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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

No, it's just a weirdly personal insult from the game itself. Why does it have to pick on the old man?🤨

Japan's reputation for gerontophobia is legendary.

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Maybe you should try to be. They really went and made her best girl in this version. Or maybe she always was and I just don't remember. The expressions definitely help.

11 hours ago, Armagon said:

A McDonald's ad of all things will singlehandedly save the developed world's declining birthrates. Shinzo Abe may be dead but his spirit lives on.

"Afraid of the costs of raising a child, prospective parents? Never fear! You can feed your children a healthy, nutritious, varied diet of McDonalds junk food, which will see them grow up big and. Do it the right way - the American way!"

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26 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:



Her legs are doing the thing that Engage's sage outfit does. They stay on even though they're detached from the rest of her body, like the Engage sage's pant leg. Maybe she's the one who designed the outfit.

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Ah, they released the overview trailer for Wonder. Mostly stuff we know. I think the only new tidbit is that there are certain areas on the world map with free movement where you can tackle courses in any order. And the narrator says "moolah" at one point.

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:



Visual reminder Miku is virtual here. Well, not like ghosts are material beings either.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe you should try to be. They really went and made her best girl in this version. Or maybe she always was and I just don't remember. The expressions definitely help.

Some of the script certainly seems retranslated, or perhaps expanded without the GBA text box limitations.

Though, it certainly would also be no doubt owed in part at least to the new expressiveness, freed from tiny still portraits. Not everyone faired equally well I'd say, but Lash has emerged one of the greatest benefactors. WayForward did well with her.

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6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Some of the script certainly seems retranslated, or perhaps expanded without the GBA text box limitations.

Though, it certainly would also be no doubt owed in part at least to the new expressiveness, freed from tiny still portraits. Not everyone faired equally well I'd say, but Lash has emerged one of the greatest benefactors. WayForward did well with her.

All of her new faces are great, certainly. Adder too.

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Finished TotK's prologue.

I like how much more interactive the game is already tbh. Still alot of walking, but not just walking

2 Guesses:

1. Some Time fuckery is going on

2. The Dragon is Zelda

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I am actually interested TotK's lore more than any FE lol

But how can you say such a thing about such riveting lore as... dragons died, sometime, but then came back to fight a blue-haired teen?

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Payday 3 has come out. This is of no importance to anyone but me, because I'm the only person here who even likes first person shooters on occasion.

I bring it up because they decided to be real modern gaming and make the game always offline. This led to the predictable result: Servers dying in the first 24 hours and the game getting the mostly negative treatment at 10k Steam reviews. I have to give it to Nintendo, at least their games aren't always online. At least until they realize the concept exists, but that shouldn't happen for another 10 years, going by Nintendo Time.

...Also the official discord is an actual warzone right now. Bootlickers dropping paragraphs in a desperate attempt to convince the angry mob that they're the ones who are wrong for refunding the 90$ game that doesn't work and that a few servers issues aren't such a big deal in an always online game that you cannot play if the servers are down.

Such a shame. Oh well. Might play some Payday 2 one of these days, for old time's sake.

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Also is Rauru dimitri? HMmm

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

make the game always offline.


you probably mean always online right

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

'm the only person here who even likes first person shooters on occasion.

*raises hand*

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


the worst

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5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


you probably mean always online right

Yes, I may have made a typographical erorr.

7 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

*raises hand*


7 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

the worst

Some are even like "no wait it's fine, the 90$ edition works!" which is not only false as far as I can see, it'd also be utterly deplorable if it were true and not exactly helping their case.

...Well, I'll hope for an ultra Payday 2 DLC sale as mean of apology. I'd like to get the DLC I haven't got yet while giving this company peanuts, if at all possible.

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The Morning's Re-Booting...



Blue Moon secured is now a waning crescent, and the location of the Black Hole Factory has been revealed in the northeast. Yet, Blue Moon shall not turn towards the enemy base of national operations with conflict in the country's west still unresolved.

Time for a stroll through the trees.


Olaf's response seems overstated.


"I'll muddle through one way or the other." -Spoken like an FE player.


Absolutely nothin' AHUH!

...Really dated song joke.


...And it's no longer a prototype, so they'll shoot every single turn.


Seems like Lash kinda likes fighting Grit? She is less loathing of it than Colin for sure, not enjoying quite as much as Olaf though.


Grit explained it. This is sorta the opposite of A Mirror Darkly, YOU have the big army marching through the darkness, trying to step on the HQ with anyone. Lash actually has next to no Arties and Rockets in hiding, but those three Black Cannons are REALLY annoying here. 


Since GBA AW2 had the enemy cheat and see everything except land units in forests and naval in reefs, the Black Cannons would shoot the most valuable unit within range for a nonfatal -5HP at the start of each enemy phase as long as it wasn't in woods. Unfortunately, despite the enemy having to abide by the rules of FoW in Re-Boot Camp now, the Black Cannons can still hit you as long as you aren't in Woods. Although even if you end your turn in woods with an adjacent enemy seeing you, the Black Cannon still can't hit that unit. The three Black Cannons leave few holes in their coverage, you have to spend most of this short map leapfrogging from woods to woods (and this map has a massive amount of forests). And by the time you can get in range to destroy a Black Cannon, you no longer need to b/c it means you've in all likelihood moved clear of its range.


Yes, Lash has foot soldiers here, but they'd rather take those Blue cities than rush to your HQ, they keep you from proceeding really slowly, but I didn't find them an issue moving as I did.


Snippets of the tree leapfrogging.

I did lose two Tanks and almost a third of the four, which makes sense since they were vanguard units. But otherwise the forest crawl was pretty bloodless for me.


One Movement too short.

While I could've finished the map on the next turn, I wanted to see if Lash would react to having all the Black Cannons destroyed -she sadly doesn't- which meant the battle ended on Day 11. Still got the full 100 Speed score.


This was an easy map, more sneaking along than fighting, just a little annoying b/c the Cannons.



As Blue marched through trees, Gold Comet marched to free the country's center. It's only natural to continue this way instead of going straight for the Factory.


Flak is the musclehead is the voice of humanity here.😐


Valter ❤️ 🐍's thinking. Savor the hunt!

"'em" in this case being infantry, I left that screenshot un-uploaded.


This reads like something a Fire Emblem lord (or like, Quan) would do, replace Adder with maybe bandits or one of Cult-kun's inhuman goons (or Valter, or maybe Narcian). Well, Kanbei does have the stylings of a samurai, that's feudal, that makes sense. 


This mission is a rush to save the ten cities in the northeast. Some WILL fall, but as long as just one remains free, you won't lose. As a pre-deployed map, Great Lord Kanbei is goooood here, all the raw strength, none of the unit cost worries. 2 Paladins and 3 Great Knights is awesome, and Adder's army in the eastern corner is no bigger.

Ten cities also reminds me of how it takes ten hits to completely lose out on a village in Genealogy.


Another Lash invention, -5HP to everything within their narrow but long range, yet they only fire every other turn here in their introduction battle, just like the Black Cannon did in its. I use a Rocket and an Arty+Mid to dispatch these in time.

I didn't realize the laser cannons don't fire on Day 1, so I didn't move quite as far as I could've.


Adder lets his units get lasered?🤨


Kanbei's sheer might is glorious indeed.


The villains shall descend upon the innocent on this Day.

Now I forgot to screenshot one thing and I forgot to screenshot another. But on Day 6, I could've baited the Mid and two light Tanks on the other side of the bridge. I chose not to. Instead, on Day 7, I placed a Rocket on the city near the bridge, an Arty north of it, and a Mid on the bridge. The second of my three Mids and the two light Tanks were right behind it, the laser down there was destroyed as well.

I knew I needed to hurry to the cities, but I tend to be cautious when it comes to taking casualties, even with Kanbei's bulky tanks.


Day 8 enemy phase as Adder is about to pop Sidewinder. Barely matters in these circumstances.


Nooooo more wiggle room here, if I do nothing, I lose.

And ha! With only an injured Mid-Tank available to attack, the full-health Adder Tank pulled back. It ain't gonna try fighting a Kanbei Mid, even injured. I feel like that wouldn't be the case had it been somebody else in charge of 'Comet.


Destroying that 7HP Mid-Tank was just enough...


You know, I was hoping for Kanbei to draw a katana, but between this and Grit doing this 👈 instead of flashing a real revolver, makes me think WayForward had anti-weaponry policy here.


People of Gold Comet, you have not been forgotten! The very last city is saved just in time!

Annoyingly, Adder's laggard indirects stay on the other side of the bridge


but accidental Infantry placement baits them out?


This map drags on b/c Adder sends me on a meaningless chase to smash his APC. Except when it became cornered and threw itself at me instead.


...And thanks to that, I failed to get a perfect Speed score.😑 How befitting that petty man.


Indeed. Retreating to your evil lair always works well out for the villains.

Flak, or to speak Japan, Kong, or to speak European, Helmut, isn't so blindly aggressively barbaric after all. Not intelligent, but he can see reality for what it is and back down.

...Actually, Lash is "Cat" in Japan, Adder is "Snake" in Japan, Flak is Funky Kong, and Hawke is Hawke. Why all the animal names for the new villains?


What would've happened? EPTRM. Exploitation, Pillage, Torture, Rape, Murder. Isn't that the case of any inhumane military invasion/occupation? I think those five words cover everything bad that's possible?


Now where's the Warp staff I was expecting from saving this out-of-the-way hamlet?

-Joking aside, this is a quaint-ish scene I'd say on the whole. And I like this mission from a gameplay perspective.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, I may have made a typographical erorr.

I liked it.😉

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is of no importance to anyone but me, because I'm the only person here who even likes first person shooters on occasion.

I played Goldeneye and like the one GameCube James Bond game as a child. But I never truly got into the genre. Metroid Prime last year was as much I've gone into it in a loooooooooong time.

I think I don't the fact that something could attack you from behind and you wouldn't see it coming.

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On 9/21/2023 at 11:22 AM, Armagon said:

Trails through Daybreak is not a bad title actually. I'll give credit where credit is due.

Some new player: "Trails through Daybreak looks cool, can I start with it?"

Trails players:


I'm glad they keep using different prepositions for each title. But it's a shame it didn't complete the Dawn trilogy with Final Fantasy XIV and Tales of Arise.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

because I'm the only person here who even likes first person shooters on occasion.

It's true that I'm disinterested in most FPSs, but I would still be playing TF2 if I could (though got into that because of GMod videos). Should I get a Steam Deck...? I also played Doom because I felt like it one day, it was good.


Edited by Lightchao42
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38 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Olaf's response seems overstated

With a beard like that, measure is a foreign concept.

38 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Flak is the musclehead is the voice of humanity here.😐

That's always a fun role reversal.

38 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Valter ❤️ 🐍's thinking. Savor the hunt!

I could see Adder being a second removed cousin of Valter or something.


38 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


You know, I was hoping for Kanbei to draw a katana, but between this and Grit doing this 👈 instead of flashing a real revolver, makes me think WayForward had anti-weaponry policy here

I like it. It's unique.

39 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I played Goldeneye and like the one GameCube James Bond game as a child. But I never truly got into the genre. Metroid Prime last year was as much I've gone into it in a loooooooooong time.

I think I don't the fact that something could attack you from behind and you wouldn't see it coming

That is fair.

12 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

It's true that I'm disinterested in most FPSs, but I would still be playing TF2 if I could (though got into that because of GMod videos). Should I get a Steam Deck...? I also played Doom because I felt like it one day, it was good.


I like how everyone's come out of the woodwork to tell me they, in fact, enjoy the occasional FPS.

...you can run, you can hide, but you can never escape. You will be back to TF2. Be sure of it.

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How is the Advance Wars 1 avatar handled now anyway? Considering AW1 and 2 are in the same collection, I always expected them to unify that somehow. Either putting him into 2 or kicking him out of 1.

But I suppose I also expected them to not bother giving different rules to AW1 and AW2. To basically just have 1 game with 2 campaigns. And that's not how that ended up.

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10 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

How is the Advance Wars 1 avatar handled now anyway? Considering AW1 and 2 are in the same collection, I always expected them to unify that somehow. Either putting him into 2 or kicking him out of 1.

But I suppose I also expected them to not bother giving different rules to AW1 and AW2. To basically just have 1 game with 2 campaigns. And that's not how that ended up.

The Advisor is gone.

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1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

Not that I am going to hop on that train for a while, what with the price and Wargroove 2 coming out soon.
But that most certainly makes the game a lot more appealing.

Well, if it works for you. Personally, I don't find much offense with the Advisor, or Mark for that matter. Perhaps since they are treated more as being the actual player, rather than a player-avatar. Maybe I'm just a sap, but that kind of game-player interaction can get to me. Whether it's as simple as the "Thank You for Playing!" message at the end of the credits, or something more elaborate, like say, the ending of Earthbound's final battle.

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