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Have been so used to the British voiceovers of Xenoblade DE that I tried the Japanese ones briefly, and reverted back to the default after about three minutes.

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Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is a good movie. It's better than Raiders of the Lost Ark, a lot better than Temple of Doom, but it still has a bit of the former's problems. 

Tomorrow I watch Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and see if it's really as bad as people say it is.

3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Meanwhile, in CyberNep, Noire further discovers her inner Neptune

The real Nep was the friends we made along the way.

32 minutes ago, Karimlan said:

Have been so used to the British voiceovers of Xenoblade DE that I tried the Japanese ones briefly, and reverted back to the default after about three minutes.

Me. I once listened to the Japanese voices and it just felt.....wrong. Dunban especially, he sounds like a 12 year old in the Japanese version. 

And honestly, I will say the same thing about Xenoblade 2. Imo, the accents are a part of the characters. If Nia ain't speaking with a Welsh accent, it ain't Nia.

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2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


Yup, that he does indeed!

17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The real Nep was the friends we made along the way.

Speaking of Nep, I was looking forward to the CPUs meeting "themselves", which actually happened a bit earlier, but I didn't expect it to feel so... weird.


*universe implodes*

The kicker is that the meeting itself isn't even the weirdest part. The absolute weirdest part about this is that the four Goddesses are actually playable.
Meaning I can have a party containing both Purple Heart AND Neptune at the same time. I never knew I needed this until I received it.

Also, as a side note, Erica Mendez' (who voices Noire in this game, fyi) Black Heart voice is 👌

And a bit earlier on in the story, the very annoying cat girl and Otsuu-turned Kirito used a cheat item to fuse together and transform into a boss called... Cheetah.
To which Uni has this to say:

*cue everyone, including me, laughing their asses off*

And the best part is: it wasn't a forced loss boss fight like I feared at first. Rather, I could actually kick those two to the curb just like I wanted!
Thank you for not falling into the CS2 trap, Neptunia! Thank you!

I'm actually having a blast with this game, not gonna lie. I didn't expect it to be this much fun.

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14 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

The kicker is that the meeting itself isn't even the weirdest part. The absolute weirdest part about this is that the four Goddesses are actually playable.
Meaning I can have a party containing both Purple Heart AND Neptune at the same time. I never knew I needed this until I received it.


19 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

And a bit earlier on in the story, the very annoying cat girl and Otsuu-turned Kirito used a cheat item to fuse together and transform into a boss called... Cheetah.
To which Uni has this to say:

*cue everyone, including me, laughing their asses off*

I wonder how the Japanese version handled this joke. Usually, it's Japanese jokes not translating well into English but here it seems the opposite.


17 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I'm actually having a blast with this game, not gonna lie. I didn't expect it to be this much fun.

Very nice.

Cyberdimension does run good enough on my PC, the main thing keeping from playing is that the control remapping is pretty bad. I have my Pro Controller but it doesn't read it (a problem I've looked into a lot, there doesn't seem to be a clear solution). But out of all the spin-offs, it seems the most fun.

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7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I wonder how the Japanese version handled this joke. Usually, it's Japanese jokes not translating well into English but here it seems the opposite.

I would think both words are likely written the same in Katakana, or very close for the wordplay to still work. So the Japanese script likely went with that.

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13 minutes ago, Armagon said:



Noire even outright says how strange it is that she's talking to a character modeled after her (the Goddesses are actually just highly advanced AI based on the CPUs).
I'm looking forward to the inevitable chaos that will result from all of this...

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I wonder how the Japanese version handled this joke. Usually, it's Japanese jokes not translating well into English but here it seems the opposite.

@Acacia Sgt already posted what I was about to type.
I think I'll rewatch that scene with Japanese voices on tomorrow to check. This has gotten me curious.

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Very nice.

Cyberdimension does run good enough on my PC, the main thing keeping from playing is that the control remapping is pretty bad. I have my Pro Controller but it doesn't read it (a problem I've looked into a lot, there doesn't seem to be a clear solution). But out of all the spin-offs, it seems the most fun.

The PC port in general seems to have some issues from what I gathered.
I haven't run into any playing the PS4 version of the game so far (aside from the camera being occasionally wonky in particularly tight corridors during battles, but that is something I've learned to live with in every action-based JRPG by now).

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I would think both words are likely written the same in Katakana, or very close for the wordplay to still work. So the Japanese script likely went with that.

Ah, I see. That does seem like a likely option.



This is probably my favorite shot in Makna Forest. Not the Great Makna Falls, (though that place is good) but the giant ether crystal glowing at night. I really like that it's placed next to this pond here.


2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Noire even outright says how strange it is that she's talking to a character modeled after her (the Goddesses are actually just highly advanced AI based on the CPUs).

Noire now knows what it feels like for an actor to see themselves playing a character.

2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

The PC port in general seems to have some issues.
I haven't run into any playing the PS4 version of the game so far (aside from the camera being occasionally wonky in particularly tight corridors during battles, but that is something I've learned to live with in every action-based JRPG by now).

Yeah, I've heard the PC port is a bit buggy but to what extent, I do not know.

The PC port also has the same issue of "can't skip the opening logos" except you can't even skip the OP either. You have to sit through all that before you get to play. Every. Single. Time.

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10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I've downloaded the Super Robot Wars Gaiden: Masoukishin- Lords of Elemental, the SRW spinoff where Masaki got his backstory and the entire La Gias thing was set up. 

The visuals and animations are expectedly dated, but the gameplay this early in the SRW franchise leaves a few other things to be desired.

  • Everyone having fixed weapon loadouts and very limited ammo/energy for attacks of practically anything except melee range, means I have to really careful with my weapon use and choice of upgrades. Resupply exists, but I've only seen one Elemental with it so far, and they've shown up only once.
  • No Mobility stat? Having Cybuster but no great evasion is odd, and it means I'll have to pump all of my cash into Armor instead. Dodging is waaaaaaay less viable here than the OGs, where some units could see consistent 0-30 hit rates against them. 
  • Overall, the early maps don't feel hard, just not what you'd think they'd be for a beginner. That my non-Masaki characters keep changing every mission with no choice of my own means I'm not inclined to invest in anything right now except Cybuster.

Shu has yet to show up, where are ye, oh badass of the Granzon?

Oh, forgot to comment on this. I take it you're trying the SNES original? If it's too archaic I would suggest the NDS remake. Although that one is more geared to be in line with OGverse continuity, instead of Classicverse's.

Alternatively, there's also the PSP version if possible, which I'd recommend the most,since every other Masoukishin game is also on the PSP.

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You know, in Super Metroid, when you collect a powerup, the tile in the map corresponding to the room has a little dot in it to indicate it something was found there.

Kinda lame that Axiom Verge, a game released over 2 decades after SM, didn't seem to copy this feature. :v

Definitely not posting this just because I spent about an hour today hunting down notes and powerups that I missed in AV,  nope.

And AV does at least indicate if you've covered all of the map and collected all the items in an area, even if it doesn't really help you keep track of which ones you're missing.

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For those who don't know, the guy responsible for some of the best known Xenoblade memes (among the community at least) has returned to remake(-ish) the YTPs now that XenoblaDE is out. This is where we got stuff like "BESTEST" and "Noponis" from.

Btw, the video above actually does contain some major spoilers from near the very end of the game. I suggest not watching it if you haven't played XenoblaDE yet and you care about spoilers.

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8 hours ago, Caster said:

Don't remind me of the FE6 tag team, the thing I could never get off the ground or get people to play.

True, you were the host of this, weren't you?

The problem of group LPs is to trust each other. If anyone delays the update for whatever reason, the LP tend to collapse. I think the majority of tag-teams was never finished.


Congrats to @Acacia Sgt for winning former LTPW!

This thread can't be restored.


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I bought some key lime gelato, because hey, it's summer, citrus is summery, and limeade has become a favorite beverage of mine. And I have found the universal ideal of "tartness".

Once it was laid on my tongue, each tastebud was enraptured in purest sourness and nothing else. My mind cried out "The pucker! The pucker!" in fear of my face's writhing to come, but it never did. The frozen delight soared to the boundary between blue sky and dark space, so close, but not one nanometer over the threshold, I remained in Earth's gentle grasp. It was the optimal saturation of my palette, and not the slightest more. 

When the thin leaf of pale green melted away, I felt as though I had gone underwater on a free-dive for some ten minutes, sitting on the seabed in brief meditation before my return. I was in no hurry to return to precious air above, though I knew I would need it. I breathed heavily but not painfully upon resurfacing, I was exhausted, I thought myself a fool for liking this. But I was not dissuaded, I could take more, I wanted more. I could dive and dive again for a while, and return only rarely and mildly cringing from the repetition.

I can't eat much of it at once, the flavor is too strong for that. But I am amused by how balanced the tartness is, it's indisputably real Key Lime, not a limp Persian Lime, it's greatly enlivening, whilst averting the danger of becoming practically inedible because the sourness kicks my senses over the edge. One pint of the stuff should happily last me a couple weeks.



3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, forgot to comment on this. I take it you're trying the SNES original? If it's too archaic I would suggest the NDS remake. Although that one is more geared to be in line with OGverse continuity, instead of Classicverse's.

Alternatively, there's also the PSP version if possible, which I'd recommend the most,since every other Masoukishin game is also on the PSP.

I'm not aware of whether the DS or PSP versions are translated or not, and I'm playing this as much if not more to satisfy my curiosity into the La Gias stuff as the SRW gameplay. 

I'm getting used to it, I finished the "kill 3 enemies simultaneously with your very weak MAP attacks, or a magic nuke goes off". That mission, and ones where you have to drop a low-max HP enemy to a very low % without killing them yes, I know Mercy exists, but it isn't perfect are things I'm happy FE hasn't ever tried. Though because Crit rates and damage formulae are far, far simpler in FE, they'd be a lot less problematic than in SRW. Heavy Cybuster reliance due to maxed Armor is working for now, I'm thinking I'll invest in Zamzeed b/c it has naturally high Armor as my second main unit.

Given that I've read they much later added Masoukishin II, III, OG Dark Prison, and Coffin of the End, none of which I think are translated I realize I can't actually fully understand the subseries. But I shouldn't need to, I'm assuming the decades separating Masoukishin I from the rest means the ending will be very satisfactory.

And, Dark Prison remains sinfully superb in its 16-bit original (did Shu not have it before Gaiden?) incarnation.😎


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9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm not aware of whether the DS or PSP versions are translated or not, and I'm playing this as much if not more to satisfy my curiosity into the La Gias stuff as the SRW gameplay. 

I'm getting used to it, I finished the "kill 3 enemies simultaneously with your very weak MAP attacks, or a magic nuke goes off". That mission, and ones where you have to drop a low-max HP enemy to a very low % without killing them yes, I know Mercy exists, but it isn't perfect are things I'm happy FE hasn't ever tried. Though because Crit rates and damage formulae are far, far simpler in FE, they'd be a lot less problematic than in SRW. Heavy Cybuster reliance due to maxed Armor is working for now, I'm thinking I'll invest in Zamzeed b/c it has naturally high Armor as my second main unit.

Given that I've read they much later added Masoukishin II, III, OG Dark Prison, and Coffin of the End, none of which I think are translated I realize I can't actually fully understand the subseries. But I shouldn't need to, I'm assuming the decades separating Masoukishin I from the rest means the ending will be very satisfactory.

And, Dark Prison remains sinfully superb in its 16-bit original (did Shu not have it before Gaiden?) incarnation.😎


Maybe the NDS has one... though yeah, it's very likely that at this point in time none of the PSP games do.

Pft, FE has certainly not done many things SRW has.

Best I know, Masoukishin was the first time Dark Prison showed up. In SRW 2, he actually had no theme. It would play that of whatever player unit would fight him, like with any regular enemy. Then, through the rest of the Classicverse (including 2's GB remake), he would have this theme if fought as an enemy:

Despite its name, it was more like a "big OG boss" theme. Playing against other OG bosses and final ones and stuff. When he was playable, he actually had Masaki's theme. I think it was the general theme for Masoukishin units, as I'm pretty sure Lune also used Masaki's theme in 3, EX, and 4.

It wouldn't be until SRW F Final where Dark Prison would finally show up in a non-OG SRW.

The PSX remakes of 2, 3, EX, 4, F, and FF would add Dark Prison when he's playable. He'd keep the above theme while as an enemy.

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I made a tierlist ranking all Xeno series party members. The list is unordered.

Though i do gotta clarify, this is for long-term/permamnent party members only. I left out short-term and optional party members.

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2 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

I was a bit confused about Fiora's outfit because it looks so different in Project X Zone 2. I have the bad feeling it spoiled me.

  Reveal hidden contents

Assuming she's not dead.


Well.....there was a time when it was once an actual spoiler but given the amount of spotlight Mecha-Fiora has gotten, I'd say that time has passed.

Her spotlight isn't even exclusive to something niche like PXZ. She's in Smash too:


Tbf, that's not as big as a plot twist as it might seem tbh.

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3 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

True, you were the host of this, weren't you?

The problem of group LPs is to trust each other. If anyone delays the update for whatever reason, the LP tend to collapse. I think the majority of tag-teams was never finished.

This was the most infuriating project I have done on this site.

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I'd say, user participation is one reason why I've never tried to put up my RP idea. The ones I've been in here with never lasted long, best I remember. Come to think of it, I'm not quite sure if there even is a completed one. I'd have to check to be sure...

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Seriously at first moment I thought I saw her she'd wear earphones.



latest party member: a volleyball


As for the atmosphere after the very depressing beginning it has the first bright, even sorta funny, moments. This game has started to warm up.

About the soundtrack, I'm honest only very few themes have caught my ears yet. It's not bad or mediocre in any way, but compared to Xenoblade 2 it has no real earworms so far aside of the all known field theme in the earlygame. The theme against Xord was unremarkable. Even the elite monster theme starts to become repetitive after a while. My opinion still stands that 2's elite monster theme is better than 1's and that even by a mile. The theme in the swamps before the segment inside the bionis had a nice very soft and quiet theme.

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10 hours ago, Armagon said:

Noire now knows what it feels like for an actor to see themselves playing a character.

That's going to be a good reference for her.
And that reminds me of a scene where another (unnamed) player modeled their in-game Avatar after Noire and pretended to be her. The punchline of that scene was that that guy had thousands of friends.

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

The PC port also has the same issue of "can't skip the opening logos" except you can't even skip the OP either. You have to sit through all that before you get to play. Every. Single. Time.

Oh my lord.
I mean, the OP is a great song, but as with every OP, I want to decide when to watch it and when to skip it.

And I checked out the cheater/cheetah scene with Japanese audio. They really did use the same word, as far as I understood and heard.

"Noire! I was just talking to Black Heart", says Uni.
White Heart followed Rom and Ram around, Purple Heart met Iffy and Compa, and Vert taught Green Heart about younger sisters...
They're going to milk this for all it's worth, won't they? XD


Atelier Compa when?

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