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New Heroes: New Heroes & Ascended Elincia

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And the usual translation notes:


The banner name, "New Heroes & Ascended Elincia", is "新英雄&開花エリンシア" (shin'eiyū & kaika erinshia), "New Heroes & Blooming Erincia". As usual, "開花" (kaika), "blooming", is the term for Ascended Heroes.

Lucia's epithet, "Tireless Advisor", is "女王の姉妹" (joō no shimai), "The Queen's Sister".

Queensblade is "女王の護衛の怜剣" (joō no goei no reiken), "Cunning Sword of the Queen's Guard". As usual, the allergies to the word "sword" are in full force.

Repel is "回避・叩き込み" (kaihi: tataki-komi), "Evasion: Knock Down". "叩き込み" (tataki-komi), "knock down", is the name of the Knock Back skill.

Geoffrey's epithet, "Realm's Protector", is "女王の騎士" (joō no kishi), "The Queen's Knight".

Queenslance is "女王の騎士の勇槍" (joō no kishi no yūsō), "Brave Lance of the Queen's Knight". Unrelated to the Brave Lance, which is "勇者の槍" (yūsha no yari), literally "Hero's Lance".

Bastian's epithet, "Crimea's Keystone", is "王国の要" (ōkoku no kaname), "The Kingdom's Keystone". Could also be pronounced "ōkoku no yō".

Gronndeer is "グルンディア" (gurundia), "Gronndeer".

Elincia's epithet, "Devoted Queen", is "清真女王" (seishin joō), "Pure Queen".

Crimean Scepter is "クリミア女王の王笏" (kurimia joō no ōshaku), "Scepter of the Queen of Crimea".

Light's Restraint is "抑制の聖光" (yokusei no seikō), "Holy Light of Suppression". It appears that offensive staff Special skills will likely follow the naming scheme of "〇〇の聖光" (*** no seikō), "Holy Light of ***" with the "〇〇" being related to the skill's additional "staff" effect.

Dazzling Shift is "幻惑・転移" (genwaku: ten'i), "Dazzlement: Warp". "幻惑" (genwaku), "dazzlement", comes from "幻惑の杖" (genwaku no tsue), "Staff of Dazzlement", which is the name of the Dazzling Staff skill. It looks like they're going to be implementing multiple tier-4 skills for Wrathful Staff and Dazzling Staff with different secondary effects.

Ludveck's epithet, "Rebellious Duke", is "旧体制の糾合者" (kyūtaisei no kyūgōsha), "Mobilizer of the Old Regime".

Defier's Axe is "守備逆用の斧" (shubi gyakuyō no ono), "Def Exploit Axe".

Nerthuz's epithet, "God of the Land", is "地の女神" (chi no megami), "Earth Goddess".

Horn of the Land is "地の女神の角" (chi no megami no tsuno), "Horns of the Earth Goddess".



This is a banner full of characters where I stumble over their English names because I'm too used to their Japanese names.

Elincia is "Erincia" in Japanese, and it's something I constantly have to correct when I'm typing. Bastian is "Ulysses". Geoffrey is "Geoffray", which may look like it was simply misspelled, but it's pronounced exactly as it looks, so it's definitely intentional. Lucia is "Luchino", with the "ch" pronounced like a "k", and is the hardest for me to remember her English name because it looks close, but everything is somehow wrong.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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If I understand how skills interact with one another correctly, then I think Lucia could take Vital Astra and Atk/Spd Finish 4 together to make an utterly nasty combo where she has an additional source of damage reduction from VA, while also having a permanently triggered Finish 4 effect of +5 damage (not special damage, just true damage) and 7 hp healed on every hit, all because she can have a fully charged Vital Astra without actually triggering Vital Astra.

...god I hope I'm wrong, that'd just be plain annoying to deal with...

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So... what would be considered an supportive effect? Status effects like Triangle Attack, Bonus Doubler, Null Panic, Null Penalties and Dual Strike?

Because when a skill says "nullifies bonuses", it only means visible stat buffs like Hone, Rally and Tactics. Supportive Effects can't be Drives and Spur from allies, because she already has Self Feud effect. So I can only believe it means status effects.

45 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

If I understand how skills interact with one another correctly, then I think Lucia could take Vital Astra and Atk/Spd Finish 4 together to make an utterly nasty combo where she has an additional source of damage reduction from VA, while also having a permanently triggered Finish 4 effect of +5 damage (not special damage, just true damage) and 7 hp healed on every hit, all because she can have a fully charged Vital Astra without actually triggering Vital Astra.

...god I hope I'm wrong, that'd just be plain annoying to deal with...

I think that's it. She can charge Vital Astra, have the damage reduction and never trigger it. The only way to lose the Vital Astra effect would be being hit by Pulse Smoke effects, or Melancholy resetting her special.

From what I understood, she can only use 3 specials:

  • Vital Astra: she can charge it and have the 30% damage reduction based on Spd;
  • Godlike Reflexes: she will not be able to trigger the defensive effect from it, but she can get the "deals damage = 15% of unit's Spd" from it to combo with the 20% Spd damage she already has;
  • Galeforce: she can't trigger specials during combat or AoE specials... but Galeforce triggers AFTER combat, so that will still work on her.
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I have mixed feelings about this banner. I love it when banners have overarching themes, and Ascended Elincia is fantastic, but none of the Tellius characters I want in Heroes were added. Also, this is at least the third year in a row we’ve had a beorc-only Tellius banner. 😑

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7 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm honestly surprised they actually implemented Parity for real on Lucia.

And Kita Senri's art is amazing as always. I really like it when he does more Tellius art because it's extremely nostalgic.

iirc Kita is a woman


btw, this banner actually made me feel sorry for having uninstalled FEH like 2 months ago (except i redownloded it only to get lumera and a free chloé, then uninstalling it once again), because i've been waiting for Geoffrey and Bastian and Makalov and Kieran for years, but I don't think this'll make me download the game yet again

out of curiosity, when was the last Tellius New Heroes Banner, exactly? because to me it felt like an eternity

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16 minutes ago, Yexin said:

out of curiosity, when was the last Tellius New Heroes Banner, exactly? because to me it felt like an eternity

Just over a year. We got Volke, Astrid and Marcia in November 2021. The Ascended there was Laegjarn, so it was a bit forgetable as a Tellius banner.

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9 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Just over a year. We got Volke, Astrid and Marcia in November 2021. The Ascended there was Laegjarn, so it was a bit forgetable as a Tellius banner.

oh right, that banner
yeah, i reafferm, it felt like a damn eternity for me wake me up when Makalov gets added

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1. Geoffrey's finally in! And Lucia, too. Cool.

2. Nerpuz? Yikes... Between the horns on her head and those flour sacks on her chest, she's just begging for a slipped disc. (Also, did we really need more designs like these? This book seems to be the Book of Bust...sans Njodr...for obvious reasons.)

3. Bastion's attack along with the icy special animation makes him feel like an extra Winter seasonal hero.

4. Yikes again on Bastion's introductory line. Makes him sound less like a pest and more like a creep. That said, I snorted at "huzzah."

5. I hope all those people who were whining about not having a flying staff Elincia are happy now. And I mean that sincerely.

6. Before Bastion's kit appeared, I was thinking Geoffrey was the demote. Looks like the ladies keep getting preferential treatment...

7. I wonder if Lucia's B skill can be inherited by flying beasts. I keep wanting to give my New Years Elm some good stuff, but he keeps not being able to inherit them. (I.e., godlike reflexes and the other spd special.) Along those same lines, Geoffrey's lance has canto built in, which is really nice. I wonder if it's inheritable. If so, it could be a good lance for various units in general, maybe even for ones who can't usually inherit canto skills.

8. I was kind of hoping for Kieran, and to a lesser extent, Makalov and Astrid, but I think that the choices they made here were good ones for Elincia's royal guard. All of them have strong plot ties, so I'm okay with this. Still, I wonder when Kieran will make it into the game...

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1 hour ago, Mercakete said:

I wonder if Lucia's B skill can be inherited by flying beasts.

Repel already exists; it's just getting a fourth tier. It's one of the skills in the Dodge series, so it's human melee infantry only.


1 hour ago, Mercakete said:

Along those same lines, Geoffrey's lance has canto built in, which is really nice. I wonder if it's inheritable.

It doesn't have a "+" at the end and isn't an Arcane weapon, so it's definitely not going to be inheritable.

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10 hours ago, Jotari said:

So is Ludveck an axe armour like he is in game?

Yeah, he is but it appears he did not get a Prf weapon (his weapon looks to be Defier's Axe+, aka same inheritable type that Cervantes got).

Ludveck's Meet the Hero page: https://guide.fire-emblem-heroes.com/en-US/09002009000921-2/

Honestly with how allergic IS is to adding armored GHBs (Ludveck is only the fourth one), I'm kinda surprised they picked Ludveck over Valtome. I guess they're saving this book's gimmick tome GHB slot to Griss or something.

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No Tormod still is a little 😞

Other then that a solid linup though. Lucia looks really bonkers, Elincia finally got a alt thats really great and Geofrey...is alright.

I personally would have made Bastian a green dagger user with like sorcery blade or other magey skills to make him a bit more unique. He's just a little 'the demote' now. I also would have given Lucia long hair, but thats more of a taste thing.

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18 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Kinda feel bad for Fire Emblem Fan. This banner was THE moment to add Brom. The early part of the rebellion is where he shines the most. 

It only makes sense for Bastian, Lucia, and Geoffery to be the picks here. These are Elincia's inner circle.


Seems to me that an ideal banner for brom would be:

Ascended Nephenee




GHB - Zihark

Edited by Fabulously Olivier
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what if Calill eventually gets added (Largo, Calill, Makalov and Brom as a banner???), but as a dagger or staff unit

Edited by Yexin
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2 hours ago, Mercakete said:

8. I was kind of hoping for Kieran, and to a lesser extent, Makalov and Astrid, but I think that the choices they made here were good ones for Elincia's royal guard. All of them have strong plot ties, so I'm okay with this. Still, I wonder when Kieran will make it into the game...

Astrid got in on the last Tellius banner!

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1 hour ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

It only makes sense for Bastian, Lucia, and Geoffery to be the picks here. These are Elincia's inner circle.

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth but one could argue there was merit in not yet introducing Bastian. After all in the Crimea arc Bastian is characterized by his absence. And with Ludbeck and short haired Lucia its not just an Elincia banner, but a Crimean rebellion banner. 

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8 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth but one could argue there was merit in not yet introducing Bastian. After all in the Crimea arc Bastian is characterized by his absence. And with Ludbeck and short haired Lucia its not just an Elincia banner, but a Crimean rebellion banner. 

Well, as a Bastian fan, I'd argue that this was pretty much the only time for him, and it is LONG overdue.

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5 hours ago, Othin said:

Astrid got in on the last Tellius banner!

Herp derp. XD Thanks. Well, if nothing else, this shows that a good number of characters are in Heroes! I'm losing track of them.


@Ice Dragon

Thanks! Man, I wish I could get DR spd-based skills on New Years Elm, though. They would stack so nicely with his weapon.

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So, looking at CYL7's Tellius lineup, who's missing?

  • 89. Edward
  • 94. Tormod
  • 104. Stefan
  • 113. Volug
  • 130. [Boyd]
  • 137. Skrimir
  • 162. Heather
  • 194. Leonardo
  • 204. Janaff
  • 206. Meg
  • 220. Aran
  • 224. [Lehran]
  • 225. Kieran
  • 235. Caineghis
  • 246. Nolan
  • 249. Brom
  • 257. Giffca
  • 259. [Greil]
  • 271. Calill
  • 278. Asheruna
  • 280. Makalov
  • 284. Elena
  • 285. [Rhys]
  • 291. Gromell
  • 292. Laura
  • 296. [Sephiran]
  • 302. [Zihark]
  • 304. Nasir
  • 327. [Muarim]
  • 333. Ulki
  • 337. Almedha
  • 340. [Kurthnaga]
  • 343. Tauroneo
  • 345. [Vika]
  • 347. [Dheginsea]
  • 350. Amy
  • 351. Fiona
  • 353. Levail
  • 358. [Rolf] and Jarod (tie)
  • 379. [Ena]
  • 381. Gareth
  • 383. Bryce and Devdan (tie)
  • 384. Nealuchi
  • 388. Largo
  • 390. Aimee and [Lyre] (tie)
  • 392. Renning
  • 394. [Anna]
  • 397. Danved
  • 404. [Rafiel]
  • 411. Valtome
  • 412. [Kyza]
  • 416. Lekain
  • 417. Shiharam
  • 418. Daniel
  • 419. Izuka
  • 422. Hetzel
  • 423. Kasatai
  • 424. Muston
  • 427. Numida
  • 429. Alder

The Dawn Brigade seems like the most likely next area of focus. As obvious as putting Edward with his full trio would be, I feel like the fact that they're all guys means they're more likely to be split up. Maybe Edward/Leonardo/Meg+Jarod, then later on, Nolan/Aran/Laura+Alder? Tormod/Muarim/Vika+Izuka is another obvious one.

Volug is a notable straggler here. He'd probably go with Rafiel and a new Nailah - I guess they could round out the banner with Fiona and Numida?

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33 minutes ago, Othin said:

So, looking at CYL7's Tellius lineup, who's missing?

  • 89. Edward
  • 94. Tormod
  • 104. Stefan
  • 113. Volug
  • 130. [Boyd]
  • 137. Skrimir
  • 162. Heather
  • 194. Leonardo
  • 204. Janaff
  • 206. Meg
  • 220. Aran
  • 224. [Lehran]
  • 225. Kieran
  • 235. Caineghis
  • 246. Nolan
  • 249. Brom
  • 257. Giffca
  • 259. [Greil]
  • 271. Calill
  • 278. Asheruna
  • 280. Makalov
  • 284. Elena
  • 285. [Rhys]
  • 291. Gromell
  • 292. Laura
  • 296. [Sephiran]
  • 302. [Zihark]
  • 304. Nasir
  • 327. [Muarim]
  • 333. Ulki
  • 337. Almedha
  • 340. [Kurthnaga]
  • 343. Tauroneo
  • 345. [Vika]
  • 347. [Dheginsea]
  • 350. Amy
  • 351. Fiona
  • 353. Levail
  • 358. [Rolf] and Jarod (tie)
  • 379. [Ena]
  • 381. Gareth
  • 383. Bryce and Devdan (tie)
  • 384. Nealuchi
  • 388. Largo
  • 390. Aimee and [Lyre] (tie)
  • 392. Renning
  • 394. [Anna]
  • 397. Danved
  • 404. [Rafiel]
  • 411. Valtome
  • 412. [Kyza]
  • 416. Lekain
  • 417. Shiharam
  • 418. Daniel
  • 419. Izuka
  • 422. Hetzel
  • 423. Kasatai
  • 424. Muston
  • 427. Numida
  • 429. Alder

The Dawn Brigade seems like the most likely next area of focus. As obvious as putting Edward with his full trio would be, I feel like the fact that they're all guys means they're more likely to be split up. Maybe Edward/Leonardo/Meg+Jarod, then later on, Nolan/Aran/Laura+Alder? Tormod/Muarim/Vika+Izuka is another obvious one.

Volug is a notable straggler here. He'd probably go with Rafiel and a new Nailah - I guess they could round out the banner with Fiona and Numida?

it genuinely surprises me to see Makalov and Almedha not being at the very bottom of this list

if only it didn't take another 1+ year to see them in FEH

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