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Qprogue Mafia - Game Over


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is it bad that i kinda just wanna lynch like anybody at this point. like even one flip would help so much at this point. whatever. uhh, im gonna check marth again because people seem to be against that pretty heavily, also we should actually remember we still have to chose the second element. with that said, rng.org declares

##Select: DARK

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Elie is still scum; more people should wagon him with me- kirsche unvote didn't feel like it came from a townie who thought he'd gotten a scumslip (the only scenario in which it made sense for Elie to harp on kirsche's one line for that long). No reasons given for why Elie no longer felt confident about kirsche.

I'd sheep it (also I agree with you about how Elie unvoting doesn't make him look any better; he did the exact same thing ELSEWHERE as scum). Don't really like his reply to you, but if you asked me I couldn't tell you exactly why. Call it a gut read, I suppose.

I can get eclipse's issues with me (being more forgettable, which is true), so I'm not really bothered by her pushing me for that. Can't get any read off of her reply to kirsche, but I really liked her response to Randa (like it helped me to understand the town intent in her actions, whereas before her play confused me). Also I agree with her issues with the hydra slot, but I don't agree that Randa is looking townier (since his play reminds me of Reclass in particular, where he had a lot of content but relatively few reads). Honestly I've been procrastinating on an ISO of the slot despite me scumreading it because there's so much content there blah.

BBM, I don't think Rapier is scummy for voting Poly based on element choice (lol, I don't even remember him doing that), but moreso due to his responses to me. What do you think about them?

I'm also eerily offput by Refa, I don't know why but there's something odd about his posts. It's not scummy, but it doesn't feel like my bro.

No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.

Meh, just sheeping BBM (winning tactics by Refa). Still haven't really sorted out my feelings WRT Rapier (hopefully his reply will help me in that regard).

##Vote: Elieson

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I don't see what is so wrong with Randa having to defend NekoRex. They probably have a discussion going in their Hydra role PM on their thoughts perhaps?

There is nothing wrong with Neko and Randa disagreeing with each other or being polar opposites since they are two separate players despite sharing the same Hydra slot. Although, I do think that both of them need to discuss their reads more with each other and consolidate their reads wrt the votes they place. They do not have to agree with each other but they should communicate well and consolidate their reads and vote better. Honestly, I sense Randa trying to contribute and help out. Other than me, he's the only one that has been active enough to be memorable and actually discussed most of the things that have been happening in the thread.

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I don't like Levity'so last few posts.

Of all the things to read and post content on in the game, she decides to analyse the first five pages of the game which is mostly RVS, role spec and the eclipse/Rapier scum slip stuff. She then disappears promising more content (which never came).

I find that extremely lazy when she can always just analyse the last five pages of the thread if she's really busy. There will definitely be more content than the first five pages of the thread.

She comes off as scum trying to seem as though she has content posted while trying not to be too helpful to town at all.

The way she posts her vote and the fact that her opinions are based on an incomplete understanding of the thread and can be changed any time (((she finishes reading the thread))) pings me as well. I feel like she is leaving herself in a position where she can just watch the thread then move her vote onto whoever's going to be lynched layer on. The scum intent in this is self-explanatory.

Since my vote on Marth is going nowhere, I'm going to ##Unvote: Bluedoom, ##Vote: Quote

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Mancer may I remind you I have this thing called class which I literally just got back from

Jesus christ give me some time , you're the one with over 100 fucking posts in this game that I still have to read. Like really

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Elie I'm not going to stop suspecting you until you give me a reason to stop doing so, and STOP TUNNELING isn't it. Your unvote on kirsche doesn't seem believable to me because you went from SO SURE about it (to the point that it was most of your content) to "meh not sure about it" with no reason given until now.

and I've never (not recently anyways) called out people for expressing gut reads before (and have expressed some myself in this game) so idk why you're pre-empting me on that point. I disagree with the gut read but eh that's something else

do whatever you think is necessary to prove yourself as town if your play isn't speaking for you, but if you're implying what I think you're implying I don't see how that'll confirm you as town

I'll push content and casing when I feel like I have something legitimate to push. Right now, I've got a big pile of nullreads. My one read, which i was called scummy for having, as it was apparently a weak-ass case, existed. I was scummy for that read. Now i admit that maybe it wasn't as good of a case as I thought it was (because D1 cases are the end-all be-all source of reliability in maybe 1/5 cases). Now, I've given up that read. That has made me scummy too.

I have 0 intent to keep going unless I can come up with something legit worthy of a good case, and all I can think about is how:

BBM has made massive responses to my 3 lines

eclipse is still confusing as fuck and I guess she knows what my rolePM looks like or some shit

the rapier 'slip' was not a 'slip', and i have absolutely no idea how it could possibly be a 'slip', despite being given arguments by people interpreting eclipse, as well as eclipse herself, that are founded on assumptions of how rolepms look

i changed my mind and have kirsche as a leaning townread, and probably belisarius at a similar position

also bbm what are you assuming about my role because i will assure you that no matter what you think my role is, your assumption will be wrong 100% of the time?

#0reads #givesnofucks #maybeD2willbebetter #vote4elie #heisacoolguy #iwantmyfliptogenuinelymakeyoufeelbadaboutlife

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bbm why am i scum and not just shitty town

bbm why am i scum and not just shitty town

bbm why am i scum and not just shitty town

bbm why am i scum and not just shitty town

if you can give a good answer on this then I'll even selfvote I don't have it in me to argue against meh-quality cases

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probably town
- MancerNecro
- Belisarius
- Rapier
- Quote (Viata)
- kirsche
- Refa
- NekoRex & Randa
- Bluedoom
- eclipse
probably scum
-No thoughts on these players whatsoever
- Shin
- Xinnidy
- Burakkuhoku (Polydeuces)

- Sara. (Elieson)

that's all you're getting out of me so now i'll take the scorri way out and show myself out the door until D2

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so eli that first post kinda looks like an AtE. im really not thrilled with those posts. thing is though i dont really see any scum intent in them. its part of the reason i thought he was town who couldn't keep up with the pace in the first place. none of his posts seem to me as having scum intent behind them. and as eclipse pointed earlier the WHY is important in considering reads. idk somebody explain the eli wagon to me again please.

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I have 0 intent to keep going unless I can come up with something legit worthy of a good case

This sounds awful to me. First, if you don't have a clue about what to do or who to push, you read ISOs and reread them if necessary, you question others' reads and press them about their position regarding the game. From your post, I read it as if you don't care about pursuing any reads or doing any sort of scumhunt, which is detrimental to the Town. What makes me see scum intent within your post is how you don't actually care about contributing.

if you can give a good answer on this then I'll even selfvote I don't have it in me to argue against meh-quality cases

What exactly is 'meh-quality' on BBM's case? If anything, he's got all the reasons for pressing you for your bad Kirsche vote (now combined with your lack of interest in contributing to the game). Besides, your reply to BBM's case consists on admitting that your case on Kirsche was bad... yet you also admit that you don't know what is wrong with it. It sounds as if you're doing this in order to look better because there are people criticizing you for it while you don't understand what is wrong with your reasoning.


I can't see scummy intent from Belisarus. I mean, sure, his reads aren't stellar, but what makes it scummy? I also don't see how Neko's content is scummy. Quote seems to be doing her/his best to ketchup with the thread, so I guess (s)he deserves towncred. Meanwhile, Elie is the scummiest player that I managed to read. Wouldn't mind having him as our President.


##Vote: Sara

##Select: Knight

Okay, I'll give Mancer a hand. Also, it seems better to me than a random Select vote, at least I know it will help someone.

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I really don't see Elie acting this way as scum. Like, at all.

Yeah I just fucked it and am skimming the thread because reading is taking too long.

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Sheeping my scumread's reponse on the person that I'm voting. Seriously, there's a difference between not having reads (which isn't necessarily scummy, a lot of players have trouble getting reads, especially on D1) and actively making an effort not to contribute (which is what you're doing). I am TOTALLY COOL with my vote here.

Also people should definitely pick fire. Those who know, do. Those who understand, teach.

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WRT Refa's reply:

My point about your lack of scumhunting in ED1 is based on how long you took to pursue another read. You only switched to Shin after I came back, which was around page 12. I don't find this very justifiable from being busy because you did address other players in the meantime, but you didn't bother to pursue any other read. If anything, you were too comfortable sitting with your vote on me (note that I am not criticizing you for voting me).

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im a bit concerned that we're almost at 24 hours left and we can't seem to agree on scum. so i would rather know where each wagon stands before working to condense, which we should start considering.

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Sheeping my scumread's reponse on the person that I'm voting. Seriously, there's a difference between not having reads (which isn't necessarily scummy, a lot of players have trouble getting reads, especially on D1) and actively making an effort not to contribute (which is what you're doing). I am TOTALLY COOL with my vote here.

Also people should definitely pick fire. Those who know, do. Those who understand, teach.

If you believe Elie is scum and agree with one of my reasons for finding his content scummy, why are you assuming that I am scum? This sounds contradictory. Also, I am sorry if I offended you, I'm still learning how to keep calm in the heat of a discussion.

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You're not scumbuddies after that last post lol, it was a joke. Also you offending me is more of my fault for putting too much of myself into the game than yours, so don't worry about it. To understand is to forgive.

WRT Refa's reply:

My point about your lack of scumhunting in ED1 is based on how long you took to pursue another read. You only switched to Shin after I came back, which was around page 12. I don't find this very justifiable from being busy because you did address other players in the meantime, but you didn't bother to pursue any other read. If anything, you were too comfortable sitting with your vote on me (note that I am not criticizing you for voting me).

Mmm, that's reasonable FYPOV, but like I said I was kind of too busy to make a post until then.

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before i continue: mancer please don't refer to me as 'she/her' please he/him or they/them. reading your posts is making me uncomfortable and you have a lot of them which doesn't make it easier to read them i'm sorry i had to repeat this again in-game i hate repeating it but please.

okay so what I have right now:

not interested in an elie, eclipse, or mancer lynch

refa is playing really differently this game but I'm reading it as lazy/apathetic in a non-scummy way

bbm's elie tunneling is starting to bug me? I feel like it shouldn't but he mentions multiple times "I thought this player was scum but now I don't" and I can't tell who else he'd actually want to lynch today besides elie. feeling scummy to me. BBM could you clearly state who you think is scum??

Poly asking to be NK'd actually read as scummy to me lmao, I think asking to be NK'd publicly is a scummy thing to do tbh ~#littleviathings~

I literally have no idea what to think about Rapier and it's probably because I've been skimming his longer posts but I didn't think his first (serious?) vote had scum intent so I'll do an ISO and see.

give me a few more secs I need to look over a couple people

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also this isn't because I think elie is town (although if he flips scum I'm gonna be so surprised because that outburst REALLY did not strike me as scum!elie, if anything it was way more null and I understand why Rapier would read it as AtE but I'm just not seeing scum!elie outwardly refusing to participate in the rest of D1 like that and refusing to respond more to BBM's case on him)

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