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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Pretty much. Though it depends on some cases. From earlier versions of the world map seen, stuff like the Moon Palace was likely already "done", content wise. Even the earliest ones had it in the middle of the desert region, and likely without much else to it. Well, the palace itself may have gone through some map tweaking/culling. But it's true other areas suffered. Like the Vandole Empire, or Tasnica, or the ice continent. Earlier maps showed them with much more content than what the game ultimately got.

It's something to keep in mind that the project that became Secret of Mana began for that scrapped SNES CD thing. It likely is why the game was so ambitious, since it would have the space to put it all, but when that got scrapped and had to use a cartridge, even the largest ones possible storage-wise, it still had to pare things down. Then they likely worked from the ground up. So a place like the Gaia Lowlands, while still having stuff scrapped or changed, still got a lot put into it... which naturally left other areas to suffer much more in comparison.

Would be nice to play a version that’s got all that originally planned stuff in it

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It would be interesting, yes.


I don't know if it's based on the IQ... well, Qualities, but it's nice to see the AI is boosted. The partner Pokémon goes straight for items and Wonder Tiles if needed. Neat.

Also, I didn't find it too much of a hassle, but it's also nice to see they added a shortcut straight to the Pelipper Post Office from the Home Base.

Okay, time to do Mt. Steel...

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lol Diglett mentioning his feet will never stop being funny. XD

If there's one thing I actually don't like about the remake, is that the Friend Areas... well, Camps now, are that they're now fully menu-based. It was fun to walk around the areas and see the recruited Pokémon roam about. Oh well...

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Posted (edited)

Alright, Zapdos defeated.

I'd usually recruit an Electrike for Lightningrod (and I'm thankful I can now temporary recruit Pokémon even without having the Camps here, really helps out now that teams can be more than four members and all those Rare Qualities to play around with), and still did, but one thing I am doing this time around is using the Magnemite that auto-joins. Got very lucky its Signal Beam confused Zapdos constantly, so... it barely got to attack. XD

Okay, stopping for now. Will continue come Saturday...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Fuck Sony

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Those new maps that were added to chapter 15x seem nice.

I mean, I can't understand what anyone is actually saying, but it does look like a bunch of little side stories focusing on specific characters with the main character nowhere to be seen. Kinda like Fire Emblem BS.

And making Redessa this base of operations for a while really scratches that Navaron itch.

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13 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Those new maps that were added to chapter 15x seem nice.

I mean, I can't understand what anyone is actually saying, but it does look like a bunch of little side stories focusing on specific characters with the main character nowhere to be seen. Kinda like Fire Emblem BS.

And making Redessa this base of operations for a while really scratches that Navaron itch.

Oh they made 15x better? That's neat.

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12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh they made 15x better? That's neat.

Yeah, it's a proper Berwick Saga base menu and everything. And there are several optional missions you can pick before progressing into chapter 16 proper. This is also where the score shop is.

I was content with the very likely reality that we will never see Vestaria Saga III, but all those new features do really make me wish for it to become a reality somehow. You know, having a game that is designed with all of those features from the ground up.
VSI+ is a very elaborate remake, but it's not redoing the whole game from scratch.

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Just now, BrightBow said:

Yeah, it's a proper Berwick Saga base menu and everything. And there are several optional missions you can pick before progressing into chapter 16 proper. This is also where the score shop is.

One step closer to that Berwick remake. I mean clearly he has Berwick in his mind, he calls tiles "hexes" in the lance interface lmao

Just now, BrightBow said:

I was content with the very likely reality that we will never see Vestaria Saga III, but all those new features do really make me wish for it to become a reality somehow. You know, having a game that is designed with all of those features from the ground up.
VSI+ is a very elaborate remake, but it's not redoing the whole game from scratch.

Ehh, as someone who's quick to lose hope, don't be so quick to lose hope. Kaga's 60, not 80, and he later stated that he may have made his issues seem more severe than they really are. There's still plenty of opportunity for him to regain his motivation, especially now that the VS1 remake is done and he (seemingly) has fans helping out with art assets and the like.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

One step closer to that Berwick remake. I mean clearly he has Berwick in his mind, he calls tiles "hexes" in the lance interface lmao

Ehh, as someone who's quick to lose hope, don't be so quick to lose hope. Kaga's 60, not 80, and he later stated that he may have made his issues seem more severe than they really are. There's still plenty of opportunity for him to regain his motivation, especially now that the VS1 remake is done and he (seemingly) has fans helping out with art assets and the like.

Well, 70. In that post he said that he was 69. About to become 10 years older than Eugen, as he put it.

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22 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Well, 70. In that post he said that he was 69. About to become 10 years older than Eugen, as he put it.

Oh right. Whoops.

Well, there's still time, I'd say, but I suppose there's only one way to find out.

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On 4/30/2024 at 10:17 AM, Venger_06 said:

I think I was too hard on Yukari

I have never really understood the hate she garners, although part of that might be because of The Answer. A lot of people don't like how she behaves in that scenario, and I tend to be a bit dismissive of The Answer in general.


On 4/30/2024 at 10:17 AM, Venger_06 said:

Oh yeah, that "feature" is gone

It is a sad fate that interesting mechanics with strong senses of realism, and flavor are abandoned for how they constrain the player. Its like with the loss of the older fatigue system, and AI controlled party before P3P.


On 4/30/2024 at 3:36 PM, Venger_06 said:

I can't wait for a P4 remake Ü

I never really felt P4 needed a remake after Golden, but I guess they want all the Personas to get the P5 aesthetic glow-up. They really knocked it out of the park with that look.


On 4/30/2024 at 2:22 PM, Armagon said:

Me after greenlighting Foamstars

On 4/30/2024 at 6:04 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

I've been reading plenty o' comments on this today. Square is choosing to go top-heavy.

Focusing on the AAA is 🥱 to me. While I'll likely pick up DQXII, the rest of Square's AAA output doesn't interest me. And companies are simply less boring when they develop/publish a greater diversity of things

The big issue with Square is their executives are so willing to jump onto whatever last year's get rick quick scam was, and are too embarrassed to back down before it becomes a disaster.


13 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

lol Diglett mentioning his feet will never stop being funny. XD

I still remember that little goofy little line.

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1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

The big issue with Square is their executives are so willing to jump onto whatever last year's get rick quick scam was, and are too embarrassed to back down before it becomes a disaster.

Aren't many gaming companies like that, though?

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4 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Aren't many gaming companies like that, though?

True, but Square felt the most extreme, most memorable of which was both how late to the NFT fad they were, and how long they kept their NFT marketplace open for.

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Unless they go back to their roots, Square is generally going downhill. Most fans want the older style FF games back, that's no secret. XD

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Donkey Kong Country Returns (3D) Review:

It's been years since i last played this, so i went through it again to see how it holds up. Yeah, it holds up pretty well. Level design is pretty tight, although not as good as Tropical Freeze (understandable). Music's good and the difficulty is just about right, though it admittedly can be cheesed with items at times.

The main problem with this game is that it's not Tropical Freeze. So it's not really a problem but much like how Galaxy 2 takes everything that made Galaxy 1 amazing and improves it tenfold, Tropical Freeze does the same. Returns is the Galaxy 1 to Tropical Freeze's Galaxy 2.

....ok i do have an actual problem though: the puzzle pieces. They're not hard to find but it often involves you stopping in your tracks to pound a flower or blow a dandelion. For a 2D platforming game with decent schmoovemnt, this feels contradictory. I don't remember if Tropical Freeze was like this too (probably) but then again, i don't care for the Puzzle Pieces that much. You can get to 100% without getting all of them.


11 hours ago, Venger_06 said:

Fuck Sony


6 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It is a sad fate that interesting mechanics with strong senses of realism, and flavor are abandoned for how they constrain the player. Its like with the loss of the older fatigue system, and AI controlled party before P3P.

I think with it being a time-management game and all, certain friction just kinda makes it counterintuitive. Yeah i suppose you could savescum but most people don't think to do that, especially if they don't see it coming.

I've also seen a big criticism of the winter break period in Persona 3, where you can't pursue any social links at all for two weeks. You plan ahead only for that time to be taken away from you. Yeah it could be "realistic" but reality is sometimes disappointing anyways.

5 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Unless they go back to their roots, Square is generally going downhill. Most fans want the older style FF games back, that's no secret. XD

We just got FF16 doing just that and it's controversial because it "doesn't feel like Final Fantasy".

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On 4/27/2024 at 9:00 PM, Acacia Sgt said:

They were certainly a pain the first time around... but by the final chapter it was more trivial for sure.

It's not too bad if you're prepared for it, but I wasn't (and I didn't understand the battle system as well as I do now) so it was very time consuming.

On 4/28/2024 at 6:05 AM, Capt. Fargus said:

I played Fusion maybe last year and there were parts of that I thought were kinda hair raising. One particular “oh shit” moment was when you’re goin up a elevator and suddenly it stops. The whats-his-name guy comes on and says “Samus, we have a problem. The main reactor has gone offline” 😳

Fusion is pretty underrated as a horror game (and it shows what it's like to be on the receiving end of endgame Samus); I was quite happy when Dread followed in its footsteps.

On 4/29/2024 at 11:15 AM, Venger_06 said:

You're wrong, the first one is 5, Persona is numbered in a descending order. That's why it's the measure everything is compared to

My bad, how could I forget that Persona 5 is the origin of all things and the most important creation in human history? Hence why there will never be a Persona 6.

39 minutes ago, Armagon said:

We just got FF16 doing just that and it's controversial because it "doesn't feel like Final Fantasy".

Really? I don't remember older style Final Fantasy being Devil May Cry... Although, Final Fantasy XVI ends with


going into a floating structure called Origin and killing an evil god voiced by Harry Lloyd with the power of friendship, so maybe it's more like a JRPG than I give it credit for.


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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

We just got FF16 doing just that and it's controversial because it "doesn't feel like Final Fantasy

? Its not even remotely the same as old style.

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I had to change the SSD on my PS4 yesterday, as for some reason it was slow as fuck. I don't know what went wrong, as I've done a lot of testing and I'm using it on my laptop at the moment with no problems.

On 5/1/2024 at 2:22 PM, Armagon said:

P4 discourse son or Three Houses discourse daughter? You cannot kill yourself.

Three Houses discourse daughter. At least 3H encourages you to think and debate.

8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It is a sad fate that interesting mechanics with strong senses of realism, and flavor are abandoned for how they constrain the player. Its like with the loss of the older fatigue system, and AI controlled party before P3P.

Ngl, I'm kinda missing the fatigue system. They buffed characters but there isn't much incentive to rotate party members

8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I never really felt P4 needed a remake after Golden, but I guess they want all the Personas to get the P5 aesthetic glow-up. They really knocked it out of the park with that look.

It doesn't, I just want to see what the new generation will cook up regarding P4 discourse🙃

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Only Therion no. 7 is left to find. Once that happens, it'll be time to the bad guys to inevitably pull off some great act of villainy that changes everything for the worse. Let's get that over with.

Speaking of getting over things, I didn't care to see one of my least favorite schticks used for the plot around Therion no. 6, I skipped a couple scenes there.😑 And...


...They're making it obvious enough that the utterly inept "traitor" situation with Eleanor earlier was a red herring. If Magilou is the real use of that overused Tales trope, well I won't mind killing her, she's definitely in dead last in playable character popularity with me. And this would explain why she has always been "just there" with little irreplaceable significance. Saving her real importance for what will probably be the last third of the game.

Whatever the case, I'm nearing the 40 hour marker. I haven't played anything else to change it up, and I don't intend to.😅 A meaty, story-heavy JRPG always give me either something that pulls me into wanting to continue the plot, or pushing me out of/over a bad moment therein. The idea of taking a break for something else, especially another story-heavy game, feels like it'd ruin the flow.

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2 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

? Its not even remotely the same as old style.

Moreso the vibes. Medieval Final Fantasy like how it started. Some people didn't like that.


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11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Moreso the vibes. Medieval Final Fantasy like how it started. Some people didn't like that.

I'm gonna guess they also wanted some old school gameplay, not just the setting?

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7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'm gonna guess they also wanted some old school gameplay, not just the setting?

This. They went way off normal FF style gameplay, which is what the fans loved.

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