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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Also love how Link hums some series music while cooking. That didn't happen in BotW i think

Yeah it's a new thing.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is of no importance to anyone but me, because I'm the only person here who even likes first person shooters on occasion

I should boot up Doom 2016 one day.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Metroid Prime last year was as much I've gone into it in a loooooooooong time.

But tbf Metroid Prime has a different classification.


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I keep Re-Booting. Still not tired of it.😆



The occupied northwest of Blue Moon is now isolated, time to eradicate this pocket. A 3-star rating seems oddly low.




Don't overthink it Grit! We have tanks, we have your rockets. Explosive phallic objects aren't made to take much damage b/c why bother when they're gonna blow up anyhow?


Intel duty? Wait… was nobody on it when Colin got swarmed?🤨


‘ello Andy!😀 Orange Star is just over the water, so it’s believable he could get a small deployment here.


Indeed, Inconceivable! that that one missile could do that much devastation in a land of so much warfare. -Would've been better to say it was aimed at Blue Moon's capital. And thank Nell for getting Andy the info.

Not surprising that a blustery man of such pride would refuse help, particularly from a rather dweeby hopeless kid.


Sure you did.😏


Winning this battle is simple- capture all 8 cities surrounding the giant missile within 15 Days, or you lose.

This big map splits both the heroes and villain into three, separated by impassible pipelines, and the separations can be broken by breaking the pipe seams.

Black Hole will not break these seams, in Versus Mode in Dual Strike at least, the AI will always focus on smashing apart every pipe seam. For Black Hole Rising however, the AI seems to NEVER attack pipes. I would imagine IS was being lazy with the programming. Setting seam-breakage to OFF as the universal default makes sense, since if it was set to ON, then the AI would make itself lose every Factory map. -Or IS could’ve simply created a visually-identical piece of pipe seam coded as a separate piece of terrain, used only for the Factory pipelines.

-But enough criticizing the coding of ~2003 UnIntelligent Systems!😅 However, the fact remains that if you don’t break the pipes, Flak’s imposing southern land & air force cannot hurt your essential army. You could ignore it and let your units there perish -except I’m not the kind of person to do that 😆, and this map isn’t so difficult that I have to surrender the southern front to win. I need to break at the least the northern pipeline anyhow, to get some footies into the center of the map.

Andy brings an APC, four B Copters, a Fighter, and a Bomber with him. It’s a useful squad. I have two B Copters attack some of the terribly token force Flak (he doesn’t get to talk here) gets up north. While I could have the rest try breaking through a western pipe, that makes no sense, a Missile makes attacking the nearer one stupid, and by the time you destroy the western pipe seam, the big land army of Flak in the center will have moved well into the center of the center. Thus, the real answer is to have Andy move east through the mountain pass to join with Olaf, it’ll actually give his Fighter time to see some action, and his Bomber is very good for breaking pipes to boot.

Oh yeah, this map isn’t strictly pre-deployed, Olaf can safely claim an airport and put it to use on Day 3, and Flak starts with a base. The air units won’t help much though, it’ll be too late for them, and Flak might have some nice starting income, but he wastes his time building Infantry. The AI again has one-size-fits-all mentality. If it’s below a certain foot soldier quota, it’ll make more, even if the map doesn’t need many infantry, which it absolutely doesn’t need to win this mission. With only one base, Flak’s turns are consumed by that programming choice. He won’t fluff up with real units. Not like a base on the southern front would help when all the important action is in the center.


Day 2, I can’t get second hits in to destroy the unprotected Rocket, so rather than eat a hit from each Rocket attacking the other’s attacker, I keep my army carefully at the edge of them. I too prepare for the approach of Flak’s air force in the south. -Why did Olaf’s Missile unit get uselessly placed in the center?


Day 3- The clash truly begins. The Anti-Airs destroy two B Copters and injure one Bomber, Andy’s Fighter OHKO a second Bomber. Medium and light Tanks take out the Rockets, I cluster my forces nearby and await the coming Barbaric Blow.


Flak rolled some good luck, and yeowch Andy lost two of his B Copters. I’m still very in it though.


Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!🌨️❄️☃️


The end of the next Day Andy phase.


Don’t panic Olaf. I know it feels like too much precious time has been wasted fighting to own the center, but now that you do, it’s a peaceful capture-fest now. Flak stands no chance of taking it back. Have some fun hunting down those worthless earthbound forces in the south.

I know that looks weird, but yes, a Fighter high in the sky blocks a tank on the ground from moving through a tile. Silly, but this is how AW has always been. Perhaps it should be amended, FE has that Pass skill, if AW were still truly alive, implementing it based on unit type would be an idea.


Victory with time to spare.





Ah yes, a peace conference. Why bother wasting resources assaulting the enemy’s center of operations draining the resources from this country, when we could diplomatically resolve everything without firing a shot?😉


“Consecutive victories”. Depending on when you do this mission, you can have either freed almost all of Gold Comet -as I have- or almost none at all. That’s the flexibility of Black Hole Rising for you.


Make sure you're packing the Holy Sword & Ring of Comet as a precaution.😜


That’s Adder alright.






I like that last line.

You know, I discredit the writing in this game b/c it's narratively on the lighter and less serious side, but when you think about it, an assassination attempt, is pretty intense.😀


Sensei shakes off Adder's and takes command. Destroy the three Mini-Cannons to win.

Like the Blue Moon mission just accomplished, pipes separate the forces of justice. This map is also pretty much pre-deploy for Black Hole, it has one base north of the Mini-Cannons, but Adder will fall for the AI trap and waste it on Infantry. For Gold Comet though, two bases near the HQ make this 66~33 pre-deployment and manufactured units. Only four units defend the HQ, as with A Mirror Darkly, hopeless against Adder’s big army in the north.


Why did Adder move his two foot soldiers in the south towards those cities? I killed them right away. He should’ve gone east to try to reach those Missile Silos. His error was to my benefit, as was leaving his AAs exposed to my Bombers. Honestly, I probably wasted too much of my forces attacking these eastern fragmentary forces of Adder, they’re no real threat. The southeast airport and those further north east of the pipes, as well as the base are all worthless, save to provide additional income for the bases by the HQ to use.


What I didn’t realize right away, is that by destroying that Anti-Air that charged hopelessly ahead shown in this pic, I left Adder destined for defeat. That was his only AA in the northern force, and he wouldn't build any more anytime soon b/c the aforementioned AI issue. Thus the big Bomber force of Sensei was invincible save for the almost-harmless Missile unit in the back. I had the Mid-Tank and Artillery smash the pipe seams as Bombers do in the opposite direction. -If only Sensei were Eagle or Max, then he could OHKO the pipe seams =but he can’t. Once the Bombers have arrived, Adder is doomed.


Sidewinder moment, it helps him here with that long train of units heading south.


Adder’s invasion forces force me to my nadir. -But the big round golden Bombers have arrived!


I noticed the odd distant northeast corner allied cities here. I realized they're there for an Airborne Assault trick. Unusual, but I used it.


A Missile Silo helps to fix things.


Adder has been routed, time to destroy the Mini-Cannons. Victory on Day 9.


He isn't even fatally wounded and will pass on before the half-hour is over.😄


Sensei really knows how to frustrate Adder.

Feels like this mission deserves to be the last before the Factory mission. It’s geographically appropriate, and it’s a sign of how desperate Adder has gotten. Conventional tactics failed in southern Comet, Sonja outwitted Lash’s stealthy maneuvers, Adder’s city-trap failed, and an assassination attempt feels like a natural desperate last act of trickery. All has failed, Adder is now going to be forced onto the defense, he has no other options. -Or maybe the Lab mission makes more sense as a last before the Factory, considering Sami is there and again, geography.

Blue Moon… I’m not sure how I feel about that. The missions don’t quite have the same overall flow to them. But T-Minus 15 as the last seems fine, a huge missile seems like a desperate act, and Andy’s presence is a good hint of what will soon come.

...Sensei is buyable now too. Hachi still refers to him as his old friend, it's a fair guess Hachi's old name was Yuan Delta then.


7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That is fair.

I mean, I probably could get some enjoyment out of an FPS. Although gritty visceral realism with hints of horror, and multiplayer don't do much for me (or the former's case, it could well backfire). -I just tend to be conservative with what genres I play.


4 hours ago, Armagon said:

But tbf Metroid Prime has a different classification.

True. As it was said long ago "First-Person Adventure".



Interviewer: When did development for Unicorn Overlord begin?

Noma: The planning process itself goes back to as early as 2014. When I checked the proposal document from that time, it was dated March 7, 2014, so it will be released exactly ten years later, I guess (laughs).

However, we didn’t keep working on it all the time, especially since we had various other titles in development. We didn’t actually start in earnest until around 2016, I think, after Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir was completed.

-From Famitsu, translated.

So long. Is this because other projects? Or is it because Vanillaware's signature magnificent 2D visuals require time to craft?

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15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Indeed, Inconceivable! that that one missile could do that much devastation in a land of so much warfare. -Would've been better to say it was aimed at Blue Moon's capital. And thank Nell for getting Andy the info.

I'm reminded of Mission 13 of Ace Combat 5, which has something similar. Destroy the ICBM-launching submarine before it can decimate the ground troops. The missile probably does this to explain the large amount of damage in one shot:

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25 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Interviewer: When did development for Unicorn Overlord begin?

Noma: The planning process itself goes back to as early as 2014. When I checked the proposal document from that time, it was dated March 7, 2014, so it will be released exactly ten years later, I guess (laughs).

However, we didn’t keep working on it all the time, especially since we had various other titles in development. We didn’t actually start in earnest until around 2016, I think, after Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir was completed.

-From Famitsu, translated.

So long. Is this because other projects? Or is it because Vanillaware's signature magnificent 2D visuals require time to craft?

Makes me wonder.

  • 13 Sentinels proper development began in 2015, after Muramasa Rebirth and Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir. But concept art actually dates back to 2013.
  • Dragon's Crown was originally conceived as a Princess Crown sequel way back in the 90s but Kamitani actually didn't go back to it until 2009. By 2013, it had the longest development of any Vanillaware at the time. 2013 where when the initial drafts of 13 Sentinels began to appear.
  • On the flip side, Grand Knights History started in 2009 and released in 2011.
  • I couldn't find when Muramasa started but Odin Sphere began development in 2004 and released in 07 while the remake began in 2013, also when 13 Sentinels put out it's rough drafts.

I won't look at GrimGrimiore because that was the first but honestly? It seems fairly standard game dev stuff.

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15 hours ago, Armagon said:

I should boot up Doom 2016 one day.

Of course, everyone plays shooters now.

10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I keep Re-Booting. Still not tired of it.😆

There's the sign of an enjoyable game. Always a nice feeling.

10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I know that looks weird, but yes, a Fighter high in the sky blocks a tank on the ground from moving through a tile. Silly, but this is how AW has always been. Perhaps it should be amended, FE has that Pass skill, if AW were still truly alive, implementing it based on unit type would be an idea.

Never forget that Berwick Saga fixed this already.

...Sort of. You can walk through fliers, but you can't stop on the same tile above which they hover. Possibly out of fear of wyvern turds. I imagine those must be sizeable.

10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Andy barely did anything, anyway.

10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



To be honest, I don't really like Kanbei's design here. The drawing is oddly simple, it makes those lines under his eyes look off when there's so little detail on his face otherwise.

That being said, I love this face. This face is very good.

10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


I like that last line.

They do have some pretty awesome lines in this game.

10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I mean, I probably could get some enjoyment out of an FPS. Although gritty visceral realism with hints of horror, and multiplayer don't do much for me (or the former's case, it could well backfire). -I just tend to be conservative with what genres I play.

That's fair enough.

6 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:


I love this design for old Botnik. Instead of an Egg(man), his head looks like a peanut.

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1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

So I got kind of bored and-


I completely forgot how to play this game but here's to making a continent wide spanning Empire.

Just and ambitious, I see. I'm still largely ignorant to 3H's story, so I don't can't really comment on those. The memes I have been exposed to seem to support anything between this and Zealous/Vengeful/Arrogant.

And with no inheritable skills to start your eugenics schemes, do you even Crusader Emblem

I think if you want the names to be more accurate, you'll have to put "von" into the dynasty name. I think you gave her the first name of "Edelgard von"? It literally just means "of", so you're currently playing Queen Edelgard of of Adrestia.

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18 minutes ago, gnip said:

Just and ambitious, I see. I'm still largely ignorant to 3H's story, so I don't can't really comment on those. The memes I have been exposed to seem to support anything between this and Zealous/Vengeful/Arrogant.

I mean, if not for the possible limitations in character creation, all five traits together could be possible.

18 minutes ago, gnip said:

And with no inheritable skills to start your eugenics schemes, do you even Crusader Emblem

FE would certainly not be out of place with a Paradox-based adaptation, heh.

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18 minutes ago, gnip said:

Just and ambitious, I see. I'm still largely ignorant to 3H's story, so I don't can't really comment on those. The memes I have been exposed to seem to support anything between this and Zealous/Vengeful/Arrogant.

Unfounded slander

But actually I kind of regret choosing "Just" because while my interpretation of Edelgard was a pragmatic leader who is willing to do morally dubious things to achieve greater societal justice, CK3's Just trait makes them more into an idealist, shifting them away from the grey area I wanted them to be in, but what can you do.

I guess it still fits in that Queen Edelgard can still do personally unjust things while gaining heavy amounts of stress from it, something that arguably happens to her in Three Houses.

My current roleplay goal scenario thing I'm thinking is that while crests don't exist in the real world, the next equivalent of crests, gender, do. So the long term goal would be to do what she does in Three Houses, IE conquer and reform the current religious authority to accept a more equal society.

Can't exactly create a full blown meritocracy like she wanted to do in her game but gender equality is close enough.

The only problem is that I am not at all competent at this game and am currently slogging through tutorial videos.

32 minutes ago, gnip said:

And with no inheritable skills to start your eugenics schemes, do you even Crusader Emblem

In my defense this is like my first time creating a custom character, and also the third campaign I've ever done after two others that I never finished or got particularly far in.

34 minutes ago, gnip said:

I think if you want the names to be more accurate, you'll have to put "von" into the dynasty name. I think you gave her the first name of "Edelgard von"? It literally just means "of", so you're currently playing Queen Edelgard of of Adrestia.

That was a case where I forgot how they displayed names in the game, I renamed it soon after.

...Well I didn't add 'von' to house Hresvelg because that would have the same problem but reversed, so I had to let go of the von part of her name. Shame.



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5 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

That was a case where I forgot how they displayed names in the game, I renamed it soon after.

...Well I didn't add 'von' to house Hresvelg because that would have the same problem but reversed, so I had to let go of the von part of her name. Shame.

I don't know how it works in CK3, but in CK2 that's how it did:


von, de, of, etc. All being part of the dynasty name.

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On the subject, if you ever want to try out CK mods, I can always recommend After the End.

It's basically: "Post-Apocalyptic Americas going through the new Middle Ages". Or basically, a way to have the CK experience outside Eurasiafrica and in the Americas. Though granted, the post-apocalyptic angle means it's not... quite the middle ages either, heh. Still...

CDN media

It's there.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

idk how far you got

Just arrived at the garrison infront of Hyrule Castle

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

, head to the Great Plateau, jump down one of the Chasms there and head to where the Temple of Time would be.

ok thx for the tip!

I hope i remember this when i play XD

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Re-Boot Factory Blue and Gold Editions



Finally, time to skin the serpent!

So far, I’ve done Blue then Gold, but for the final battles that expel Black Hole from their continent, I chose as I said I would before, to reverse order and do Comet and then Moon.


Adder sounds like Narcian here.


The game seemingly wants you to do Blue before Gold, as Gold gets a pinch of pre-battle dialogue featuring Olaf, whereas Blue doesn’t get such dialogue. Whichever Factory mission you do first, one of that nation’s CO will be selectable as an alternative to Orange Star’s trio in what you’ve chosen as the second Factory mission. I remember that Moon benefits from Comet more than Comet from Moon, so I go for that arrangement.


Seeing the map, your choice of COs greatly narrows. No FoW brushes aside Sonja. There are airports, but you control none to start and your Star/Moon ally will claim the first while Adder will take the second, which would require a Lander to reach with Comet, thereby ruling out Sensei. This leaves Kanbei the only logical choice for the primary CO.

For Comet’s Orange or Blue ally...

  • Well they aren’t in an infantry-friendly position, so no to Sami.
  • Battleships would be very expensive and all air units are direct combat, so we can toss out Grit (and again bad for Sami).
  • Colin, Andy and Olaf remain as viable choices.
  • Yet, it’s Max who is the best choice. Why? Because air units will be the ally’s primary purpose here, and Max gets +20 Firepower with all of them.

Make some Infantry, and maybe an APC, but eschew naval units other than a Lander, relatively too expensive and just not so useful. Conserve funds for Bombers, maybe a Fighter or two if Adder churns one out. A regular full health Bomber needs two hits to smash Black Hole infrastructure, with Max’s day-to-day boost, he can OHKO them. This is very important.

The strategy for this mission sets Comet and its ally on separate trajectories. 

Comet will get stuck in a land imbroglio with Adder in the southeast corner. Kanbei’s extra durability comes in handy here for reducing the likelihood of ceding that southeastern base. 

The allied nation needs to control the open waters and islands via either air or sea power, since Comet will be stuck spending its funds in terrestrial warfare. More importantly, with Adder’s attention in the south, the ally wants to sneak a Bomber, or Battleship, or seize the northern base and build land units there, to the pipe seam and blow it up. The weird quad Mini Cannon island is of little concern, but the one in front of the pipe seam will add another day or two to what’s needed for victory.


The easternmost base is secured just in time. This will prove quite important.

The Factory churns out units seemingly randomly or according to some unseen fixed build order. Sometimes it builds nasty stuff, other times it makes nothing at all. Sometimes one, sometimes three. More enemies is never a good thing, although Black Hole’s income on Factory missions is never the greatest to balance things out. 


I thought this was a Cruiser. Thankfully, it takes four shots to destroy a Kanbei Infantry on a city, factoring in the repairs. Being right next to a base and having one further ahead that I can deploy from, I can mix an Infantry into this base’s build order every three turns and keep the Battleship happily distracted. Cheaper than trying to actually destroy it.


Adder begins to besiege me with some serious forces. Leaving his Artilleries exposed is stupid, but he did put them in ideal positions even so.


As I said, this area becomes the meatgrinder.


Just me mocking the AI's stupidity again.😛 Anti-Airs are very good against Bombers -but not if they're alone and lose the first strike! Always have a meatshield on hand, or have two AAs near each other for every Bomber your opponent makes.


I suppose I’ll use Samurai Spirit now, so my Battleship (IDK if that was a truly wise use of 33k) can safely take a B Copter hit.


The music, it’s the old Super CO Power theme!😁🌟🎶 It’s still here, why is it playing only now?!

When Adder used his first Sidewinder, I fast-forwarded through his turn, but paying attention during the second, yes, he uses the old Black Hole Super CO Power theme here too.


Just thought the mountain angle was nice.


But you haven't deployed any tanks! You're as much a wingman as a tankerman, don't forget that Max.

Adder finally builds a Fighter to threaten my Bombers, well you’re too late! Day 17 Victory.

I had Max use his CO Power for the heck of it, and yes it plays the old CO Power theme, not a remix of his own theme.


The weather? Yes, there were clouds holding back a Black Storm overhead, I expect them to start pouring any second now.😛


"Neighbor" sounds like the wrong choice of words for half of a whole separate continent so much ocean away.

That Power score. Eh, I can stomach this ranking with all the other easy 300s I’ve gotten.

Adder does churn out a lot of units, but then Max just didn’t get a chance to smash a lot of units in a single turn. (Power IIRC isn’t calculated as total units destroyed, but “% of total enemy forces created destroyed in a single turn.”) I imagine the ideal strategy would’ve been to either get Kanbei the airport island for his own Bomber or have him use a Battleship to destroy the pipe seam. Since Kanbei would the opportunity -albeit not an easy one for a higher Power rating. ...Although Kanbei also has to watch his Technique, owing to being stuck with most enemy aggression.


I'll hold off on buying snakey until the campaign is done. Though I am at the point cap, so Sensei and Colin are getting purchased soon.

Now off to Blue Moon!



This makes a little less sense doing it second, since Adder shouldn’t be smug anymore having lost Comet.


Two 😊 almost in a row.


Grit, you were never going to get shot.🤨 You're the CO, not the grunts in the field.


Anywho, Factory Blues is a fairly open, not large map, with the Factory entrance front and center. Plenty of Woods provide some slowdown and serve to benefit Lash. The pipeline is tiny and the seam very far back, no sneaking stratagems will work here as they do in Orange Star and Gold Comet. You’ll brawl with Lash, you win, you get the opportunity to blow up the pipeline afterwards.

As for COs, any of Blue Moon’s trio is fine here. Olaf is vanilla, Colin is cheap. Grit would have the hardest time with the map a little too open for his liking in spite of the forests, but even then protected Artillery can tear through even Mid and Neotanks if the Factory churns them out. I choose Olaf.

Regarding Blue Moon’s ally- Orange Star or Gold Comet. The ally get stuck with that same little 8-unit army regardless of who is in command. They begin with no properties, and perhaps a player would prefer to have Moon consolidate all the income. I don’t however, I prefer letting the ally take those two cities where they start, and then take the airport to the north and the two cities, next to it. Making B Copter every 2-3 turns isn’t so bad. The primary purpose of this ally… it’s not very defined, but I’d say it’s to have something to engage Lash from Day 1, while Moon is in the process of building its army.

Owing to being entirely pre-deployed, Kanbei soars over all others for this supplementary role. This is why I do Comet’s Factory before Moon’s.


To start capturing the airport two Days from now(which would require I move one tile to the left compared to the screenshot), or fire the Missile Silo? I chose the latter. Less to damage the enemy, as to keeping the enemy from hitting me with -3HP to a cluster, can’t have that.


Oooooh Kanbei!😇 With anyone else, these 7HP Recons should’ve attacked the Mech, but with 160 Defense thanks to Kanbei + Missile Silo terrain, they don’t even try. BHR Kanbei is love. Having lots of extra Defense is really strong in AW prior to DoR, which nerfed it.


Gonna say the first two Silos do help even launched early, nothing like getting a strong start. And Kanbei cleans up everything doing this. (I saved the third Silo for a Factory-made Mid Tank later.)


Lash used Terrain Tactics, her CO Power much inferior to Prime Tactics (doubled terrain bonuses make it difficult to damage her), if the AI has juuuust enough energy for a CO Power, it won’t bother saving for a Super CO Power, this was her blunder.


A Neotank and a Rocket? Thankfully…


...the AI would prefer to attack squishy cheap Infantry over more irreplaceable things.


Putting a unit front of a Factory door prevents reinforcements, so this is good.


Darned, Kanbei couldn't escape this battle completely unscathed. It was just the APC, all is fine.


I don’t need it at all at this point, but I want to check.


Yep, Super CO Power theme again. Must be b/c Factory mission that does it.


As I’ve done before, Kanbei has reached the western base Artillery entirely intact. I use Samurai Spirit and have it and the 9HP Tank damage it.


Olaf who will probably have better scores, manages thanks to that SCOP to deal enough damage to break the pipe seam. Day 15 win.


Not the kind to mope around. She's gone in a blink.


I getcha Grit. I don't enjoy being praised either.




"Family" eh? I wasn't sure how to describe the Blue Moon Boys, but sure, that'll work.


I see the wordplay.😜

And so, after much struggle Blue Moon and Gold Comet joined Orange Star in freedom from the Black Hole invasion of Macro Land. However…


Green Earth remains under the tank treads/jet engines/hulls of evil!😄

Why yes, I might still play yet more tonight! Probably wouldn't log it up until tomorrow though. I won't stop til' it's over!🤪


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25 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

 Green Earth remains under the tank treads/jet engines/hulls of evil!😄

Why yes, I might still play yet more tonight! Probably wouldn't log it up until tomorrow though. I won't stop til' it's over!🤪

Speaking of, recently I saw this note in TV Tropes commenting how the Green Earth CO's in BHR could be compared to the Getter Team.

Can't speak for Jess, but Eagle is a hot blooded flier (as Ryoma and Getter 1 are), while Drake is fat and focus on water combat (just like Musashi and Getter 3).

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Additional Unicorn Overlord details:

100+ characters but 60 unique ones. This lead me to believe generics are a thing. Maybe.

All characters can be recruited in one playthrough.

No permadeath confirmed

You can go to the final boss frame 1 if you want. You'll get destroyed but it's possible. Open world SRPG essentially?

If 13 Sentinels was Vanillaware's most ambitious game story wise, this game is their most ambitious game gameplay wise.

28 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Just arrived at the garrison infront of Hyrule Castle

Lookout Landing my beloved (favorite hub town in the series tbh. More than Clock Town from Majora's Mask maybe).


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43 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Adder sounds like Narcian here.

I mean, that's basically who he is lol

45 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


The weather? Yes, there were clouds holding back a Black Storm overhead, I expect them to start pouring any second now.😛

Of all the things to blame, "the entirely clear weather" is a new one, I think.

...Also that symbol on the factory is this close to being problematic.

45 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Seriously I can't get over this face, it's fucking amazing.

46 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


I've been waiting for Toy Box all this time like a moron, only to realize now that I missed it.


48 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



It's over.

Rebellions are like seeds now.

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26 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Speaking of, recently I saw this note in TV Tropes commenting how the Green Earth CO's in BHR could be compared to the Getter Team.

Can't speak for Jess, but Eagle is a hot blooded flier (as Ryoma and Getter 1 are), while Drake is fat and focus on water combat (just like Musashi and Getter 3).


Coincidence yeah, but it would align.

As for Jess, ground specialist who is cooler than flier (but in a sort of hot rivalry with them) does seem to match with Hayato? That also seems to align with the Choudenji no. 2s and Rai. Although I take it Getter began the hot-blooded-lead & cool-second trope?


17 hours ago, Armagon said:

Makes me wonder.

  • 13 Sentinels proper development began in 2015, after Muramasa Rebirth and Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir. But concept art actually dates back to 2013.
  • Dragon's Crown was originally conceived as a Princess Crown sequel way back in the 90s but Kamitani actually didn't go back to it until 2009. By 2013, it had the longest development of any Vanillaware at the time. 2013 where when the initial drafts of 13 Sentinels began to appear.
  • On the flip side, Grand Knights History started in 2009 and released in 2011.
  • I couldn't find when Muramasa started but Odin Sphere began development in 2004 and released in 07 while the remake began in 2013, also when 13 Sentinels put out it's rough drafts.

I won't look at GrimGrimiore because that was the first but honestly? It seems fairly standard game dev stuff.

GG being co-developed by NISA would've helped it out.

GKH, well that was PSP, it probably didn't need as much work as a home console game b/c weaker graphical capabilities?

26 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Additional Unicorn Overlord details:

100+ characters but 60 unique ones. This lead me to believe generics are a thing. Maybe.

All characters can be recruited in one playthrough.

No permadeath confirmed

You can go to the final boss frame 1 if you want. You'll get destroyed but it's possible. Open world SRPG essentially?

If 13 Sentinels was Vanillaware's most ambitious game story wise, this game is their most ambitious game gameplay wise.

All this from that Famitsu interview I take it? Thank you.😀

It's full-price purchase for me regardless. I'll be looking forward to it.

Bolded, looks like Ogre Battle had generics alongside uniques (not uncommon in SRPGs, like Final Fantasy Tactics, Disgaea), so I can imagine it being true here as well.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Never forget that Berwick Saga fixed this already.

...Sort of. You can walk through fliers, but you can't stop on the same tile above which they hover. Possibly out of fear of wyvern turds. I imagine those must be sizeable.

Thank you for the reminder!😀

Also highly toxic. There is a strict law in Macedon/Thracia/Bern/Daein that wyverns be kept a good distance from rivers in mountains. A little s*** upstream can poison an entire village downstream.

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Of all the things to blame, "the entirely clear weather" is a new one, I think.

There is a randomized daily weather option in Versus Mode. -But no campaign map ever uses it.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Also that symbol on the factory is this close to being problematic.

It's just the stylized representation of a black hole. Nothing more.🙂

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I've been waiting for Toy Box all this time like a moron, only to realize now that I missed it.


Initiating search...


I admit to skipping over the pre-map intro in this one, I wasn't so... thorough yet, sorry!😅 I can go back for more screenies if desired.

18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's over.

Rebellions are like seeds now.

Olaf is the winter. The season where seeds go dormant or die.🥀

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28 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Coincidence yeah, but it would align.

As for Jess, ground specialist who is cooler than flier (but in a sort of hot rivalry with them) does seem to match with Hayato? That also seems to align with the Choudenji no. 2s and Rai. Although I take it Getter began the hot-blooded-lead & cool-second trope?

That sounds about right.

Hmm, I think so. Koji had already solidified the "Hot Blooded Lead" trope, but yeah, the Cool Lancer dynamic could very much likely began with Ryoma and Hayato.

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