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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

only Camilla makes me cringe at first sight. Also Elise and Leo, probably.

Wait, why? I can understand how Camilla and Elise are cringy, but Leo is a little less innately his trope… does everything you don’t like just make you cringe?

I wouldn’t say Peri makes me cringe, but she’s the only character in the series who’s kind of offensive to me so.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sorry girl.

Is Panne still in your signature? I’m on mobile so I can’t tell, but if she is, you could take her out. I know she effectively solo-ed the game and was absolutely incredible, but well, that’s just another Tuesday for an Awakening character. Setsuna is more impressive.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I spent some time bashing my head against the concrete wall that is chapter 27 Birthright and came to the conclusion that the chapter is literally impossible.

Really? I always loved this chapter. Why is it impossible?

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

but my units get overwhelmed and die, and unlike chapter 25, there are no chokepoints to just barely outmaneuver them. It's just an open field of death for me.

Oh, that’s why. Well… I never did play lunatic.

And that does sound like my least favorite maps. Well, the open field part anyway. But I always thought the enemies in this map were positioned unique enough to make it fun. If Lunatic makes them too strong to be able to lure some out, I can why that’s a big problem.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Thus, I spent the rest of the morning devising a strat to one-turn Garon. After over an hour of pain, suffering, desperation, rescue strats and the pawning of every legendary weapon in my possession (nobody could use 'em anyway)...

0jvqdlbx o

I almost cannot believe I managed it. Who said Orochi is bad, again?

Orochi, doubling!? What manner of sorcery is this!?

Wait, Garon has 20 speed on lunatic? Pfft…

I mean, Orochi has a 30 speed growth in her base class (15 personal speed! 15!) but still.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I really doubt even the legendary Ryoma could solo this garbage map.

Weeellll… paired up with an S-support…

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I fully intend to do a generics only run just out of spite that they killed off Izana. Do not try me.

Don’t pick lunatic.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Please do. Then with Draggy, there'll be three of us in that train.

Tell your train that I’m starting the 3rd Trails in the Sky game today. 😈

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
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Epvgpx2v o

The myth, the legend. Setsuna, the girl that spent all game one-rounding things. I love this chick. She's just wonderful. If only I could find a way to fit both her and Senno in my signature.

Owfpjzyt o

Super strength is funny, but low speed and meh defenses kinda kept him from doing much later on. Still a good unit, just not Setsuna.

1ri4o84q o

Tank that could dish out and take nothing in return. Super good unit. I mean, of course, I always get great bad units.

Jv4h3vhe o

Case in point. So this one was supposed to be bad, right? Look at all that power...!

Bw1kxcyw o

Kaze is as he usually is: More speed than he could possibly ever need, little strength and defense. I continue to fail to see how master ninja is better on him. He needs strength and defense, and master ninja does not give as much as mechanist, not to mention the extra movement.

Nzydm3i0 o

Meanwhile, Hinoka was... bleh. Her high magic allowed her to do some hefty damage with the bolt naginata, but otherwise she was rather mediocre.

F8grh4md o

The most fragile knight ever. Honestly, most useless unit in the team. Not to say that he was terrible, mind, he was just bad compared to everyone else.

Kalakx6k o

Took him a little to get going, but Hinoka mom turned this guy into a powerhouse.

Unfew89y o

Her growths failed her a bit, so she was never more than a worse Setsuna, but she got some stuff done.

Apu6hq67 o

Great for a while, fell off a bit during the lategame because of her nonexistent defenses. Still good.

Vvjhvltq o

Basically mounted Orochi with better staves. In the game with the slowest weapon ranks (seriously, I can never get anyone to S, it's just impossible), the fact that lunatic generics invariably come with capped ranks is a godsend. Of course, strategist's caps aren't the best, but I could've gotten some generics to wield the legendaries if I had wanted to. Which I didn't. I needed the legendaries to buy statboosters to be able to one-turn Garon.

Vyxf7cay o

Filler staffbot. Also the superior maid design. Screw Felicia and Flora.

Pu7i6zol o

He existed for a couple maps and killed a couple things. He inspired clerks for generations to come. I wish he existed for longer than two chapters in the entire of Fates.

Igduzlca o



I haven’t played Fates in a while but I think this looks fine, the thing that stands out to me is that your Corrin is complete and utter garbage.

The attack values across the board, other than Setsuna, seem a little low, but take that with a grain of salt because I haven’t played Fates in a while.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Wait, why? I can understand how Camilla and Elise are cringy, but Leo is a little less innately his trope… does everything you don’t like just make you cringe?

His whole thing with Forrest.

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22 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Put the pics on spoiler tags if you really need to, I'd say.

The ones in my sig, you mean? Mm. Eh, I think I'd rather leave it as is. I don't want to have ten billion units there, anyway, it's supposed to be something special that only a select few can manage.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Wait, why? I can understand how Camilla and Elise are cringy, but Leo is a little less innately his trope… does everything you don’t like just make you cringe?

I mean, no, but Leo not being a trope kinda hurts him, because instead of being just "tsundere little brother", he's a condescending, judgmental asshole to everyone around him and a borderline abusive father to his son. He's not over the top hilarious as the rest of Nohr, he's just a rather realistic bad person. I tend to hate those more than tropes.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I wouldn’t say Peri makes me cringe, but she’s the only character in the series who’s kind of offensive to me so.

Eh. I guess I can see it. Me, I... kinda just take it in stride, because she's just another case of Fates's desperate attempt every flavor of waifu to the otakus at the expense of logic and morality. Par for the course when it comes to Fates, I'd say.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Is Panne still in your signature? I’m on mobile so I can’t tell, but if she is, you could take her out. I know she effectively solo-ed the game and was absolutely incredible, but well, that’s just another Tuesday for an Awakening character. Setsuna is more impressive.

Hmm. That's a fair point, actually...

Fuck it, I'm doing it. I like her more than Panne anyway.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

And that does sound like my least favorite maps. Well, the open field part anyway. But I always thought the enemies in this map were positioned unique enough to make it fun. If Lunatic makes them too strong to be able to lure some out, I can why that’s a big problem.

It's not just that they're too strong, there's also way too many. On lunatic, there's a row of three generals in the middle, and you can't kill them on turn 1 because then the four berserkers, the four heroes and the four great knights rush you and you disappear. It's not fun.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Orochi, doubling!? What manner of sorcery is this!?

Rooben magic.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Wait, Garon has 20 speed on lunatic? Pfft…

I mean, Orochi has a 30 speed growth in her base class (15 personal speed! 15!) but still.

Don't forget, I had to feed her a speedwing and a tonic to get her to just barely double. It wasn't that easy.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Don’t pick lunatic.

I dunno, I've heard it's easier than lunatic Birthright, and lunatic Birthright was pretty manageable until the final stages.

Besides, I almost completely forgot it, but there's always the option to lower the difficulty.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Tell your train that I’m starting the 3rd Trails in the Sky game today. 😈

Already? Hmph. Suit yourself.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I haven’t played Fates in a while but I think this looks fine, the thing that stands out to me is that your Corrin is complete and utter garbage.

The attack values across the board, other than Setsuna, seem a little low, but take that with a grain of salt because I haven’t played Fates in a while.

All right, thanks. Good to know that I ruined Corrin again. Look forward to the third shitty Corrin in my rev run.

5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

This whole picture could be taken so out of context...

Don't do it, Acacia...!

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't do it, Acacia...!

I'm not doing anything, you're the one who made the picture as is. The fact you seemingly know what I'm getting at shows how deliberate it was.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'm not doing anything, you're the one who made the picture as is. The fact you seemingly know what I'm getting at shows how deliberate it was.

Damnit Acacia.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Eh. I guess I can see it. Me, I... kinda just take it in stride, because she's just another case of Fates's desperate attempt every flavor of waifu to the otakus at the expense of logic and morality. Par for the course when it comes to Fates, I'd say.

Yeah, but that’s harmlessly for everyone else until you get to Peri, who I guess in this case would be “murder waifu”. The whole point of her is that she has stunted brain development or something and cannot understand right and wrong to an extreme degree, which is just not something I think should be used like that, at all. And her my room quotes just make it so much worse…

I mean, I guess Camilla is kind of like that as well, but she tends to focus on… other aspects.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hmm. That's a fair point, actually...

Fuck it, I'm doing it. I like her more than Panne anyway.

See, I’m always right.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't forget, I had to feed her a speedwing and a tonic to get her to just barely double. It wasn't that easy.


5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I dunno, I've heard it's easier than lunatic Birthright, and lunatic Birthright was pretty manageable until the final stages.

But no one else played the game with all generics. You heard that Birthright was easy and to go lunatic, and look where that got you.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Besides, I almost completely forgot it, but there's always the option to lower the difficulty.

Oh yeah, that’s a thing, if you want to go that route.

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58 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I mean I'm not a fan of either of those so at least from my perspective, it doesn't feel like you're being overly harsh on it.

It could be that the stuff you don't like there just bothers you to a greater degree.

Your giving me way too much credit, haha! But, thanks, it still means alot. 

Hmm, that could be true!

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11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Already? Hmph. Suit yourself.

What can I say, these games are really good, and the story, which is incredible, usually leaves on a note for the next game to pick up. What was I gonna play, Omori?

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4 hours ago, Maof06 said:


With this kind of execution you might as well just collapse the oubliette.

What the fuck did this lot do that vassals won't be mad?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The biggest tragedy in this game is that Leo ends up becoming king. I wonder if he'd pass a law to sentence men to death for wearing pretty dresses. Sigh... we're well on our way to a new war with this buffoon in charge.

I mean, I doubt he'll have Forrest to begin with.

Never mind that he would almost certainly miss it if he's anything like his father.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So, Birthright. It was pretty fun! Not as fun as Conquest, the map design was a bit worse and there were a couple times i definitely wished for a different objective than rout, but eh, it was fine still. Fates mechanics are great as always, the charactesr I generally liked more than in Conquest, and the story was... well, it was inoffensive, but I had way more fun with Conquest's absolute disaster of a plot. The only things that I laughed at in this one were Iago's sassy streak and the stupidity with Garon at the end.

If I had to criticize anything, well, same issue as Conquest: Lategame the game takes kind of a dive. Hans's map is basically the last one I'd call good. Iago's one, while manageable, wasn't too enjoyable, Xander and Big Dragon lasted 5 seconds each and Garon... Well, at least I was just barely able to warpskip Garon. If it wasn't for that I'd be tempted to say it's wose than Takumi's Fun Castle, but since you can do that, I think I might still say it's better than Takumi's Fun Castle. Neither are fun, though. Also, the two faceless maps (Leo and the Dragonfall Fort) were so easy because the faceless' stats were Sacred Stones levels of awful. I don't know what went wrong there. Tempted to say it's a programming oversight, honestly.

Well, I mean Oboro exists so I can't really argue on characters, being best story in a dumpster fire doesn't count for you I guess and yeah, I did find myself frustrating myself (see: fucing up multiple times on multiple maps).

I'll just hide my unit comments here:

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Owfpjzyt o

Super strength is funny, but low speed and meh defenses kinda kept him from doing much later on. Still a good unit, just not Setsuna.

Slower and a bit less tanky than I expect from Asshatma.

But also a couple levels lower.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Jv4h3vhe o

Case in point. So this one was supposed to be bad, right? Look at all that power...!

Power is all she has.

Definitely slightly blessed, but not much more than mine who was around level capped by the end.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
F8grh4md o

The most fragile knight ever. Honestly, most useless unit in the team. Not to say that he was terrible, mind, he was just bad compared to everyone else.

Why do you keep getting shit Corrins? What was his Boon/Bane?

Even if mine was just slow, at least she could hit hard with the Yato. This..... this is just poor (And you could've at least had Yato

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Bw1kxcyw o

Kaze is as he usually is: More speed than he could possibly ever need, little strength and defense. I continue to fail to see how master ninja is better on him. He needs strength and defense, and master ninja does not give as much as mechanist, not to mention the extra movement.

I got capped Str myself, was a very useful unit for me anyways.

I do think it'd be worth going for Shurkenfaire at least, but there's also the option to get L&D, the absolute risk taking move would give him even more damage.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Nzydm3i0 o

Meanwhile, Hinoka was... bleh. Her high magic allowed her to do some hefty damage with the bolt naginata, but otherwise she was rather mediocre.

Neat magic at least, though she probably wishes she had Basara.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Pu7i6zol o

He existed for a couple maps and killed a couple things. He inspired clerks for generations to come. I wish he existed for longer than two chapters in the entire of Fates.

You can get him by Chapter 23 if you have a puppet maxed out.

I made him a ballastician in my last run.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Apu6hq67 o

Great for a while, fell off a bit during the lategame because of her nonexistent defenses. Still good.

Yeah her defence can be kinda yikes, not helped by me benching her for a good while and also reclassing a bunch to pick up skills.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Vvjhvltq o

Basically mounted Orochi with better staves. In the game with the slowest weapon ranks (seriously, I can never get anyone to S, it's just impossible), the fact that lunatic generics invariably come with capped ranks is a godsend. Of course, strategist's caps aren't the best, but I could've gotten some generics to wield the legendaries if I had wanted to. Which I didn't. I needed the legendaries to buy statboosters to be able to one-turn Garon.

I had Daniela myself. I doubt Dora's model glitches in Dark Falcon to use a regular horse that flies.

Staves: the unit here I suppose.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Vyxf7cay o

Filler staffbot. Also the superior maid design. Screw Felicia and Flora.

Not gonna lie, I feel like this maid's more like Roberta and I would rather prefer to be in another universe away from her.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Igduzlca o


What's he doing hiding in another game?

Overall....... I still feel like these stats would get demolished if I was using them. What am I doing wrong in Fates then? I was higher level in Hard, had Mozu and I still feel like I'd be eaten alive.

31 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All right, thanks. Good to know that I ruined Corrin again. Look forward to the third shitty Corrin in my rev run.

Again, Rev is a bad idea.

It's just massive stats from what I understand, that'll make what could be fun about it even less so.

32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hmm. That's a fair point, actually...

Fuck it, I'm doing it. I like her more than Panne anyway.

RIP Panne.

Funny how Donnel could catch both of them very easily.

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9 minutes ago, Dayni said:

What the fuck did this lot do that vassals won't be mad?

Considering how it's only 400 piety loss, likely lots of heathens and heretics and no vassals are such. Alternatively, they're all at -100 opinion, so... technically it's true that it won't worsen.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I know I said I would play Sky 3rd but I’m still in a Fates: Conquest mood… decisions, decisions. Well, I can at least dip my toe into the water for Sky 3rd and see if the gameplay is really that good.

The desktop shortcut is Kevin winking? This game is already off to a good start.

Edited by Sooks
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8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Yeah, but that’s harmlessly for everyone else until you get to Peri, who I guess in this case would be “murder waifu”. The whole point of her is that she has stunted brain development or something and cannot understand right and wrong to an extreme degree, which is just not something I think should be used like that, at all. And her my room quotes just make it so much worse…

Yeah, I can understand why she'd make you uncomfortable. She's written into a waifu in a really tasteless way.

Personally, however, I find Peri too cartoonish and unrealistic to really hate her like that. You know how earlier I said that Leo was a kinda realistic bad person and that's why I dislike him so much? Peri is a walking caricature, so I can't really take much issue with her. She's just the edgy OC of a horny 12 year old's erotic fantasy fanfics. Horribly written waifu bait for folks with exotic tastes, and that's it as far as I can see.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

See, I’m always right.

Don't get too cocky now.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But no one else played the game with all generics. You heard that Birthright was easy and to go lunatic, and look where that got you.

On the other hand, if it is too easy, I'll get bored, quit and will have wasted my time entirely. Soooo yeah. Sorry, but I think I'll go lunatic. And if worse comes to worst...

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Oh yeah, that’s a thing, if you want to go that route.

...I can do that.

5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

What can I say, these games are really good, and the story, which is incredible, usually leaves on a note for the next game to pick up.

I am glad you see such greatness where I could not.

5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

What was I gonna play, Omori?



10 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Oboro exists

Oboro has a funny face. Otherwise, it's kind of the same principle as Peri: Serious issue played for laughs, then shoved to the side for the sake of waifuing the character. Classic Fates. Charlotte is the superior girl with a funny face.

Honestly, can I just say Charlotte is Best Girl from Fates? Because I really think she's Best Girl from Fates. I never would've expected to find such a solid character hiding underneath that awful design. Turns out it's awful on purpose. I would just question the wisdom of parodying hypersexualization in a game with plenty of it, but... eh.

Also her funny face is better than Oboro's funny face.

11 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Why do you keep getting shit Corrins?

Pretzel's ghost is still haunting me even all these years later?

11 minutes ago, Dayni said:

What was his Boon/Bane?

I believe quick and clumsy. I mean, clumsy shows, but he's not that quick, and his defense is hilariously bad. What, is knight's base defense growth on par with Draug's?

12 minutes ago, Dayni said:

You can get him by Chapter 23 if you have a puppet maxed out.

I mean, yeah, that's when I got him. But chapter 26 went by in a minute, chapter 27 was horrible and the endgame went as fast as chapter 26. So he really only had 3 chapters where he got to do stuff himself.

His leadership star was useful throughout, though. There's no denying that.

14 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I had Daniela myself. I doubt Dora's model glitches in Dark Falcon to use a regular horse that flies.

I wanted to have Daniela, but she was a higher level with shittier stats, and... Well, while I love Daniela's design, I have to admit, I kinda like generic strategist more.

Krtbjcps o

That smug little smile is too much. I love it.

14 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Not gonna lie, I feel like this maid's more like Roberta and I would rather prefer to be in another universe away from her.


14 minutes ago, Dayni said:

What's he doing hiding in another game?

He's hiding from me, I keep pretending he's a peerless super soldier when he would much rather never touch a weapon ever again

14 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Overall....... I still feel like these stats would get demolished if I was using them. What am I doing wrong in Fates then? I was higher level in Hard, had Mozu and I still feel like I'd be eaten alive.

Well... I dunno. The guy wasn't the best, but thanks to Wary Fighter, he could basically do what Benny did in Conquest. Decent.

15 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Again, Rev is a bad idea.

It's just massive stats from what I understand, that'll make what could be fun about it even less so.

See, I'll make up my entire team of those massive stats, so it's fine.

Also, I've heard it's easier than Birthright lunatic. But we'll see.

15 minutes ago, Dayni said:

RIP Panne.

RIP indeed. I'll never forget how she ate up a whole game alive, but I'm afraid I like Setsuna better.

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24 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Again, Rev is a bad idea.

I hope Ruben likes Rev so me and him can be the only two people in the world that like Rev.

45 minutes ago, Sooks said:

What can I say, these games are really good, and the story, which is incredible, usually leaves on a note for the next game to pick up. What was I gonna play, Omori?

You should play CrossCode next. Although given that you've just played a Zelda game, maybe hold out a bit. CrossCode is the Dark Souls of Zelda-like games.

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Just now, Armagon said:

I hope Ruben likes Rev so me and him can be the only two people in the world that like Rev.

Armagon, no! Don't do this to me! Now my contrarian nature runs in conflict with my insistence on disagreeing with you!

Just now, Armagon said:

You should play CrossCode next.

I think you might like CrossCode @Sooks. It strikes me as a game with the best parts of Trails, but with more action-oriented gameplay. What I saw of the story was setting up pretty interesting stuff, the characters are fun and the gameplay, while repetitive, is solid and satisfying enough. Also it takes a hundred years to get to the point, I know how you guys love that.

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Considering how it's only 400 piety loss, likely lots of heathens and heretics and no vassals are such. Alternatively, they're all at -100 opinion, so... technically it's true that it won't worsen.

 Yeah, I suspected a bunch of heretics were among them. Though as for negative opinion, doesn't it still keep track of it even if it caps at 100 each way?

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oboro has a funny face. Otherwise, it's kind of the same principle as Peri: Serious issue played for laughs, then shoved to the side for the sake of waifuing the character. Classic Fates. Charlotte is the superior girl with a funny face.

Honestly, can I just say Charlotte is Best Girl from Fates? Because I really think she's Best Girl from Fates. I never would've expected to find such a solid character hiding underneath that awful design. Turns out it's awful on purpose. I would just question the wisdom of parodying hypersexualization in a game with plenty of it, but... eh.

Also her funny face is better than Oboro's funny face.

I dunno, I don't quite find her face funny myself. Your point about serious issue being treated for laughs stands though.

Yeah, Charlotte is probably getting a reassessment in recent years to her benefit.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


She's in an anime, I feel like it'd be spoiling for me to tell you.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well... I dunno. The guy wasn't the best, but thanks to Wary Fighter, he could basically do what Benny did in Conquest. Decent.

I meant that statement about the party overall, I feel like I'd get destroyed.

I still lost Daniela when I did clear after all, something to repent for.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I hope Ruben likes Rev so me and him can be the only two people in the world that like Rev.

I probably should have been clearer about Lunatic Rev, but still.

I would probably have been further along in my Hard playthrough but I keep using the lower level units and I keep hurting myself as a result (See: me playing FE in general).

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Here we go.



This is a really interesting title screen. FC’s was just a slideshow of art of different places in the game and SC was generic art of the sky, but I have no idea what this is. Must be plot important.

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, I can understand why she'd make you uncomfortable. She's written into a waifu in a really tasteless way.

Personally, however, I find Peri too cartoonish and unrealistic to really hate her like that. You know how earlier I said that Leo was a kinda realistic bad person and that's why I dislike him so much? Peri is a walking caricature, so I can't really take much issue with her. She's just the edgy OC of a horny 12 year old's erotic fantasy fanfics. Horribly written waifu bait for folks with exotic tastes, and that's it as far as I can see.

I don’t know, while that’s true I feel like she in particular is crossing a line. She’s not edgy, she acts like she has some soft of brain developmental issues which Leo enables in their supports, so if you convert to hating Peri then you can hate Leo more. Definitely worth it, right?

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I am glad you see such greatness where I could not.

You didn’t get to the part I would calm incredible.

Well, other than Olivier. You got to him, and I would call him incredible, albeit in a different manner.

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Serious issue

Wait, what issue? I never noticed one.

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I never would've expected to find such a solid character hiding underneath that awful design.

Huh. Never looked into her character since I only got her Xander supports like a true man of culture 😎. Interesting.

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

RIP indeed. I'll never forget how she ate up a whole game alive, but I'm afraid I like Setsuna better.

I mean sure Panne did that, but putting an Awakening character in your signature for that is like putting Seth in your signature for eating a whole game alive.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I think you might like CrossCode @Sooks. It strikes me as a game with the best parts of Trails, but with more action-oriented gameplay.

Yeah, that last bit is the problem. I’ve looked a little bit at the gameplay and it just does not seem like my thing.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also it takes a hundred years to get to the point, I know how you guys love that.

The thing about Trails imo is that the writing is good from the very beginning, regardless of the fact that nothing is happening. This, combined with the plethora of side quests for my Sooks% desires and the gameplay being excellent is why I can handle the beginning being a slow burn. It’s never boring or dull, but it gives me a lot to do while slowly breathing in the world and characters, which were always high quality imo, and fun gameplay. It’s a great combination, but I’m neutral to stories being slow as a concept. So if the gameplay isn’t good, and the writing isn’t good, and there isn’t a lot of gameplay in side content, I don’t know.

Did I explain this well? Does that make sense? I can definitely see why someone wouldn’t like it.

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16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Armagon, no! Don't do this to me! Now my contrarian nature runs in conflict with my insistence on disagreeing with you!

Uhhh we both like Rev but we disagree on which aspects specifically. There, problem solved.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

I’ve looked a little bit at the gameplay and it just does not seem like my thing.

There's a demo so play that.

(Although the demo doesn't really showcase the puzzle-based dungeons, which is the real meat of the game).

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>first battle

>gets wrecked after one move with my only character

Was nightmare really a good idea?

14 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

Someone starting Sky the 3rd? Hoo boy. Prepare for some of the best dialogue in Kiseki.

I hope so! These games have had great writing, so I wouldn’t be surprised.

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Logbook Orochi costs roughly 23k gold. Sounds pretty good. I can get Anna's gift and then do Ghostly Gold, and I should have enough to get her.

Really shouldn't have to jump through all these hoops just to make use of the prison as soon as it shows up as opposed to three chapters later, but Rev be Rev I guess.

49 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Yeah, Charlotte is probably getting a reassessment in recent years to her benefit.

She deserves it. Too many people looked at her design and went "not another one." Myself included, of course.

49 minutes ago, Dayni said:

She's in an anime, I feel like it'd be spoiling for me to tell you.

Oh, I think I might know who you're referring to. I don't know much about her, though.

49 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I meant that statement about the party overall, I feel like I'd get destroyed.

Well, I did get destroyed. I had to improvise a one-turn clear on Garon because I simply could not beat the map lol.

37 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Here we go.

I hope you enjoy it.

37 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I don’t know, while that’s true I feel like she in particular is crossing a line. She’s not edgy, she acts like she has some soft of brain developmental issues

Well, yes, but it's still cartoonish enough that--


which Leo enables in their supports, so if you convert to hating Peri then you can hate Leo more. Definitely worth it, right?


The shitstain is constantly judging Felicia and Forrest for the smallest things, and yet he enables Peri?

And here I thought he could not sink any lower.

How I wish there was a route where I could murder him.

37 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Wait, what issue? I never noticed one.

She's kinda sorta a huge racist because Nohrians murdered her entire family. That's horrible and sad and actually pretty interesting if handled correctly. Except it isn't, because the game just... sort of pushes it to the side in favor of "ohmigosh fashion!" and hardly ever acknowledges it.

37 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Huh. Never looked into her character since I only got her Xander supports like a true man of culture 😎. Interesting.

Do yourself a favor and get her Benny supports next you play Conquest.

37 minutes ago, Sooks said:

The thing about Trails imo is that the writing is good from the very beginning, regardless of the fact that nothing is happening. This, combined with the plethora of side quests for my Sooks% desires and the gameplay being excellent is why I can handle the beginning being a slow burn. It’s never boring or dull, but it gives me a lot to do while slowly breathing in the world and characters, which were always high quality imo, and fun gameplay. It’s a great combination, but I’m neutral to stories being slow as a concept. So if the gameplay isn’t good, and the writing isn’t good, and there isn’t a lot of gameplay in side content, I don’t know.

Did I explain this well? Does that make sense? I can definitely see why someone wouldn’t like it.

Yeah, we've been over this before. Trails is not a bad series by any means, I just don't like traditional RPG gameplay, and Trails does very little to change it up. That's... really the main issue. Even the slow story probably wouldn't have burned me out that quickly if I had enjoyed the gameplay. I mean, Berwick Saga's story starts pretty slow and it is quite the long game too, but the gameplay being what it is, it held my attention.

34 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Uhhh we both like Rev but we disagree on which aspects specifically. There, problem solved.


Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Huh, Kevin is actually doing damage. Either these enemies are really weak or he’s been bugged since the last game. Probably the latter, looking at this stats.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


The shitstain is constantly judging Felicia and Forrest for the smallest things, and yet he enables Peri?

And here I thought he could not sink any lower.

How I wish there was a route where I could murder him.

I mentioned this before, don’t you remember? Your reaction was basically the same.

Here it is though:

  • Leo: Through the time I've spent observing you and conversing with you... I've come to realize that you require special attention.
  • Peri: I do? Are you worried about me?
  • Leo: Yes, I'm gravely concerned for you. I don't know if someone like you can survive in this world.
  • Peri: Oh, don't you worry about that! I've got lots of practice defending myself!
  • Leo: You are strong, it's true. But there is some opposition even you can't overcome. Many people will not accept your nature.
  • Peri: What nature? What are you talking about?
  • Leo: Your enthusiasm for killing innocents. It will cause you to be widely reviled.
  • Peri: Hmmm... really?
  • Leo: So much so that you may find yourself marked for death as a result.
  • Peri: Huh? Why?
  • Leo: I don't want to see that happen. If you spend the rest of your life with me, I'll do everything I can to prevent it.
  • Peri: Wow, you really want me to stick that close?
  • Leo: That's the only way I can see to fend off these who don't understand you. I want to protect you, Peri. Forever. So... will you marry me?
  • Peri: Lord Leo!
  • Leo: What say you? Will you be my bride?
  • Peri: In a heartbeat! I love you so much!
  • Leo: You do?
  • Peri: Don't worry, Lord Leo! I'll protect you from the bad guys!
  • Leo: Hahah, the arrangement I had in mind was the other way around.
  • Peri: Either way! I'll slaughter all your enemies!
  • Leo: That's sweet of you to say. Thank you, Peri. And I'll do the same for you. If anyone ever grows so enraged at you that they threaten your life... I will kill them before they can lay a hand on you.


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