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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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41 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I do wonder, in the case of Rune Factory and Haven, both games are explicit in their romance. Romance is one of Rune Factory's defining traits and in Haven, it is literally the point. When it comes to Fire Emblem, well, it's not as fleshed out even in the straight pairings the player can access (since the romance happens in a single conversation). Do you think that has anything to do with it on a personal level for you?


Well, at issue is that I haven't paid any attention to a single support in Fates or Three Houses.😅 Niles, Linhardt, Leon's one-sided affections for Valbar, and Jerry/Donovan (I have two nicknames for the Death Knight) all being included in this. I haven't gotten to Engage yet ofc. I get the sense it's for the better that I know nothing firsthand of Niles anyhow.

Romances from earlier in FE... Well, it's possible my views have changed, but I did write here somewhere on SF long ago about wanting romantic supports to establish a good "prelude to love". Which is say the CBA have to culminate in what seems like a feasible foundation that leads to romance offscreen later. To reference Blazing Blade...

  • HectorxFlorina does not establish a logical Prelude to Love whatsoever, and is therefore a bad pairing.
  • FarinaxHector is a little better, but not quite all the way there for me. It's missing something.
  • Serra, even if she isn't officially an option for Hector, actually reads like the best pick IMO.
  • LynxEliwood is the best of the lord pairings IMO.
    • This is helped by the fact that Lyn and Eliwood are different enough that it's interesting (unlike FioraxEliwood where the personalities are too similar, even if I concede that'd make them a good couple). And that neither partner simply melts into the other (NinianxEliwood's problem, even if there'd be instances of this IRL), LxE's support chain is a dialogue.
    • It doesn't matter Lynwood could make for a fine friendship and that would render it "unnecessary" as a romantic bond. Since people sometimes refer to their spouses as their "best friend". A good friendship can be the foundation of a good romance, even if it doesn't have to transform into one.

Now to jump ahead two-three games to the fabled IkexSoren ship. Prelude to love? Yes for Soren, but from Ike... "a riddle within a shadow, revealing nothing". Too enigmatic for my liking, and a one-sided romance is not a true relationship.

Now to back up and reexamine your inquisitive statement- explicitness. Well it definitely helps, since, you know, it's out there unmistakably in the open.😁 Queer coding isn't quite the same, and I shouldn't be stuck with it as my only option in the contemporary 1st world. And if checking Gematsu's first page of news today alone reveals three JRPGs with a predominantly female cast (doesn't matter if it isn't a dating-sim) b/c it explicitly or implicitly is appealing to the hetero-male gamer, then dammit I want one game out of the next hundred niche-JRPGs for me!

Playing Zestiria last year, Sorey and Mikleo were I believe stated by the devs to be the closest bond among the heroes in the game. The very last scene in the ending is the two of them reuniting after centuries/millennia. Yet, since this was a AAA JRPG from a big corporation not interested in doing anything "too "crazy"", SoreyxMikleo read more like best friends/brothers than lovers. Plenty of bait for the fujoshi crowd for whom that may be enough, yet it didn't do much for me, other than like the unexpected sauna skit image of the two together.

(It wouldn't take a lot to change Sorey and Mikleo into being gay for each other. They're both rather innocent-minded so I'd never put anything raunchily suggestive into their mouths, nor perhaps "I love you" even. A lengthy hug accompanied by words of deep wholesome intimacy would be enough to cross the line. And maybe some other subtle tweaks that I wouldn't know how to write.)

Sure I was already well aware of the Persona 2 instance, something greater than gay subtext in a JRPG, but I don't think I was seriously ever comparing the two games. I wasn't even aware Zestiria would make its greatest bond male-male when I started it. Yet, since both games do have strong male-male relationships, it might be able to serve as an example of what difference explicitness makes. Innocent Sin I will readily bring up as a positive antecedent in conversations of an s/s bond in RPGs, Zestiria, not so much.

Another case, Levi and Dino in Luminous Arc 3. Their ending CG is totally intimate.:


Good luck telling me they're only "friends" here.

But geez they buried Dino's gayness.😐 He has to hate Levi (the blonde guy) when they first meet (b/c of things Levi accidentally did that Dino learned about from his current mistress Ashley), and he has a very serious and somber personality. Which would be fine were this a gay harem SRPG (I wish such a thing existed) with diverse personality options -but it ain't, this is the only strongly implied s/s option (would've been nice if Glen were one, he got bro/"family"-zoned). It's only from reading an optional rumor from the librarian that the player might realize Dino's nonstop lamenting of his dead young male master might be love of the fallen, not just a knight regretting that he failed his liege. That aforementioned rumor also implies Dino thinks Levi is like his former master, but he sure doesn't express that.

I liked having this ultimately-romantic option as an alternative to one of the seven females, it's rare enough to have one, but, I would liked a bright moment of cheerful explicitness at some point (IIRC, they do get a little casual-cozy with each other by the end of their bonding events pre-final battle).

(Levi leaning on the jock side in both physique and demeanor, with a stronger personality than some pliable-even-if-not-an-avatar-MCs, was nice in this case. Dino was no effeminate twink either. Hunky guys can be into each other.)

...I spend what must be hours writing rather aimlessly. Sorry!😆

Did I answer your question? Or did I somehow miss it despite so many words? 😅

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Monolith Soft's new recruitment art dropped (there is no way to download it normally)


Very Xenoblade 3-centric art with a few guest appearances from the other games.

Elma spotted with Brighid and Sharla. Also the Xenoblade 1 gem crafting guy is there at the top with Riku.

Thank you for posting this!😀 Though most it lacks a strong connection for me, I can ponder what the three gals are doing together up there.


Just now, Benice said:


Victory music time?


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I think i need to go back to playing western games, to cleanse my palate. After playing Astlibra, Fire Emblem, then Berwick, i think i've got my fair share of Japans game where they fill my craving of Story-Gameplay-Music trinity.

also seeing acacia keep making fanfic, now im reminded that i've got an idea of fanfic for FE6 long time ago..  maybe i need to start writing too.

56 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Honestly, it was so easy to tell how much they wanted to jump on the gacha money train, despite it being so antithetical to Fire Emblem at it's very core. Not to mention morally bankrupt.

they saved the franchise, but at what cost... 

57 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

That they relied on pure RNG to create anything resembling challenge.

pure RNG can be a challenge IF the game has rogue-like element. but this is SRPG genre, so i agree that RNG should not be in everything and rely on it to make game engaging.

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I just want to ramble about it, so here it goes.

Spoilers up to Chapter 10, I suppose.


It seems I had forgotten just when Sombron had actually been freed from his seal. I had ended up thinking that's what the ritual at Destinea Cathedral was for. But no, turns out he was already free... somehow, and the ritual was so he could recover his energy. Or some of it at least. But Morion wasn't enough, so that's why he also went for Hyacinth. I guess it felt odd that the first sacrifice hadn't been enough or that he ended up craving for more and the second serving of sovereign blood happened to be right there.

I suppose it wasn't helped when I was looking up for pieces of the script to help me. One of Ivy's exploration quotes is such:

"How different things would have turned out if I had been warned about the Fell Dragon sooner."

So it was like, warned about what? His liberation? The ritual? It's never specified, so my mind kinda defaulted to "break him out of the seal". I understand if she still remained by her family's side since, well, family. Which I guess is why it did took Hyacinth leaving her for death to be the final straw.

Ah well. As I said, I got to look up again those kind of details carefully...


5 minutes ago, joevar said:

also seeing acacia keep making fanfic, now im reminded that i've got an idea of fanfic for FE6 long time ago..  maybe i need to start writing too.

Oh, interesting. I also have a couple ideas of my own regarding Binding Blade fanfics. Even got a few in the works already.

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8 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

You'll get your comeuppance when I play Berwick

You cannot win. I am doing far more terrible things to Berwick and its characters in my current run than you could ever dream of.

8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


If they don't stop putting in stuff that turns the story on it's head every time damn time, i'd rather they not even try and put all focus on the gameplay.

They proved more than once that when they put focus on gameplay they can make it S-tier, but they can never put a story above B-tier no matter how much they try (and that includes the Kaga games as well, for that matter). They should focus on their strengths (gameplay, sometimes characters), instead of trying to fix their weakness and while doing that bringing down their strength.

Themes, ideals, whatever, FE can't get it right and betrays them for shitty cult/fantasy bs. Just keep the story an afterthought.

....Atleast FE didn't make me spend 10 games before fantasy bs, or a 100+ hour game only to pull a "plot twist" that the sequel does much better anyway 😛

I mean... Yeah, but is it really so difficult to hire a decent writer and not butcher half of their script? I very much would rather they focused on gameplay, but at the same time, it really isn't that hard. Especially for a studio with the big N's backing and a series that has grown enough to spearhead directs. You'd think at this point they could do better.

7 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I agree, I was very sad when the Hierarch died. How could IS kill off a character with such potential?


Ahh, good ol' Hierarch. To this day, perhaps Fire Emblem's most fascinating character to me. I simply cannot, for the life of me, begin to fathom what the thought process behind his creation was. Why did that chapter's random-ass throwaway boss require a whole 'nother character to justify his existence? None of the other throwaways did! Why is the Hierarch?!

...Of course, I could ask the same question about Phila, who compared to the Hierarch seems like she has a bigger role, but... Really doesn't, when you think about it. She has more screentime, but she has the same impact as the Hierarch, which is to say, none.

7 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Most of Engage is bland but inoffensive at worst, though I wouldn't mind if IS found something of a compromise between it and 3H. Mostly in the worldbuilding department, since I like reading entire in-universe history books.

That'd be a nice start.

6 hours ago, Sooks said:

I will give Temenos one thing: the theme of his starting town in the day is awesome.

It’s hard to say if I liked his chapter 1 or not… mainly because nothing really happened. We get introduced to this sassy and curious cleric who’s a little bit “lax” in his religious duties, he meets a knight of the church, they go to the cathedral where they both had their reasons for being there, and egads! A mysterious tragedy happens! Then he decides to go on a journey to solve it and the end. It’s basically like Agnea’s first chapter, but more serious and more intriguing, so meh. Only one character left now.

Yeah, pretty much. I liked it more than Agnea, Hikari and Partitio just because Temenos is hilarious, but this is a story that will get better as it progresses.

6 hours ago, Sooks said:

Well look at you, getting to chapter 2s already.

And if anything it's too late already lol, I am so overleveled.

6 hours ago, Sooks said:

As much as I’d love to hop into Castti 2 right after I get Osvald… half my team is above their recommended levels, and Castti isn’t at her recommended level, so I’m not sure what I’m gonna do. But probably not her story first.

Do Osvald 2.

4 hours ago, joevar said:

i agree with this, honestly i feel a lil bit sad about it. thats why i dont have any satisfaction seeing his death, because in another world this kind of character still can be redeemed if survived. Because i will say it again: theres a lot more fools that refuse to accept they have been acting foolish all this time even in death.

You said it best.

4 hours ago, joevar said:

OR they can do it like modern isometric CRPG in the PC gaming territory.. top down camera, lots of character on screen but with detailed enough model you dont cringe when looking at it. and its perfectly movable model with their animations, not just brick lego because the same 3D models are used for combat.

Yeah, that would work nicely. It's kinda what they did with PoR and RD. Only problem with them is that they were early 3D and thus have aged more ungracefully than they could have.

4 hours ago, joevar said:

man.. if only FE is not targeted for switch.. even Lost Eidolon, an indie game with smol budget have cutscenes that done better with its models trying to act like human despite being very stiff, instead of just standing like statue all the time striking same pose everytime while talking.

You played Lost Eidolons? I had it in my sights but never got around to it. How was it? Did they find the Eidolons?

4 hours ago, joevar said:


Preach lol

3 hours ago, joevar said:

fun fact: i dont see kaga's name in credit in the first few lines of credits. 


heck, i dont even find it at all. either the translation team remove his name, or his involvement were obscured somewhat. 

rather than kaga's writing, its the direction of narrative that i really praise. i doubt he's more involved in the story more than the gameplay.

Oh yeah hahaha, this. I believe I told you before that Berwick is so different because Kaga was trying to avoid more lawsuits after the long legal battles he fought over TearRing? Well, it is speculated that this is the reason his name was ommited from the credits. He very much was involved, it is well known, he just decided not to credit himself just in case they came after him again lol

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

This is my new favorite way I've been described.

I aim to please, Emperor.

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I will gladly take more game suggestions.

Well, consider that one another for the pile. Especially considering how much you enjoyed Tellius's racism (there's gotta be a better way to phrase that). You'd probably love the whole shenanigans with the Roselle in TS. In fact, I could tell you now exactly what ending you would get, were you to play the game.

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Remember this old mystery we're talking about where he didn't get much character.

When I play New Mystery I'm sure my thoughts will change.

I read "mystery" and my brain filled the blanks lol

Yeah old mystery does not have characters.

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Ah Xenoblade my beloved.

After Fire Emblem I'll have to play that game.


Still really interested in your thoughts on the matter.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Another case, Levi and Dino in Luminous Arc 3. Their ending CG is totally intimate.:


Good luck telling me they're only "friends" here.

Of course, friends.







With benefits.

1 hour ago, joevar said:

I think i need to go back to playing western games, to cleanse my palate. After playing Astlibra, Fire Emblem, then Berwick, i think i've got my fair share of Japans game where they fill my craving of Story-Gameplay-Music trinity.

Play B. Saga.

That's Banner Saga. Great story in a norse mythology setting that isn't afraid to get bleak, fun gameplays, tons of decision-making that matters and a beautiful artstyle.

1 hour ago, joevar said:

they saved the franchise, but at what cost... 


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13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

mean... Yeah, but is it really so difficult to hire a decent writer and not butcher half of their script? I


And not only is writing hard, combining it with a game is even harder.

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Good luck telling me they're only "friends" here.

There are clearly roommates, who moved together because they never married and wanted to save money, and who will eventually be buried next to each other with the gravestone using the term "beloved" to describe their relationship (which, in the cultural context of the time, means that they were very good friends).

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I just couldn't help myself, this is a little TeeHee Nuzlocke that is likely to end quickly, as technically this is attempt three (the first two both died extra early in Viridian Forest...) of





Look, its me for this run. First run I actually named them Eldigan, but figured EKadath was a better match for my username. Shame it was one letter short for Eltosioan


Alas the thread itself shall be my Rival for this run (also, its just funny the idea of being a rival since we were a baby)


Probably a legend of catastrophic failure (I mean it is a Kaizo game)...I mean I fail twice already, so it can't get much worse.


One change you might notice immediately is that you can not reach Cinnibar from Pallet town, you will have to suffer through the miserable maze the designer created for seafoam island instead...


Unsafe indeed, a lot of routes have the maximum encounter rate, so first step into the grass (actual grass, even in the original those grass tiles aren't real, and just there for the Oak event) will trigger an encounter, and then 3 steps into the grass after that will trigger another (as there is an intentional grace period of 3 for encounter steps...it might vary by location, I can't quite remember)


The thread is so needy 😛


There is a solid argument to be made for Squirtle as well in this hack, but I like the little bulby boy


@Saint Rubenio shall be this little starter, his vocal suffering for the minimum rank Berwick Saga makes me think he will be the perfect mascot for the kind of suffering you see nuzlokeing a Kaizo game.


Well that is a funny looking Charmander. Yes Tee Hee will keep haunting me with this Mew all game long.


On big reason I like Bulbasaur for this run is starting with Toxic, that way if Tee Hee


Spams TWO FUCKING SUPER POTIONS (on this run at least, I don't know if he had anymore and just didn't use them), and tries to stall me with Thunder wave paralysis, I can still get that Legendary into the ground. Also fun fact, it is level 3 just to taunt you by keeping you from leveling up on the battle.


...You have a Mew you...you... I want to slap him so much in this run


No Smell you la- oh he already left...got to think of those comebacks sooner

Well one nice thing the hackmaker did was give you a path to avoid all the grass getting to Viridian City, althou


St. Rubenio gets his first levelup when I touch the first bit of grass


Going to grab this free potion samples they are giving away to advertise the Viridian City shop


And the place turn send me on an errand before I buy any Pokeballs or potions.


Also of note, the Viridian City Gym now requires surf and cut (and who know what other HMs) required to enter.


Fun fact, in the Japanese version the old man is blocking the road because he hung over instead...please save your Wraith jokes for later, I haven't named a 'mon after them yet.


Another STAB move on St. Rubenio here, weaker than his other move, but that heals them based on damage


Deliver done, and we got a Pokedex to boot, but really this is just another opportunity for


Tee Hee to bully me 😞


You might notice a change in the price of Pokeballs in this hack, which I will take full advantage of. They also kept the joke I was setting up


That the promoter guy is giving away their entire stock of potions as samples 😛

Alright, now that I have pokeballs the Nuzlocke has really begun, but I will be doing something a little funky for now, and will skip my Route 1 and Route 22 encounters until after I reach Pewter, as they sell repels in Pewter in this hack, and I can use those to advantageously manipulate my encounter...if I can keep one of my other encounters a low enough level for it. I can grab my route 2 encounter at least


Fun fact, first run got swept by my Viridian Forest encounter being a Ponyta that swept the team before staying in its ball


This one was a real sweetheart instead, but who to name it after...


In part this was inspired by @Benice's new Sylveon profile pic, as both it and Vulpix are cute little pokes.


A bit of a random move for a Bulba, but I will take it.


Welcome to the Viridian forest torture maze...at least the encounter rate is more reasonable here, speaking of which, my encounter


How fitting to run into a bug type in Viri-


...Its fine I am much higher level, but it busting out a solid super effective move like that did spook me


I have no idea what to expect of @Sooks, but it is bound to be interesting. That being said, it is time for Benice to really shine by burning down the bug catchers in this forest.


You have a sick sense of humor hackmaker.


Fun fact, a vast majority of trainers are now mandatory, including this guy right here


You got to respect the hackmaker committing to the bit.


The next bug catcher is a little tougher, as


The next one had a Venonat hold on, letting it use stun spore on him, and thanks to paralysis hax


We get into a bit of a bind...Paras isn't that fast, so I risk the chance of the crit death here, and...


Phew...we made it out of that battle with 1 HP left. Fun fact, this is where the second run ended, but more because I ran out of PP on one of my Pokemon, so this is now official the furthest attempt...after running my way back to the Pokecenter


So far they have kept most of the hidden item locations intact (like the potion this trainer lost being a hidden item in front of him), although I wasn't able to figure out which tree was hiding the antidote in this maze.


I will probably reach a point where I start skipping the less important trainer battles, but they all feel either funny enough, or dangerous enough to mention


huh, I wasn't expecting Vulpix to learn that move...


...Now that is a very interesting item to get this early. Makes me feel a little silly for how much effort I am taking to avoid the Nidorans on a certain route, but oh well.


Again some utility items were made much cheaper, and with some repels in hand, and with Sooks still at exactly level 5, I can


Ensure my Route 1 encounter is the 1% Pikachu encounter.


I just think @Lightcosmo makes a good name for an electric type like Pikachu here.

I can do something similar in Route 22, but it is more of a ling sho-


...That was exactly what I was hoping for. On Route 22 in this hack, the most likely things to run into are lv 4 Nidorans (both male and female), with Cubone (which I would gladly take), a 1% Ditto (which would suck so much), and the starters at lv 5, and of the starters Squirtle is the most useful to get before Brock


And with an excellent water type like this, @Shrimpy -Limited Edition- makes the most sense.

After this I grind my lagging team members to at least level 10


And get some silly physical normal moves on these special attackers while I am at it, but after that


It is time to have a cage match with one of the rare optional fights in this hack, with the rival


Rub it in punk, 'cause neither do you, and I am going grind you into the dirt anyway


As he first taunts me with his fancy Eevee, which isn't scary yet, but thanks to a Super Potion, Shrimpy has to finish it off, and gets another move from the kill


But I need St. Rubenio to finish things off with Toxic, as not only will this butthead


Paralze stall you, but he will also spam Super Potions and Softboil


Fuck you, I came in here with a plan so I wouldn't need much luck at all.


...I guess he is kinda right here, this is just an optional battle, but I did need to grind up for Brock.


Speaking of which, letting the guard here lead us up cliffs is the only way to actually reach Brock's Gym (and yes, that cave there is his Gym) in this hack. I am not ready for I'm yet, but I can


Grind against the light years trainers. Now I will be using  levelcaps here, but I am taking the advice of a more experienced Nuzlocker here, and having Brocks level cap be 16 instead of 15, as it not only


The level at which a lot of Pokemon get more functional moves, but also where


Your starter(s) can evolve. Although thanks to getting Shrimpy, I can get away with delaying St. Rubenio's evolution for now, so that I can instead get Razor Leaf before Misty's level cap. Now this all might seem like overkill, but Brock starts with...well I think I will delay that reveal for a minute here, as I think its time to show off the crew before their big battle with Brock


A great little starter to have, although Toxic will loose its potency as the game goes on, and bosses start being able to spawn Full Heals. If I hadn't gotten Shrimpy (or perhaps a different counter to many of Brock's Pokemon) I would be using him to crush Brock, but now I can prepare better for Misty instead.


Benice is a solid special attacker, and has been excellent against the random trainers so far, even if it will be a while before he really shines against one of the Gym leaders.


While Sooks has arguably the worst stats on the team, that Psychic coverage may come in handy against the basic trainers (and with most of them being mandatory, that is a major up side), and status moves aren't to be dismissed either.


I took a lot of effort to get this little fellow, not only as a good pokemon against Misty, but he is a surprisingly good backup against the team Brock has in this, especially against the two Pokemon that I most anticipate being trouble (Although St. Rubenio would be best against the first potential disaster point).


Finally we have the Pokemon that I anticipate crushing through Brock, but there are definitely places this can go wrong, as only one of his Pokemon are double weak to water/grass in this hack, and he has a team of four, speaking of which


Its time to show him what we got, and also meet the reason the level cap is 16 instead of 15 like Brocks Pokemon


...Yeah that is a fully evolved Golem, whose moveset includes Earthquake, Rockslide and Explosion. If the level cap were only level 15, its forces you to constantly reset for max speed IVs Bulbasaurs, and then you have to hope you win the speed tie, otherwise this thing sweeps your team. Unfortunately with a level cap of 16, it instantly dies to Shrimpy, so there is simply no middle ground with this guy. Next in is a Kabuto that also gets out speed and killed, but


The Omanyte out third has enough Special to take a hit from Shrimpy, but its Blizzard doesn't get the freeze, so we are fine. If I had gone with an evolved St. Rubenio, he would have managed the kill here, but


His Aerodactyl would have been a much greater hurtle to him. Also of note, Fly is a one turn move in this game, but more importantly


Shrimpy misses the kill here, and I am in a rather uncomfortable position, as a crit will kill Shrimpy here, and Aerodactlyl is fast enough to have an uncomfortably good crit rate...Unfortunately I think I have to risk it, as my next best option (Lightcosmo) will also die to a crit on the switch, followed by another attack.


...Oof. Perhaps I should have sacrificed Sooks instead.


Well Lightcosmo can live the resisted hit from this beast (even if it crit), and then finish it off


For the badge


But not without heartbreaking sacrifice. I will probably end up naming a different water type after you latter in the run, but for now, RIP Shrimpy the Wartortle.



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8 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

In part this was inspired by @Benice's new Sylveon profile pic, as both it and Vulpix are cute little pokes.

Eyo, I love Ninetails!

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, that would work nicely. It's kinda what they did with PoR and RD. Only problem with them is that they were early 3D and thus have aged more ungracefully than they could have.

they should do it again then except maybe the switch cant handle it. imagine Engage 3D but the cutscnes happen in the map. im sure the switch can handle it. i mean, the gameplaya already shows that they could stuff so many model in one map with Tempest trial.

you see, going 3D is not the problem imo. the fixation that everything must be a close up cutscenes just because it is a "modern" game under notable publisher. They are not Witcher 3 damn it. also they dont want to design map/place just for cutscenes, and somehow afraid to use the available 3D map

tldr; they just half-assed it. and/or simply incompetent at using modern tech to the fullest despite having money to burn.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's Banner Saga. Great story in a norse mythology setting that isn't afraid to get bleak, fun gameplays, tons of decision-making that matters and a beautiful artstyle.

not a fan of norse-viking unfortuantely. not in this game, not in Assasins creed, not in Marvel Thor, not in Vinland Saga anime, none. Never interested in it.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


exactly. Pinpoint/oddly-specific fetish , anime trope, that gets shoved in our faces in every corner.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You played Lost Eidolons? I had it in my sights but never got around to it. How was it? Did they find the Eidolons?

waiting for next sale. so far i've seen that the more important cutscenes plays out like Dragon age game, basically like Western 3D RPG. despite openly inspired by FE:3H. 


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Preach lol

go play isometric CRPG, either Pathfinder series or Pillar of Eternity, thats my suggestion. or play Astlibra if you have gamepad.


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3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, interesting. I also have a couple ideas of my own regarding Binding Blade fanfics. Even got a few in the works already.

i think i remember you post a specific thread to post that kind of fanfic, mind putting the link again? too lazy to browse the forum

Edited by joevar
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2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


And with an excellent water type like this, @Shrimpy -Limited Edition- makes the most sense.

Joooooooooo my fav. turtle ❤️

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Shrimpy misses the kill here, and I am in a rather uncomfortable position, as a crit will kill Shrimpy here, and Aerodactlyl is fast enough to have an uncomfortably good crit rate...Unfortunately I think I have to risk it, as my next best option (Lightcosmo) will also die to a crit on the switch, followed by another attack.


...Oof. Perhaps I should have sacrificed Sooks instead.

Rip didn't live long enough  xD

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dang it IS... give me Milf Queen Eve, Morion, and Fogado's Mom as playable unit


Fire Emblem devs backpedalling on something good like usual. smh

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3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


And not only is writing hard, combining it with a game is even harder.

I suppose, but I dunno, I really think IntSys could do at least a little better. They aren't a small indie studio.

3 hours ago, ping said:

There are clearly roommates, who moved together because they never married and wanted to save money, and who will eventually be buried next to each other with the gravestone using the term "beloved" to describe their relationship (which, in the cultural context of the time, means that they were very good friends).

They each wore identical rings on their fingers, bearing two names that coincide with those on the tombs. It is speculated that this may have been a token of fellowship in this ancient culture. A crest is engraved on both of the rings, between the names. Below is an aproximate likeness of the crest:


The meaning of this symbol is unclear, though it is likely to be the crest of a noble house or lineage these two men served in life.

Many mysteries surround the discovery of these remains, but one fact is clear: a strong friendship tied these men together.

3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


@Saint Rubenio shall be this little starter, his vocal suffering for the minimum rank Berwick Saga makes me think he will be the perfect mascot for the kind of suffering you see nuzlokeing a Kaizo game

Woo! May I live long, or die amusingly.

3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Although St. Rubenio would be best

Yes, I agree.

3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


But not without heartbreaking sacrifice

Alas. No more anime.

2 hours ago, joevar said:

not a fan of norse-viking unfortuantely. not in this game, not in Assasins creed, not in Marvel Thor, not in Vinland Saga anime, none. Never interested in it.


I still recommend it.

2 hours ago, joevar said:

waiting for next sale. so far i've seen that the more important cutscenes plays out like Dragon age game, basically like Western 3D RPG. despite openly inspired by FE:3H. 

That's the vibe I got too. Though it looks a lot more polished than Houses, at least.

2 hours ago, joevar said:

go play isometric CRPG, either Pathfinder series or Pillar of Eternity, thats my suggestion.

I will consider them.

2 hours ago, joevar said:

or play Astlibra if you have gamepad.

I have played tons of games that claimed to "require" gamepad on keyboard and mouse and had a fine time. If worse comes to worst, though, I have my Luigipro.

27 minutes ago, joevar said:

dang it IS... give me Milf Queen Eve, Morion, and Fogado's Mom as playable unit


Fire Emblem devs backpedalling on something good like usual. smh

I've been saying it since release day. Worst failure of the game. Give me Best Queen, you dastards.

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I have played tons of games that claimed to "require" gamepad on keyboard and mouse and had a fine time. If worse comes to worst, though, I have my Luigipro.

its not required,, its just a platformer game where people usually use gamepad to play for ease of button and reflex.

i mean, i did play Devil May Cry on laptop using only keyboard & trackpad in my high school class.. and what do i get for reaction from my classmate?!

its like they are seeing a monster

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I've been saying it since release day. Worst failure of the game. Give me Best Queen, you dastards.

imagine Alear wooing one of the Queen, what kind of reaction their kids would.... wait, this is FIRE EMBLEM, you wont get any reaction at all from someone else from your support and romance, since every side dialogue happen in vacuum... smh

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, that would work nicely. It's kinda what they did with PoR and RD. Only problem with them is that they were early 3D and thus have aged more ungracefully than they could have.

RD does have the best skill animations though, and not just their generic attack anims, they made actully good unique ones. 

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7 hours ago, Benice said:



5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, pretty much. I liked it more than Agnea, Hikari and Partitio just because Temenos is hilarious, but this is a story that will get better as it progresses.

Honestly I kinda preferred Partitio’s quest against capitalism, just because it’s so fun. If I were to choose a team like you, it’d probably be Castti, Throné, Partitio, and Osvald, but I wanna remind myself on Osvald’s story first.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And if anything it's too late already lol, I am so overleveled.

Oh, so it’s not just me.

 I’m glad they tried to fix the EXP in this game, but they only needed to lower the recommended level for chapters or increase exp gains, not both.

 I’m starting to wonder if doing the routes out of order will change the recommended level of the ones you haven’t done, if they were lower. It really should, and it would be physically painful if they didn’t… but Ochette has a chapter 2 with a recommended level of 37. That’s bizarrely high.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Do Osvald 2.

I did in the demo, remember?

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


I have no idea what to expect of @Sooks, but it is bound to be interesting. That being said, it is time for Benice to really shine by burning down the bug catchers in this forest.


Venomoth elite 4 sweep

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

...Oof. Perhaps I should have sacrificed Sooks instead.


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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yeah but that's the case for practically all of Kaga's games.

Since i've played FE4, 5 TRS, and Berwick i can say for certain they don't require literally constant resets to actually play the game though. Far from it, knowledge is power, but in Lunatic +'s specific case, knowledge really doesn't matter since you can't tell what skills reinforcement units will come equipped with so it will just be more RNG gameovers headed your way.

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And ofc RD Hard Mode is trash as well, the inability to see enemy range is dumb, and the WT removal is kinda questionable and just further overpowers Axe users. The positive to it is that Micaiah benefits since she fights all Anima mages. XD

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Hell, in the chapter "One Survives", Micaiah was dead in one shot from an Archer (along with being follow up striked) everytime she was attacked. 

This made me dislike Hard Mode right then. XD

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5 hours ago, joevar said:

i think i remember you post a specific thread to post that kind of fanfic, mind putting the link again? too lazy to browse the forum

Did I? Can't say I remember...

3 hours ago, joevar said:

dang it IS... give me Milf Queen Eve, Morion, and Fogado's Mom as playable unit


Fire Emblem devs backpedalling on something good like usual. smh

I mean, maybe, just maybe, it's because...


Of the Fell Xenololgues.


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10 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Considering the previous avatars censoring of gay relationships, yes.

I meeeeeeeaaaaaann


Between Engage DLC and this, Chrobin fans are constantly eating. Had it not been for Lucina, they'd be eating more than Ike/Soren fans.

10 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Ah Xenoblade my beloved.

After Fire Emblem I'll have to play that game.



9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Good luck telling me they're only "friends" here.

I'm sure Japan will find a way.

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Did I answer your question?

Yep. Thank you for typing all that out.

9 hours ago, joevar said:

I think i need to go back to playing western games, to cleanse my palate.

You should play CrossCode.


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26 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Between Engage DLC and this, Chrobin fans are constantly eating. Had it not been for Lucina, they'd be eating more than Ike/Soren fans.

You know, I just got reminded of this fanfic idea I had... well, it's more like, a possible story bit for a fanfic I'm already writing, and... let's say it kinda veers into a weird direction not quite unrelated to the above topic.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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