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Posts posted by Landmaster

  1. @daisy jane - OH BOY, EIRIKA~ Very kind of Myrrh to just tank Tiki on turn one~ It’s hilarious they are to scared of Eirika to try to attack her most of the time~ L’Arachel did great nuke work on the side~

    @SatsumaFSoysoy - Another Fairy~ Iceberg spam is pretty unique~ Speaking of unique, Innes isn’t seen very often, so nice seeing him do a lot here, too. Everyone chipped in pretty well, especially on that last kill~


  2. On 10/21/2020 at 4:00 AM, SatsumaFSoysoy said:


    Here's mine. Just wanted to pull out Brunnya, and threw in some units I've gotten recently.


    Nice team~ Lif is a super obnoxious tank to have to go up against, I pity the Elites and Nemesis~ Mia’s such a good nuke with her damage reduction weapon~

  3. On 10/16/2020 at 7:21 AM, Some Jerk said:

    @LordFrigid @Maaka @Landmaster @SatsumaFSoysoy @GuiltyLove @daisy jane @Wanda @Diovani Bressan @Unknown Gamer11

    Eirika seems confused about the season.

    When this Abyssal map first came out, it was the only one I needed a guide for, and I could never arse myself to try again. Now that Limited Hero Battles are a thing though, I had an excuse to go back and get a legit clear.

    This map was as miserable as I remembered: ranged cavalry everywhere taking potshots from behind the walls, Tiki camping the defense tile to stop me from leaving my corner, that fucking Green Mage, the rude-ass Bantu analogue (the Red Manakete) reinforcement in the player spawn, and so on. This time though, I had an answer to all the ranged crap in the form of Winter Eirika, taking advantage of all the new healer tools and her Armor classing to turn her into a powerful ranged tank. Even with the upgrades though, Abyssal Tiki was still a whole other beast compared to the other early Abyssal maps, requiring some very weird and stupid skills to eke out a clear (does anyone use Svalinn Shield or Breath of Life seriously anymore?). W!Eirika swagging on the Red Manakete at the end was very deserved.

    Astra Eph is pretty pog~ Does everyone in the known world have Myrrh except for me? I love how Eirika was the one throwing out the biggest numbers. Really cool clear and really unique team~ Congrats on clearing it!

  4. On 9/29/2020 at 3:28 PM, Sasori said:

    @Diovani Bressan: Nice one turn clear. The weapon triangle did't seem to bother you very much this run.  But man Veronica is though. I know units are getting crazy nowadays, but she made short work of Lethe.

    @Landmaster Nice showing of summer Elise. Wolf tomes aren't used a lot, but that tome in combination of vantage worked pretty well against all the cavs/cats. 
    Meanwhile I brought a pink troubadour of my own.

    Second gen princes (And yes thats totally Kiragi) Vs cats
    @Diovani Bressan: Nice one turn clear. The weapon triangle did't seem to bother you very much this run.  But man Veronica is though. I know units are getting crazy nowadays, but she made short work of Lethe.

    @Landmaster Nice showing of summer Elise. Wolf tomes aren't used a lot, but that tome in combination of vantage worked pretty well against all the cavs/cats.

    This wasn't the hardest GHB so I used it as a test run for my own pink Troubadour.  Just imagine Gordin is Kiragi and all the second gen princes are there.


    Late but I don’t forget~

    Is Forrest officially joining the other Royal Sons? I’m definitely here for it~ Gordon even makes sense now holding Kiragi’s spot~ Anyway, Shiro is a godlike tank, Forrest’s Palm Staff helped him a lot with that. Pretty cool doing most of the work without having to move from one side of the map~

  5. Am I late? Maybe. But am I here? Yes.

    @GuiltyLove - Gilt Fork Shigure, very noice~ That was a pretty smooth clear making sure when to trigger which reinforcements. Good mix of offense presence and tanking. Good work!

    @NSSKG151 - Apotheosis Anna went on her Apotheosis rampage. I loved all of those Special procs just for the flashiness of it. It’s always overkill when it comes to the Annas~ Very cool clear~

  6. They actually gave him reinforcements, BLESS UP


    @Sasori - Oooh nice Seteth debut~ He is pretty great support and offensively, those we some huge numbers on himself and his allies.

    @Maaka - The Leapin’ Smash was STRONGK in this one, good work Bunny fam~

    @Diovani Bressan - Spooky Tiki did nothing, I’m disappointed~ But the rest had fun flying all over the place so I will forgive it just this one time.

    @Flying Shogi - Xane is very fun~ Idunn makes a really nice partner for him on the Defensive end.

    @LordFrigid -  Another Spooky Tiki not doing anything reeeeeeeeee~ But I will also forgive it because destroying Nemesis with an Astra is pretty noice~


  7. 16 minutes ago, Othin said:

    Yeah, the +10 HP and +4 to other stats can make even weak bonus units into combat powerhouses. I had Shinon as my bonus unit on my four backup teams (since all of those had other red units), but used Marth alongside my main team of Mila/Peony/L'Arachel/Cecilia, and almost always just used that one. He was quite strong, and made short work of the axe units like Brave Ike and Brave Edelgard that could stand up to my mage cavs.

    Finished with a perfect offense score and ladders to spare, and my new defense team only lost 60 points, for a total score of 13,500. That might be the best I've ever done, at least on Light season.

    I usually only use the Bonus Units as carries so had I had DC on L!Marth, I probably would have tried to make him tank for the week~ But he was really good as a support, I'm kinda miffed Infantry Flash isn't on more units~ He was great on the team where I didn't have B!Lucina~

  8. Managed T27 despite a pretty poor Def week (-100) and I took a unit loss on the last match because I was pretty sure I'd still get it and I did~

    This was the first time since like my T19 days I've used a Bonus unit that wasn't a carry or dancer or something. Used L!Marth and he was really helpful in pretty much every match. It was pretty refreshing and fun fitting him into the teams so I'll have to actually use the Bonus Unit more often, LOL~

  9. Took more time rendering compared to actually doing the map. I didn’t think I would actually be able to do this one when I saw it was Sacred Stones but then I remembered that Forma Soul Ephraim and bby Myrrh~

    Only SI needed was the Fortify Armor on Ephraim and needed to finally refine B!Eph’s weapon, which I had been wanting to do anyway~ Drive Spd on W!Eirika helped Myrrh and W!Ephraim avoid two potential doubles.



    @Maaka - Noice work with the Duo Skill. Ross’s investment paid off. I’m surprised your Duo Ephraim didn’t have Galeforce the moment you got him~

    @NSSKG151 - Those are some strong L’Arachels, it was fun watching them run around and nuke everything. Also nice Eirika, too~ She is super resilient. I didn’t realize until the end she was using Wo Dao. Good choice to go with Noontime.

  10. Finished both HoF and F!Corrin's build up~ I'm a bit sad I won't be able to pick up M!Corrin, too~

    Camilla: Lv 40. Book of Dreams, Draw Back, Glacies, Atk/Spd Solo 4, Spd/Res Snag, Joint Drive Atk

    A!M!Corrin: Lv 40+2. Glittering Breath (Def), Rally Up Atk+, Blue Flame, Atk/Res Bond 4,  Special Spiral, Joint Hone Atk, Brazen Atk/Res 3

    A!F!Corrin: Lv 40+8. Glittering Breath (Def), Rally Up Res+, Blue Flame, Distant Counter, Null-Follow Up, Joint Drive Atk, Hone Dragons

    Xander: Lv 38. Pegasus Carrot, Dance, Atk/Def Solo 4, Rouse Spd/Def, Distant Def 3

  11. I did end up using the Soul on M!Grima last time since he got the Odd Follow Up before the end~ 100% grabbing A!F!Corrin here so I'm working on getting her some goodies~

    Camilla: Lv 40. Book of Dreams, Draw Back, Galeforce, Atk/Spd Solo 4, Joint Drive Atk

    A!M!Corrin: Lv 40+2. Glittering Breath (Def), Rally Up Atk+, Blue Flame, Atk/Res Bond 4,  Special Spiral, Joint Hone Atk, Brazen Atk/Res 3

    A!F!Corrin: Lv 40+1. Draconic Rage, Rally Up Res+, Glimmer, Distant Ward, Joint Drive Atk, Hone Dragons

    Xander: Lv 23. Silver Dagger, Dance, Distant Def 3

    First time I'm kinda neglecting a unit in terms of Level. I'll even out Xander at the end. But I want to finish quickly so I can get A!F!Corrin some good skills ASAP~ Ironically A!M!Corrin is kinda the champ here~

  12. zPfs0MO.jpg?1

    Took 70 Orbs but I got two copies~ Went for a 2nd because the first 4* one was -HP~ I'm probably using the IV Mango on him anyway to give him the boon~

    52 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    Ok, a new special banner. And I want that Tiki! I started the banner with exactly 100 orbs.


    I got a +Res -Def 4* Xane with 30 orbs. Went to finish the same circle to increase my rate, and got a +Spd -Atk Grima... yay!


    The next circle granted me a +Spd -Res Tiki & Ninian duo, as well my 2nd 4* Xane (+Def -HP).


    I left the banner with 43 Orbs... a total of 57 orbs used. Pretty happy with my results.

    OOO congrats, Dio!

  13. 2 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

    Xane's stats can also be lowered, if unit has the highest of a stat. For example, if he is within 2 spaces of a B.Edelgard he will also gain her horrendous Spd. This does put some limitations, like in AR offense for example the ally must be someone like Winter Sothis so that he can have lots of everything as Mythics don't have good statspreads most of the time. 

    There are also other questions I have, does he only count visible stats or he takes into consideration stuff like drives? Can we stack him with buffs and stuff like Solos or he is limited? He has to be one of the most interesting heroes that have been introduced. 

    He will only take B!Edelgard's Spd if there is no faster unit within two spaces of him. If Edelgard's on his left and S!Byleth's on his right, he's getting S!Byleth's Spd, with Edelgard's bulk.

    If it's AR-O, he's definitely wanting a Corrin with Fury 4 as a partner who can also give him Yato buffs on top of just a ball of stats~

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