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16 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

>developing towns

Pls don't tell me ot's another colony 6 situation

It's not, it's more similar to XC1's area affinity. Higher development levels make items cheaper to buy and its increased by talking to people and buying/selling items.

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22 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

>developing towns

Pls don't tell me ot's another colony 6 situation


Also Adrainian Empirw hmmmmm


It's not, like Lightchao said, it's more like the area Affinity. It's a lot faster to build too. Mass trade-ins at the Exchange Centers in each area can quickly build up Dev Points for an area. 

That being said, dev points don't have a lot of use right now. Once you gain access to Gold Cylinders though, raising dev points and getting money becomes trivial.

Doing quests also raises dev points but it takes longer.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Mitch McConnell when the necromancy powers that were used on his corpse wears off because he's no longer Senate Majority Leader.


Hey, not yet. Have them run out after he gets enough GOP votes for conviction.

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20 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

It's not, it's more similar to XC1's area affinity. Higher development levels make items cheaper to buy and its increased by talking to people and buying/selling items.


16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's a lot faster to build too

I noticed!

Question: In XB1 there was a sign on monsters that aggro. No such a thing here?

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Mitch McConnell when the necromancy powers that were used on his corpse wears off because he's no longer Senate Majority Leader.


"I'm not sorry little one"

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Didn't feel like Sakuna today, with me approaching the end, I wanted to savor it on the big screen (I'd expect I'd need another two or three non-binge play sessions to finish the game however), and wanted to save my TV for inhaling every vapor of hope for this country I can on this happy day. As it the antiquated saying goes, "pick your rosebuds while you can".

Instead, I popped up the 3DS and played Advance Wars: Dual Strike during the ceremonies. Sensei is great on small to medium maps with an airport, he has been fun. On the other hand, more of the COs are "eh" than I remembered, so many weak or nonexistent day-to-days, given I'm quite conservation with my CO Power usage, they're rather dull.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

All that said, Gormott is still far more welcoming than Primordia in Xenoblade X.

When there is only five regions, and you insist on having diverse enemy levels in every one of them, it somewhat makes sense that would happen. Personally, Primordia wasn't that deadly on my second run, maybe it was on the first and I've forgotten that, curiosity in a game you haven't experienced before is a serial killer.

FrontierNav colors every map hex according to the strength of its enemies relative to you ATM, that cuts down somewhat on the surprise deaths. Yet I acknowledge the color coding ain't perfect, some enemies slip into wrongly-colored hexes, and sometimes getting to where you want to go likely means passing through a spot of strong enemies.


Just now, Shrimperor said:

I noticed!

Question: In XB1 there was a sign on monsters that aggro. No such a thing here?

Monolith was stupid and abolished it as "unnatural" or something.😟

With the DLC being yours, you can turn off enemy aggression entirely in the menu at any time though, if you really need to. But if you do that, don't forget to turn it on again later if you want.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


I think it works in XC2's context because Pyra is primarily identified by her uniquely green Core Crystal (which the cloak covers), as every other Blade has a blue crystal. At least, I assume this image is referring to that.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Question: In XB1 there was a sign on monsters that aggro. No such a thing here?

Nope. The devs actually stated that the reason for it was because they wanted you to pay attention to enemy types.

I personally don't think they should've done that. The lack of enemy indicators doesn't hurt the game but it can be a bit inconvenient and there wasn't really a reason to get rid of it. Hopefully Xenoblade 3/X2 brings it back.

As Observer said, you can turn off enemy aggro completely, though this doesn't apply to UMs and bosses, obviously.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Personally, Primordia wasn't that deadly on my second run, maybe it was on the first and I've forgotten that, curiosity in a game you haven't experienced before is a serial killer.

Yeah, I imagine in a second run it the early game won't be as brutal on you since you know what to expect now.

Although part of the reason it's brutal is due to equipment being level-restricted. When you're only Lv.8, you don't have a lot of options.

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Question: how can i turn off auto pouch refill? I am in town atm and don't wanna see items getting used ..

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Monolith was stupid and abolished it as "unnatural" or something.😟


4 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

 At least, I assume this image is referring to that.

Yeah xD

I am honestly just meme'ing, as is my duty as a FE fan

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

you can turn off enemy aggro completely

Takes away from the fun though


Also smh at counsel...

Atleast military lady seems 'cool'

Edited by Shrimperor
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9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


No one is going to notice an entire army wandering around.

And don't tell me they are not an army. They beat the entire territory of Laus. And that was before they joined forces with Caelin.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Question: how can i turn off auto pouch refill? I am in town atm and don't wanna see items getting used ..

You can't. It's why it's better to buy ones that last longer.

On that note though, the timer on pouch items is halted whenever you're in menus.

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5 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

No one is going to notice an entire army wandering around.

And don't tell me they are not an army. They beat the entire territory of Laus. And that was before they joined forces with Caelin.

For its worth, they beat Laus's forces piecemeal.

And maybe Darin had his Law as Tax Focused, so he couldn't raise his entire demesne's levies at 100% manpower.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

On that note though, the timer on pouch items is halted whenever you're in menus.

Umu noticed

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yep. Cloud Sea is literal.

I was panicking there for a sec thinking game over....


Also wow the world in this game is so alive! Although might be too alive xD

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Though my strategy is different. I am Levy focused on the nobles, and Tax focused on the burghers. That way my nobility vassals can use the gold they get to keep to upgrade their own demesne, thus any troops they gain I get the corresponding % to my own. And even though they wouldn't go to me, the % they allow their liege to raise factors into the overall difference when factoring if they consider it worth it to rebel. Ingenious.

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9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Also wow the world in this game is so alive!

Yep. It's why I love it so much. The accents help it too, you'll notice that every country in the game has a different accent.

It's definitely another aspect that Monolith has improved with from Xenoblade 1. Xenoblade 1's world is great to explore but I can't say it felt as lived in as Xenoblade X (a game that despite being 99% untamed wilderness, it does have a city that is Star Wars level of lived in) and Xenoblade 2.

Anyways another very helpful tip: Any skills a Blade unlocks on their Affinity Chart won't actually take effect until you open their Affinity Chart. So whenever you see the notif pop up, be sure to check each Blade's Affinity Chart. What I like to do is open one and then keep scrolling until all the skills that have been unlocked actually unlock.

Xenoblade 2 is kinda misleading with some of it's information but this is actually the worst offender imo, there have been people who played through most of the game without unlocking a single skill on their Blades because they didn't actually check the Chart.

Edited by Armagon
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11 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Also wow the world in this game is so alive! Although might be too alive xD

Considering the Titans upon whose backs you walk are living creatures, there is little that isn't alive. Be fortunate none of them have gigantic white blood cells or something that'd eat the pests on their backsides.😛



Although speaking of the Cloud Sea, I've an inquiry about its salinity. Clouds IRL I don't think contain a whole lot of salt, if they did, then why would rainwater be safe for us to drink and plant life to soak in? Can clouds exist that contain unsafe-to-drink saltwater levels of salt? Do the clouds atop the Cloud Sea contain little salt because, salt being too heavy to float in clouds, most of it sinks into the unclouded water beneath it?

Most organisms not found in saltwater need freshwater to live. Given Titans have organic interiors, there can't be a tremendous water table or underground aquifers, so I'm concerned about freshwater supplies for all inhabitants of the Titans. Clearly, everything is sustainable since life has existed for untold eons in Alrest, and IRL people have lived on little islands for thousands of years where freshwater supplies I'd expect to be quite limited. But I like to think about this kind of stuff.🚰

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although speaking of the Cloud Sea, I've an inquiry about its salinity. Clouds IRL I don't think contain a whole lot of salt, if they did, then why would rainwater be safe for us to drink and plant life to soak in? Can clouds exist that contain unsafe-to-drink saltwater levels of salt? Do the clouds atop the sea contain little salt because, salt being too heavy to float in clouds, most of it sinks into the unclouded water beneath it?

Most organisms not found in saltwater need freshwater to live. Given Titans have organic interiors, there can't be a tremendous water table or underground aquifers, so I'm concerned about freshwater supplies for all inhabitants of the Titans. Clearly, everything is sustainable since life has existed for untold eons in Alrest, and IRL people have lived on little islands for thousands of years where freshwater supplies I'd expect to be quite limited. But I like to think about this kind of stuff.🚰

Due to properties of salt, no, you can't have clouds with too much salt. In fact, people exploit this. Cloud Seeding is the process of sending salt to clouds to force them to condense further back to water.


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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Anyways another very helpful tip: Any skills a Blade unlocks on their Affinity Chart won't actually take effect until you open their Affinity Chart. So whenever you see the notif pop up, be sure to check each Blade's Affinity Chart. What I like to do is open one and then keep scrolling until all the skills that have been unlocked actually unlock.

Yeah noticed.

It's totally a bruh moment

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Xenoblade 1's world is great to explore but I can't say it felt as lived in

It was honestly pretty barren and empty


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Just now, Shrimperor said:

...fire element deals extra damage on water monsters...?

That npc must be smoking something

The four elemental associations are

  • Fire-Water
  • Light-Dark
  • Earth-Electric
  • Wind-Ice

Using the opposite means you deal more damage to that enemy, not sure if the enemy would deal more damage to you. Note- enemies in their name-HP bar display show what they're weak to, not what they are. 

I get your confusion. Wind & Ice is a little weird- cold winds exist as much as hot winds do. Although an alternative of say Fire-Ice, Water-Electric, and Wind-Earth (Tales of Symphonia), isn't a whole lot better, Water has no logic to being effective on Electric. The core, tiny, issue here I say is the division of Water & Ice into separate elements. If Ice and Water are one element, then Fire can technically be effective on the former and weak to the latter.


12 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Due to properties of salt, no, you can't have clouds with too much salt. In fact, people exploit this. Cloud Seeding is the process of sending salt to clouds to force them to condense further back to water.


Thanks for bring that back into my mind. I've heard of that modern sci-fi-ish human weather control method before, but wasn't connecting it here.

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