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Bound Hero Battle: Heirs of Light (Seliph & Julia)


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Soo, after a long break Oliver and Celica have a comeback: 

A lot of exact kills and survivals for Celica(s), sadly only one Galeforce proc. 

Oliver had some more trouble, therefore the breakers. Interestingly both Wolfberg and Skadi were needed in the end. First time use of Darting Stance for me. 

@Nanima @Zeo @mcsilas 

@daisy jane Work on those Askir people already! ;-) 

@Landmaster (I'll get to watch your Lucina clear, promised) 

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Did all the Quests besides Alphonse (I'm not promoting this man)~ It took me an embarrassingly long time to beat Infernal because I wanted to use one unit in particular but I got it eventually~ I'll post it a bit later after it uploads~

1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Soo, after a long break Oliver and Celica have a comeback: 

A lot of exact kills and survivals for Celica(s), sadly only one Galeforce proc. 

Oliver had some more trouble, therefore the breakers. Interestingly both Wolfberg and Skadi were needed in the end. First time use of Darting Stance for me. 

@Nanima @Zeo @mcsilas 

@daisy jane Work on those Askir people already! ;-) 

@Landmaster (I'll get to watch your Lucina clear, promised) 

You don't have to rush or anything, haha~

Happy to see Celica Emblem and Oliver back~ The first strike is already a close call. Vantage Normal Celica was quite satisfying to watch~ Good to keep those blue units far away until they could be dealt with easily~ It was funny you didn't even need your C Slot of a couple of them. Really nice!

Oliver taking care of Seliph in one go was nice, both he and Julia drop in one round. Takumi snipes enemies on both sides and The Conqueror conquers the last enemy~ I like how well this team works together~

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10 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

You don't have to rush or anything, haha~

In that particular topic a lot of stuff is waiting for me ;-)

11 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

It was funny you didn't even need your C Slot of a couple of them. Really nice!

I unequipped Hone ATK because of Panic ploy on that blue Flier. 

12 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Oliver taking care of Seliph in one go was nice, both he and Julia drop in one roun

Seliphs sword made it difficult to kill him with a slow magic user like Oliver. 

13 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Really nice!


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2 hours ago, daisy jane said:

everything cleared except the Askr trio quests
(sigh). i hate the Askr trio quests (sigh). i also hate that i haven't upgraded them yet lolol

I still have to beat the Alfonse beats Julia quest because mine is a lvl 31 4* and i have not enought cristals to level him up. 

Otherwise i did everything else and even made my own solution for Infernal with a F2P team of Fjorm (QR 3 seal), Young Azura, Brave Celica (she was my CYL choice) and Groom Marth (Bonfire SI and Atk/Def Bond 3). 

Like, alright, it's not a solution i would post on the internet to help people because it's extremely situational and has SI. But i also didn't notice it was a F2P team until after finishing it, so alright.

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1 hour ago, RexBolt said:

I still have to beat the Alfonse beats Julia quest because mine is a lvl 31 4* and i have not enought cristals to level him up. 

Otherwise i did everything else and even made my own solution for Infernal with a F2P team of Fjorm (QR 3 seal), Young Azura, Brave Celica (she was my CYL choice) and Groom Marth (Bonfire SI and Atk/Def Bond 3). 

Like, alright, it's not a solution i would post on the internet to help people because it's extremely situational and has SI. But i also didn't notice it was a F2P team until after finishing it, so alright.

per usual for these quests, i used Arena Assault to get the Alfonse/Sharena kills (Bless Johann for that tidbit) 
i am gonna level Alfonse though through the training maps (knock out some quests while i do it). and get the orb where he needs to be on the map.

good for you though for making your own solution! i had to use PM1 per usual because i was stumped. 

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57 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

per usual for these quests, i used Arena Assault to get the Alfonse/Sharena kills (Bless Johann for that tidbit) 
i am gonna level Alfonse though through the training maps (knock out some quests while i do it). and get the orb where he needs to be on the map.

good for you though for making your own solution! i had to use PM1 per usual because i was stumped. 

I just did it too. But this wave of quests has solidified my resolve: Once Book 3 hits i'm 5*-ing the Askr trio and making them actual good units, with their weapons refined and skills inherited to fill their blanks! 

If the new book's free unit is really colorless like some have been theoryzing then even better.

Edited by RexBolt
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I could have done the quests all at once if I wasn't an idiot and actually read the quest descriptions. Ah well.

After that, i decided to redo/record Infernal with flier emblem, because wynaut:

I did it in 1 turn but I'm not sure if that's particularly impressive. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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And my Infernal Clear~

So this time, I really wanted to use Summer Innes and he honestly wasn't the reason I struggled so much here, as it was everyone else. I went with Kitty Sakura purely to get rid of Julia but the other problem I was having was something that could eat a hit from Seliph since my ranged units couldn't seem to kill him in one round. Originally I didn't want to use one of my dragons cuz that would be pretty dumb when facing Julia but since Julia would be dead anyway, I could bring someone in to stop Sakura from being taken out by that Lance Cav (I used Nowi because I thought I'd need the Lancebreaker but she ended up not needing it).

As for Innes, if it weren't for that Bonfire on the Pegasus, he'd have a much easier time taking her out but I realized he'd need healing at some point so I brought in Mia who needed his Ward Fliers and Atk/Def bond to not die. I had to have him weaken the Cleric instead of attacking the Pegasus because the Cleric will kill Innes on the next turn if I do so he didn't get to do as much as I would have liked but he at least distracts the bottom of the map well enough.

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1 hour ago, RexBolt said:

I just did it too. But this wave of quests has solidified my resolve: Once Book 3 hits i'm 5*-ing the Askr trio and making them actual good units, with their weapons refined and skills inherited to fill their blanks! 

If the new book's free unit is really colorless like some have been theoryzing then even better.

while I am probably gonna 5* them. (sigh). 60K in feathers just on those guys. grr. 
but dew is few. (giggles). so. i would ... wait? to spend dew on them when you could get units who could truly benefit from it. 


1 hour ago, Landmaster said:

And my Infernal Clear~

So this time, I really wanted to use Summer Innes and he honestly wasn't the reason I struggled so much here, as it was everyone else. I went with Kitty Sakura purely to get rid of Julia but the other problem I was having was something that could eat a hit from Seliph since my ranged units couldn't seem to kill him in one round. Originally I didn't want to use one of my dragons cuz that would be pretty dumb when facing Julia but since Julia would be dead anyway, I could bring someone in to stop Sakura from being taken out by that Lance Cav (I used Nowi because I thought I'd need the Lancebreaker but she ended up not needing it).

As for Innes, if it weren't for that Bonfire on the Pegasus, he'd have a much easier time taking her out but I realized he'd need healing at some point so I brought in Mia who needed his Ward Fliers and Atk/Def bond to not die. I had to have him weaken the Cleric instead of attacking the Pegasus because the Cleric will kill Innes on the next turn if I do so he didn't get to do as much as I would have liked but he at least distracts the bottom of the map well enough.


this was awesome! great job!
are you gonna refine Kittle Paddle for no counterattack? 
(also (sigh) I wish I had innes...)

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1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

this was awesome! great job!
are you gonna refine Kittle Paddle for no counterattack? 
(also (sigh) I wish I had innes...)

Thanks! I don't think Kitty Paddle has a refine, like not even any stat boosts either, which is pretty meh~

You will have your Airzura by the time he comes back so you'll be able to get him~ ;3

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Yesterday I put together a Debuff themed team to solve the Cav Stratum quests and just gave it a try in this BHB (no sound because recorded on mobile): 

@Hilda I'm slowly getting into the debuff world. 

On 4.12.2018 at 1:44 AM, Robert of Normandy said:

I did it in 1 turn but I'm not sure if that's particularly impressive. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Cool stuff, perhaps I'm biased but 1-turns are always nice to see. Great to see Hinoka getting some love. 

On 4.12.2018 at 1:58 AM, Landmaster said:

And my Infernal Clear~

Curious team and nice clear. Mia tanking the Lance Flier was surprising but made her WoM shenanigans possible. 

On 4.12.2018 at 6:10 AM, Baldrick said:

It’s time we settled who the true protagonist of Jugdral is.

Oh, beautiful theme. That's one great Leif you have there, he doesn't leave a chance to Seliph and Julia. 


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48 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Oh, beautiful theme. That's one great Leif you have there, he doesn't leave a chance to Seliph and Julia.

If I ever +10 a 5* unit, it'll be him. It helps that he's turned up off-focus twice.


55 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I'm slowly getting into the debuff world.

Hrid and Gunnthra really know how to rub salt into the enemy's wounds.

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@mampfoid Wow, Olivia tanked Julia like a champ, and she was poorly demolished by Stahl.

As for the Celica clear, wow, Brave Celica holding on with low HP. Too bad Galeforce didn't proc that much but I guess multiple Celica's attacking is kind of like attacking multiple times in one turn? Also poor Julia being bullied by reds.

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53 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Too bad Galeforce didn't proc that much but I guess multiple Celica's attacking is kind of like attacking multiple times in one turn?

If that counts I'll have to try a Celica one turn clear. ^^'


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@Hilda Yeah, Veronica is already bonkers by her own. I picked Catria because I'm using benched and/or new units for my stratum quests (no idea why I picked Walhart, but green Cavs are rare) and her chilling abilities are great. On many maps all opponents get chilled at turn 1 and I only need to throw Hrid at them. 

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Okay, so I've realized I won't ever catch up to all the clear responses waiting for me. Whoops.

Sorry for that... My only defense is work being very tiresome this week. I still watched them all and was very impressed with your clears.

Let me at least talk about the ones in this thread:

@mampfoid  It's so great to see the Celicas and (I can't believe I am saying this) Oliver again. Even if it was only one proc, seeing Brave!Celica in action is always a fun time. That Vantage aided Dragon Fang was also very awesome.

Even if Oliver and co. struggled a bit more, the clear was still very respectable. Everyone played their role very well and seeing Wallhart's damage output while doubling is always worth it.

Horse Emblem with the Ice siblings is also a neat idea. It's cute how Hrid is wearing his sister's flower in his hair. I also loved Wallhart's Ignis and Gunnthra killing the healer as the icing on the cake. *coughs*

@Landmaster Seeing Innes yolo his way to the bottom of the screen was really funny! And he held up pretty well. Maybe it's time to build up my newly acquired copy after all... just as soon as I get over the disappointment of his Atk bane. It's so nice seeing Sakunyan here and make the map safe for Nowi to do her job. Mia jumping around the screen (and eating attacks up trying to keep everyone alive) was very entertaining as well. Great Job!

I have also finally gathered the motivation for making another Taku clear. Probably because this map was a lot less insane than the ones in the past week:

@mcsilas @Zeo @ruruo @kirauza343

Music: 1. Sorey's Theme - Purity 2. Take up your Bow and Shoot out the Truth (Tales of Zestiria once again.). The latter music title seems very fitting come to think of it. haha

My Takus didn't have much of a hard time at all. They are still mostly wearing the skills I put on them during my Hrid LHB attempt. The only changes made were ones for style, not to actually beat the map. Gave Nyakumi Spur Attack Seal and Skadikumi Drive Attack Seal so Sunkumi could one-round Seliph. Also tried giving everyone a role as always, but really it only took two attempts to get this one down. A welcome change of pace after last week.

Princess clear should be along as well soon.~ 

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Time for my very first video...Or at least I hope its time for my very first video since this is pretty new for me. I thought it'd be just downloading the video from my phone and opening it here. Instead I had to make a youtube acount because of the 10 gb limit? 

But anyway here is Seliph, Merric, New year Corrin and Bridal Ninian vs Seliph and Jullia


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On 12/4/2018 at 12:10 AM, Baldrick said:

It’s time we settled who the true protagonist of Jugdral is.



Always love seeing me some Leif and Finn, even Nanna helped out in the action a bit~ Nice theme clear!

12 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Yesterday I put together a Debuff themed team to solve the Cav Stratum quests and just gave it a try in this BHB (no sound because recorded on mobile): 


All those debuffs made it a pretty easy clear. That's a really cool debuff team you've come up with~

3 hours ago, Nanima said:


@Landmaster Seeing Innes yolo his way to the bottom of the screen was really funny! And he held up pretty well. Maybe it's time to build up my newly acquired copy after all... just as soon as I get over the disappointment of his Atk bane. It's so nice seeing Sakunyan here and make the map safe for Nowi to do her job. Mia jumping around the screen (and eating attacks up trying to keep everyone alive) was very entertaining as well. Great Job!

I have also finally gathered the motivation for making another Taku clear. Probably because this map was a lot less insane than the ones in the past week:

@mcsilas @Zeo @ruruo @kirauza343

Music: 1. Sorey's Theme - Purity 2. Take up your Bow and Shoot out the Truth (Tales of Zestiria once again.). The latter music title seems very fitting come to think of it. haha

My Takus didn't have much of a hard time at all. They are still mostly wearing the skills I put on them during my Hrid LHB attempt. The only changes made were ones for style, not to actually beat the map. Gave Nyakumi Spur Attack Seal and Skadikumi Drive Attack Seal so Sunkumi could one-round Seliph. Also tried giving everyone a role as always, but really it only took two attempts to get this one down. A welcome change of pace after last week.

Princess clear should be along as well soon.~ 

I did enjoy getting him all the way down there by himself, LOL~ Attack bane hurts but if he's got some flier buffs, he can do pretty well. I mainly like his high Def (and I pitifully don't have any other Axe fliers)~ Glad you liked! The first time I did this, Sakunyan impressed even me, I hadn't even though of having her attack that Lance Cav because I didn't think she'd kill and then she goes and doubles it, haha~

TakuSquad had no problems here at all, only real damage done was by the Lance and they pretty much sniped every one else off before they could even get close enough~ Nice quick and easy clear, looking forward to the Princesses, they look like a good match for this map, too~

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