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Legendary Hero Battle: Lucina


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But... the future refused to change.

Despite all flags to the contrary, F!Grima destroys this map. With proper buff stacking, she can just rampage up the left end of the map; even if she weren't S-Supported and merged, Priscilla could run Speed buffs that would only be needed for the Red Mage (though F!Grima does at least need a +Spd nature). Bowcina is a non-threat if you can fight her with at least 45 Spd (which is why SY!Tiki has Rally Spd/Def). F!Grima's budget Dark Spikes build does the rest.

Now that the ironic clear is done, I might attempt armors.

Edited by Some Jerk
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@Xenomata That is weird that Lucina didn't Future Sight the healer (I had a similar instance in my clear). I wonder what exactly convinces her to take pity not to? Because like in certain formations she would for me and then others she wouldn't. Great job all around, galeforce and heavy blade are a great combo on Elincia!

@Ginko Close call with Azura, but nice! I need to see if I can give my Marisa a little more muscle so that that team can figure this out on infernal; my initial plan was essentially how you started but that guard on both of them is brutal (and I love Marisa, but girl needs her special).

@mampfoid I'm still amazed by your Cherche's doubles. I was wondering what the Draw Back was going to be used for, and I gotta say I didn't see that coming. Awesome clear as always!

@LordFrigid If brute-forcing works it works haha. For your Caeda solo I was a little worried about Caeda vs. Lucina even with Iotes shield but your Caeda continues to amaze.

@Radiant Dragon Close call for both Tiki and Morgan but great job! Klein showed Lucina a thing or two about archery.

@Alexmender Eirika made it look so easy, even when dealing with Lucina. Great job!

Went with my flier team for now (Micaiah and her redheads are gonna take a lot more planning if I want to get it done with them...). Lucina was the most annoying part of this map with her Future Sight (because even F!Grima with her dragonskin couldn't survive an encounter from her without help), especially when she wasn't super consistent about when she would use it. Had to finish getting Camilla and Grima's S rank because she really needed that extra attack turn one, but really the most annoying part of the map is getting the positioning right so Lucina doesn't future sight the lance flier towards the end.


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Beat normal and hard with my HM grinding team of Fjorm, Ares, Cecilia and Amelia and did lunatic and infernal with a F2P guide and team of L!Ike, Olivia, B!Lyn and Camus.  This map was just about right in terms of difficulty for me, not grind my teeth hard but not fall asleep autobattle easy either.

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I'm a little tired tonight so I just cheesed this map with three armours and Genny. Black Knight took the left while Hector took the right. I put Genny a few spaces behind Hector to bait Lucina into heading towards Hector.

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2 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

When people call it easy I'm guessing it stems from reinforcements coming from the top only. If I recall correctly, every other LHB so far has featured reinforcements coming from every direction. I spent 20 minutes trying to clear compared to over an hour I usually do. Of course difficulty for players may wary

The most difficult hero battle maps in the game (Morsesmorsesmorses, Tommy Wiseau, Takumeme, Walmart) have reinforcements from every direction and LHB follow suit. Thankfully Lucina spared me from this insanity

There are people calling every map easy. I have seen people call Wallhart easy just two days ago. Heck, I thought L!Hector was pretty easy myself, even though the reinforcements also came from every direction. Meanwhile, I just spend four to five hours (not consequitive) figuring out the exact team constellation and exact skill distribution needed for me to clear this map. I had to sacrifice three fives stars too. One of them exclusive (Leif. For nothing it turned out. But at least he was collecting dust in my barracks anyway). It's really frustrating coming to this website after over a dozen attempts and see people going on about how easy this map is. I am not even talking about people like you who say a map is easy for them (I have said so in the past myself), I am talking about those who seem to judge them in general and sometimes even suggest Intsys heighten the difficulty.

Don't know if it's even worth uploading my clear here. It just feels too pathetic. 

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1 hour ago, Nanima said:

I am not even talking about people like you who say a map is easy for them (I have said so in the past myself), I am talking about those who seem to judge them in general and sometimes even suggest Intsys heighten the difficulty.

If I ever call a map "easy", know that my account has been hacked and to shut me down.

Even this map, I was trying to run it through with Brave Bow LA!Roy, Nanna, BB!Ninian, and Y!Tiki, but nothing I tried was working. THEN I went back to my main flier team (ToD!Nowi, BB!Ninian, HNY!Azura, and PF!Nino), but not only was that doing me no good, but Lucina was actually using Future Vision and reaching units I didn't think she could reach. It was only when I not only traded out Nino for Elincia, but also gave Elincia Drag Back and Galeforce, that I was able to clear Infernal.

I'd only call Lector's map easy because I was using BB!Lyn and Lucius, so Candlelight and Pain, a Dancer, and my Armorsmasher Soleil, so the deadliest units were being rendered unable to counter me and being weakened within minutes, but even that I wouldn't call easy.

Edited by Xenomata
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I like this map. My 6 main Teams all failed to clear this map on 3-4 tries. I guess i'll need to focus more and AI manipulation!!! Lucina is really a bitch with that personal skill

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6 hours ago, Radiant Dragon said:

I wonder if IS put Guard on so many of the melee enemies to try and discourage people from clearing this map in one turn? Nevertheless, your teams are clearly too strong to be stopped by such measures! Great clears!

Thanks! Guard is evil, but in this case we could with around it. I don't think IS thinks especially of us, Guard hinders also units that depend on special damage. 

6 hours ago, Radiant Dragon said:

Normally, Legendary Hero Battles give me quite a bit of trouble, but I was able to beat Lucina on my first try.

Nice clear, also nice Tiki. A reminder that I should build my first Steady Breath dragon soon. Klein gives Lucina no chance with her new toy. 

5 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

This map really didn’t want any special procs seeing all that guard. Speedy Cherche is a cool Cherche. I haven’t even gotten around to trying out the map yet but you sure make it seem easy.

It's fun to make Cherche work in different ways. Her high ATK made it possible to beat this red unit in one round without A-/S-Slot skills that would boost her ATK. Wasn't easy compared to some other maps, especially for the two lonely guard units. 

5 hours ago, Alexmender said:

Very nice! It is interesting to see a speedy Cherche, although thinking about it I think a Frederick (or Walhart) could've helped you clear this all in the Player Phase. Anyways, it was a cool clear, congrats!

Thanks! I would like to integrate those units, but WoM and Galeforce are rare skills to me, so Marth and Cherche have to do the green job for now. 

5 hours ago, Alexmender said:

This one was a bit too easy for me.

All reinforcements coming from above helped a lot I guess. Eirika is too strong for Lucinas new toy. Always cool to watch heaps and heaps of enemies impale themselves on Eirikas sword, on this map they built a nice lemming-queue. Congrats! 

4 hours ago, XRay said:

I just saw this on Reddit. It is pretty cool; not only is it a one turn clear, it is also done on Auto-Battle. It is kind of done with all Awakening characters too, if you count Selena as Severa.

Pretty cool stuff, thanks for sharing. I already saw some impressive auto one-turns (i.e. Takumis GHB), but having a corresponding theme is the cream on the pie. 

I won't start to experiment with auto-battle myself, one-turns are enough puzzle for me. :-)

3 hours ago, kirauza343 said:

I'm still amazed by your Cherche's doubles. I was wondering what the Draw Back was going to be used for, and I gotta say I didn't see that coming. Awesome clear as always!

She got to draw buff-bot Roy ;-)


3 hours ago, kirauza343 said:

Went with my flier team for now

Fliers are cool, nothing bad about that. Especially with a team like that, I'm still missing Grima (and blue Camilla), but the coolest Girl was Elincia here. Good decision to give her GF! Congrats and good luck for the redhead clear! 


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Normal and Hard cleared with low HM units

Lunatic cleared with L!Lyn, Shiro, Seigbert and L'Arachel. 

Infernal not done yet.

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wwww done with Team Ephraim. I have to say Flame Sigmund and ephraims personal B-Skill were a blessing toward the end!!! Rushing in like a mad maniac and sweeping them all off


and just finished with Team Gunnthra

I need to tackle this with the Akrtrio too :/

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6 hours ago, Nanima said:

Had to resort to a guide again and feel very bad about it. I used to be able to beat these maps by myself and now I am back to needing a helping hand. The people going "Hur hur so easy" is not helping btw. Endless cav reinforcements just make this map hell. It was extremely unfun.

I hope I didn't add to your frustration with my comments. I had less trouble with this map simply because I managed to stumble upon something that worked really quickly. Tiki is my best tank, and Klein is one of my best offensive units (although my recently acquired Siegbert is giving him a run for his money), so I certainly didn't go in pulling any punches.

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I'm surprised this only took a few attempts. The team was L!Ike, PA!Azura, Leg!Lyn and a newly obtained Micaiah. Oddly enough, the Gravity Healer and starting Red Cav were the biggest problem, the latter of which was easily one shot by Micky. Without that Cav, I might have been able to 3-man the map.

What really saved the run was the AI. In the first couple attempts, Lucina would use Future Vision with the Dragon to rush Ike or Lyn and screw my run. After slightly changing my unit placement, she usually moved after most of the enemies, which left her out of range for her Future Vision. If the AI's movement wasn't so bizarre it might have been a problem, but I guess I got lucky.

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6 minutes ago, Radiant Dragon said:

I hope I didn't add to your frustration with my comments. I had less trouble with this map simply because I managed to stumble upon something that worked really quickly. Tiki is my best tank, and Klein is one of my best offensive units (although my recently acquired Siegbert is giving him a run for his money), so I certainly didn't go in pulling any punches.

Not at all. My problem is not with people talking about their own experience being easy, but more with general statements of the map istelf being too easy. It always makes me react with "So do I just suck for having trouble with this?", which is not exactly encouraging. Anyway, yeah Dragons great for this map, although I ended up going for S!Y!Tiki with Lightning Breath as my tank. Don't know if something was wrong with my strategies, but I always had the trouble of adjusting one tiny thing leading to failing in a different way. (i.e. switching Drive Attack with Drive Defense on Ninian after Frima got killed by a small margin would lead to Tiki being unable to kill a red cav before he got to Bunmilla)

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Yay, Infernal's finally done. Spent a while trying to clear with my usual all-infantry-no-dancer setup, but I kept getting strung out and overwhelmed. Lucina's Future Vision certainly didn't help given how bloody fast she is. In the end I pulled out L!Ephraim for his power and tankiness.

  1. L!Ike+1: Once again the star of the show, he wrecked the left side.
  2. B!Lucina+2: Mostly there for her insane buffs and Reposition shenanigans.
  3. L!Ephraim+1: Held the right side relatively well thanks to his ridiculous self-healing ability.
  4. Nino+1: Mainly needed to finish off Lucina while not getting pulverized by everything else.

That was a doozy to figure out, but all in all not that hard with the right tanks. The biggest problem was figuring out how to keep Lucina from murdering Ike. As things turned out Ephraim could eat her arrows quite easily.

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@mampfoid Was this map hard to figure out a 1 turn clear? Took me around an hour to figure it out.

The Thief is annoying with Dull Ranged 3 so he had to go first. I'm tired of Future Vision already just from playing this map, which means it'll be great for an Arena defense team. Below is my Infernal clear of this map.

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11 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Clever way to surpass the double Guard block, well done! I like your Peri btw, she came to play also in your last clear if I remember correctly? 

Yeah, she Lunge+Galeforce'd her way up to that annoying Firesweep S+ Cav.

11 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Fancy clear ^^ positioning is everything, northern reinforcements helped. Congrats! 

Hehe, yeah, throwing out a red dragon and a red tome cav was probably one of the nicest things the game has done for me.


@Radiant Dragon

Dang, Tiki put in some serious work there. Nice job!


I see what you mean about Future Vision...I suspect the AI will only use it to get another enemy out of danger, similar to other positioning skills, but I don't know for sure. Nice clear! I like how Robin just spent most of the battle chilling in the lower right, waiting for enemies to walk into her.

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@mampfoid Thanks! It was kinda funny to see everyone suicide themselves on this map but I guess that's the charm of EP units, haha.

For sure, despite being demoted to the 3~4 star pool getting Cordelias and Cains is still kinda hard with how diluted the pools are, not to mention how expensive Galeforce is. I tend to have the same fate when it comes to Aether, Chrom is pretty rare nowadays. 

@kirauza343 That flier team is really cool! F!Grima really did bring ruin to those mooks. I'm still a little salty about Summer Camilla outclassing Corrin although I have no right to complain when I have both but your clear really shows how much of a beast she is. Very cool!

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Finally, I have chance to reply to all of you.

@mampfoid Speedy Cherche is always good for PVE content like this. Those guard units must hurt you many tries before it turn out good like this one. I just got Legendary Lyn. So my full Tactics team will be complete soon.

@kirauza343 A little sad that Marisa cannot shine this time. But Summer Camila really do her job this time. Why it's not fair when Future Vision hurt my Azura but not harm Fliers? lol 

@Xenomata This is first time I comment on your clear. I'm impressed with your Elincia so much. She just beat down and down with quad, never let it up. Those merges really paid off.

@Radiant Dragon This is first time I see a full inheritance on your clear. I thought you will bring your usual Julia to kill Lucina this time. Tiki wreck the left side is so satisfying. Great job!


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@Zelgius: thanks for the tip-off! Went with three armored units (Zephiel/Effie/LA Hector) and a healer (Priscilla). Weathered the storm on the right with Wary Fighter (Priscilla keeping LA Hector's HP above 50%. Zephiel and Effie took left and didn't look back.

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This one took a lot of skill shuffling (I haven't used distant defense on Celica in ages, and I've never needed quick riposte on her before, plus some seal and special adjusting), some weird inheriting (escape route and drive defense on Marisa, drive attack on Cherche that I ended up not even using, and I even 5 starred a Subaki for quick riposte only to realize that renewal was 100% necessary on Celica and that I'd need the seal instead), and a lot of experimenting with positioning and even then I cut it real close. I really despise that dagger user and to a lesser extent the infantry red tome, though Lucina gave me zero problems with this group (really I think Future Sight actually improved the positioning for me).

Now if you'll excuse me I never want to see this map again.

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1 hour ago, kirauza343 said:


Now if you'll excuse me I never want to see this map again.

This is why I told you. You need a Brash-Des Micaiah to to wreck almost everything ranged units and DC users lol.

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5 hours ago, tobuShogi said:

Was this map hard to figure out a 1 turn clear? Took me around an hour to figure it out.

The Thief is annoying with Dull Ranged 3 so he had to go first. I'm tired of Future Vision already just from playing this map, which means it'll be great for an Arena defense team. Below is my Infernal clear of this map.

Yeah, it took me awhile to figure it out. Guard on two units which where also not close to the other units complicated things. 

In the end you did it, nice positioning there. 

4 hours ago, Alexmender said:

For sure, despite being demoted to the 3~4 star pool getting Cordelias and Cains is still kinda hard with how diluted the pools are, not to mention how expensive Galeforce is. I tend to have the same fate when it comes to Aether, Chrom is pretty rare nowadays. 

True, I didn't get any Cordelias, Cherches and Caedas last month. At least I'm sitting now on a nice stock of three Cains (and Legaults) and we'll get a BK with the next TTs. 

Good luck getting Chroms! 

4 hours ago, Ginko said:

Speedy Cherche is always good for PVE content like this. Those guard units must hurt you many tries before it turn out good like this one. I just got Legendary Lyn. So my full Tactics team will be complete soon.

Yeah, it took me some time yesterday, while I had also other things to do. I'm looking forward seeing your shiny new SPD tactic!

2 hours ago, kirauza343 said:


Ha, congrats, I knew you'd manage to pull this off. All four girls got some heavy beatings, but they survived in contrast to the enemies. 

20 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Trick or Defeat Nowi is +Atk -Res, Happy New Year Azura is +Atk -Def, Bridal Bloom Ninian is +Atk -Def, and Elincia is +Spd -Res.

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Wow, you're already at +7 with your Elincia, looking pretty cool! 

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