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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Just now, Armagon said:

Enemies resisting or being weak to Time, Space and Mirage wouldn't be a thing until Sky 3rd. You know how some dungeons in Cold Steel had the higher elements active (Crossbell had these sections as well but you haven't played)? Well, Sky 3rd is that but the entire game. Sky 3rd is one giant dungeon where the higher elements ara active.

I see, I see!


A river in a dry land
The last ace in a lost hand
When the hope of the new beginnings
Burned our feet
Now we need it
A heartbeat for a tin man
An oasis in a singed land
Remind us what we're here for
Creating new life
Creating Rivers in the Desert

I have this song stuck in my head.
And now you do, too.

God, I love P5's soundtrack...

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12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Youtube pls it's been more than an hour since i recorded

It's gonna be an hour before you listen the what I linked XD

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Olivier x Claude



Olivier: A wonderful day, milord Claude!

Claude: Yo, Olivier! How you doin’? Have you recovered from past day?

Olivier: Hehe, I woke up in my bed when the sunlight came in through the window. I have done my morning ritual as always.

Claude: Ah, I see. So I shall buy that you still went out when everyone else was asleep and tried on your lute despite after getting a hangover and making a monkey of me and yourself?

Olivier: What you do mean with that?

Claude: Sure, you can’t remember. It’s the sign of a hangover. You jumped a bit too much over the barrier. Me too I have to say to my own shame…

Olivier: Oh, hahaha, I see. You don’t have to feel sorry for having a pleasant night. I mean everyone at your and my age wants to discover the nightlife and have a little fun. It’s quite the usual desire, isn’t it? Going over the limit a little bit is just normal. Btw you did great! I was amazed how many Rosenwassers you drank. You can be proud!

Claude: I don’t know if it’s something to be proud of. After all I put my own House into dirt. Even if it’s the case, I guess no one would behave ourselves as we did past night. We were kicked out from the tavern at the end. It’s the maximum punishment a guest can receive.

Olivier: My, my, don’t see it as this way. I have seen many people were sent out for way worse things, so you don’t have to worry.

Claude: You say it as if nothing happens. As for you it might be standard to lie under the table, but for me, people already tell some gossip about me and my house. It’s embarrassing!

Olivier: Nah, you should see it the other way around. I think many ladies admired your steadfastness.

Claude: You really think so? Then I would like to know, why you always come back home with empty hands?

Olivier: Hehe, quite the direct question again. Well, well, as for my position it’s not easy to pick the right woman of my side.

Claude: Your position? There’s something about you I was always wondering about you. You said that you’re travelling bard. Your behavior reminds me on a Casanova, but your clothes tell me that you have to be quite a high tier.

Olivier: Is that so? Always having the sharp mind… You amaze me again and again. Well, I’m still a traveler, so my story is definitely not false. I’m traveling to gain some information about the condition about the continent. But you’re not wrong it has a different purpose. Actually I’m the prince of Erebonia, a continent of Zemuria.

Claude: …A prince? Wow, I expected you to be a noble, but definitely not a prince. Actually I’m feeling a bit bad now for addressing you so informally all the time.

Olivier: You have the same wavelength as me, and I always spoke informally to you as well. And I think we should continue it this way because we have made a good relation, haven’t we?

Claude: You always have been good for surprises. I can’t believe I hang around with a prince who became unconsciousness in a bar, haha. You really are something… special.

Olivier: This is Olivier Lenheim for you!

Claude: At the all I could learn one thing or two from you.

Olivier: It melts my heart to hear. I also could extend my knowledge abouts Fodland’s society,  landscape and culinary specialities thanks to your support. I literally enjoyed each minute with you on my side.

Claude: Likelise. Well, my distinction is damaged, but at least I learned something about the drinking behavior of Erebonia’s royality and learned to know my limits. I have to admit Rosenwasser was delicious.

Olivier: Hahaha. So you want to step into my footprints?

Claude: As for traveling, yes. I also love to discover the world outside of Leicester and Fodland. As for drinking, what I tried to say, I learned from you to get to know my own limits. I don’t want to become unconscious. But it’s nothing wrong with having a little bit fun at least.

Olivier: Hehe, I’m glad you realized it. Anyways before I’ll return back to my world, would you mind me inviting you for a little drink? And don’t worry, we will have our privacy because it’ll be just us two!

Claude: Well, I’m in. But don’t expect from me to scratch you from the floor again, if you lose control again.

Olivier: …Was I really that unmannerly!?


Edited by Julian Teehee
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Aka Why Tio is best girl, even gameplay wise

This is one of 4 or so Battles up until Ao where you have to do everything perfectly to win, that's why it might seem easy, even though i was always 1 Mistake away from losing xD

And dw, you don't have to win these battles to advance, falcom knows how hard these battles are and thus allows you to advance Story without forced to win xD

You can also notice what a difference buffs make

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I wished I had a dodgy Lloyd for this fight because he had only 50% evasion or something.

In genral unfortunately it's not possible to get 100% evasion unlike in Cold Steel.

Though the fight has a simple strategy by having a dodgetank next to Arionrhod and two strong casters.

Lloyd always uses burning heart or fortuna.

Tio is mandatory for having zero shield because Arionrhod's s craft has AoE and is more than deadly in all difficulties.


It's tragic that she lost all the power in Cold Steel III.

At least her theme wasn't nerfed.

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1 minute ago, Julian Teehee said:

In genral unfortunately it's not possible to get 100% evasion unlike in Cold Steel.

That's where Aqua Mirage comes in

It gives the missing 50% you need, hence why you need to keep it up so Lloyd can dodgetank

3 minutes ago, Julian Teehee said:

Tio is mandatory for having zero shield because Arionrhod's s craft has AoE and is more than deadly in all difficulties.


There's another way that's much harder: Water Master Art. It decreases all damage taken by 50%. Your most tanky characters can barely survive then xD

16 minutes ago, Julian Teehee said:

Olivier x Claude


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Olivier: A wonderful day, milord Claude!

Claude: Yo, Olivier! How you doin’? Have you recovered from past day?

Olivier: Hehe, I woke up in my bed when the sunlight came in through the window. I have done my morning ritual as always.

Claude: Ah, I see. So I shall buy that you still went out when everyone else was asleep and tried on your lute despite after getting a hangover and making a monkey of me and yourself?

Olivier: What you do mean with that?

Claude: Sure, you can’t remember. It’s the sign of a hangover. You jumped a bit too much over the barrier. Me too I have to say to my own shame…

Olivier: Oh, hahaha, I see. You don’t have to feel sorry for having a pleasant night. I mean everyone at your and my age wants to discover the nightlife and have a little fun. It’s quite the usual desire, isn’t it? Going over the limit a little bit is just normal. Btw you did great! I was amazed how many Rosenwassers you drank. You can be proud!

Claude: I don’t know if it’s something to be proud of. After all I put my own House into dirt. Even if it’s the case, I guess no one would behave ourselves as we did past night. We were kicked out from the tavern at the end. It’s the maximum punishment a guest can receive.

Olivier: My, my, don’t see it as this way. I have seen many people were sent out for way worse things, so you don’t have to worry.

Claude: You say it as if nothing happens. As for you it might be standard to lie under the table, but for me, people already tell some gossip about me and my house. It’s embarrassing!

Olivier: Nah, you should see it the other way around. I think many ladies admired your steadfastness.

Claude: You really think so? Then I would like to know, why you always come back home with empty hands?

Olivier: Hehe, quite the direct question again. Well, well, as for my position it’s not easy to pick the right woman of my side.

Claude: Your position? There’s something about you I was always wondering about you. You said that you’re travelling bard. Your behavior reminds me on a Casanova, but your clothes tell me that you have to be quite a high tier.

Olivier: Is that so? Always having the sharp mind… You amaze me again and again. Well, I’m still a traveler, so my story is definitely not false. I’m traveling to gain some information about the condition about the continent. But you’re not wrong it has a different purpose. Actually I’m the prince of Erebonia, a continent of Zemuria.

Claude: …A prince? Wow, I expected you to be a noble, but definitely not a prince. Actually I’m feeling a bit bad now for addressing you so informally all the time.

Olivier: You have the same wavelength as me, and I always spoke informally to you as well. And I think we should continue it this way because we have made a good relation, haven’t we?

Claude: You always have been good for surprises. I can’t believe I hang around with a prince who became unconsciousness in a bar, haha. You really are something… special.

Olivier: This is Olivier Lenheim for you!

Claude: At the all I could learn one thing or two from you.

Olivier: It melts my heart to hear. I also could extend my knowledge abouts Fodland’s society,  landscape and culinary specialities thanks to your support. I literally enjoyed each minute with you on my side.

Claude: Likelise. Well, my distinction is damaged, but at least I learned something about the drinking behavior of Erebonia’s royality and learned to know my limits. I have to admit Rosenwasser was delicious.

Olivier: Hahaha. So you want to step into my footprints?

Claude: As for traveling, yes. I also love to discover the world outside of Leicester and Fodland. As for drinking, what I tried to say, I learned from you to get to know my own limits. I don’t want to become unconscious. But it’s nothing wrong with having a little bit fun at least.

Olivier: Hehe, I’m glad you realized it. Anyways before I’ll return back to my world, would you mind me inviting you for a little drink? And don’t worry, we will have our privacy because it’ll be just us two!

Claude: Well, I’m in. But don’t expect from me to scratch you from the floor again, if you lose control again.

Olivier: …Was I really that unmannerly!?



So when are getting the Claude/Aina special convo? xD

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The sad result of my writing effort these past few weeks.


What does she mean by that? Her throne room? Somehow, those words flip a switch inside me. Before I can even think, my body moves on its own. I focus the girl in my sights, ready my axe and strike. She makes no effort to evade me, so I'm sure I just ended her existence there.
“My, so violent”, I hear her voice, sounding bored. Then I look… and my eyes widen in shock. My axe is stuck in the floor and she stands next to it, her arms crossed behind her head, looking at my weapon with curiosity.
“Though I guess that is to be expected...” She sighs once again, then she looks up at me and smiles.
“Boop”, she says, giggling, and briefly touches my axe with her hand.

And my weapon shatters like glass.

Left with no other option, I back off from her.
Get away.
Do not go near her.
My mind and body both cry out to me.

“Well, if you had used your family's heirloom, you would surely have ended my existence just there”, she says matter-of-factly. “Yet another reason for you to regret using its powers when you had the chance...”
“You… how do you know all of this?!? Who are you?!?”
The girl winks and giggles. “Teehee”.

I would get angry, but fear still overwhelms me. This girl is mocking me, clearly, but I do not know why or what she hopes to accomplish by doing it.
All I can do is ask her questions and hope that she will answer them.


4 minutes ago, Julian Teehee said:

Olivier x Claude


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Olivier: A wonderful day, milord Claude!

Claude: Yo, Olivier! How you doin’? Have you recovered from past day?

Olivier: Hehe, I woke up in my bed when the sunlight came in through the window. I have done my morning ritual as always.

Claude: Ah, I see. So I shall buy that you still went out when everyone else was asleep and tried on your lute despite after getting a hangover and making a monkey of me and yourself?

Olivier: What you do mean with that?

Claude: Sure, you can’t remember. It’s the sign of a hangover. You jumped a bit too much over the barrier. Me too I have to say to my own shame…

Olivier: Oh, hahaha, I see. You don’t have to feel sorry for having a pleasant night. I mean everyone at your and my age wants to discover the nightlife and have a little fun. It’s quite the usual desire, isn’t it? Going over the limit a little bit is just normal. Btw you did great! I was amazed how many Rosenwassers you drank. You can be proud!

Claude: I don’t know if it’s something to be proud of. After all I put my own House into dirt. Even if it’s the case, I guess no one would behave ourselves as we did past night. We were kicked out from the tavern at the end. It’s the maximum punishment a guest can receive.

Olivier: My, my, don’t see it as this way. I have seen many people were sent out for way worse things, so you don’t have to worry.

Claude: You say it as if nothing happens. As for you it might be standard to lie under the table, but for me, people already tell some gossip about me and my house. It’s embarrassing!

Olivier: Nah, you should see it the other way around. I think many ladies admired your steadfastness.

Claude: You really think so? Then I would like to know, why you always come back home with empty hands?

Olivier: Hehe, quite the direct question again. Well, well, as for my position it’s not easy to pick the right woman of my side.

Claude: Your position? There’s something about you I was always wondering about you. You said that you’re travelling bard. Your behavior reminds me on a Casanova, but your clothes tell me that you have to be quite a high tier.

Olivier: Is that so? Always having the sharp mind… You amaze me again and again. Well, I’m still a traveler, so my story is definitely not false. I’m traveling to gain some information about the condition about the continent. But you’re not wrong it has a different purpose. Actually I’m the prince of Erebonia, a continent of Zemuria.

Claude: …A prince? Wow, I expected you to be a noble, but definitely not a prince. Actually I’m feeling a bit bad now for addressing you so informally all the time.

Olivier: You have the same wavelength as me, and I always spoke informally to you as well. And I think we should continue it this way because we have made a good relation, haven’t we?

Claude: You always have been good for surprises. I can’t believe I hang around with a prince who became unconsciousness in a bar, haha. You really are something… special.

Olivier: This is Olivier Lenheim for you!

Claude: At the all I could learn one thing or two from you.

Olivier: It melts my heart to hear. I also could extend my knowledge abouts Fodland’s society,  landscape and culinary specialities thanks to your support. I literally enjoyed each minute with you on my side.

Claude: Likelise. Well, my distinction is damaged, but at least I learned something about the drinking behavior of Erebonia’s royality and learned to know my limits. I have to admit Rosenwasser was delicious.

Olivier: Hahaha. So you want to step into my footprints?

Claude: As for traveling, yes. I also love to discover the world outside of Leicester and Fodland. As for drinking, what I tried to say, I learned from you to get to know my own limits. I don’t want to become unconscious. But it’s nothing wrong with having a little bit fun at least.

Olivier: Hehe, I’m glad you realized it. Anyways before I’ll return back to my world, would you mind me inviting you for a little drink? And don’t worry, we will have our privacy because it’ll be just us two!

Claude: Well, I’m in. But don’t expect from me to scratch you from the floor again, if you lose control again.

Olivier: …Was I really that unmannerly!?


Nice one!
Great to see Olivier and Claude get along so well!


4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Aka Why Tio is best girl

This is one of 4 or so Battles up until Ao where you have to do everything perfectly to win, that's why it might seem easy, even though i was always 1 Mistake away from losing xD

And dw, you don't have to win these battles to advance, falcom knows how hard these battles are and thus allows you to advance Story without forced to win xD

Me watching this:
Holy crap, this is awesome!
Wait... Laura's ancient grandma's voice is familiar... especially when she does her S-craft... with that echo mixed into the background...
*looks it up*


Listen to the voice of the pink Digimon. It's the same one.

I am looking forward to Crossbell!

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5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Me watching this:
Holy crap, this is awesome!

It fights like these i completely miss from modern Trails


6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I am looking forward to Crossbell!

Crossbell's Story is even stronger than Sky's imo, even if the characters are weaker.


and she voices a digimon huh, interesting 😄

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

It fights like these i completely miss from modern Trails

Yeah, her CS3 fight was downright awful in comparison. And in that one


She had all three of her Stahlritter with her!

So there was no reason for the fight to be that "bleh".

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Crossbell's Story is even stronger than Sky's imo, even if the characters are weaker.

I see, I see!
Of the characters, I'm mainly looking forward to Tio and Randy.

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

and she voices a digimon huh, interesting 😄


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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:


And congrats on unlocking them all! I think those events are part of the platinum trophy, too.
This scene proved that I am indeed evil:

  Reveal hidden contents


Because guess what the first I did was. XD

I actually fought Yiazmat in both versions of FFXII.
Never beat that thing, though. 50 million HP is just f***ing ridiculous, frankly.

Lovely pictures, as always! Cyberdimension and Megadimension both have awesome artworks, except the one with the buff slimes, i still wish I could unsee that.

Yeah, and in the original version, the damage was capped at 9,999, meaning it took even LONGER. Thankfully they removed that cap in later versions.

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5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

her CS3 fight was downright awful in comparison.

Brave Orders are broken

Wish they developed Master Arts further instead (you see Lloyd using one multipe times in the video) instead of giving us those utterly broken brave orders with 0 drawbacks.

Master Arts worked like this: You get a one time huge buff + a Field wide buff in cost of a huge cast time and EP cost

in this example Lloyd used Fire Rune, which gives once 50CP, and increases all physical damage given by 50% aslong as he is casting. And while he is casting, he can't do anything else (if you noticed, it has a whopping 89 Delay). The only thing he can do is S-break out of the cast (The 50% Damage buff is gone then ofc)

There is a master art for every element.

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Of the characters, I'm mainly looking forward to Tio and Randy.

They are the strongest Xbell character. This is something almost the whole fanbase agrees on 😄

Edited by Shrimperor
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6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

It fights like these i completely miss from modern Trails


Crossbell's Story is even stronger than Sky's imo, even if the characters are weaker.


I find Crossbell has the best characters.

Everyone has grown into my heart at once unlike Sky and Cold Steel.

16 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

That's where Aqua Mirage comes in

It gives the missing 50% you need, hence why you need to keep it up so Lloyd can dodgetank


There's another way that's much harder: Water Master Art. It decreases all damage taken by 50%. Your most tanky characters can barely survive then xD

I will definitely replay Ao since I played only on easy with limited equipment and quartz for not knowing JP and not using a guide.

I can't even remember having master arts at this point already.

I didn't notice / use them until the final dungeon.

16 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


So when are getting the Claude/Aina special convo? xD

Well, I could make it as S.

Anyways I will ask Joe Zieja for submission after I have proofread them a dozen times.

18 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

The sad

Nice one!
Great to see Olivier and Claude get along so well!

Who doesn't get along with Olivier?

18 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:
  Reveal hidden contents

Listen to the voice of the pink Digimon. It's the same one.

I am looking forward to Crossbell!

Best Trails games for me.

Best gameplay (orbment system), best story and best characters imo.

What I like about the characters so much that most have a sad backround story and everyone gets equal amount of spotlight.

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2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Lovely pictures, as always! Cyberdimension and Megadimension both have awesome artworks,

Even just the backgrounds for conversations look beautiful. Like this one:

2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

except the one with the buff slimes, i still wish I could unsee that.

Same. XD

3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

eah, and in the original version, the damage was capped at 9,999, meaning it took even LONGER. Thankfully they removed that cap in later versions.

I read that in the original version, after a certain amount of health has been chipped away, that cap gets lowered to 6,999.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Brave Orders are broken


2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Master Arts worked like this: You get a one time huge buff + a Field wide buff in cost of a huge cast time and EP cost

in this example Lloyd used Fire Rune, which gives once 50CP, and increases all physical damage given by 50% aslong as he is casting. And while he is casting, he can't do anything else (if you noticed, it has a whopping 89 Delay). The only thing he can do is S-break out of the cast (The 50% Damage buff is gone then ofc)

There is a master art for every element.

Yeah, I did see that.
Very interesting! Looking forward to using these!
You almost make me want to play Crossbell before SC or 3rd. XD

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

They are the strongest Xbell character. This is something almost the whole fanbase agrees on 😄

Hah! Nice!
They certainly were immediately likeable when they showed up in CS3.

1 minute ago, Julian Teehee said:

Anyways I will ask Joe Zieja for submission after I have proofread them a dozen times.

Good luck! Hope he accepts it!
And get Matt Mercer to voice them with him!

1 minute ago, Julian Teehee said:

Who doesn't get along with Olivier?

Very true. XD

1 minute ago, Julian Teehee said:

Best Trails games for me.

Best gameplay (orbment system), best story and best characters imo.

Awesome, awesome!
I'll definitely play it, now that the PSP emulator works like a charm!

And again: You almost make me want to play Crossbell before SC or 3rd. XD

2 minutes ago, Julian Teehee said:

What I like about the characters so much that most have a sad backround story and everyone gets equal amount of spotlight.

This is always great!

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

You almost make me want to play Crossbell before SC or 3rd. XD

Don't you dare xD

Especially since Crossbell, unlike CS, continue directly from Sky and are very tightly connected.

Some even joke and call Zero Sky4th lol

I am not showing off any Sky stuff because you are playing atm and i don't want to spoil xD

Imo i like Sky3rd gameplay a bit more than Ao. Mainly because you can't get 100% evasion and let Lloyd be alpha Fie xD

That, and greater customization

Ao comes close though

Wish Falcom build on Ao instead of throwing half of it away 😕


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Listening to this will give you excitement for Crossbell:

Btw it features the best soundtrack of all videogames I've played yet.



3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Agate xD

True, barely can remember that.

But then I can ask the other way around: who does come along with Agate except Tita?

2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:


Good luck! Hope he accepts it!
And get Matt Mercer to voice them with him!

That's indeed a sweet combination.


I could give you my PSP and JP hard copy of Zero and Ao... for free.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Don't you dare xD

Especially since Crossbell, unlike CS, continue directly from Sky and are very tightly connected.

Nah, don't worry. I'll play the Sky games first.
I do want to understand the story of Zero and Ao, after all (and not get Sky SC and/or 3rd spoiled, even though I think CS3 already kinda did that with a few set pieces).

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Imo i like Sky3rd gameplay a bit more than Ao. Mainly because you can't get 100% evasion and let Lloyd be alpha Fie xD

I actually like that you can do that. It feels like a reward for figuring out the game mechanics.
I'm... also a sucker for cheese strats such as this, so... yeah. XD

2 minutes ago, Julian Teehee said:

Listening to this will give you excitement for Crossbell:

I'm getting blessed by awesome music today!

5 minutes ago, Julian Teehee said:

Btw it features the best soundtrack of all videogames I've played yet.

I see, I see!

I wonder if it'll be able to beat out that thing that I always shill on that front once I get to it.

2 minutes ago, Julian Teehee said:

That's indeed a sweet combination.

I suggested him mainly because he voices Olivier. XD

3 minutes ago, Julian Teehee said:

I could give you my PSP and JP hard copy of Zero and Ao... for free.

Thanks for the offer, but I'm good on that front!
I'll just need to find the Roms and patches for the Crossbell games once I get to that point.
But thanks again! ^^

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I actually like that you can do that. It feels like a reward for figuring out the game mechanics.

I think it shouldn't be that easy to do

Like, cap it at 50%, however if you want it at 100%, you have to keep evasion buff up in battle

Would make it more exciting imo.

2 minutes ago, Julian Teehee said:

Cold Steel III was the first game by Falcom I was actually disappointed about its soundtrack.

it already started with Ys 8 tbh, where we got a Plains theme as a final boss theme



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