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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Watch me.

Dread it. Run from it. Anime still arrives.

1 minute ago, Dayni said:

I'll lock you in there, then send the room to horny jail.

You cannot contain it.

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Alright, finally made it to Tenpenny Tower. The quest here... oh boy, the quest here. I get the process behind it but then forcing such outcome is... uh huh.

Well, let's see how far I'm willing to go with this... or use a mod that "fixes" the quest, because screw you game, there's shades of grey, and then forced shades of grey or black and grey depending on how you see it.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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3 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:
I'm downloading it right now.

Oh, let’s go. Enjoy, although downloading isn’t the same as playing it right now, especially with you…

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Classic Falcoom

Thx youtube


I don’t speak Japanese but that seemed entirely pointless.

Well there was a “point” but…

6 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

So you fight your inner desires and demons in Omori like in Silent Hill? Kinda cool

Depends on the route, but either way you spend a good chunk of the game running from your inner demons so you do get to see quite a lot of them.

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Darn it! I almost finished the Honnoji battle when the timer ran out!

The finale to Nobunaga's life of ambition was great! Presentation was good, the battle was on the more difficult side (mostly because flames gradually depleting your HP the entire time). I wish Yasuke had more presence in the story, because the quiet strong African samurai servant is cool, although maybe I would've won had it not be for how weak his punches were. And in the end, Oda Nobunaga, redesign and all, reverts to his classic Sengoku Musou self, ceasing to behave humanly and acting like an impersonal force of nature. 

I'll do some Citadel Mode grinding for materials to upgrade the shop for more health items to equip, and then I'll give the fight another go on Easy to wrap up Nobunaga's tale (although several optional fights on it remain inaccessible). The mood has been totally interrupted, but the end should still be thrilling.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I mean, not necessarily

i DID say "might".

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Tbf,  ranged attacks can be pretty busted regardless.

Thats not an issue in Xillia or Vesperia though.

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@Interdimensional Observer @lightcosmo @Acacia Sgt @Lightchao42 since all of you have played or are very familiar with Xenoblade X, parts of the artbook finally got translated:


A lot of it is stuff and concepts we've known about but we actually get to see what it means to an extent beyond just seeing what it looks.

In particular, some stuff i found interesting:


This is Neilnail, who is a Qlu like Celica and she shares her name with the Neilnail mechs in those Time Attack missions. The Neilnails themselves are very curious thing within Xenoblade X, because they don't show up anywhere else so the fact that there's a character who was meant to share the name.....curious.


As if Mira wasn't mysterious enough, there's this mystery structure orbiting the planet. The text says it's completely different to any alien origins that we saw in the game. My guess is that it's related to the giant tower seen in Mira's concept art.


I bring this up specifically because it talks about how the ship is affiliated with Air Force One and then it makes a comment about how the President is not in NLA and i never thought about that until now. Was there a New Washington DC and it got blown up? 


Cauldros, right? Well apparently the text says it's "Old Wroth" and the strucutres, along with those seen here


are of Wrothian origin (this one in particular is a temple). Xenoblade X did originally plan to have multiple planets be visited. Perhaps when that was scrapped, elements of that were taken and created the Mira we see today?

There's more stuff in the link in case you want to comb through the whole thing.

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1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Oh, let’s go. Enjoy, although downloading isn’t the same as playing it right now, especially with you…

I'll play when you play Dragon Age: Origins.


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I think I‘m gonna buy Dragon Age: Origins well, either that or my mom will pay for it after refusing to accept my money, which is always a possibility with her. Ruben’s play through was amusing to read about and the heartfelt-ish review at the end sold me, plus I liked 06’s description of it way back when he first recommended it. The full 30 bucks after the sale is going to hurt, but at least I learned to check sales down to the hour when I get that close.

29 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

I'll play when you play Dragon Age: Origins.


Hah! Well, that was convenient, I was prepping to buy Dragon Age Origins before I even read this.

Now that you mention it, I guess this whole Dragon Age thing started because Ruben and I wanted you to play Omori. I kinda forgot about that.

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Oh hey, I get to pick my Origin. Time to spend 8 hours on this screen.

@Ghost_06_ iirc you said Dwarf Noble was the best story but dwarves aren’t good because they can’t become mages and arcane warriors. So is that bad enough that I shouldn’t pick that one, or is it worth to go with it anyway? I think you said the second best one after that was city elf, but iirc @Saint Rubenio went with that one and I don’t think I want to pick the same one as him.

But in order to go City Elf, you can’t pick mage because that gives you a different origin. Unless you can change your class later, and this is just what you start as?

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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

I'm almost fricking out of items

Thats a thing with most Tales of games: the 15 limit can be kinda annoying. Sure NG+ allows for holding more, but thats irrelevent of a first playthrough.

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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Thats a thing with most Tales of games: the 15 limit can be kinda annoying. Sure NG+ allows for holding more, but thats irrelevent of a first playthrough.

Yeah. Doesn't help that items in general are too expensive either.

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