retaliate for heavy damage.

Player 3N - Mop up the remnants. Narcian finishes off the Lance Infantry. Subaki finishes off the Sword Flier and can be danced to guard the rear lines from the Sword Cavalier. Defeat him at your leisure.

If Narcian does not have Pivot

Player 2 - Move Subaki to guard Olivia and Tharja. Keep Narcian where he is, he should be out of of range of enemy units on that mountain.
Enemy 2 - Sword Flier attacks Subaki and takes heavy damage. Lance Infantry and Sword Cavalier come closer.

Player 3 - Move Tharja to the bottom of the right mountain (she will have to take a hit from the Sword Cavalier, she will survive with 1 HP at 4* 40, assuming Neutral stats). Have Subaki finish off the Sword Flier. Move Olivia to be out of range of the Lance Infantry and dance for Subaki, having Subaki move toward the Sword Cavalier. Move Narcian to intercept the Lance Infantry.
Enemy 3 - Lance Infantry attacks Narcian and takes heavy damage. Tharja takes heavy damage from the Sword Cavalier.

Player 4 - Mop up the remnants.

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2 hours ago, Arcanite said:


@eclipse because I want a mod to see this

@Rezzy because why not

@Vaximillian because why not

@Sire because he's a theorist 

@Elieson because why not

And finally, @MaskedAmpharos because why not.

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Sure hope I didn't mention these people just so they could see me lose


Oh, what have I stumbled upon?  I've got a couple Ursulas, if someone needs to eat Crow, later.

2 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

RIP mobile not showing gender. Apologies.

And sure I'll agree to that. I don't think the loser will mind that too much, if you're picking up what I'm putting down.

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Fight me.


People call me a guy all the time.

@Arcanite Your bungee pic makes you look like a girl, but I feel weird referring to you as "they", still.

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Just now, Rezzy said:


@Arcanite Your bungee pic makes you look like a girl, but I feel weird referring to you as "they", still.

You weren't supposed to say anything! Now I have to delete this account and make a new one so people won't know who (or what) I am! Curses! Keep calling me they and hope no one notices >,>

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3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

You weren't supposed to say anything! Now I have to delete this account and make a new one so people won't know who (or what) I am! Curses! Keep calling me they and hope no one notices >,>

It's okay, everyone knows there's no girls on the internet.

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Well, I'd have to temporarily remove Triangle Adept from male Robin. But are you suggesting the team be male Robin, Palla, Olivia, and Frederick? Then I don't have Virion to take care of the Pegs... And yeah, I don't have a red magic user.

Not in the slightest for suggestion. That was me giving you the numbers if you wanted to try Palla and a different magic-user. In that if you can make up those numbers I posted, you would be set to kill Michalis. You probably don't have a -Atk Palla like I did but she is hitting one of Michalis' highest stats regardless. A magic-user of some kind will definitely help against him.

Since you're lacking a couple core units (Red Tome, hard-hitting Blue or Green Tome, or Narcian), you can try a defensive strategy where you go into a corner and outlast them. You'll want to rid yourself of Michalis for sure because his AoE Special is just too much damage if it goes off. After that, dance/heal/attack while your tanks fend them off. Thankfully, you can use physical tanks in this match-up because there are no magic-users for the enemy team. If possible, separate Michalis from the fliers so no boosting for him. Your dancer/healer/ranged attacker would be safe due to no range from enemy team. If you're still having trouble, you may want to raise Narcian (Level 40 3* will do) so he can relieve you of the Lance Peg pressure. Good luck!

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Just now, MrSmokestack said:

Rule 30 of the Internet.


Also, @Arcanite bungee jumping you say?

Pictures. Now.

Look deep in the voting gauntlet discussion, there you will see my first post wager on this forum :(

Here's for hoping people think I'm bluffing and that I'm actually a guy. In fact, for all you know I could be a Pencil! Or a Fruit Roll-Up!


This isn't gonna work is it?


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Just now, Arcanite said:

Look deep in the voting gauntlet discussion, there you will see my first post wager on this forum :(

Here's for hoping people think I'm bluffing and that I'm actually a guy. In fact, for all you know I could be a Pencil! Or a Fruit Roll-Up!

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Do you WANT me to care?  No?  Then drop it.

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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

Rule 30 of the Internet.


Also, @Arcanite bungee jumping you say?

Pictures. Now.

1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

Look deep in the voting gauntlet discussion, there you will see my first post wager on this forum :(

Here's for hoping people think I'm bluffing and that I'm actually a guy. In fact, for all you know I could be a Pencil! Or a Fruit Roll-Up!

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This isn't gonna work is it?


Let's not get too off-topic now. lol

According to Rule 30, I don't exist XD

Anyways. Progress. I can't seem to level Olivia and Tharja. This is only a minor setback XD


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4 minutes ago, Dual Dragons said:

Not in the slightest for suggestion. That was me giving you the numbers if you wanted to try Palla and a different magic-user. In that if you can make up those numbers I posted, you would be set to kill Michalis. You probably don't have a -Atk Palla like I did but she is hitting one of Michalis' highest stats regardless. A magic-user of some kind will definitely help against him.

Since you're lacking a couple core units (Red Tome, hard-hitting Blue or Green Tome, or Narcian), you can try a defensive strategy where you go into a corner and outlast them. You'll want to rid yourself of Michalis for sure because his AoE Special is just too much damage if it goes off. After that, dance/heal/attack while your tanks fend them off. Thankfully, you can use physical tanks in this match-up because there are no magic-users for the enemy team. If possible, separate Michalis from the fliers so no boosting for him. Your dancer/healer/ranged attacker would be safe due to no range from enemy team. If you're still having trouble, you may want to raise Narcian (Level 40 3* will do) so he can relieve you of the Lance Peg pressure. Good luck!

I have a hard-hitting blue (Sharena) and a green tome though (female Robin). And I asked this before, but nobody answered: what's AoE mean? Area of effect?

I am thinking of sending Sharena followed by Virion to the left to bait the Sword cavalier and lance Peg away from Michalis while Palla baits Michalis himself. Hopefully this works. If not, I'm definitely out of ideas.

EDIT: Doesn't work at all. Everybody goes after Sharena and kills her. Michalis didn't target Palla even though she was in his range.

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3 minutes ago, Ivandsi said:

Well, I managed to complete the hard mode but the terrain is not helping me too much xDD D:

So I guess you have no fliers, huh? Are you gonna bother trying lunatic? 

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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I have a hard-hitting blue (Sharena) and a green tome though (female Robin). And I asked this before, but nobody answered: what's AoE mean? Area of effect?

I am thinking of sending Sharena followed by Virion to the left to bait the Sword cavalier and lance Peg away from Michalis while Palla baits Michalis himself. Hopefully this works. If not, I'm definitely out of ideas.

Yes, Area of Effect.

You mean right? That's where the Sword Cavalier is. If you really meant left, Sword Cav is more likely to go south, not west. And uh, if the AI works in the worst case scenario, Lance Peg might try to go towards Palla. So:


Assuming 4* Level 40 Sharena w/ Silver Lance: 41 Attack isn't enough to kill Sword Cavalier unless she's boosted +2 Attack. If you Smite her while she's just in range of Sword Cavalier, she can bait both Lance Peg and Sword Cav but she won't have enough time to get to Sword Peg unless Sword Peg gets baited to the right (not likely since Palla is closer and Sword Peg doesn't have WTD against her).

Palla by herself can't kill Michalis in time before his AoE special goes off, I would assume. And when he does that, she's going to be set to 1 HP (it's too high of damage) and die just from his sheer power.

Virion, not sure on. Can he 1RKO the Pegs? He's definitely not doubling them.

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2 minutes ago, Dual Dragons said:

Yes, Area of Effect.

You mean right? That's where the Sword Cavalier is. If you really meant left, Sword Cav is more likely to go south, not west. And uh, if the AI works in the worst case scenario, Lance Peg might try to go towards Palla. So:


Assuming 4* Level 40 Sharena w/ Silver Lance: 41 Attack isn't enough to kill Sword Cavalier unless she's boosted +2 Attack. If you Smite her while she's just in range of Sword Cavalier, she can bait both Lance Peg and Sword Cav but she won't have enough time to get to Sword Peg unless Sword Peg gets baited to the right (not likely since Palla is closer and Sword Peg doesn't have WTD against her).

Palla by herself can't kill Michalis in time before his AoE special goes off, I would assume. And when he does that, she's going to be set to 1 HP (it's too high of damage) and die just from his sheer power.

Virion, not sure on. Can he 1RKO the Pegs? He's definitely not doubling them.

I don't have any characters with Smite. Didn't even know that skill was in the game.

Virion can't one-round the Pegs, no. It's unfortunate. I really wish I had Takumi now.

Really, it looks like I just don't have any options. I'm going to stop wasting my stamina and just upgrade the 3 star Michalis in the future.

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48 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

So I guess you have no fliers, huh? Are you gonna bother trying lunatic? 

I will, either way, I'm using bait tactics if I can call them like that, using my most high defense character and baiting the rest of enemies. I will eventually get some results at some point, luckily

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@eclipse, here's the unit list: https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/70332-grand-hero-battle-michalis/&do=findComment&comment=4762912.

Thanks for the heads up on the attack needed. The video of the Narcian, Olivia, Sophia, and Subaki strategy had Sophia's attack up at 41 through Olivia's Hone Attack. My Sophia currently has 34 attack with Fenrir, so a base of 25. Maybe I could replace adult Tiki with Sophia; I'd just need to swap out Lightning Breath for Fire Breath+ and she'd be sitting at 41 attack. She's going to get doubled by Michalis, though, but her 36 defense and being type advantage will help her live hopefully as long as Michalis's Blazing Thunder doesn't activate.

Edited by Kaden
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