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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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after attempt #5


This will be last update since this game isn't LP'able. Only will post whenever I get stuck. Will continue with Rune Factory 4 instead.

4 minutes ago, Wraith said:

With Benice it’s possible Julian. If he got Nailah killed he can also get the Black Knight killed as well.

This didn't answer my actual question. 

Can he even die?

If he has inbue, he definitely can't because he'll restore more HP than he takes from that poison.

I have no savefile of chapter 1-9 or 1-E to check it out right now.

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2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

The old fellow was 14 (and 43 days), so he was old by dog standards. As I said, the life expectancy for a healthy member of his breed was 12. He lost his older "brother" (they weren't blood, and the older fellow was 15) last year. Considering he'd never spent more than a handful of days of his life apart from him (they'd actually had prior owners, so the two dogs had known each other longer than they had any human), it was a tragedy. He walked his road bravely, unwaveringly, and most importantly he went out happy, in the arms of the person he loved most with a smile on his face after a warm bath. Knowing him, that's how he'd have wanted to go, and the notion that he and his brother are together again is something I hold on to.

At least it's a peaceful end he had, sorry for your loss.

So, couple of things:

1: watched Home Alone last night, pretty solid still.

2: Covid's exploded in the last week, to the point I can't go anywhere. This caused me much frustration as I'd already had to put off heading anywhere for most of the last week out of obligation because everyone else was busy and if you ignore days when I was planning on staying home longer, but it's not logical when cases are near 1000 daily and a variant was confirmed to have arrived too.

3: On RD, I do think it's pretty solid (Unlike a certain one of us around here), hell unlike most FEs my thoughts are quite easy to find in the thread in my sig (TLDR one of the worst desert maps but good swamp map and 3-13 is pretty hype when you don't have a certain unit charging right at you.). Speaking of thoughts, there might be a certain crispy and shady campaign I'd picked up recently.

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2 minutes ago, Jules Necrofantasia said:

This didn't answer my actual question. 

Can he even die?

If he has inbue, he definitely can't because he'll restore more HP than he takes from that poison.

I have no savefile of chapter 1-9 or 1-E to check it out right now.

I don’t think he can die but Benice will find a way to make it happen.

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Which station does bring Home Alone on TV before christmas?

Anyways best movie in existence, don't care what anyone said.

Kevin was my childhood idol and always will be.


Also sorry to hear being totally isolated, especially at a time like this.



I checked out a LP.

BK has imbue, so no way for him to die unless it's a hacked game.

Edited by Jules Necrofantasia
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1 hour ago, Jules Necrofantasia said:

Shopping wasn't too crowded thankfully.

May they rest in piece next to each other. 


Unfortunately I can't really feel the situation here as I probably should since I've never had a dog, but through my experience with cats I can only assume how tragic it must be.

All my cats were wild, so I didn't know their age aside of the offspring. I remember seeing a lifeless tamed babycat in the garden. Actually he breathed very weakly, so there was very little life left. My dad forecasted the death and asked me if I want to stay the last hours of him with him in the bed, or I leave him outside. I really had to think........ but I couldn't bring it through to see the babycat dying in my own arms, so I decided latter. Well, my dad was right unfortunately. The next day he was dead...

5 minutes ago, Dayni said:

At least it's a peaceful end he had, sorry for your loss.

Unfortunate thing about pets really. No matter how much one loves them, their life span is what it is. One can only make sure they enjoy their time on this Earth as much as they can.

16 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I based the coloration of his armor off of his FE1 artwork, since the purple option in this game is too dark, and there aren't any pictures of his Shadow Dragon appearance aside from his portrait, so it was all I had to go on for his leg armor. I know it doesn't match 100%, but I tried making it look as close to the OG as possible.

I guess it was a rule that the purple would be dark in Dynasty Warriors. Ah well.
Noticing a certain individual beneath reminds me of a song...




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1 minute ago, Jules Necrofantasia said:

Also sorry to hear being totally isolated, especially at a time like this.

It's not even fully enforced yet, the government's choosing to wait for Sunday to fully enforce. And it's the usual in terms of half hearted lockdown that'll not be total enough.

Just that due to the massive upturn in numbers, we shouldn't really be taking risks in regards to meeting people and that's frustrating when you were planning on catching up with someone who might need it when their own grandmother's recently deceased and you yourself haven't met with much of anyone outside of family since the pandemic started.

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Unfortunate thing about pets really. No matter how much one loves them, their life span is what it is. One can only make sure they enjoy their time on this Earth as much as they can.

Yeah, it's sad.

Still would like to get a new cat, but with job and being alone, it's not executable right now.


2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

It's not even fully enforced yet, the government's choosing to wait for Sunday to fully enforce. And it's the usual in terms of half hearted lockdown that'll not be total enough.

Just that due to the massive upturn in numbers, we shouldn't really be taking risks in regards to meeting people and that's frustrating when you were planning on catching up with someone who might need it when their own grandmother's recently deceased and you yourself haven't met with much of anyone outside of family since the pandemic started.

What does half hearted lockdown mean?

Sounds like something we have already.

Only possible to go to groceries and doctors right now.

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5 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

I see draggy is creating the real FE warriors^^

FE Warriors guest starring Lancer and Jeanne from Fate as well as Nepu, Noire, Rom, and Ram as they appeared in 4GO xD
(because their regular appearances are nigh impossible to replicate even semi-accurately. Noire does work somewhat, at least her Re;Birth 3 look, but the others? Yikes)

6 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

And thx for the wishes, Draggy!

No problem at all! ^^

5 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I guess it was a rule that the purple would be dark in Dynasty Warriors. Ah well.

I blame Dong Zhuo for being an evil dastard, and the primary color for his faction being purple.

6 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Noticing a certain individual beneath reminds me of a song...


I tried my hand at some characters from Fate/Stay Night, and he was one of the few I could make at least somewhat accurately to his appearance there:



... Yeah, not the best thing in the world, but hey. xD

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Just now, Jules Necrofantasia said:

What does half hearted lockdown mean?

Sounds like something we have already.

Only possible to go to groceries and doctors right now.

Pretty much, enforcement won't be as serious as it might if we stick to how previous ones have been, not to mention I suspect people will still be expected to go to workplaces if they're open and asking for their employees to come in.

Shops are still open today for instance.

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I wonder what other Fire Emblem character(s) I could try to make...
Swordies are a bit tough, because the Rapier movesets are very geared to specific personality types that match none of the lords, and the other swords don't match the ones found in FE at all. Unless y'all want Ike shooting icicles (Ike-cicles?)

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16 minutes ago, Jules Necrofantasia said:

Yeah, it's sad.

Still would like to get a new cat, but with job and being alone, it's not executable right now.

I tend to find with pets, it's best to be ready to support them as well as yourself. After all, they're still a dependent.

25 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I blame Dong Zhuo for being an evil dastard, and the primary color for his faction being purple.

I mean, some faction had to be..., and they do need a color.

26 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I tried my hand at some characters from Fate/Stay Night, and he was one of the few I could make at least somewhat accurately to his appearance there:

Afraid I wouldn't be able to tell the accuracy, given I've never played either.  I'm just flat familiar with the mythological figure.


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I have made my own christmas presents. Purchased Ys Origin and Fate/Extella for the Switch, both on sale right now.

Anyways I'll leave this place now and "celebrate" christmas with myself (mainly being for myself). So Merry Christmas to all who can celebrate and Merry Christmas to all who can't for whatever reason. Stay healthy!

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:


@The Roger The Paladin Here's Jagen!

Ordinary man? His way of life should be "EXP thief"!


I see people were talking about RD a while back. I suppose I should say that I was going to replay RD!

...Was. Then things happened, this led to that, and I started my third run of Sun God's Wrath instead, because I'm a weirdo who likes a fangame more than, like, 80% of the official games, and it just keeps getting better with each update.

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25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ordinary man? His way of life should be "EXP thief"!


I see people were talking about RD a while back. I suppose I should say that I was going to replay RD!

...Was. Then things happened, this led to that, and I started my third run of Sun God's Wrath instead, because I'm a weirdo who likes a fangame more than, like, 80% of the official games, and it just keeps getting better with each update.

But isn't Sun God's Wrath unfinished if it's still getting updates?
Draggy already explained that "ordinary man" is the only way of life available to him at the moment when I joked about the irony of that description on his custom Edelgard.

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Just now, The Roger The Paladin said:

But isn't Sun God's Wrath unfinished if it's still getting updates?

Don't even. I have bad memories of talking to a certain someone about finished hacks being "unfinished" for God knows what reason.

...Nah, but really. In a way, you're right. I suppose it really couldn't be considered "finished" until they gave a 15% movement growth to one of the knights. That's the mark of a truly great game, right there.

That, and the fact that the unit widely considered to be the best in the game is the earlygame archer. Not even being ironic here, that one's seriously a God among men.

1 minute ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Draggy already explained that "ordinary man" is the only way of life available to him at the moment when I joked about the irony of that description on his custom Edelgard.

Ahh, sorry, I must've missed that.

...Draggy must now take it upon himself to mod in "EXP thief" for Jagen. Get to it.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't even. I have bad memories of talking to a certain someone about finished hacks being "unfinished" for God knows what reason.

...Nah, but really. In a way, you're right. I suppose it really couldn't be considered "finished" until they gave a 15% movement growth to one of the knights. That's the mark of a truly great game, right there.

That, and the fact that the unit widely considered to be the best in the game is the earlygame archer. Not even being ironic here, that one's seriously a God among men.

I mean, I'd figure levity would lighten the experience, as I've found making jokes about things that irk me helps me later (might be why I approve the horsemen jokes, seeing as the bastards do find a way of annoying me every time I think they can't). But by the same logic one could call Smash Ultimate unfinished. It's already up to version 10.1, and yet it STILL has another three characters to go... assuming we don't get more announced after. I figure it more matters if something's entertaining than "finished".

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahh, sorry, I must've missed that.

...Draggy must now take it upon himself to mod in "EXP thief" for Jagen. Get to it.

There's always the alternative.... photoshop or whatever image editting software we use these days.

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5 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I mean, I'd figure levity would lighten the experience, as I've found making jokes about things that irk me helps me later (might be why I approve the horsemen jokes, seeing as the bastards do find a way of annoying me every time I think they can't). But by the same logic one could call Smash Ultimate unfinished. It's already up to version 10.1, and yet it STILL has another three characters to go... assuming we don't get more announced after. I figure it more matters if something's entertaining than "finished".

I think it's important to make a distinction between "finished" and "done". I would call Ultimate finished, because no mechanics are missing and it has plenty of characters and stages to play with, but not quite yet done, as it's still being updated and tweaked by the devs. Same deal with SGW. It's being tweaked, fixed and expanded, but you've been able to play it from a very definite start to a very definite finish for months now, so it's finished. Perhaps I'm using the terms wrong, but you get my point.


There's always the alternative.... photoshop or whatever image editting software we use these days.

Hahahahahah... Yes, that would work.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I think it's important to make a distinction between "finished" and "done". I would call Ultimate finished, because no mechanics are missing and it has plenty of characters and stages to play with, but not quite yet done, as it's still being updated and tweaked by the devs. Same deal with SGW. It's being tweaked, fixed and expanded, but you've been able to play it from a very definite start to a very definite finish for months now, so it's finished. Perhaps I'm using the terms wrong, but you get my point.

Possibly debatable. I can see some merit to either argument. "Unfinished" has taken on such a negative connotation because of actual half-assed games that a game with the polish of Smash Ultimate, or a fan-work just shouldn't be lumped in with some of the crap that gets churned out. If people stopped calling those games "unfinished", and started calling them half-assed, while calling the others that were actually polished something more flattering like "being built on", then it might work better. But, people pigeon-hole things. So it's not happening.
Which is a shame, when you consider that EA basically gets away with murder. Then again, "unfinished", "finished" and "done" as you suggest might actually be the best option, because... let's face it, simple terms are pretty much the most effective for dealing with people.

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8 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Possibly debatable. I can see some merit to either argument. "Unfinished" has taken on such a negative connotation because of actual half-assed games that a game with the polish of Smash Ultimate, or a fan-work just shouldn't be lumped in with some of the crap that gets churned out. If people stopped calling those games "unfinished", and started calling them half-assed, while calling the others that were actually polished something more flattering like "being built on", then it might work better. But, people pigeon-hole things. So it's not happening.
Which is a shame, when you consider that EA basically gets away with murder. Then again, "unfinished", "finished" and "done" as you suggest might actually be the best option, because... let's face it, simple terms are pretty much the most effective for dealing with people.

Yes, you put it into words better than I could. "Unfinished" should be the word for it, but it sounds too "negative", so to speak, to be used all willy-nilly anymore. It's a word that is mostly reserved for broken games and abandoned products nowadays, and if you describe an actually good, but technically still in development, game as such, you're bound to give the wrong impression of it to others. Hence why I hesitate to use it when a game can be played from start to finish, or has enough content to be enjoyed for a good amount of time. Heck, even when talking about an actually unfinished game, if you use the word "unfinished" without further explanation it feels like you're saying it's "abandoned", which isn't necessarily true. Though this may just be my impression.

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