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September Mythic Hero Revealed:Thrasir: Omnicidal Witch)


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Pretty skippable banner. No real need for Thrasir, though I do want Yune so I guess I'll pull green. Colorless will be the backup. All the units are good there so I'll pull from that pool if there's no green stones.

Bet Lif's going to be the next Mythic Hero in a month or two. Let's me know this Book is getting ready to wrap up.

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Ugh, why an Anima hero? I thought that since the last mythic hero was for a defensive season (dark) we would finally be getting a new Light/Astra hero. I am getting so sick of having to use two or three of Eir or Naga every week for max scoring. I was hoping this month would finally give us some extra variety...

Looks like green is the color to snipe, colorless the backup, red the backup after that, and blue the color to avoid like that plague.

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I feel like this is the least justifiable Mythic hero we have seen. If they wanted an OC Mythic hero they should have gone with someone that is clearly has godlike powers, like the Queen of Death. I would even buy Loki as possibly being in that sorta power level, with her transformation powers and mysterious allegiances.

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I didn't expect Thrasir to be the mythic hero (does she even qualify as one? I don't think so), I thought that Hel would be one and that she'd come after Book III was done.

That being said, I'm absolutely pulling reds on this banner because that color is stacked (L!Eirika to finally have every Eirika released so far, L!Eliwood to bring my OG!Eirika into overdrive mode and DC fodder). 

Green is pretty good with Yune/Thrasir/S!Veronica. All of them are good units, and I can't really comment on the fodder department because I forgot what S!Veronica has to offer, Thrasir is good and Yune is bad. 

Colorless is pretty sweet, Eir is always good for either AR or Mystic Boost fodder. Fallen F!Corrin needs no explanation, she's just ridiculous, and while P!Genny is the weak link here but she's cute and has good support capabilities so it's not like getting her is terribad or anything.

Blue...yeah. It has nothing noteworthy. Guess being super underwhelming is to balance out for last month where it was amazing.

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Well, this is unexpected. Good thing I decided to grab Duma when I had the chance, I don't really care for Thrasir and Duma seems interesting as a character.

Guess this means Lif will eventually be mythic too.

Anyway, gonna skip since I don't have many orbs and new Halloween units approach!

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I was spacing out and interpreting "5 damage per unit's attack" as dealing 5 extra damage per point of attack stat. +200 damage sounds pretty sweet. 😛

I wouldn't mind grabbing a copy down the line, but the other green units here hold no appeal for me so I won't be going for it this time around. Blue is godawful too. I don't have any of the reds and would be fine with any of them, though none are a priority as such. Similar for grey though obviously I have Eir.

Plan is to wait for the launch announcement to see the full re-run schedule before deciding whether to do just the one round of red+grey, or whether to keep going until I get one unit. It's a tricky decision on this month versus the next, in that this month has better units that are new to me, but next month has better merge candidates. November and December are looking like duds right now, so either way it'll probably by my last major orb expenditure for the year.

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So Thrasir is the Mythic Hero this month and is Anima...okay...I mean I knew the banner was probably going to be a disappointment but sheesh. I honestly only expecting Hel to get the Mythic Hero treatment but never considered Thrasir and Lif as candidates. At least we don't have to worry about Thrasir and likely Lif too showing up on the Farfetched Hero banner.

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31 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

How does she classify as a godlike being? 

She doesn’t. She is as mythic as the Nifl royals (except snow loli) are legendary: not at all. 

But hey, I’m fine with this banner being a hard pass for me. It lets me spend more orbs not getting Ishtar or Reinhardt.

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I hope I an not the only one who thought that the LH was a dude the entire time. 

I neither ever read the dialogue lines nor played with battle animations, so I just judged by seeing her portrait. 


However this knowledge does not change that I am not interested in her as the other villains (whose names I already forgot). 

Nine free orbs from the LH battles for more attempts on Ishtar. 

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36 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

How does she classify as a godlike being? 

I think she mostly a Mythic out of neccesity more than anything else.

Unlike Legendary Heroes where our supply of heroes will never end (we have lords, pseudo lords and other figures like Athos that can work for that position), but with Mythics we're pretty limited, and most of the options people comments are just the final bosses (and Mila).

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I can take or leave Thrasir herself, since I do already have Duma and I don't feel anything towards her (or her real self) as a character. Because of reasons, I don't know if she should even be a mythic hero in general, but what's done is done.

Spring Veronica and Yune, on the other hand, I would like to have. Yune for sure since I still lack a dark mythic hero and I like Yune enough. But the color I want to pull on most is red. Eirika and Eliwood are must haves while more DC is always good. I might skip colorless for the most part, and I'll start off pulling blues but I might drop them later on because the only one I really want is Valentine's Soren. A better Ephraim would be good, but Kjelle kind of kills the blue pool for me. I really do not care for her.

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At first i was really upset because I wanted EvilCorrin really badly (and merges and everything) i was saving up, but i wasn't ready for her to be so early. (AND I wanted Genny for her wand). 
but seeing yet another really  tough anti-dragon weapon is just making me not want tobother to invest in yet another dragon. I've got Myrrh, and fae and that's good enough for me. (this clears my major savings  to go towards Brave Camilla and HIlda instead). 


also. Tharsir is a god now? okay. 

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...eh. I don't need her. Pass.

I already got too many Dragon murderers (and can make more via Naga) and made one of them the strongest unit in all of my barracks, and her B passive, while good looking, just doesn't yell NEED at me. Maybe if she inflicted a heavy HP loss on an ally like Fallen Berkut's Kriemhild then she'd be worth considering, if and only because having two separate units who can provide an easy in to Desperation range would be excellent...

You know, I don't care that Thrasir isn't a god or mythical being or whatever like other Mythic Heroes are. I care more that Thrasir took away what could have been a unit slot that could be given to a different unit.

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43 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

I didn't expect Thrasir to be the mythic hero (does she even qualify as one? I don't think so), I thought that Hel would be one and that she'd come after Book III was done.

That being said, I'm absolutely pulling reds on this banner because that color is stacked (L!Eirika to finally have every Eirika released so far, L!Eliwood to bring my OG!Eirika into overdrive mode and DC fodder). 

Green is pretty good with Yune/Thrasir/S!Veronica. All of them are good units, and I can't really comment on the fodder department because I forgot what S!Veronica has to offer, Thrasir is good and Yune is bad. 

Colorless is pretty sweet, Eir is always good for either AR or Mystic Boost fodder. Fallen F!Corrin needs no explanation, she's just ridiculous, and while P!Genny is the weak link here but she's cute and has good support capabilities so it's not like getting her is terribad or anything.

Blue...yeah. It has nothing noteworthy. Guess being super underwhelming is to balance out for last month where it was amazing.

Huh you ended up getting Winter Eirika?

Red looks really really good yeah. Kinda wish the time will come when Roy, Eliwood, and Distant Counter is on the same banner for that maximum value lol


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