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It seems like even Shadow Dragon's script was dumped down.

Like, when Lena recruits Matthis, the remake makes no mention of Lena being a noble who was eyed by Michalis, and that's why she was fleeing Macedon.

Could of course just have been a localization oversight. It's hard to compare them until someone makes complete dump of the localized FE1 script. We already do have the script of the DS remake on this site, at least.

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2 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

It seems like even Shadow Dragon's script was dumped down.

Like, the remake makes no mention of Lena being a noble who was eyed by Michalis, and that's why she was fleeing Macedon.

Of course that comparison will be easier to make once someone makes a dump of the localized FE1 script.

That detail wasn't in the original script either. At least looking at videos from the fan translation.

For its worth, it is in the official localization:

At least that Lena fled Macedon due to Michalis.

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6 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

"In other words, by taking out the scenes concentrating on character building, we hope that players new to the series will be able enjoy the game more by just concentrating on the main story."

This explains the lack of Support Convos then. Although like I said in an earlier post, since 90% of the cast is from Path of Radiance, this isn't as big as an issue as in say, Shadow Dragon.

I don't think this implies that they made the story purposely worse though. I think they're referring to the FE7-tier requirements that reveal some story moments (this method is cringe of course) but as a whole, I'm not really seeing "we made the story worse on purpose lol". 

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I don't think this implies that they made the story purposely worse though. I think they're referring to the FE7-tier requirements that reveal some story moments (this method is cringe of course) but as a whole, I'm not really seeing "we made the story worse on purpose lol". 

Considering the context is that Maniac Mode is the only mode with the full script, no they are not talking about recruiting requirements. There aren't even any differences between difficulty modes in that regard.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I don't think this implies that they made the story purposely worse though. I think they're referring to the FE7-tier requirements that reveal some story moments (this method is cringe of course) but as a whole, I'm not really seeing "we made the story worse on purpose lol". 

Ironically, RD does have pretty convoluted methods for learning important plot points. What with needing to play the game twice, jumping through hoops for certain characters, transferring an A support from the previous game...

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41 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And then sticking with said class when it goes on to wage war on their homeland, murdering their childhood friends, sometimes even going directly against their own ideals.

C'mon. I know it's for gameplay reasons, but most of these people shouldn't have prioritized Byleth over literally everything else in their lives.

As Ingrid says: “Yes I agree!”

41 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Disagree. The other main characters rely on them way too much. They feel like the true force behind their successes every time.

That’s how victory in battle works when you have a tactician, other than your units being strong enough to not die.

41 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What...? That's not the vibe I got from them at all. Everyone calls them a traitor and wants to kill them constantly. Only the royals feel more conflicted, and there's a reason for that.

Haha, you should try Awakening. Robin was the second coming of Naga according to everyone.

41 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is the same in Fates though, with the exception of Corrinsexuals, which I cannot defend. But everyone else gets their fair share.

No it isn’t, you’ll actually have to put in effort in Fates to get anywhere past a C level. But I’m 3H, if you’re just using two characters who can support, odds are that they will get it just by playing. I like this.

25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No thanks. I'm loving this game. I don't want to not love it by playing the bad routes.

Bad routes? Birthright is great.

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Of course even in the abridged script of Radiant Dawn that we got... they still try to sell that whole nonsense with the Blood Pact. The characters bring up all possible alternatives on how to approach the issue and they try pretty damn hard to have the characters come across as reasonable for making the decisions they do.

Meanwhile Fates just expects you to take any idiocy at face value.
Azura: We got to conquer Hoshido!
Corrin: Okidoki!

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5 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Considering the context is that Maniac Mode is the only mode with the full script, no they are not talking about recruiting requirements.

Alright but that's convoluted requirements, not "we made the story worse".

5 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Ironically, RD does have pretty convoluted methods for learning important plot points. What with needing to play the game twice, jumping through hoops for certain characters, transferring an A support from the previous game...

Yeah that's what sucks about it. I love RD but I ain't playing the game a second time anytime soon (I already know the hidden plot points anyway).

Just now, Shrimperor said:

Evul dragons, Dark Cults, Blood Pact, Yokose, etc...

Whatever you call it, it's stupid

Fire Emblem in a nutshell.

Your favorite games in this series are simply the ones that have flaws that bother you less than the flaws in other Fire Emblem games. That's all it comes down to.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Alright but that's convoluted requirements, not "we made the story worse".

How else do you interpret this?  Maeda directly says the story is to deep and long for casual gamers and that's why they dumped down the script in all but the highest difficulty level.

Maeda: It’s not that they are different. Perhaps Fire Emblem enthusiasts would enjoy a long and deep scenario, but for more casual gamers this can make it harder to get into the game. On the other hand, fans of the series may feel unsatisfied with a lighter and shorter story. Therefore, we’ve modified the dialogue scenes to be a bit longer for the Hard Mode and a bit shorter on Normal.

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Your favorite games in this series are simply the ones that have flaws that bother you less than the flaws in other Fire Emblem games. That's all it comes down to.

sadly the truth.

For a series about characters and wars and stuff having some dragon/cult/curse cop out at the end is moronic. It just removes all human responsibility. Some games do it less bad than other, but i'd rather that plot point doesn't exist in the first place.

Like in the end 3H overtook RD for me because 3H doesn't have Part 4 rout hell xD

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4 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

How else do you interpret this?  Maeda directly says the story is to deep and long for casual gamers and that's why they dumped down the script in all but the highest difficulty level.

Maeda: It’s not that they are different. Perhaps Fire Emblem enthusiasts would enjoy a long and deep scenario, but for more casual gamers this can make it harder to get into the game. On the other hand, fans of the series may feel unsatisfied with a lighter and shorter story. Therefore, we’ve modified the dialogue scenes to be a bit longer for the Hard Mode and a bit shorter on Normal.

If they directly dumbed down the scenes period, I would see your point. But since the "full script" is still viewable by playing it on the hardest difficulty, then I see this as convoluted requirements for showing scenes.

At any rate, it doesn't make a difference. Radiant Dawn has the best story in the series but it's still an above average plot. The full script would not really change that. At best, it'd just be "above average +1".

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One thing I have to say for birthright: As far as "easy" FEs go, Birthright is far and away the best one. Every unit is unique and fun to play, the mechanics allow for tons of customization and replayability and it's (As far as I've gotten) actually pretty tricky when it wants to be. I'd go as far as saying that BR Hard is harder than TH hard, even.


As for avatars, I personally feel that it's Kris=Corrin=Robin>Byleth>Mark.

Kris is customizable, and despite their terrible influence on the plot, they are the one the player can change the most.

Ditto for Corrin, and bonus points for being less in-game loved than the other avatars.

Robin's kinda like Corrin, only more restricted due to gender-locked classes.

I really don't like Byleth for a plethora of reasons, but for the sake of not being excessively negative, I'll not list 'em off.

Mark is completely pointless and doesn't do anything good for their game! Seriously, I don't really get why they're oft considered the best of the avatars...



Yay, Majima's playable in Yakuza Kiwami 2! I wonder what karaoke songs he has?

[Watches his karaoke song]



Jeez, never thought a song would make me cry...

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1 minute ago, Benice said:

I'd go as far as saying that BR Hard is harder than TH hard, even.

......Not that that's hard to say, coming from a basic bitch I didn't find 3H Hard all that hard. I'm trying BR Hard and I haven't really had much issue, but it's quicker and I feel like I have to account for units, especially the less quality ones. Course, once Ryoma arrives there'll be less of a risk as he's.... you know, Ryoma.

And where are the people saying Mark's the best outside of the small cadre who really like BS and not 3DS/3H?

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26 minutes ago, Sooks said:

No it isn’t, you’ll actually have to put in effort in Fates to get anywhere past a C level. But I’m 3H, if you’re just using two characters who can support, odds are that they will get it just by playing. I like this.

I don't, actually. Oftentimes I returned to the monastery after a long, fulfilling 15 minutes of gameplay, I checked the support list, sighed and thought "great, time to spend 10-20 minutes reading supports again before I can even proceed to the chores."

It's too much, and I don't think Three Houses's supports are well-written enough to sit through so many of them at once. But I had to, gameplay benefits were at stake! It just added to the tedium of the monastery.

29 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Bad routes? Birthright is great.

Is it on par with Conquest? Because at this point I'll take nothing less.

5 minutes ago, Benice said:

One thing I have to say for birthright: As far as "easy" FEs go, Birthright is far and away the best one. Every unit is unique and fun to play, the mechanics allow for tons of customization and replayability and it's (As far as I've gotten) actually pretty tricky when it wants to be. I'd go as far as saying that BR Hard is harder than TH hard, even.

Huh... Okay, that sounds somewhat interesting. Not as interesting as Bugquest, but perhaps Bugbirth may be worth a shot at some point.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Is it on par with Conquest? Because at this point I'll take nothing less

no, but as many people here said, Birthright still has Fates' solid basic mechanics (which to some of us here are the best series wide) behind it.

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9 minutes ago, Benice said:

One thing I have to say for birthright: As far as "easy" FEs go, Birthright is far and away the best one. Every unit is unique and fun to play, the mechanics allow for tons of customization and replayability and it's (As far as I've gotten) actually pretty tricky when it wants to be. I'd go as far as saying that BR Hard is harder than TH hard, even.

Birthright hard is good, and isn’t really an easier fe. It’s marketed as the easier game because you can grind. That’s really it. I think it’s a great Fire Emblem.

3 minutes ago, Dayni said:

......Not that that's hard to say, coming from a basic bitch I didn't find 3H Hard all that hard. I'm trying BR Hard and I haven't really had much issue, but it's quicker and I feel like I have to account for units, especially the less quality ones. Course, once Ryoma arrives there'll be less of a risk as he's.... you know, Ryoma.

Just bench him.

If you didn’t know @Benice, Ryoma can literally solo the game just by using him for every battle. No insane skills necessary, he’s that good.

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7 minutes ago, Dayni said:

......Not that that's hard to say, coming from a basic bitch I didn't find 3H Hard all that hard.

Oh, totally. I did find it to be super easy as well, but from what I'd heard about BR, I expected it to be completely and utterly brainless, and that hasn't been the case so far.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Is it on par with Conquest?

Speaking only from second-hand: Not even close. That said, Birthright still has some neat stuff behind it and is overall a really fun game IMO.

7 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Course, once Ryoma arrives there'll be less of a risk as he's.... you know, Ryoma.

True, but you can just bench 'im.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Huh... Okay, that sounds somewhat interesting. Not as interesting as Bugquest, but perhaps Bugbirth may be worth a shot at some point.

I think it will be! Heck, Lunatic may even be really challenging! That said, temper your expectations a little, it's not Conquest.



If you didn’t know @Benice, Ryoma can literally solo the game just by using him for every battle. No insane skills necessary, he’s that good.


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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Is it on par with Conquest? Because at this point I'll take nothing less.

I’m not far enough in Birthright hard to completely comment on the whole thing (chapter 14), but it isn’t really easy. It’s easy reputation in the marketing, which spread to how people would view it, comes from the ability to grind. It doesn’t have the insane difficulty of Conquest maps, don’t get me wrong, but it’s still a very good Fire Emblem in my opinion. Just a slightly pulled back Conquest.

The cast is tolerable, btw. The plot isn’t really nonsensical though, it’s just a filler conflict for each chapter on the way to our first goal in the first half, and then the same in the second half but with a new goal.

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1 minute ago, Benice said:

Speaking only from second-hand: Not even close. That said, Birthright still has some neat stuff behind it and is overall a really fun game IMO.

It’s closer than you would think. As you said, Birthright isn’t mindless, and it has Fates’ excellent mechanics, so I think it’s at least worth checking out.

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