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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Well, time for my monthly attempt to try out the newest Nvidia driver for my graphics card.

The driver I am currently using is over a year old because after an update, any software that's not running in... well, software mode, crashes. Or if it doesn't, won't show an image. 

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Mmm yep, throw that in the out of context folder.

I'm surprised this game doesn't have voice acting. 

5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

That’s news! Big congrats! 🥳👏

Well first i have to see if i didn't get cucked by math a second time.

I feel like i did pretty good on that final but we'll see.

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9 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Glad you still enjoyed it, despite all those crashes.

Thankfully most of the crashes were during battle preps. There were some during battles, and way too much for my tastes, but 5 turn saves kinda helped in that regard...


4 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

The driver I am currently using is over a year old because after an update, any software that's not running in... well, software mode, crashes. Or if it doesn't, won't show an image. 

reminds me of how when everytime my brother updated windows, his 2nd monitor stopped working for some reason ._.

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26 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

By the by, what has everyone been up to during my absence? I realize I forgot to ask!

Yeah, like Sooks mentioned, I've been playing Ghost of Tsushima. I'm in the endgame, pretty much. A masterpiece, really.

That and Monster Hunter Rise have been most of what I've been playing for the past month or so.

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

On the real life side of things, if all goes well, i should have my Associate's by the end of the year.

Congrats. Best of luck to you.

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

I played the first one, too, the Overclocked remake of it, and while that one was a lot of fun, the refinements the sequel brought elevated it above and beyond for me.

Understandable. There are those who prefer the first game, liking a stronger bleak tone of "survival" and fewer "anime tropes" & humorous moments, but preferring Devil Survivor 2 is absolutely fine. Each game has its strengths.


1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

As for Io, the reason I name her my favorite character from the game is because I can identify well with her difficulty to express herself out of fear of causing conflict.

Considering how the Internet can be when people express opinions without the slightest bit of restrain or consideration of others, or worse IRL politics "discussed" amongst family members of different beliefs, I do offer Io my sympathy.


1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Just wished there was an option to have her channel Lugh when on your side, as well!

If by some miracle we got a Devil Survivor 3, this is something I want them to do. The first game made all the human leaders mostly the same, DS2 tried to make them more distinct. I think a third game should give everyone at least one personal skill nobody else can use. It use DS2 for ideas of what I mean...

  • For Io, it'd be Areadhbar as a command skill. (Honestly most of what I can think of is commands, they are cooler than passives or auto skills.)
  • For Hinako- how about a random-multi-hit-Phys skill called "Kujou Dance"?
  • Yamato gets something something Dragon Stream. It can be passive or command. As long as it doesn't delete half the map by swallowing it whole.
  • Ronaldo can grab a gun, those are their own damage type in other SMTs after all.
  • Airi... Well you don't want to piss her off. Maybe some kind of passive stat boost if her HP goes below half?
  • Daichi could go passive too, but I don't know what exactly
  • Fumi- A Phys attack that uses her gigantic Magic stat? Involving the throwing of laptops of course.
  • Jungo is a gentle giant, who already has colossal Strength for the giant half, so healing chawanmushi? 
  • Keita needs something boxing.
  • Otome I think can go passive. Although healing skills in Devil Survivor have action speed priority already. Maybe Etrian Odyssey's overheal or "heal a second time at the end of the turn" mechanics?
  • Makoto could use something passive or auto related to her pride and sense of duty.
  • Anguished One- He already has the highest HP, MP, natural immunity to Curse, and- although they don't tell you- he gets turns faster than everyone else. As boss on the other routes, he gets two unique skills, spoilered because one of them is says too much.:
  • Ominous Star is a command that inflicts the Ill-Star status to all on a given team (Alcor is the "Lifespan Star" in Japan, if you cannot see it the folktale goes, you're destined to die by year's end). The Ill-Star status lasts one turn, and adds 200 damage to all subsequent hits dealt to the character afflicted with this status.
  • Chaos Stir is a passive that immediately counters any attacks received with the same attack back to the enemy, dealing twice the damage taken.



1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Funny, because that's whose path I picked first! Good old Angus! I nicknamed him that, because Anguished One was too long... and then he got a regular name. xD

His was the second-to-last ending I picked back on the DS version when I played that. For the 3DS enhanced port, I picked his first. I smiled as I started it up, telling him humanity deserves the freedom to express its potential, and being given a meaning to live from on-high would not bring happiness. 

It's interesting, it is the AO's ending, but you're the one who actually nudges him into making it happen. And he carries it out because you want it. Without you, he would never have considered it. This is carefully balanced to avoid avatar-worship by making the others resolved to do as they desire regardless of whether or not you side with them.


1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

and I managed to recruit everyone not named Yamato and Ronaldo... with the exception of Makoto, whose Fate Rank I did not get to 4 before the cut-off point.

Yamato and Ronaldo cannot be recruited on each other's routes, they hate each other too much for that. Yamato hates the Anguished One, and Ronaldo... just can't budge. They're recruitable solely on their own routes and Daichi's (requiring Fate Level 4 and properly answering the questions during their recruitment event).

Be warned, Yamato has a battle on Daichi's & Ronaldo's routes than the Anguished One's. It will likely snap an ordinary player in two at least once.


1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Heh, that does sound pretty nice, actually!

Restorer is Daichi's second ending. His first and default, Liberator, is basically the Anguished One's but worse. It's helpful therefore that he got a second ending.

To get Restorer, you need to view the events named "Harmony" and "Concepts" (Day 6). "Reversible Idea" (Day 7 I believe) and "Shown Path" (Day 😎 are the other mandatory events to get the full understanding that leads Daichi to think of the alternative option. You'll then be able to select it when you head to confront the final boss, or you could pick Liberator instead if that's what you want.

To add a little "golden ending" to Restorer -to make it "Triumphant"- everyone must be recruited -except the Anguished One.

You may need to neglect building Fate with Jungo, Daichi, and Hinako to do this, since they'll automatically go with you. Io can't be ignored however, if she doesn't reach rank 3 by Friday, you know what would happen.

Fun fact, if you get someone not the Anguished One to Fate Level 5 on their preferred Septentrione route, at the end of Saturday, they'll send you an email. Nothing with gameplay benefits, just more nice words from them. It gives an incentive to raise Fate with those who are guaranteed to join you on a given ending.


1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

The final battle was quite the spectacle, though. I had at least two nigh invincible demons (namely Titania and Purple Mirror), as well as an entire stock full of demons who resisted everything (like Loki, Alilat, Oberon, among others), so only my human characters were in any real danger. I think it is safe to say I exploited the game a little at that point, yet the final boss' three phases were still challenging enough!

Ah I see, you discovered two of the three demons capable of being made immune to all except Almighty. The third is Metatron- but not in Overclocked, only DS2.

Considering the sheer damage enemies can lay down on you, it's almost fair being able to stack up such durability. Anti-Most/Anti-All somehow can feel less like they're broken, and more like they're something that saves you from sheer agony. I'm pretty sure enemies still pack the pain against mere resistance. 


1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

I have yet to go through the Triangulum Arc, but I will do so in due time!

Triangulum is a little messy with the lore, likely because it was added in Record Breaker, it wasn't in the original DS release. But I could bear with it, because it's more of the same characters I came to love.

I said I'd play Triangulum on NG+, but hold back on the stuff inherited from Septentrione. ...I gave in not too far into the first day and summoned the level 99 Lucifer. 😅

Triangulum has three endings, one of which can be made slightly better. To make the third ending available, you'll need to speak with Yamato a few times, and to make it slightly better, you need to get Fate Level 5 with the Anguished One and the new character as well.


Also, on NG+ if you purchase the "New Tuesday Enemy" in the Survivor Rewards ceremony, you can fight Nebiros on that day in the Septentrione story, who then unlocks an optional boss fight against Belial later in the week. Besting Belial lets you fight the ultimate superboss of Septentrione on Saturday- Alice. Will you please die for her? You unlock her, Nebiros, and Belial for fusion from winning. Nebiros is mandatory for fusing Satan (old SMTII design, not the Apocalypse redesign), so he unlocks as well, thank the DS2 anime for that.

If you purchase "Tico's Challenge", you will be able to fight the superboss of Triangulum. A virtual battle against both the male and female versions of Tico, prepared by them for your entertainment. No reward for overcoming them.


36 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

By the by, what has everyone been up to during my absence? I realize I forgot to ask!

Nothing major on my side of things, I'm so slow with finishing games or even starting them.😆

To explain Armagon's playlog additions, he cleared both of the two Baten Kaitos games, made by Monolith Soft's b-team during the GameCube era. Some issues with the card-based gameplay, and Origin's didn't click with him at all, at a point leading him to employ an infinite HP cheat.

Still, he enjoyed both games, Origins more than the first. Because gameplay gripes for Origins were compensated for with the strong trio of heroes. His current avi is one of those heroes, the male & female-voiced puppet Guillo.


14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Alright Monolith Soft, show me what your first SRPG was like.

@Interdimensional Observer I'll let you know how this goes.

Good luck, and I hope you enjoy it.

Don't tell me too much! I will get to it on my own and don't want things spoiled for me. Please toss the meeting with Shion in a spoiler box if you choose to post that here, I want that to be my first, preconceptions-free encounter with her, and I want it to be intimate.

Until then, the closest I'll get to the game is listening to this. (Endless Frontier Exceed had an instrumental version, so I permit myself the right to listen to the original version.):


5 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Mmm yep, throw that in the out of context folder.

Xiaomu starting on a strong footing I see?😄


5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm surprised this game doesn't have voice acting. 

Outside of battle, Endless Frontier had no VA work either sadly. EF Exceed added limited VA work to the story, but as I said it's limited, blame the storage limitations of the DS in those cases.

Now why a PS2 game wasn't fully VA'ed, I do not know.

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Don't tell me too much! I will get to it on my own and don't want things spoiled for me. 

Yeah, i'll stick to the basics. Once the early game is done, i'll start putting any thoughts under spoilers.


7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Please toss the meeting with Shion in a spoiler box if you choose to post that here, I want that to be my first, preconceptions-free encounter with her, and I want it to be intimate.

You mentioned this at a perfect time because KOS-MOS and Shion are literally the first "crossover" characters to show up. Haven't even gotten to the gameplay yet but they're already here.

I didn't expect KOS-MOS until later but i guess since Monolith Soft made this game, Xeno gets some special treatment. According to someone on Discord, KOS-MOS is the best unit in the game.

10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Xiaomu starting on a strong footing I see?😄

I was looking at Twitter real quick and then i looked back and she said that haha. 

But yeah, she's made a nice first impression.

10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Now why a PS2 game wasn't fully VA'ed, I do not know.

Apparently there are some VA'ed segments. If the text box has like, a microphone or something, it's voiced.

But this feels weird for a Monolith Soft game.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Ok but the text is actually kinda hard to read.

I'd think to blame that on the fan translators then. Whilst I'm sure game even in Japanese had a set of Roman alphabet characters in it already, fan translations usually decide on what font they want to use, they're already adding heaping amounts of text to the game's files, it's no big deal then to choose a new font.


9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You mentioned this at a perfect time because KOS-MOS and Shion are literally the first "crossover" characters to show up. Haven't even gotten to the gameplay yet but they're already here.

Well, this is -obviously it can't be canon to XS- the Lost Jerusalem. The Flux is capable of dimension-travel, but also time-travel if it wasn't already stated ingame. In a sense, they've more at stake here than other crossover characters. XS can't happen thousands of years from now if a werefox lady destroys the world in the past.

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13 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Welcome back @DragonFlames!

Thank you! ^^

12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I am currently on my half yearly Kaga ride. Just finished Vestaria Saga 1 yesterday and started 2 today. You can find my thoughts on it a a few pages back^^

Otherwise have been getting back more into Fate stuff, and Attack on Titan ending made me think i was too harsh on modern Trails for a while xD

Oh, nice, nice!
Attack on Titan really that bad? Wow! My recommended feed in YouTube was filled with videos saying how awesome the final season is so far. Well, they're in for a rude Awakening then. XD

9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm not sure if you were here for it but i've made a Backloggd, which is a very useful site for organizing the games you've played and any thoughts you may have on them. I have mine in my sig but in case you're on mobile, here's the link.

I figure it's faster to post this than to go over each and every game i've played while you've been absent.

Although i can post the Monolith Soft tier-list i've been working on


On the movie side, Godzilla vs Kong finally came out and i popped off and now i can say i've seen every Godzilla, King Kong and Gamera film, a combined total of 60 and i've ranked them from best to worst.





This is faster than talking about games because i don't really review movies.

On the real life side of things, if all goes well, i should have my Associate's by the end of the year.

Sounds pretty awesome!
I'll look into that backlogg'd site, too! Thank you!
Good luck on getting your Associate's as well!

2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I've been making a Megadimension Neptunia VII balance mod for steam! 

Also, playing alot of Pyra/Mythra in Smash.

Getting the best weapons in Tales of Xillia 2.

What about you?!

Oh, nice! I don't know the first thing about modding, so I hope that's going well for you!
Yeah, I did hear Pyra and Mythra are out for Smash! Hope you're having fun playing as them!
And that's something I still haven't done, haha!

I've played some games I had on my backlog for ages, like the SMT: Devil Survivor games, and Persona 3!

4 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Yeah, like Sooks mentioned, I've been playing Ghost of Tsushima. I'm in the endgame, pretty much. A masterpiece, really.

That and Monster Hunter Rise have been most of what I've been playing for the past month or so.

Oh nice! I have heard good things about Ghost of Tsushima! Glad you're having fun!
And I hope you're enjoying Monster Hunter, too!

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Understandable. There are those who prefer the first game, liking a stronger bleak tone of "survival" and fewer "anime tropes" & humorous moments, but preferring Devil Survivor 2 is absolutely fine. Each game has its strengths.

I actually found that the moments of levity in the second game served to make the moments of bleakness hit all the harder. What really elevated the second game was the overall smoother gameplay experience, and I liked the characters just a little bit more than in the first game! The first game's characters and story are pretty good, too, though!

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Considering how the Internet can be when people express opinions without the slightest bit of restrain or consideration of others, or worse IRL politics "discussed" amongst family members of different beliefs, I do offer Io my sympathy.

Ayup! Same here!

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If by some miracle we got a Devil Survivor 3, this is something I want them to do. The first game made all the human leaders mostly the same, DS2 tried to make them more distinct. I think a third game should give everyone at least one personal skill nobody else can use. It use DS2 for ideas of what I mean...

  • For Io, it'd be Areadhbar as a command skill. (Honestly most of what I can think of is commands, they are cooler than passives or auto skills.)
  • For Hinako- how about a random-multi-hit-Phys skill called "Kujou Dance"?
  • Yamato gets something something Dragon Stream. It can be passive or command. As long as it doesn't delete half the map by swallowing it whole.
  • Ronaldo can grab a gun, those are their own damage type in other SMTs after all.
  • Airi... Well you don't want to piss her off. Maybe some kind of passive stat boost if her HP goes below half?
  • Daichi could go passive too, but I don't know what exactly
  • Fumi- A Phys attack that uses her gigantic Magic stat? Involving the throwing of laptops of course.
  • Jungo is a gentle giant, who already has colossal Strength for the giant half, so healing chawanmushi? 
  • Keita needs something boxing.
  • Otome I think can go passive. Although healing skills in Devil Survivor have action speed priority already. Maybe Etrian Odyssey's overheal or "heal a second time at the end of the turn" mechanics?
  • Makoto could use something passive or auto related to her pride and sense of duty.
  • Anguished One- He already has the highest HP, MP, natural immunity to Curse, and- although they don't tell you- he gets turns faster than everyone else. As boss on the other routes, he gets two unique skills, spoilered because one of them is says too much.:
  Reveal hidden contents
  • Ominous Star is a command that inflicts the Ill-Star status to all on a given team (Alcor is the "Lifespan Star" in Japan, if you cannot see it the folktale goes, you're destined to die by year's end). The Ill-Star status lasts one turn, and adds 200 damage to all subsequent hits dealt to the character afflicted with this status.
  • Chaos Stir is a passive that immediately counters any attacks received with the same attack back to the enemy, dealing twice the damage taken.


Reading this actually gets me pumped for a DeSu 3 with exactly this implemented, haha!

For Daichi, what about some kind of Desperation-type skill, where his attack or evasion increases the lower his HP goes? Would sync well with his focus on physical attacks!
As for Fumi, that would be amazing! That scene where she tossed laptops at Trumpeter and managed to convince him was absolutely glorious!
Otome almost sounds like she could go the War Magus route with that skill!

10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

His was the second-to-last ending I picked back on the DS version when I played that. For the 3DS enhanced port, I picked his first. I smiled as I started it up, telling him humanity deserves the freedom to express its potential, and being given a meaning to live from on-high would not bring happiness. 

It's interesting, it is the AO's ending, but you're the one who actually nudges him into making it happen. And he carries it out because you want it. Without you, he would never have considered it. This is carefully balanced to avoid avatar-worship by making the others resolved to do as they desire regardless of whether or not you side with them.

I liked it a lot, too! And yeah, you're definitely right. Though it did hurt somewhat to go against Io in particular, I did like how that path worked, with you having to recruit everyone to your side first, and it only working if your friendship is high enough. I really, really liked that bit of gameplay-story integration, and it makes this probably my favorite path in any SMT game I've played so far.

13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ah I see, you discovered two of the three demons capable of being made immune to all except Almighty. The third is Metatron- but not in Overclocked, only DS2.

Considering the sheer damage enemies can lay down on you, it's almost fair being able to stack up such durability. Anti-Most/Anti-All somehow can feel less like they're broken, and more like they're something that saves you from sheer agony. I'm pretty sure enemies still pack the pain against mere resistance. 

Oh, so Metratron can do this as well? Nice!

Oh yeah, having Titania and Purple Mirror around was very, very helpful. And you're right, even through resistances, some enemies were still pretty powerful, particularly the versions of Polaris that didn't purely attack with physical attacks (killing its right arm was actually tedious, because it kept healing itself off of my Repel Phys passives. Kinda shot myself in the foot on that one, admittedly).

16 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Triangulum is a little messy with the lore, likely because it was added in Record Breaker, it wasn't in the original DS release. But I could bear with it, because it's more of the same characters I came to love.

I said I'd play Triangulum on NG+, but hold back on the stuff inherited from Septentrione. ...I gave in not too far into the first day and summoned the level 99 Lucifer. 😅

Triangulum has three endings, one of which can be made slightly better. To make the third ending available, you'll need to speak with Yamato a few times, and to make it slightly better, you need to get Fate Level 5 with the Anguished One and the new character as well.

I did start it recently, but all I did was carry over the skills I've cracked, and nothing more. Since these are restricted by your stats, I figured it wouldn't make me too overpowered too early. Although Io already packs the winning Holy Dance + Drain combination...

I am not biased, I swear.

19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Also, on NG+ if you purchase the "New Tuesday Enemy" in the Survivor Rewards ceremony, you can fight Nebiros on that day in the Septentrione story, who then unlocks an optional boss fight against Belial later in the week. Besting Belial lets you fight the ultimate superboss of Septentrione on Saturday- Alice. Will you please die for her? You unlock her, Nebiros, and Belial for fusion from winning. Nebiros is mandatory for fusing Satan (old SMTII design, not the Apocalypse redesign), so he unlocks as well, thank the DS2 anime for that.

If you purchase "Tico's Challenge", you will be able to fight the superboss of Triangulum. A virtual battle against both the male and female versions of Tico, prepared by them for your entertainment. No reward for overcoming them.

Oh, I see! So that is what those were for! Good to know! Will make sure to get these on my inevitable NG+ runs!
A shame about Satan, but Apocalypse came later, if memory serves, so it is understandable. And I do like the original design, it also appears in Persona 5!

21 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Yamato and Ronaldo cannot be recruited on each other's routes, they hate each other too much for that. Yamato hates the Anguished One, and Ronaldo... just can't budge. They're recruitable solely on their own routes and Daichi's (requiring Fate Level 4 and properly answering the questions during their recruitment event).

Be warned, Yamato has a battle on Daichi's & Ronaldo's routes than the Anguished One's. It will likely snap an ordinary player in two at least once.

Ah, thought so! I actually did get Yamato to rank 4 (the game practically forced me to), and he did not join, so I figured it was something like that!

And thank you for the warning, as well! I shall keep it in mind!

23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Restorer is Daichi's second ending. His first and default, Liberator, is basically the Anguished One's but worse. It's helpful therefore that he got a second ending.

I see!
Yeah, in that case, it really is good he got a second one!

23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

To get Restorer, you need to view the events named "Harmony" and "Concepts" (Day 6). "Reversible Idea" (Day 7 I believe) and "Shown Path" (Day 😎 are the other mandatory events to get the full understanding that leads Daichi to think of the alternative option. You'll then be able to select it when you head to confront the final boss, or you could pick Liberator instead if that's what you want.

To add a little "golden ending" to Restorer -to make it "Triumphant"- everyone must be recruited -except the Anguished One.

You may need to neglect building Fate with Jungo, Daichi, and Hinako to do this, since they'll automatically go with you. Io can't be ignored however, if she doesn't reach rank 3 by Friday, you know what would happen.

Fun fact, if you get someone not the Anguished One to Fate Level 5 on their preferred Septentrione route, at the end of Saturday, they'll send you an email. Nothing with gameplay benefits, just more nice words from them. It gives an incentive to raise Fate with those who are guaranteed to join you on a given ending.

I'll definitely make sure to write this down for future reference! Thank you!

24 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Nothing major on my side of things, I'm so slow with finishing games or even starting them.😆

Haha, that happens! ^^

25 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

To explain Armagon's playlog additions, he cleared both of the two Baten Kaitos games, made by Monolith Soft's b-team during the GameCube era. Some issues with the card-based gameplay, and Origin's didn't click with him at all, at a point leading him to employ an infinite HP cheat.

Still, he enjoyed both games, Origins more than the first. Because gameplay gripes for Origins were compensated for with the strong trio of heroes. His current avi is one of those heroes, the male & female-voiced puppet Guillo.

I see!
I believe you shared some videos about it before, and that sparked an interest to play them as well! Might look into that, at some point!

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34 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Well first i have to see if i didn't get cucked by math a second time.

I feel like i did pretty good on that final but we'll see.

Of course you did well! Math may be inevitable, but you are Iron Man. How cringy is this?

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8 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Oh, nice! I don't know the first thing about modding, so I hope that's going well for you!
Yeah, I did hear Pyra and Mythra are out for Smash! Hope you're having fun playing as them!
And that's something I still haven't done, haha!

It is! Well... at least I think so. I can show you some of what I have if you're interested!

Yeah, i am! Xd

Well, to be accurate, I have Milla, Jude, Leia, Elise, Gaius, and that's it so far. After that grind I needed a break from the game.

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27 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Attack on Titan really that bad?


I rated it 3/10. And i was being generous

The current Anime is going through the best arc before it all goes down xD


Btw, did you see the Tales of Arise trailers?

Also some Fate memes from yours truely xD




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Wow, that was.....a kinda long prolouge.

First things first, Namco x Capcom is a weird type of SRPG. It leans more into the FFT side, given the small maps and enemy density (going off the first map anyway) and it does use dynamic turns similarly to Berwick.....but what sets this apart from other SRPGs is the fact that, similarly to Mario RPGs, you actually have control over how battles play out. When attacking, you can use different combos and when defending, you can block to regain AP and have your turn come faster.

Also, on a funny note, according to KOS-MOS, "awesome" is apparently considered archaic slang by the time of Xenosaga, to the point that MOMO was confused when Xiamou said the word.

35 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'd think to blame that on the fan translators then.

Yeah and apparently this game didn't get completely translated, as most of the text during combat and battle menu are still in Japanese.

35 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Yeah, I did hear Pyra and Mythra are out for Smash! Hope you're having fun playing as them!

I popped off hard when they got announced. I had pretty much given up hope by then but they came through.

37 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I see!
I believe you shared some videos about it before, and that sparked an interest to play them as well! Might look into that, at some point!

If you ever play Baten Kaitos, get the undub patch for Eternal Wings. The English voice acting in that game is very bad. Origins improves on it drastically.

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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That won't last. The way the history books described Yugoslavia to me, is that outsiders were saying "You look like a perfect couple, get hitched you southern Slav nations!", and the actual peoples who entered this marriage were like "Ehhhhh... alright. But we're sleeping in separate beds after the wedding night".

Sure, that's more or less how it went historically. Since Serbia didn't really had any pretenses of federation with their fellow slavs. Yugoslavia on paper, but on the practice more like "Greater Serbia", which is why once Josip Broz Tito died, the whole thing pretty much imploded. In any case, this entire playthrough is already ahistorical as it is.

On that subject:


This is how you do a multi-cultural nation right.

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So, pretty much just before the end the Ottomans plan to reconquer Syria, which is in my sphere. So, alright, let's go. In a somewhat gamey way, despite the Ottomans being in the Danubian sphere, they apparently refused to join. Likely since I'm also allied with them and they knew I'd come to Syria's defense. It helps having a much higher military score. Anyway, since I am allied with the Danubians, I call them to help me. And they did, against their sphereling. Welp!

Also, Victoria 2 Military 101: Airplanes are OP.


Hilariously OP.

Before you ask, no, the Ottomans didn't launch the over 123K soldiers all at once. Still, a total wipe is... er... well. The lesson is: Never fight Airplane stacks with them as the Defenders. Seriously. Their stats are geared to tank. Highest Defense stat of Land Units, highest Support tied with Artillery. They're backliners so as long you have a sturdy frontline, Airplanes will obliterate. As shown since I lost practically few Airplanes (they count as "cavalry", that's why they're up there).

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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YouTube has misidentified the type of Fire Emblem fan I am. I can’t believe this is an actual “ad”, oh dear.

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Anyway, only I get this:


At some point in the late game the mod gives you this decision to switch Dye RGO provinces into something else. Even all game long I only had like two of them, haha. To my luck, both switched to Cotton, so my Textile industry in those areas remained intact, just switching to which RGO is giving the production bonus for being in the same state as the factory.

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Because I felt a bit vindictive, and wanted to end on a high note (for me), I added to Dismantle the Ottoman Empire.



Game found a way to go "No U" on me. The Ottomans were forced to released the last of their holdings in Europe and the Middle East (though still keeping Thrace). Thing is, the Middle East countries... all went to become Danubian satellites! And they got Lybia too! So I got... just about nothing out of this. Outside preserving Syrian independence. Well then! Leaves a bad taste in the mouth despite the effort I did...

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In other news...


By this point I've finally enacted all the reforms I could do. So I figured to do this at last.

This decision makes it so any countries with cores in your land, and that don't exist, effectively have the same reform composition you have. So if they ever get released... but that won't happen for what's left of the playthrough anyway.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Mmm yep, throw that in the out of context folder.

As someone who has played PXZ2, this dialogue seems par the course for Xiaomu.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

You mentioned this at a perfect time because KOS-MOS and Shion are literally the first "crossover" characters to show up. Haven't even gotten to the gameplay yet but they're already here.

Shion appearing in a crossover? It’s a miracle! I guess T-elos hasn’t established herself as “the only other Xenosaga character allowed to appear in crossovers” yet.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Ok but the text is actually kinda hard to read.

Are you sure you aren’t actually playing Xenoblade Chronicles X?

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So, you may have noticed already, but China is reunited at last, under the Beiyang.



Yep... Tibet is currently under my sphere too. But since China is only propping itself up, its military score will take time to rise for the AI to even think on challenging me. Not to mention, it's inconsequential at this point.

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And... cut!


January 2, 1936AD. The end date of the game. At long last, I've reached the end!

State of the world... later. For now I just want to rest a bit.

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6 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Shion appearing in a crossover? It’s a miracle! I guess T-elos hasn’t established herself as “the only other Xenosaga character allowed to appear in crossovers” yet.

More like T-elos didn't exist yet. Namco x Capcom is 2005, Xenosaga Episode III was 2006.

Interestingly enough, the Xenosaga characters are using their Episode I designs as opposed to their Episode II designs, which was more recent at the time.

Fine by me tho, I don't really like Episode II KOS-MOS' design that much.

8 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Are you sure you aren’t actually playing Xenoblade Chronicles X?

You know, I never actually had problems with Xenoblade X's text size. Maybe because my TV and my bed aren't that far apart but I could read the text just fine.

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